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02x06 - Los Pepes

Posted: 06/14/22 06:12
by bunniefuu

- Let's make a bet. I'm for the boss.
- I'm betting on the boss, too.

This one is going to be easy.
They always let the boss win.

That's true, but if someone’s going
to beat him, it's this guy.

Tell me something. Are you a p*ssy?

Son of a bitch.

- What's going on?
- You're a little slow, son.

Careful, son, careful!
Keep looking forward, son!

Oh, shit!

All right, boys,
start getting that money out.

Weighty. I'm missing 20.

Oh, it looks like you won some money, eh?

Of course, we're enjoying ourselves, boss.

Very good, son.

- Very good.
- What? Did he get pissed?


Do you know why you won?

That little trick. The same one, right?

Don't be an idiot.
You know why you lost, Pablo?


Because you're a very smart guy,
but you're too stubborn. You understand?

What I understand is I don't like to lose.
Especially because of tricks.

- Someone had to teach you how to lose.
- Yeah, why!

- Very well, you son of a bitch.
- Boss?

- A photo?
- Sure, but not with that pansy.

No. You go over there.
Over there, m*therf*cker.


It's because he doesn't know
how to lose, but that's fine.

- Where are we headed, guys?
- To the whores!

Look how they left this place.

We found both the guards.
Stuffed into a trunk, burned alive.

Did anybody see anything?

We're sending spotters out, but...
they either come back with nothing or--

- Or what?
- Or they don't come back.

That bitch Judy Moncada did this.

But she couldn't do this alone.
No f*cking way.

The guys that came at me
had high-end weapons.

Big ones.

Gringo shit.

The Cali cartel.

I f*cking know it.

Those sons of b*tches will regret it.

I will personally burn that f*cking city
to the ground.

We don't know that Pablo.

Until we know who did it, we can't attack
the Cali cartel. It would be a mistake.

Get whoever we can out on the street.
Give them cash.

And if anyone needs more persuasion,
motivate them.

Put the word out. We're going to k*ll
all the bastards who did this.

I know I hit one of them.

Let's hope he's still breathing.

Because then...

we can find out who that son of a bitch
is working for.



Good day.

In a letter sent to the media, a group
that identifies itself as "Los Pepes,"

an acronym for
"People Persecuted by Pablo Escobar."

...or "People Persecuted
by Pablo Escobar, "

the vigilantes waging w*r on those
associated with the notorious drug lord.

Mr. President, the media is asking
for a comment on Los Pepes.

Ifs only a matter of time
before it's made public.

Acknowledgment isn't the same
as condemning.

Sooner or later, you'll have to make
an official public statement.

They're doing God's work
as far as I'm concerned.

- That can't be our official position.
- It can be our official position...


Los Pepes is a vigilante death squad.

We'll take care of them
when the time comes.

But for now, let's focus
on our own efforts to catch Escobar.

I believe that's proven
a big enough job for all of us.

Our communications department has picked
up conversations in the Manrique district

between Jairo, who is one of Escobar's
sicarios, and his mother, who is iii.

We know Jairo is her only child
and likely to visit her.

We'll continue to monitor the frequencies
for further information.

One more thing.

I don't have to tell you that there's
another group now operating in Medellin,

combating Escobar: Los Pepes.

Let me be very clear.

There must and will be a clear line
between them and us.

- Yes, Colonel.

Dismissed, thank you.

CNP's been busy with wiretaps.

They picked up chatter
from Jairo`s mom here... and here.

Search Bloc won't be able to move until
they get corroboration he's in the area.

Which could take days.

Even longer... for them to find the house.

I think... Jairo is planning a homecoming.

Maybe even today.

I'll see what I can find out
on the streets.

- Hello?
- Listen up, Carlos,

I have information that Jairo
is going to his mother's.

- National Police, can you open up?
- What do you need?

Open up. Hurry'. Hurry.

Don't make me k*ll you
in front of your mother.

Don't touch her!

Relax, mother, relax.

Ma'am, if you don't cooperate,
we won't be able to find your son.

But I don't know where he is.
I didn't notice anything.

Do you have enemies here
in the neighborhood?

I don't know.
It was my fault that he was here.

He came to see his mother...


- What did you ask Santa for?
- A game.

- Which one?
- The Joker game.

You think he'll bring it to you?


Santa is going to bring me
the Joker game, right?


Pablo, my love?

Of course, Santa will bring you
everything you want, like always.

Christmas without Christ.

I'm planning on going to
the advent service tomorrow with the kids.

What? No.
No one should leave this house.

I'm sure the kids would love
to see the lights.

The children are staying here
and so are you.

Remember the first time
you saw the fireworks?

My love, can you tell your mother
she can't take the children to Medellin?

Mama, it's best for us to stay here.

It's been a month
since I've gone to church.

I'm sure that God
can hear your prayers from here.

Don Pablo.

Boss, they k*lled three more of our men.

They found Jairo dead next to the river.

Look, ifs the Baccarat Crystal.

