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03x07 - Sin Salida

Posted: 06/15/22 06:30
by bunniefuu
[church congregation singing in Spanish]

[priest in Spanish]
On the road from Galilee,

Christ came upon a beggar
who had thrice been denied alms.

Christ asked him if he'd taken before
that which wasn't his.

"Yes," the man said.

He'd taken what he felt hadn't been given.

Christ asked him...

- [clears throat]
- ["This Is How We Do It" playing]

[speaking louder] Christ asked him
where had it left him...

- [g*nshots]
- [screaming]

[g*ns cocking]

["This Is How We Do It" blaring]

Give him some.

[music stops]

Boss, I think I know whose car this is.





[baby crying]

My name is Pacho Herrera.

I want Gerda Salazar
and her f*cking sons delivered to me.

Until that happens,
nobody in the North Valley is safe.

Is that clear?

Make sure Orlando Henao gets the message.

And now...



[theme music playing]

[police sirens]


[Peña in English]
w*r had returned to Colombia.

Cocaine cartels are about succession.

The number two guys realize that
the number one guys are on their way out.

So they decide to speed things up.

With Gilberto Rodríguez in jail,
there was blood in the water.

And blood begets more blood.

I told you that Cali ran their empire
like a business.

Well, when your business gets too big,
you start selling franchises.

Cali basically allowed traffickers
who would normally be their rivals

to work under the umbrella
of their political protection...

to use their cocaine distribution network

and to take advantage of their muscle
when sh*t got heavy.

In return, they demanded loyalty
and a hefty cut of the profits.

And for a long time, that was cool.

But as brilliant
as Cali's surrender plan was,

it didn't take into account that
nobody wants to retire in second place.

North Valley cartel
was ready for first place.

Traffickers like Iván Urdinola...

Henry Loaiza,

Gerda Salazar,

and the North Valley boss, Orlando Henao.

They didn't need to retire.

They controlled not only
the rural North Valley,

but the port of Buenaventura,

from which most of the world's
cocaine shipped.

It was the jewel in their crown.

And they did business...
differently than Cali.


Let's just say they didn't give a sh*t
about public relations.

"f*ck the Gentlemen of Cali,"
they figured.

With the port and Cali's
current legal troubles,

they had a sh*t at taking over.

It is often said in organized crime...

[Miguel in Spanish]
...w*r is bad for business.

Unless it's won.

Buenaventura is in Henao's territory.

We have to get the port back
so we can maintain our delivery schedules.

You think that...

Can it be done?

Negotiating with the government,
and the f*cking surrender...

it all means one thing.

Our allies and enemies think we're weak.

My brother Gilberto
is responsible for that.

How's Alvaro?

What do you want me to say, Miguel?

The doctors still don't know
if his cock will ever work again.

He's 22 years old.

I swear to you, Pacho,
the Salazars will pay for that sh*t.

[in English] You know where Miguel is.
Why haven't you arrested him?

It's not that simple, Jorge.

This kind of operation
needs to be vetted, approved.

Wait a minute.
How many people know about this?

Very few. And nobody knows your name.

We're gonna arrest
Miguel Rodríguez, all right?

And you can put all this behind you.

- Can I ask what your plan is?
- Small team, just before dawn.

- When?
- Zero-four-hundred. Tomorrow.

Transpo's three trucks
coming from different directions...

No, that's not gonna work. Miguel has
rotating security around the building.

They see anything unusual,
a call goes out to Fercho Castillo.

That's Miguel's assistant.

They'll be out
before you get through the lobby.

So then help us find
a blind spot in the perimeter.

There's no blind spots.
These people are professional.

- What about if we hit at shift change?
- We overlap shifts because of that reason.

- [sighs]
- Guys!

That's it? That's the plan?

- [Van Ness clears throat]
- [Jorge] Christ.

Have your entire team take Carrera Diez.
Make a turn at Avenida Siete.

I'll post a man there
that's gonna let you guys through.

You're putting a lot of faith in this guy.
You sure we can count on him?

I'll be posted there,
but if you don't get Miguel,

they're gonna k*ll me.
Do you understand that?

- They're gonna k*ll my family, my kids.
- We're not gonna let that happen.

Next time we see you, we're putting you
and your family on a plane to America.

[Feistl] You're getting out.
Just like we promised.

[Peña] With Miguel Rodríguez in charge,

we're dealing
with a different kind of cartel.

Then maybe you
shouldn't have arrested his brother.

This operation could significantly impact
the cartel's day-to-day,

stop the bloodshed.

Based on information
you're unwilling to share.

