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03x08 - Convivir

Posted: 06/15/22 06:31
by bunniefuu

[in English] Come. It's gonna be fine.

Nothing is going to happen to you.

[in Spanish] Please...





[indistinct chattering]


[indistinct chatter continues]

[chickens clucking]

[man] Take that with you.

[theme music playing]

[elevator clattering]

- [in Spanish] Careful.
- Yes, sir.

[Pedro] Were you shot?


Get him out.

- You're scaring him.
- Out!

What happened last night...

someone pays.

We took care of Calderón,

but those f*cking gringos
still knock on my door!

Where the f*ck were the guards?

Where the f*ck were our men?

How the f*ck did they know
where you were, Dad? How the f*ck...?

We have a rat.

An informant.

They found my ledger.

[Darío] Hey, what about Enrique?

He was manning the checkpoint
when the cops came in.

[dog barking at a distance]

[scooter whizzes by]

[brakes screech]

[pager vibrating]



- [pager thumps]
- [compartment door closes]


[Paola] Let's get inside.
Going once, going twice...

- Girls, please.
- [giggles]

No. You can't go out that way.
Please, no, sweetie.

- Honey, let's go inside. Inside.
- [phone ringing]

- Hello?
- [David] Salcedo.

No one's seen you since the raid.
Where the f*ck are you?


I'm having some trouble
with my wife lately...

but I'm monitoring my radio.

- Have you talked to Enrique?
- Why?

We've been trying to reach him.
My father wants to talk to him.

Your dad wants to talk to Enrique?

Do you have any problem with that?

I'll find him.

Good. Bring him in.

And Salcedo, you come, too.

[phone line cuts]


[in English] I stand by the operation,
Minister, as does General Serrano.

Who was in Bogotá at the time of the raid,

while you and your men were there
for five hours,

drilling holes, breaking furniture.

We were one minute away
from getting Miguel Rodríguez.

But you did not.

I need you to hand over all intel,
including informants,

over to a special prosecutor.

And I'm afraid the DEA can no longer
be part of this operation.

- You're taking us off?
- Yes, I am.

Minister, we recovered something
from the house.

It's a ledger.

Cartel accounts, transactions,
going back years.

- What is this? I don't see names.
- It's coded.

It's bribes, money laundering...
cocaine sales.

- Cali's whole operation.
- That's right.

- And do you have someone who can read it?
- There are two possibilities.

There's the cartel accountant,
Guillermo Pallomari.

Yeah, but he's underground. Maybe worse.

And there's the money launderer
we extradited from Curaçao,

Franklin Jurado.

Jurado's the most important witness
to this case and he's in U.S. custody.

We're not handing him over
to a special prosecutor.

So you're welcome
to keep the ledger, Minister...

but we have the only guy who can read it.

Then, Agent Peña,
I suppose you have to see this out.

- [book clatters on table]
- [Crosby clears throat]

- Ambassador.
- Minister.

[door opens]


[door creaks, closes]


You make my job a lot f*cking harder,
you know that?

Now you told me the only way Jurado talks
is if you find his wife.

Do you have any idea where she is?

I know someone who might.

["La Vuelta" playing]

[Peña] After the fall of Escobar,

Medellín went from being
the most dangerous city in Colombia...

to one of its safest.

This wasn't a result
of the end of cocaine trafficking.

That was alive and well.

It was due
to the new godfather of Medellín.

His name is Diego Murillo,
but you know him as Don Berna.

[in Spanish] Did you find her?

Sure you don't want something?

- The picada here is the shit.
- You have what I asked for or not?

Pretty girl.

Long way from home.

[Peña in English]
Gotta be f*cking kidding me.

[in Spanish] I'm imagining the headline...

"American woman held hostage
in Colombian jungle." f*ck.

- Thanks for the info.
- Wait.

I'm going to help you
rescue the Barbie doll.

To do this job, we need to work
with some old friends of ours.

They can help us.

They know the terrain like the back
of their hand. How to get in and out.

What's it going to cost?


You just have to make me a promise, Peña.

When my name pops up
on the DEA to-do list...

you pick up the phone and call me.