Thank you.

- That's also Baccarat Crystal.
- Feel the weight. Look...

You can feel it's Baccarat.
This is from the Lloredas, right'?

How's it going, my love?

My love, look at what
the Lloredas brought.

Look, there's two.

The Lloredas always treat us well...


As gratifying as these displays may feel,
I'm not comfortable with these signs.

They invite too much attention
and will lead to questions.

Our objective is to eliminate Escobar
as efficiently and discreetly as possible.

Without a doubt.

No more proclamations or manifestos
or letters to the media.

What about Miami?

We buy time.

Let him think he still has control.

Until the moment we take it from him.

- New intel from the embassy.
- Thank you.

- What do you have for me, Pena?
- I got something new.

- Blackie.
- I like the way this is going, Javier.

He's got a girlfriend. She's pregnant,
keeps calling. They're vetting it now.

It'll take a while.
Blackie`s going to show.

It's done.

Almighty Holy Child of Atocha.
Carmelita, help me please.

Don't fight with me anymore.

I'm going to tell you two things:
First, relax.

That's harmful for you and the baby.

Second, for the love of God,
take the money.

I'll find more later.

Ifs not for you or me, it's for the baby,
please understand.

Try to understand me.
I don't want your money.

I want you to be with me
and the baby, that's it.

Stop being stupid, girl.
We need that money.

- Listen to your dad.
- I don't know what's wrong with this girl.

She's stubborn.

Post three is in position.

Yes, sir, we'll be there in five minutes.

Wait, Javier.

Talk to me. We're just getting here.

Copy that, we're leaving now.

It was Berna.
The streets are full of Search Bloc.

All right, boys, the hunt is over for now.
Let's get out of here.

- What's going on?
- Nothing, sir.

We're conducting a police operation.
All good?

Let him through.

Keep calm, guys.
Hide your weapons while we handle this.

Let him through.

Good evening, what can I do for you?

Good afternoon, gentleman.
I need to see some form of ID, please.

Of course, with pleasure.

How's this for an ID?

Get out of the car and put your hands
where I can see them.


Boy, come over here.

- Colonel. Situation at checkpoint 20.
- What's going on?

- Armed men attempting to pass through.
- Checkpoint 20?

That's correct, sir.

- All units move to position 20.
- Understood.

All units to position 20.

My love, you have to take the money.

Blackie! Blackie. The cops are here.

Take care of the baby!
Take care, Carmelita!

We're both on the same team here.
What's the problem?

Stay where you are!
Hands where I can see them.

Relax, relax.

Want to see my ID?

Take it out slowly.

You point a g*n at me, m*therf*cker?

Do me a favor.

Move those cars because
we're not playing Cops and Robbers here.



- No, you disarm.
- Sir.

Lower your firearm.


Okay, tough guys. Bravo!


Bravo, yes, we know it.
We all want Escobar.

But let us do the f*cking job.

What? You want to k*ll each other
at a checkpoint?

Lower your w*apon. Lower it.

Lower it.

Okay. These dreamers
think they're helping.

- Are you okay? Yeah? Everything okay?
- Yes, sir.

Okay. Let's go home alive.


- Let them pass.
- Okay.

Well then, thank you.

- What happened? Everything okay? Yes?
- Yes, sir.

Miss, we need your cooperation.

Tell us where Blackie is.
Where do we find him?

I told you. I haven't seen him.

Don't be afraid. We don't want you.

We want your boyfriend, Blackie.

Sir, I told you,
I don't know where he's at.

That bastard has not come around
in a long time.

If you want, let's go to the station.
But I told you, I don't know where he is.

So please leave my house.

They were eight, maybe ten.

How did they take your firearm?

I don't know, he just took it. Sorry.

Next time, might as well
put the g*n to your own head.

It's easier.

Mr. President, these men, the Castanos,

I've seen their tactics firsthand
in the jungle against the FARO.

Their method of w*r is m*rder.
I think this is only the beginning.

And it win get even worse.

Colonel, I understand your concern.

It's strange. They usually operate
against the guerrillas

but now they're operating
against the narcos.

Hugo, my cabinet is still evaluating
the best course of action

with regard to Los Pepes.

Sir, I'd like your permission
to engage them.

No. The greatest service we can do
for this nation is capture Escobar.

That's what we must focus on, Colonel.

R's our priority.

I understand. Thank you, sir.

Let's take a look at this injury.

Very good.

This is going to hurt.
Tell me who you work for.

The Castanos.

The Castanos.

What could have brought them
out of the jungle?

I say it was money.

More money than Judy Moncada can find.

Now is not the time
to take on more problems, brother.

The Cali cartel thinks
they're immune to attack.

This can't go unanswered.


Carlos, you scared me.

Tata, you have to do it now.
Pablo's gone mad.

With everything he's planning,
there will be consequences.

You and the kids
need to separate from him.

No, Carlos.

Tata, my God, listen to me.

There's a fearlessness to Los Pepes
that I've never seen.