- Well, due to the sensitivity...
- Yes, you've said.

But gentlemen, to ask me to sign off
on this operation blindly?

You haven't given me anything
other than a code name.

How much can you trust this informant...

Or is that too much to ask?

I understand your frustration.

But I've been assured
that this intelligence is viable.

If you won't tell me what you have,
then please, get to what you need.

- A small team. No more than ten men.
- Contact General Vargas.

- I'll authorize him to provide you one.
- Actually, sir,

we were hoping you would provide
somebody independent of General Vargas.

[clears throat] If you would
just indulge us this one request.

Shall I assume you have someone in mind?

General Serrano, sir.

Agente Peña...

another setback and I won't be able
to help you, nor will I want to.

The case for the surrender deal
will only be strengthened.

And you and your team will be gone.

I appreciate your honesty, sir.

Thank you, Minister.

Through intimidation and corruption...

the Cali Cartel had effectively taken much
of the Colombian National Police force...


...and bent them to its will.

But there was one force it couldn't bend:

a man named General José Serrano...

whose faith and integrity
were exactly what we needed.

[in Spanish] Agent Peña, nice to meet you.
Your reputation precedes you.

[Peña in English]
Serrano took two things seriously:

his service to God...

and his belief in the rule of law.

He expected the same from his men.

For him, it began at an early age.

He was a campesino,
the son of a dirt farmer...

He had never owned a pair of shoes.

One day, a group of mounted policemen
rode into his village.

It reminded him of the holy knights
that he had read about,

religious warriors on a mission from God.

He knew then...

that he would be one of them.

He joined the force expecting
to find other like-minded men.

But instead, he found corruption.

From where he could, he rooted it out.

When he became chief
of his first small town,

he fired over two-thirds of the department
for being on the take...


...declaring w*r on corrupt cops
and traffickers alike.

[Serrano in Spanish] I will put
in maximum effort, with all my soul,

into fighting corruption.

Because when there is corruption...

there is no procedure,
there is no peace of mind.

[Peña in English] Twenty years, numerous
failed assassination attempts later...

he was still waging his w*r.

By the book, of course.

[Serrano in Spanish]
This informant of yours,

is he close to Miguel Rodríguez?

He's provided us with Miguel's location.

That's why it's urgent we move now.

May take a miracle
to get this close again.

Only God creates miracles.

It's for us to use the tools he's bestowed
to resolve these matters.

Any chance God's bestowed the right men
to pull off this operation?

God has many soldiers.

Mine are honest men
who answer to higher powers than you or I.

I'm not concerned about them.
But I'm worried about other issues.

Gilberto Rodríguez's arrest
has led to new stipulations.

From now on, any warrant I sign

has to be filed
with the local fiscale office in Cali.

Which the cartel will know about.


Truth is, your tactics
won't be allowed a second run.

Just have to find new ones, General.

Your men, General, where are they now?

Awaiting their orders.

The target is Miguel Rodríguez.

Our operation will succeed

because you fulfill your duty to your God

and to your country. Understood?

[all] Yes, sir!

The operation from a strategic
point of view is a nightmare.

There's a security perimeter.

As soon as the lead team hits the lobby,
the target knows we're inside.

Agent Feistl and I will be
right behind you, arriving by helicopter.

We'll land on the roof
and come in from above.

- We're going to box them in.
- [Peña] Yes.

We have an inside man.

He'll be posted right here,
giving us our best way in.

[Paola] Which one do you want?

- [Alma and Vera] This one!
- Okay. Perfect.

Girls, please get ready.

Paola... you can't do this.

- I'm taking the girls to my parents'.
- Paola, you can't do this.

Especially with what's going on
with the cartel.

What? What are you saying?

Are you telling me I can't protect
my daughters? Is that what you're saying?

No. What I'm saying is that we need
to act normal, like everything is fine.

Everything isn't fine, Jorge.
Everything isn't fine.

They could be watching you, me, the girls.

Miguel's become paranoid.
Do you understand?

I'll call you in a few days.
The girls will want to hear from you.

Paola. Please.

The Americans are going to try
to arrest Miguel.

I'm going to make sure they succeed.

Tomorrow, we will be on a plane.
You, me, the girls.

We're leaving Colombia.

Who told you I want to live in the U.S.?

Who told you our girls want to leave
the only home they've ever known?

So we need to disappear.
Is that your plan?

Explain to me again, I don't get it.

What happens if the Americans fail?


Paola, please. Please... wait.

Don't leave.

We weren't poor, Jorge.

We always had choices.

