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01x04 - Crossing the Line

Posted: 06/17/22 10:56
by bunniefuu
Hey. Please tell me
your night was better than mine.

Well, Ana got home at 7:00. Pedro, 10:00.

From then on, they didn't leave the house.

No suspicious movements.

All right. Well, keep an eye on them,

'cause as soon as we get that warrant
to install the microphones,

we are going in.

All right. Bye.

Found it.

You know it's my day off, right?

They were all riding in that car.

We know that Alejandro
died before the crash.

And Jessica Thompson told 911,
"They're not going to help me."

So we know there was more
than one person there, right?

- Even though they say they weren't there.
- All right, come in.

Thank you.

- You want coffee?
- Okay.

This is nice.

So, anyway,

I kept thinking,

why is there no trace of this taxi that
supposedly drove them all home, right?

So I did some digging,

and the good thing
about fancy neighborhoods

is that they have
surveillance cameras everywhere.

That taxi was driving down the street

that is right around the corner
from Marcos Herrero's house

at 4:35 a.m. that night.


- I got it.
- No.

- No glass falls by itself.
- Leave me alone. I can do it.

It's Flora from work.

So, this is the famous Flora?

Neruda, this is my wife, Lisa.

Nice to finally meet you, Lisa.

Johnny always talks very highly of you.

Well, he's a great partner.

Don't tell him that.
His ego is big enough as it is.

Yeah, thank you.

We'll blow it up and get the plate number.

Did it.

The taxi driver is waiting for us
at the police station right now.

I'm so sorry about your day off.

All right. I'll be right there.

Sorry about this.

- You gonna be okay?
- Yeah, I'll be fine.

I won't be long.

I won't be long.

- Nice to meet you, Lisa.
- Nice to meet you.

Detectives, I don't want any problems.

Why would you have any problems?

Well, I clipped a ride.

What does that mean?

I didn't write it down.

That's why my company
doesn't have a record of it.

So I don't pay commissions.

Don't worry. We don't care about that.

That night…

do you remember who you gave a ride to?

It was a group of men and women.
All in their 20s.

They were very serious the entire ride.

That's all I know. I swear.

- Think you'd be able to recognize them?
- Yeah.


Okay. Thank you.

You bet.

Happy birthday.

Yeah, super happy.

- What is that?
- It's a meme, Dad.

I know it's a…

I'm a g*dd*mn cartoon now.

Yeah, you are.

Okay, calm down.

Maybe not that many people
have seen it yet.

It has two million views.
And on three social media accounts.

You're viral, Dad. This is bullshit!

Okay, sweetie. Never mind.

The important thing is that
it's your birthday.

- It's your party...
- I don't want a party, Mom.

Are you going to tell me
what you were doing in that dump?

I already saw it.

I'm on my way.

Sofía, your cell.

You got a call.

Who was it?

You're not going to tell me the truth?

I saw that Daniela's son was calling you.

Why? So now you're buddies, or what?

I'm helping him with a few legal issues.

Really? You?

Yes, Marcos, me. I don't know
if you remember, but I studied law.

The kid doesn't know how to handle
Daniela's inheritance

and he also can't get a lawyer,
so I'm giving him a hand.

- Is the interrogation over?
- No, I don't believe a word you're saying.

- Seriously?
- I don't believe a f*cking thing.

Well, fine, okay.

You're going to tell me the truth.

The truth is that you don't trust me.

You've never trusted me.

Forgive me.


My head is a f*cking mess.

With what happened yesterday with…

It was a mistake. That's what you think,
right? That you f*cked up.

You haven't changed a bit, Marcos.

And it's my fault,
because I'm a dumb shit.

Because I trusted you again.

You've never cared about
what happens to me.

Not now, not then. That's the problem.

Good morning.

I don't know about you,
but I've got a horrible hangover.

Of course. It was great.

I had a great time.
We have to do it again.


It was unforgettable.


Three million views and climbing.
And that's just this one, the original.

There are memes, GIFs...

Enough. Turn that off, please.

- Turn it off.
- Turn it off, please.

There are even songs.
We have to stop this however we can.

