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03x10 - Newf Kids on the Rock

Posted: 06/11/22 16:00
by bunniefuu
previously on total drama world tour

the competitors were exposed to a little


as a field trip to the louvre sent them

scavenging through the world's most

important works of art

while someone had them chased by a bear

a yeti and a seriously ticked off seal

when someone told sierra

that cody had tried to vote her off dude

had to spend

every french moment trying to get her

head back in the game

dj's inability to shake his egyptian


left him eager to get out of the game

look out beasts of the world

but it was lindsay who had only just

remembered poor old tyler

who ended up getting the kiss off

but now it's time to dump the kids in

yet another mystery location

will they survive will the world survive


find out right here right now on total

drama world


are on my tour you asked me what i

wanted to be

and now i think the answer is


cause i wanna be famous




what is she doing beats me unless she

has suddenly turned into izzy and is

looking for elves

it's probably got to do with alejandro

if i didn't know better

i would think heather liked him that's


the grinch having a crush on somebody i

know yuck

picture her dried up black little heart

thawing out

lighting up with love ow i am not

in love i am thinking about our team

i'm trying to sneak back into loser

class to eavesdrop with dj back there

with him

alejandro has free reign to make an


five of us on my team five of them on

his team

and then there's dj his own team

make an alliance and you kind of add him

to yours

oh why did we have to win in dumb paris

sorry we can stop trying ew

gross what is this doing in here

i've been looking for cody's new

toothbrush everywhere

ah come on heather that was my ninth and

final one

oh my god oh okay heather

i think maybe you need to consider

chilling out

i don't know what to say to him i've

always been the alliancee

not the alliance er it's like asking a

girl out

only she's a guy oh

uh hey dj hey uh you want to go for hot

dogs with my buddy noah

he said your legs are nice

yeah because that's exactly what i told

him to say one cannot blunder into an

alliance friends

why couldn't you lose so lindsay could

still be here

anger also doesn't help listen i'm sorry

i tried okay

but you only have to put up with me for

one more day going somewhere dj

i'm losing the next challenge what

ow what have we here

ew doing a little spying are we

i i just uh i dropped my pen see

no scheming just scribbling owen i am

issuing you a ticket for

fashion crimes your socks reek oh am i


socks i can't even see my feet

that's the only one left on team victory

i'm having a hard time seeing how i

could possibly win this thing

plus i have a bit of a cold

and let's face it i've never had a

k*ller instinct

unless it's an animal it turns out dj

make an alliance with my team and we'll

help you win whoa what

what are you doing hey it's a good thing

i wasn't doing my business in here

i did have to wait a while for you to

show up fyi

izzy likes to sing pop goes the weasel

when she uh

why are we landing in the middle of the

ocean oh no not

why are we landing in the middle of the

oh no no


so if you don't want me barfing break

attention all total drama passengers in

accordance with emergency landing


you will now be shown the nearest

dj catch

care to join me in an alliance

you're asking him that now you're just

jealous because you didn't think of it

actually i'd have asked him before

delivering the cushion

but you do what's right for you oh

he is good i want the tape give me

the tape how do you open this thing

hey there you go the inky shores ever

been to sea

what with the who now it must be


chris is originally from blow me down


i it's a barney homecoming for buddy


canada's beautiful east coast birthplace

of canada's beautifulest host

oh thanks it's just a hop and a skip

that away


first part of the challenge swim over to

your team's boat and start paddling

to keep this interesting victory since

you're a team of one

your boat has been set up with an

outboard motor what

come on okay listen up amazons

if we swim in a v formation like geese

we'll be faster fine any objections


is bossing us around and you don't have

one only to losing

let's go people you know heather

really shouldn't let her obvious crush

on alejandro get in the way of the game

having a relationship with duncan really

screwed things up for me last season

trent i meant trent just a slip of the


i want that tape back give me the tape

how do you open this thing

i'll take the point okay let's not get

too crazy here

i've got point look i'm a very

experienced swimmer

i was a synchro captain i coach minnows


am a cit more like a b-i-t-c

guys let's get going i'm okay i just

have to float here long enough to lose

then they come back and save me and i go

home to mom

excellent work my little porpoises here

allow me ah

is he the fishing net if you please oh

you're quite the catch biggo

welcome to my cruise

what about dj patience my friend




you don't want to be around me a bad


are you listening to me

sorry willy sorry

hi there contestants ready to row row

row your boats

the first two teams to get their doors

to the shore

will take part in the final challenge oh

and if you land some seafood along the

way you'll get a special reward

on your mark get set

now go

see you on land wait stop why he

might be prepared to let opportunity

pass but i

am not dj will be mine

courtney you're in charge always

all right guys i'm a very experienced

rower a three-time coxswain

and a c-i-t so just go

up two and two faster

oh hey snappy welcome to the izzy cruise

tell your friends hey hey hey

does anybody have any butter do not even

think about it friend can i think about

tartar sauce

who's gonna make it to the rock and

who's going to the chopping block

find out after the break thereby

heather what do you want


i am not letting you quit dj

all i want to do is just drift a long

piece clean loose

i'm sick i have a cough you can thank me


i don't want to hurt one more little

animal okay

i just want to go home

no way am i singing you know you're out

if you don't sing right

wait a minute you're right if i don't

sing i'm going home

please start the song


we're heading down to newfoundland at

rocky eastern shore

i'll have the shrimp mussels cod of the

lobster thermador

i can't get a thing to bite so we better

get there first

grow harder faster both of you for the

wind work out the thirst

it's a sea shanty and it's dark


my partner he's irish if you want the