This was your choice.

[Serrano] What about the warrant?

You still haven't filed the paperwork,

and I can't authorize this raid
without it.

We're bringing the fiscale with us.

Until we're on-site,
no one else knows the real target.

Arrest him quickly.

Because if word of this gets out,

they'll try to stop us
with everything they've got.



one more thing.

I'd like to ask you to remain in Bogotá.

Those are my men.
That's my signature on the warrant.

Which puts your name on the line, sir.

If anything goes wrong,
and we look like...

Like what? Like idiots?

It wouldn't be the first time,
as I understand it.

You don't trust me.

But you can't do this without me.

That's true,
but I know the system we're up against.

With your name on the warrant...

there's no doubt
the cartel's watching you.

As soon as you make the arrest,

I'll be the one to lead Miguel Rodríguez
into custody when the press arrive.

I'll stay here praying for your success,
because there's no doubt...

it's your reputation now on the line.

[engine starts]

Hi, boss. What's going on?
Getting a little late for you, huh?

Just checking in.

You run those taps over in El Lido

- like I asked?
- [in English] Yes, sir.

- [in Spanish] Perfect.
- All right. Well done.

Enrique, why don't you take off
and I'll keep an eye out here tonight?

Is this some kind of test?

Someone offers me a day off, I say yes.

My wife's been hounding me.

I could use a night away
from all of her questions, Enrique.

I'm glad I'm not married yet.

Don't make that mistake.


Thank you, boss.

[pager beeping]

It's Miguel.

Don't worry, boss.
I'll hang out until you get back.


[air traffic control chatter]

[indistinct chatter]

[elevator dings]

[knock on door]

Miguel's just finishing his call.
Come on in.

[Miguel] We can discuss that later.

He's here now.

Yes, you've said.


My son.

You know how he is. A little...


He is your son.

[chatter over radio]

[in English]
This the guy with the warrant?

[Feistl] Yeah, I think so.


Looks friendly.

Yeah, I don't give a sh*t,
as long as he does what he's told.

[Miguel in Spanish] Good things
are coming, Jorge. You'll be part of it.

I'm glad, sir. Is there anything else?

Take a seat.

You know that my brother...

he doesn't like this w*r thing.

He thinks it's a mistake,
being at w*r with the North Valley.

He said this brings too much tension,

with the v*olence and everything.

He's getting counsel from men
I don't trust at all.

Those phones that you...

how do you call it? Wiretaps?


Do you think...

you could put one
on my brother's phone in prison?

You want me
to tap Gilberto's phone in prison?


For his own good.

Only if it became necessary.

So... for him.

Of course, sir. Anything you need.


This stays here.

Of course, sir.

Well, I should get back downstairs.
I'm posted outside tonight.

You? Nonsense. You're too old for that!

I don't mind at all. It's part of my job.

No. No way.
Have one of the young guys do it.

You know, I'm eating late.
Fercho was about to make something.

You'll join us.

You'll join us, Jorge.

Fercho! We will be two. Come.

[tires screeching]


[Fercho] Do you like filets, Jorge?

Yes, very much.

Hey, I've been meaning to tell you...

the building guys,
they've been idling in front of the house.

Blocking our exit.

You see that?
Feels good when one's been taken care of.

Yes. Keep your walkie charged.

And the exits clear.

Like you said.

You want one?

Yes, thanks.

I have a bottle of white wine that is...

Excuse me, boss, if it's not
too much trouble, I prefer red wine.

Okay. It's a shame, but... okay.

But I have a really nice bottle
of red wine. I'll bring it. I'll be back.

[chatter over radio]

You're in for a treat tonight.

Miguel has me cooking
with these Japanese bread crumbs.

Sounds crazy,
but it's actually more tasty.

That's very interesting.

Hey, Fercho, looks like the oil's ready.


Boss! Boss! Boss!

We have cars heading towards the building.
I repeat, boss, three trucks with cops...

Gentlemen, by law, I can't let you in.
This is a residence...

[in English] We have a warrant. Hey.

[in Spanish] A residence?

[in English] What?

[in Spanish] Hear that?

Enrique! What the f*ck is going on?

You didn't inform us
there's a helicopter?

- How the f*ck did they find us?!
- Sir, calm down.

We need to get you out of here now.
There's no time to discuss this.

- Miguel, what's happening?
- You need to hide.

Is there somewhere we can take you?
A caleta in the apartment?

Stop. Get to the lobby.
Get to the lobby and stop them.

It's better if he goes.
Every second counts.

Get to the lobby! Stop them.