So I can be cautious and protect myself.


I see now.

[in English] A get-out-of-jail-free card.


[in English] Exactly.

[in Spanish] To us, Peña.



Open the door. Quick.

- Boss...
- What are you doing? Get in.

- What happened?
- David has been calling.

What for? He never called before.

- I wanted to talk to you first.
- Last night was a big f*ck up.

You're in danger.
Pack a few things and let's go.

Jorge, I swear. I radioed in.

It doesn't matter, Enrique.
The DEA passed right in front of you.

I should just run, bro.

Like Córdova?

What? It doesn't matter!

Stay, run. It's the same f*cking thing!

No matter what I do,
I'm a f*cking dead man.

Nobody is going to die, you hear me?

Nobody is going to die.

But right now,
let's just get you to tomorrow, Enrique.


[in English] Keep paging him
until he hits us back.

Nothing else we can do.


We should've arrested him.

You know, brought him in for as*ault
or something to save him.

f*ck. I hope we didn't
hang him out to dry.

I thought you didn't like him.


Yeah, doesn't mean I want him dead.

[in Spanish] Why the f*ck do I have
to hide here? I didn't do anything.

I know you didn't do anything.

This is David being an idiot.

But... trust me.
Have some patience. I'll handle it.


last week,
when you told me to not say anything...

- about the DEA and their safe house...
- Hey.

That has nothing to do with anything.
Why are you bringing this up?

Stay focused.

Sit down.

Sit down.

It's very important you do what I say.

Don't leave this room.

And don't call anyone.

Not your mother, your brother
or your girlfriend. No one. Understood?

Hey, look at me.

We'll get you through this.

I promise.

Thank you, Jorge.


- Jorge.
- Fercho, how's it going?

Don Miguel.

Where the f*ck is Enrique, Jorge?

I left him messages at his house,
at the tap room,

but trust me, I'll find him.

Regardless of where he is,
you know him as well as me.

He's a man we can trust.

The thing is, Jorge, I don't know Enrique.

Because I didn't hire him, you did.

No, Córdova hired him.
But that doesn't matter.

I don't like to make judgments
before I know all the facts,

and we don't know them, David.

I find that funny, you know?

Because lately,
you're missing too many facts.

More specifically,
about the f*cking DEA, Jorge.


When the DEA burst into the building,
I was six feet away from your dad.

Don Miguel, I've been investigating
and it looks like Enrique did radio in.

I think the DEA is using a signal
to interfere with our radios.


Dad, please.

It could be.

It could be.

But you know what, Jorge?

That doesn't explain how the DEA
knew where I was. Do you understand?

Yes, sir.

Someone sang and I want to know
who the f*ck it was.

Find Enrique.
Let's have him speak for himself.

We f*cking fix this once and for all.

[car brakes screech]

- Hi, fellas.
- Sir.



[Peña in English]
w*r makes for strange alliances,

putting you into business
with people that,

under other circumstances,
you wouldn't even shake hands with.

[in Spanish] Great machine.

You people know how to build
a f*cking as*ault chopper.

[Peña in English]
The same is true of your enemies.

They will unite when they need to.

FARC, or Revolutionary Armed Forces
of Colombia,

were a guerrilla army
about 17,000 strong...

engaged in the longest civil w*r
in modern history.

And in the early days of that w*r,
how did they finance their struggle?


Wealthy Colombians would pay a ransom

to have their loved ones
returned unharmed.

So when the Cali cartel
wanted to keep someone on ice,

safely hidden somewhere
in the middle of the jungle,

they hired the pros.

For a hefty fee, of course.

[Peña in Spanish] Nice look, Berna.

You're coming on the raid?

[chuckles] Thanks, but no.

I'm coming to make sure
all goes well with our friends.

Look at me.

Do you think an important man like me...

is going to risk his life
for some gringo piece of ass?


You don't know how to take a joke.


[car humming]

I'll go in.


But they go with you.

What about you, brother?
Are you trying to f*ck us all or what?

Calm down, Gilberto.

Franklin Jurado's in U.S. custody.