We're tanking in the polls.

We've dropped two points.
By tomorrow, we'll be down by four.

I've been talking about immigration,
health care,

- and I'll be remembered for this.
- You're on all the morning shows.

Francis Marwen from the Herald
has written another column.

I don't wanna hear about Francis Marwen.

You're handing the campaign
to Brady on a platter.

Because of course
Brady is the one behind all this.

He's using the video to his advantage.

Pedro, they've declared w*r.
We have to fight back.

If you start fighting dirty,
there's no going back.

Forget about that video.
Focus on the campaign.

Don't fall into that trap, Pedro.

With all due respect, Ana,

Pedro already has a team.

And we're here
to decide what's best for him.

I think that Pedro knows exactly
what he needs to do.

I mean… No, no, no.
I can't allow Brady to win,

so let's go after him
with everything we've got, okay?

You heard him. Let's get to work.

I want ideas, suggestions, proposals,
anything at all to finish off that jerk.

First thing in the afternoon in my office.

We're done with fair play.

You wanted to see me?

Yeah, the warrant you requested is denied.


No. How could that be?

Willis, I need to install those devices.

I need to know what's being said
in those homes.

Why? Marcos Herrero's
already been investigated.

His alibi checks out. He's clean.

No, he's not.

Daniela Marini was blackmailed
two nights before she was m*rder*d, okay?

We have the texts.

And I have every reason to believe

that the suspects, including him,
received the same texts.

But you got no probable cause.
It would violate the Fourth Amendment.

I do have probable cause.
What are you talking about?

I just don't have conclusive evidence.

That's why I need the surveillance.

If the judge denied the warrant request,
he's got his reasons, okay?

Okay, then that means
that the system is broken,

and they're just gonna let
the g*dd*mn K*llers go free!

You asked for permission
to wire their homes.

The answer's no. The end.

That's it.



g*dd*mn it!

I know that you're mad at me.

I know that it's because of your friend,
that fight, the video, but…

Luis, these things are what can
push us apart and that can't happen, okay?

I'm really, really sorry.
I'm trying my best.

You're not going to say anything?

Luis, I'm...


Do you know how difficult it is
to communicate with you

when you have this thing
in your ear all day?

It's because I don't want to talk to you.

Even my gym teacher
was watching your video!

But it's... Hey, Luis, wait for me.

We're trying to fix this situation, okay?

We don't want you to feel embarrassed.

Luis. Luis, I'm speaking to you.



I tell you "no party,"
and you invite all these people?


It's your birthday! It's an important day.

Later, you'll be glad
that you celebrated it.

Look, all your friends came.

Go be with them. Go play.


Why did you do this?

If you're going to complain,
go back to the campaign office

and start thinking of ways
to destroy Brady,

but without airing any dirty laundry,
because you have enough of your own.

Eat a cupcake.

You look beautiful, daughter.

The dress is perfect as is,
but I'm not sure about the headpiece.


Could we see some more options, please?

Thank you.

Isabel, Sergeant Neruda.

- I don't know if you remember me, but...
- What are you doing here?

We have to talk. It's important.

I'm busy. I need you to leave.

Marcos never told you about this, did he?

This is his friend, Alejandro.

He was k*lled 20 years ago
in this car crash.

I was the investigator.

I interviewed Marcos and Sofía

and all of their friends
and their connection to it.


And Daniela was one of those friends.

And now, she's been m*rder*d.

Strange, isn't it?

I don't know what you want from me.

There's a lot they're not telling you,

What did Sofía say to you
so that she could stay at your place?

She said her credit card had been denied.

That's it?

She didn't mention
that she has a criminal record?

And that she doesn't have an alibi for
the night Daniela Marini was m*rder*d?

Oh, my God.

Do you think she…

- You think Marcos...
- I think that they're both lying to us.

As to what, I need to find out.

No, that's impossible.
Marcos could never do that.


Do you trust him?

He's your fiancé, right?

I mean, you have to, right?

Can't have secrets from the get-go.

Don't you think it's strange
that he never mentioned this to you?