[whispers in English] No, no, no.

- Colombian law.
- No, but if he's got a caleta in there...

If you want anything we do in there
to count, follow the f*cking rules.

Van Ness. Where are you?

I need the fiscale upstairs.
Where the f*ck are you?

This isn't a financial building.

Miguel Rodríguez is upstairs.
We have the warrant.

Yes. Without an address filed in Cali.

So fill it in.

As I've told you, my office authorized
the search of a financial corporation.

[in Spanish] What the f*ck is this?

[in English] Hands in the air!

[elevator dings]

Look, sir, as I told your agent,
I can't do...

Write the address in right now.
That's why you're here.

You decide how you want this to go.


- [in Spanish] Are you Fernando Castillo?
- What's all this?

We're here to arrest Miguel Rodríguez.

Miguel isn't here.

[man] There's nothing.

Look above.

Take that off!

[man 2] Cabinets!

There's nothing here.

Try the ones below.

[sirens blaring]

Who's in charge here?

I asked you a question.

I'm sorry, sir. We're not authorized
to let anyone inside.

You see this f*cking badge?

Your superiors failed to report
this operation with the local bureau.

I'd like to know
who'll be answering for that.

These are direct orders
from my superiors, sir.

Step out of my way.

Peinados, stay here.

Let's go!

[man] Move!

Sergeant, you copy?
The local police are heading up.

Go to the back, please.
You can sit on the couch.

[María] How long is this going to take?

[Van Ness] Chris.

[María] What are you doing?

Hey, kid. Where is he?
Was Miguel Rodríguez here?

Don't speak to my son.


Can he please go to his room?
He's just a child.

- Is the room clear?
- Clear.

Okay, leave. Go ahead.


- Who's in charge here?
- DEA.

I assume with Colombian support.


I don't see a ranking officer.

Guess that puts me in charge.

There's an exit over there
that leads to the street.

Do you have anyone posted there?
Of course.

If you'd properly notified my unit,
we could have blocked that exit

- and prevented this escape.
- There's no evidence he got out.

That's why you're looking
through the kitchen cabinets?

[Dario] David!

[knocking on door]


Wake up, man! We have to go.

Let go of her already.

[sniffs, groans]

Come on, man!

[in English] I think it's time
you call Natalia.

Find out what she's heard.


Boss, that's Natalia on the couch.

Find out what the f*ck is going on.

[in Spanish]
Just don't say a word, brother.

[in Spanish] We need to put them each
in separate rooms.

Fercho. Let's go.

To the right.

This is messed up, man.

- If your dad's still inside...
- Just drive the f*cking car.

[Jorge in English]
I'm just trying to do my f*cking job.

- Where is he?
- I don't know. Gotta be hiding somewhere.

- Gotta be a caleta.
- Where?

- I don't know.
- Help us. We're running out of time.

I don't know this f*cking place.
I've never been here before.

I don't know the floor plan.
I don't know anything. This is new.


Get back out there.

f*ck! Okay. Come on.

Wait. I need you to hit me first.

[in Spanish]
What we know is that agents of the DEA

burst into the building this morning,

just before dawn...

Hey, what did Salcedo say?

Salcedo! What did he say?

Sir, the thing is...
no one's heard from him.


Do me a favor.

Go to his house and check
what the f*ck he's doing

that's more important than this. Please.

Bye. Bye.

[reporter] There's a surreal atmosphere
outside the San Jardín building.

While curiosity is growing
about the operation

and this has grabbed
the attention of the city,

it isn't clear who the target
of the operation is.

- Think he made it to another floor?
- No, I think he changed the one he's on.

Good morning, ma'am.
We need to get into your apartment.

[porro music playing]

Help me.

- Lift.
- Hold on.

Okay. One, two...


Sir, listen to this.

[knocks on desk]




- [grunting]
- [clattering]


[in English]
Having fun over there, Van Ness?

Pretty sure the door upstairs
didn't close properly.

What happened here?

- It fell over.
- It fell over?

I mean, in a way, it did.

Check this out.

Come on, there's something we gotta do.

[instructor in Spanish]
Try to control the wrist.

Okay, let's go.

The m*therf*cker's practicing
his backhand.

That's it. Try to control it.

- Hey! You bastard!
- Hey, fellas. Where are you going?

- We're in the middle...
- Who are you talking to, m*therf*cker?

We're in the middle of a lesson here.

Who are you talking to?

Why the f*ck is there a raid going on
at my dad's house,

while you're here having tennis lessons?

David, I don't know what
you're talking about. I don't understand.