You don't want to surrender,
and you let them get the g*dd*mn ledger!

Since you were a kid, I had to tell you
what to do and what not to...

You know what, Gilberto?

Since you were a kid, you had a big mouth.
Why don't you just shut up?


He's f*cking lost his mind.

All these acts of v*olence
in the North Valley

are straining our friends' patience.

Any surrender deal's hanging by a thread.

Uncle Miguel has to see that.

I told him, no v*olence.

Is this all my fault?

Haven't I always done
what was best for him?

Franklin Jurado.

I need to reach out to Chepe. Or Pacho.

But how the f*ck...?

There's no one else I can trust with this.

Let's see...



I need you to get involved
in the Jurado situation.


Any news?

He has a girlfriend
on the other side of town.

Look, David, if Enrique was a rat,
he wouldn't be around anymore.

Ah... Thanks.

I think I'll wait here.

You know he's a mama's boy.
That fucker will be back.

So now what?


Now you go to Toro n*gro.
Navegante's waiting for you.

He'll give you
an assignment from my father.

Why didn't he call me?

I'm going to explain something to you.

Until this is figured out,
you only talk to me. Understood?

Yes, sir.

Better get moving.
Navegante hates to wait.

[rock music playing]

[man] Coming up to coordinates Kirk 5-7,
maneuver incoming.

[Peña in English] Private militias
not only weren't illegal in Colombia,

they were encouraged.

A government program called CONVIVIR
was started in 1994.

And it authorized private security forces

to take up arms
against the communist guerrillas.

A free pass for crimes against humanity,
sponsored by Uncle Sam.

[in Spanish]
Gentlemen. So good to see you again.

Third generation night vision goggles.

The same ones the Americans used
in Operation Desert Shield.

Peña, can we keep them afterwards
as a contribution to the cause?

[Peña in English] The Castaños ran
the largest private militia in Colombia.

Their AUC,
or AutodefensasUnidas de Colombia,

numbered in the tens of thousands.

Their victims...
in the hundreds of thousands.

Theirs was a perpetual w*r.

And if you're hunting communist guerrillas
in the jungle, they were your only call.


This one has AFCS.

And the 701 engine. Hmm.


- Not like last time.
- [Peña] Last time?

The CIA.

They had us out here hunting commies
on Christmas day.

- That's real dedication.
- It is God's work.

Merry Christmas.

[David] My dad trusts him, but...
did you see him?

[Darío] That son of a bitch
looks nervous, right?

[David] Never stopped
adjusting the mirror, staring.

I kind of love how much
this m*therf*cker hates me.

[David and Darío chuckle]

[David] Our man in Bogotá
confirmed there must be an informant.

[Darío] Huh?

[David] Salcedo has to be the one
the gringos are calling "Natalia."

I'm going to love
k*lling that m*therf*cker.

You know who else I am going to k*ll?
His arrogant wife.

I'm going to leave
those poor girls orphans.

[Darío] Poor things.

[David] You can adopt them.

[laughs] You son of a bitch...



[phone ringing]


[Paola on voice mail]
This is Paola, leave a message.

Hello, love, it's me.

Paola, listen, I need you to call me back.

It's very important.





[car approaching]


Take me to where you stashed him,
Jorge Salcedo.

Stashed who?


Are we taking him someplace?


I see.

What do you mean,
you're going to a meeting?

I have a business to run, Guillermo.

A meeting with who?

With Fredy. We're meeting a new client.

Fredy? Patricia,
the police almost caught Miguel yesterday.

For f*ck's sake.

What's the problem?

You didn't tell them where he was,
did you?

- No.
- No. What are you worried about?

Miguel likes you.
That's what you always tell me.

Yes, but always within limits.

You're worrying too much, Guillermo.

They need you. You're the brains
behind the organization...

None of that matters, Patricia, none,
if they decide not to leave loose ends.

You're giving me a headache.

Listen to me.

My love, we have to get out of here
before it's too late.

It's just a couple hours.

Call me if there's a problem.

[door opens]

["Espérame en el Cielo" playing on radio]

What is it, Jorge Salcedo?