The public declarations,
the open displays.

They won't stop until he's dead.

I know that, Carlos.
I've known for a long time now.

You know what's the only thought
on my mind?

That this is the last time...

the last time
I'll look at my husband's face.

The last time
I'll feel his arms around me.

The last time I'll see him play
with our children.

I automatically push that idea
out of my mind.

And now?

Now I know, Carlos, that wherever I go...

I'll always be Pablo Escobar`s wife.

My children will always
be Pablo Escobar's children.

Even if we lived in exile with him.

But without him?



Let's do something.

If we talk to him,
maybe he'll reconsider leaving with us.

I've had a good life.

Did you ever imagine we'd have all this?

When my niece was growing up,
she didn't think this day would come.

She was so skinny.

- She wore glasses and had braces.
- Yes.

When she was 12,
she thought her life was over.

I told her to wait and be patient.

Someday her beauty on the outside
would match her beauty within.

You have never looked more beautiful
than you do tonight.

Cheers to the family.

To Marta and Diego! Cheers!



Ma! Papa! Papa!

- I'm here, my love.
- Mom!

That man...

has no decency.

To attack my family like this...

my daughter...

on the night of her wedding...

Only a madman would do that.

A crazed animal, dangerous.

I want him dead.

Not next year. Right now.

k*ll all of them.

I don't just want you to k*ll his lawyers,
accountants and bankers...

I want you to k*ll his secretaries...

anyone who lifted a finger
to help that man.

I want to see them dead.

Anyone who has ever licked a postage stamp
and put it on an envelope in his name,

I want to see them dead.

And then I want you to find anyone who
ever shook his hand and k*ll them too!

That son of a bitch.

From this night, we'll show no mercy.


Gilberto, Miguel and Pacho survived, boss.

That'll be all, Quica.

Thank you, boss.


I'm worried about Tata.

I think you should let her travel.
She'll be safer.

What you're doing will have consequences.

That's why they're here. Right?

That's why they're here with me,
to be safe.

- Cali is going to want payback for--
- I know...

who my enemies are, Carlos.

And I can fight them all.

I know that.

But if Tata and the children
are out of the country,

you'd be free to wage this w*r
with no holds barred.

Let me ask you something.

Why are you here?

For Tata.


To make her happier.

To help her be more comfortable
with the life we're being forced to lead.

Have you done that?

Pablo, my sister is terrified.
And you can't see that--

Your sister is a lot tougher
than you think.

My wife... and my children...

stay with me.



Take me to Mass.

- But the boss said we couldn't.
- Pablo worries too much.

Besides, you work for me.

Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done,
on earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our trespasses

as we forgive those
who trespass against us.

Ifs shameful for the country to stand by
while a group of mercenaries

distributes its version
of perverse justice.

It makes all of us look bad.

- Including the president.
Especially the president.

If he continues to allow Los Pepes
to do the dirty work,

which is his responsibility...

Colombia will never forgive him.


Where were you?

- I went to church.
- I told you it wasn't safe.

And I told you that it would be fine.
And look, everything's fine.

How could you put the children's lives
at risk?

No one here is in danger.

I'm surprised at you, Pablo.
This one has always been nervous, but you?

Don't talk that way to my husband.

I can talk to him however I want.
I don't know why everyone is--

Take Tata and the kids!
You, cover my mother!

Juan Pablo! Juan Pablo!
Put your coat on, quick! Put your coat on.

Come here, Manuela. Let's go, Pablo!

This way! Run!

Run quickly!


Get out!

Carlos, let's go!

Run, Limon, run!

Let's go! Outside!

- Come on, Tata, come on.
- Get him in the car. Get him inside!

- quickly! Let's go!
- Quickly!

Give me the girl.

Get in, Tata, get in.

Come on, brother. Go! Cover that side!


They're in the house!
Let's go! Let's go!

- Calm down.
- Don't let her move.

Come on, boss! Let's go.

- No!
- Pablo!

Come on!

Boss, come on!

Let's go, boss!

Come on!

Let's go!

Los Pepes...

the Cali cartel, Judy Moncada,

the Castanos, the government, the gringos.

Let the bastards come.

We'll be ready for a w*r,
a f*cking bloodbath.

We will fight like we have never
fought before in our lives.

Yes, boss.

Go for food and you go for firewood.

Whoever did this
will never get near us ever again.

I promise you.

Daddy, how will Santa
know how to find us'?


Santa will always find
your good and kind heart.

Wherever you are in this world.

Boss? The wood is all wet.
There's no way to light it up.

Go to Envigado for food and wood.

- Right away, boss.
- Be careful not to be seen.

Got it.

This is all I could find, boss.

How do you open that shit?

I'll go look, boss.

This just came in.

Shit`s getting real, Pena.

Mommy, I'm cold.

She's freezing.

Put this on.

You and the children...
need to leave Colombia.

When you're safe,
I'll be free to do what's best for us.

It won't be long.

Soon we'll be together again.