next drill he's all yours


no you can't catch me with the seashell

yes what oh no you sang

you're still in the game you're still in

the game yes

yes you are but maybe not for long

you might want to take a wee gander over

there bye


heather now will you be in an alliance

with me well played ambitious one

we beat you

in an out of nowhere come from behind


team victory is first i just

cannot lose heather on the other hand

seems to be missing her whole team where

are they duncan

i knew you couldn't stay away get down

here you jerk

alone at last you smell like toothpaste

what i swear it was him

okay everybody it's time for the next

leg since team amazon were the big


they're out they'll have to clean the

fish and the lobsters the other teams

brought in

and shock all these giant

clams when the whole team gets here you

mean right

yeah but you're here not as a team i'm

just here as

me and i'm here as a guy who's hosting a

swanky big shindig in a couple of hours

which he needs some clean and beautiful

atlantic clams for

shock him up sister

my team is going to pay i thought the

team who brings in seafood gets a

special reward

you do you get to watch heather shut


how's that for a special reward huh

fair enough if chris wants to have a

dumb party

he should just hire a caterer because i

am not

it perhaps i'll just have to add a few

surprises to his clams

it's about time you guys got back and

where's duncan

we thought we saw him it was just a

bunch of dumb rocks

that happens to people whenever they

want to see someone they really

like this one time i saw cody riding a

white horse outside my bedroom window

and this was before i even knew him

please can we stop this story now

i ended up picking thorns out of my

tissue for like a week

because i jumped out the window to get

on the horse

and i landed on a rose bush oh i have a

scarf you want you were dreaming

we weren't to say that we saw duncan

just because we want

to is crazy talk you do want to see him

don't you of course a lot

but that doesn't explain why gwen saw

him yeah

it doesn't make any sense at all

welcome to my traditional newfoundland

kitchen party

in this part of the competition it's

team chris is really really really hot

versus dj in a screeching

inn relay screeching in is a ceremony

performed by the locals to welcome


first you have to swing a whole lot of

apple cider

doesn't sound so bad correction

that was supposed to be apple cider


it'll put hair on your chest owen and

izzy each must finish

a whole bottle as soon as you do you can


alejandro and noah who will then have to


a local newfoundland saying spoken by my


jared mclean

oh she got nervous

then alejandro and noah tag tyler who

will have to kiss a cod

like he means it dj since you're the

only member of team victory

you have to do the whole relay yourself


where is dj oh hey dj

hey listen i've been looking for you i

told you i'm not joining any alliance

that is not what this is about i swear i

just wanted to give you this herbal

drink for that horrible cough of yours

why do you care so much anyway hey i

saved us from the iceberg didn't i

i care now you have to chug the whole


man this cob is getting really annoying

all right

here goes nothing well with dj missing

in action

it looks like team chris is really

really really really hot

we'll get a head start let the

screeching in


not bad not bad at all you got anything

back there in a balsamic

maybe a few chips on the side

he did it drinking duck of vinegar wow

didn't see that coming both teams move

on to the interpretation part of the


ready take it away gerd

bring the media to bombas uh are those

even words

are you serious man that vinegar went

right through me

i have to use the bathroom correctamundo

what jared asked to use the washroom

like a true maritimer

way to go dj i just can't


looks like you're back in the game in

fact you're leading

you can now move on to the third and

final part yo

ship give me that buck whoa i guess it's

too hard to say


all you gotta do is smooch the cod for

the win and remember dj

like you mean it

chris is really really really really hot

you better get a move on

jared another saying if you would please

the worst thing you can have in your

head is an

r2 okay

i think he said something about owen's

butt the kid's as smart as a bag of

rocks by

oh i know alejandro

any guesses the worst thing you can have

in your head is no teeth

bingo and how true tyler

time to [ __ ] her up i don't think i can

do this

it's a fish i can't either if i touch it

something bad is gonna happen i just

know it

dj oh my gosh look it's an egyptian

symbol it could be some kind of sign if

you kiss this fish

it might break your curse and you can

stay in the game

nice try but i'm not buying it heather

especially after you tricked me into

drinking that vinegar

dj my friend i can stay silent no longer

i'm afraid heather might be right really

i'm impartial here

i would like tyler to kiss the cod so we

don't lose but

my biggest concern is for the animals of

the world

you must end this well i guess i

maybe never mind that you're just the

cutest little thing in the world aren't


no wonder my little cousins aren't

allowed to watch this show

close your eyes think of lindsay

oh i miss her i know

close your eyes if you can't be with the

one you love

oh lindsay

i think noah's auntie is right to block

this show

it's way out of control okay

we've seen enough it's a tie

a draw hey

right on time team amazon you are

today's full-on

big-time can't get any bigger losers

courtney where were you okay

fine so i did let a guy get in the way

of how i played the game i really can't

stop thinking about how duncan could


abandon me like this and i i messed up

did i just say that on air i want that

tape back

give me the tape oh can you open this


it wasn't her fault it was me gwen i got

us lost

what i am so voting you off except that

in celebration of my home and native


this is a reward challenge only no


chris is really really really really hot

and dj

are tied for a reward a delicious clam

and fish chowder supper

thanks again alejandro it's been two

hours and i haven't hurt one animal

i'm back in the game it was a pleasure

oh just eat your chowder wait is that

my socks that's where those went


heather thinks she's clever but you see

it's all a matter of waiting for your


ah the magic fish it took me a couple


fish are not the easiest medium for

making art

wow this guy is a reality producer's


and everybody else's nightmare

what will he think of next find out here

on total drama world tour