You're going to go
and help my f*cking dad. Now! Understood?

- Yes.
- Let's go.

Go on. Quickly. What were you saying?

It's fine.


[Feistl]What exactly am I looking for?

This area downstairs
measures in at 108 inches.

Guys, I'm reading 84.

Can you set me up?

- [man] Got the perfect sh*t.
- [woman] Pan towards the top.



You guys can't tear down that wall.
You don't have authorization.

What are you going to do to stop us?

[in English] Let's go.

There's an air space back there.


[breathing heavily]


- [in Spanish] Stop what you're doing.
- [in English] We've been over this.

[in Spanish] As head
of the Attorney General's office in Cali,

I have to insist
you put down that hammer right now.

You're currently in violation
of Article 22 of the...

[in English]
What's that? Arresting a fugitive?

- [Peña] Chris.
- No, f*ck that!

Miguel Rodríguez is right here.
Inside this wall.

And you've broken the law.

[chatter over radio]

[in Spanish]
As the legal authority in this room...

I demand that you cease and desist
your search of the premises immediately.

[in English] Put it down. We're done here.

[in Spanish] Yes, and I'll need
your documentation from the embassy.

Your passports.

[in English] Your passports.

- You gotta be f*cking kidding me.
- Give him your passport, Chris.

[Sergio in Spanish] I'm filing
an official complaint against each of you.

[male reporter]
It has now been confirmed that the search

of the San Jardín building
has been abandoned.

Agents from the DEA,
along with the Colombian special forces,

have been seen leaving the building.

We can now confirm
that the target of this investigation

was in fact cartel godfather
Miguel Rodríguez.

With the search now over
and no arrest made,

questions regarding the actions of the DEA
and the credibility of their sources

will surely arise.

It's been a frenetic morning here

as a great number of police officers
exited the building.

The official word from the National Police
is the search has been abandoned.

Now the question is, what evidence
did the DEA have to run this operation?

The U.S. Embassy
hasn't released a statement yet.

[elevator dings]

[Feistl in English] Thanks for having
our backs there, boss.

[Van Ness] Keep our eyes on the building.
No way Miguel leaves here tonight.

And wherever he goes, we follow his ass.

We're on a plane to Bogotá.

Meet Crosby tonight,
Defense Minister in the morning.

He makes the call on our visas.

It's over.

We f*cked up.


[in Spanish] It's all good.

He's in front of me.
I'm about to tell him.

Hey, I just talked to Manny.
They've left the apartment.

Okay, good. But my dad isn't safe
until he's here with us. Call Fercho.

- Right.
- Just make sure. You hear me?

Sounds good.



[breathing heavily]




[in English] What about my family?
What happens to them?

- You need to get them out.
- [Feistl] I know.

I put their lives in your hands.

I'm sorry, Jorge.

Yeah, we're being recalled to Bogotá.


They're gonna know
someone gave up the location.

Someone on the inside.
If you leave, I'm a dead man.

You gave me your f*cking word.

We'll figure this out.


[Miguel in Spanish] Hello?


They almost had you today, brother.

- They didn't, Gilberto.
- Thank God.

It's a miracle you got away.

You need to revise your security network.

Bring this to an end, brother.

You have to embrace
that this is the reality we've built.

It's what's best for all.

Accept it, before it's too late.

You, Gilberto.

The reality you built.

And where the f*ck has it gotten you?

You're upset, brother. I get it.

Yeah, I'm pretty f*cking pissed.

Then listen to me. Embrace it.

Look, everything we have,
everything we've ever built,

is because of the decisions I've made.

Our best strategy is non-v*olence.

The best option we have is surrender.

I'm not going to surrender, Gilberto.

That was just a dream
you fell in love with.

It isn't mine.




[cumbia music playing]

It takes balls, I'll give him that.

Balls I wasn't sure he had.

You can appreciate
needing to show them off.


You again with those trucks?

I have orders to follow.

And I have new orders.

[g*n cocks]

I don't like it,
this disagreement between them.

Doesn't feel right.

It isn't us.


But times are changing.

[man] Let's go!

Follow me!




Everything is going to be okay, brother.

- Don't you worry.
- I'm not worried.


Makes you wish you were out there.


Yes, I know she doesn't want
to talk to me.

That's why she's not f*cking home.

But it's important I talk to her.

[man] Look, I don't know what's going on
between you guys, but she's upset.

Pass her the f*cking phone now!

No, Jorge. Give her some space.

She'll call you when she's ready.

[phone line cuts]

[dial tone sounding]

[cumbia music continues]

[music fades]