What do we do if we find
Pallomari's family in the apartment?

Hope that we don't.

We'll need to be quick.
I have someplace to be.

The love of my life is in town
and we have a date.

That's great.

When was the last time you saw her?

Eight years.

Eight long years.

Why so long since last time you saw her?

You know, she was abroad.

- In Japan.
- Japan?


She f*cked a police captain.

Then tried to turn me in.

All these years, I've been hanging around
her parents' house

waiting for her to come back.

People say things happen for a reason.
All I know is... she came back.

She came back.

Beautiful day. Right?

How many tents, give or take?

I think around 20.

The FARC arrange themselves
in staggered positions, two circles.

Then they always go for lookouts
in high places along the trails.

Sun sets in three hours.

As soon as they hear the chopper,
they're going to hide.

Generators, flashlights, fires...

Those rats have a lot of practice hiding.

Once the lights go, they'll use
guidelines strung into the jungle.

They grab hold, follow ropes to safety.

Once we find one of those ropes...

[imitates g*nf*re]

It's a f*cking slaughter.


[soldiers counting down in unison]

Look, I don't want a bloodbath.

Listen to me, Peña.

You want the girl...

there will be a body count.

This is a w*r zone.

But if you want,
we can still call this thing off.

I need to get her back.


Just to be clear...

something goes wrong...

you still keep your promise.

Hey, you talk to Pallomari,
try to keep him calm.

- Then I come in.
- Okay.


[television playing in distance]






He's not here, of course.


No luggage.

Must've freaked out
when Miguel almost got caught.

You know, Pallomari, he's the smart one.


Guess that's why he's the accountant.

And not a thug.

Hey, Salcedo.

You'll need to find him.

Miguel gave this priority.
Do you understand?

I'll take care of it.

Let me know when you have him.

I need tonight
for the business I told you about.




Good luck then.


[phone ringing]

- [Jorge] Hey, it's me.
- Salcedo! Busy today.


any chatter from Pallomari?

None I've heard. But we got him.

- Who?
- Enrique.

He called his brother, the idiot.

David's on his way to get him.

That's great news.

Miguel must be pleased.

[phone clicks]

[phone ringing]


- David?
- We have him.


He showed up at the house?

Meet us at 11th & 614th.

[phone line cuts]

[Berna] You ever hear anything from Judy?

[Peña] Not since you sold her out.

Who would've thought it, Javier?
Both of us, bosses.

They give you a nice place in Bogotá?

It's good.

You should see my house.

I can take a shit in a different bathroom
every day of the week. My wife loves it.

Your wife?

I'm a family man.

Bet you still live out of a suitcase.

[Berna chuckles]

Guess catching guys like me...

makes it all worth it. Right?

Don't forget the suitcase.

[commanding officer]
Keep going!

Come on. Let's go!
Assume position!

[helicopter whirring]

[man] Be advised, team: five minutes to LZ.

[Peña breathing heavily]

[thunder rumbling]



Let's see how our new toys work.

[powering up]

Get ready.

[in English] God bless America.



[in Spanish] Ah...
Our guest of honor's arrived.

[coughs, blood splatters]

What's going on here?

Jorge, you're going to have
to explain some things.

[crickets chirping]

[indistinct chatter]

Alpha in position.

[David] Tell him what you told us.


[Enrique] Salcedo knew about the DEA.

You're going to talk to me
like a man, m*therf*cker.


[yells] Salcedo works with the DEA!

He knew the DEA was in Cali.

He knew where they were at
and he told me to watch them.

And he told me not to tell you.

[Carlos over radio] Charlie in position.

Bravo in position.

Everyone's in position.
Rotor, force them to the north.

[pilot] Copy that.
We're going to push them out.

We're circling back.
Arriving in 30 seconds.

[Miguel] Is that true, Jorge?

Tell me.

Tell me.

Are you working with the DEA?

Sir... it's true
I've been successful tracking the DEA.

But saying that I knew
where their safe house is, that's absurd.

That's absurd.

Rotor ETA five seconds. We have visual.

- [men shouting]
- [rustling]

[pilot] FARC is on the move.
They're going dark.

[Fidel] Peña, they have your girlfriend
in the southeast part of camp.

[indistinct yelling]

Let's move.

They're about to k*ll me because of you,

That f*cking son of a bitch is lying!

If you're looking for an infiltrator,
it's him, not me.

Shut up! Know what they're gonna do
to my family if you say that shit?

You son of a bitch!

Let go of me!
I'll k*ll you, m*therf*cker!

- Let it go, m*therf*cker!
- Sir, that bastard is lying!

What do you want me to say
if that's the truth, m*therf*cker?!

Cut the bullshit!


[Fidel] All right, men,
let's get these fireworks started.

[Carlos] And don't be pussies.
This is easy. Get ready.

- [g*nf*re]
- This shit is on! [laughs]

[g*nf*re continues]

I'm tired of this, Dad.

- [Jorge] Sir, no.
- [cocks g*n]

David, please. What is this?

- Sir, I have no idea...
- [David] Dad...

[pager vibrating]

What the f*ck is that?

[pager continues vibrating]

What the f*ck is that?


Is that you, m*therf*cker? Huh?

- No.
- What the f*ck is that?


- What the f*ck is this?
- I don't know, sir. I've never seen that!

Sir, I swear I've never seen that before.

[Carlos] Let's give those f*cking
guerrillas a rain of b*ll*ts!

They're in the river! Give them lead!

- Sir... it's a SkyPager.
- [Enrique coughs]

It's American high-end tech.

- Don Miguel, please.
- Shut up.

- What the f*ck does it say?
- Let's see.

These are messages in English.
He's your rat!

m*therf*cker, you're going to have
my family k*lled dragging me into this!

It's not yours?

It's not yours, Enrique?

- Sir, I swear I've never seen that before.
- Shh!

I swear on my mom
I've never seen that before, Don Miguel.

Can they track us with this shit?

I think so, sir.


- No.
- Don't move.

- Please! Don Miguel, no!
- Don't move.

No! Let me go!

Tell the truth, m*therf*cker!

Salcedo, you m*therf*cker!

Ah! Don Miguel!

[Enrique gasping]

Look, Jorge.

Your friend.

- [Peña] Christina.
- [in English] Don't. Don't.

[in Spanish]
Stay where you are.

Put the g*n down!

Don't move.

- [Peña in English] Stay still.
- Please.

- [in Spanish] One more step and...
- [Christina screams]

[Christina shuddering]

The rat is dead.

[Fidel] What's wrong?



[phone rings]

- Feistl.
- [Peña] I have her.

Get Franklin ready.

- [g*nsh*t]
- [screams, whimpers]



[in Spanish] Yes, I know my signature.

- Hi!
- Hi, Dad!

Where's Mom?


She doesn't want to see you.




Have some respect. This is my mom's house.

What's going on?

What is it?

What's going on?



What happened?

What's going on? Come here.

[indistinct chatter over PA]

[in English] In less than an hour,
we're on that plane.

Your husband knows.

He'll be waiting for you.

It's all behind you now, Christina.

And you think I should thank you for that?


No, I don't.

No, you think you're a hero
because you, what,

ex*cuted a bunch of farmers to get me out

so that my husband would testify for you?

I did what I had to do
and I'm sorry for what happened to you.


No, you're not.

And you know it.

You're a piece of shit.

[phone ringing]

- Salcedo?
- [Jorge] I know where Miguel is.

This needs to happen right now.

Yeah, of course.

Your code name for me? Natalia?

- What about it?
- They know. You have a leak.

The cartel knows about it.

It won't be long before
they know about me.

This needs to happen now or I'm dead.

Call for you. Number four.




[Lucho] Brother.

[in Spanish] That phone doesn't work.

Try number five.

[indistinct chatter]

You're Colombian.


I'm from Cali.

[in English] Hello?


[cell phone ringing]

[in Spanish] Yeah?

Hey... it's been taken care of.

[cell phone ringing]


[in English] Yeah?

Yeah, we're about to get on the plane.
We'll be in Miami...


Let me call you back.


["Amor Profundo" playing]

[music fades]