Who knows? Maybe he's telling the truth.

Either way, you deserve to know.


I know this is not what you wanna deal
with while you're planning your wedding.

And you look stunning in that dress,
by the way.

But here's the deal.

I need to get into your house tonight

to install a couple of microphones
in there.

- No way.
- The sooner we do it,

the sooner we find out the truth.

And then the sooner we can
get on with our lives.

I'm not going to spy on my boyfriend
in my own home.


So then we'll never know
if you're going to marry a m*rder*r.


if Marcos has nothing to hide,

then you've got nothing to worry about,

I need everyone out of your house tonight.

Just for one hour, okay?

Trust me. This is the best for everyone.

Just one hour. Please.

Text me when they're all gone, okay?

You do look beautiful, by the way.

Sara Castillo.

Take as much time as you need.


Yeah, that's the one. That's her.

Yeah, that's definitely her.

Her arm was all cut up. Real bad.

I asked if they wanted me
to take her to the hospital,

but they said no.

That's definitely the one.

That's her.

Belinda. Green light.

We leave in a half hour.

Right. We got a warrant?

But forget about the Cruz house.

- We're only gonna wire Marcos Herrero's.
- Okay.

And make sure
that all the equipment is ready.

I don't wanna waste any time.

- Got it.
- Hey.


If you're here to take me to lunch,
I need a rain check.

I am crazy busy.

About to wire a house.

You look exhausted.

Well, you look old.

Why don't you let Belinda take charge?

What? Hell no. Would you?

You used to love this stuff.
You retired too early, Sully.

Yeah, well, it wasn't my choice.

I had a little pressure
from the home front.

Come on. Seriously, I'm worried about you.

You need to take your foot off the pedal.
Get a little rest.

I agree. But I just can't seem to do it.

- It's too personal.
- Yeah, that's what worries me.

I know they're behind this.

And I'm gonna prove it.

- Okay.
- Okay.


The campaign never stops, eh?


I brought him a little elephant.
Pedro told me that he loves them.

Maybe five years ago, but thanks.

Ernesto, it's great that you could come.

Thanks for the gift.

Excuse me.


I've spoken with the feds.

I think we've bought some time,

but we have to put the money back
as soon as possible.

Okay. Yeah, I'm working on that.

- A drink?
- Please.

I need one urgently.

What do you mean there'll be a delay?

Yes, but I need that money.

Dear, these things take time.

I'm doing everything in my control.

- Okay.
- How are the kids?

Didn't Luis have a birthday this week?

Yes, but he doesn't want a party.

- I'll call you later.
- Hey!

- A little gift.
- Thank you. Thank you for coming.


What a pleasure! Thank you for coming.

Where's Marisa?

The kids are dying to see you.

Hon, so do we,
but with everything we're dealing with,

Marisa doesn't even want
to leave the house.

What happened?

We were robbed the other night.

But are you okay?

Yes, yes. They came in when we were out.

It's still hard to sleep at night,
but we're okay.

And do they know who it was?

They're investigating Alfonso,
the gardener.

Twenty years working for us.
We still can't believe it.

But are they sure that it was him?

Well, he says that he's innocent.

But they disconnected the alarm,
the cameras.

Who else could it have been, hon?

I'm so sorry to hear that.

I'm glad that you're okay.

Luis! Luis, leave that alone.
It's not time for that yet.

Come and say hi to Grandpa Rodrigo.

Come here!

- Hi, Grandpa.
- Hi!

Please tell me that it wasn't you.

Tell me that you didn't steal money
from Alejandro's parents.

I mean,
we were in a critical situation, okay?

And I couldn't let the people
from the campaign

realize that the money was missing.


No, no. Pedro, please.

I hid the money in a bag and I put it
here, in the dirty laundry basket.


But Luis wet the bed again.

And he put his dirty sheets here too,

and when I came back the next day,
there was nothing there.

The money was gone, the sheets were gone.
There was nothing there.

Luis took everything
and threw it in the garbage

so that we wouldn't realize
what had happened.

How is that my fault?

But the feds still don't know anything,
and Ernesto and I are...


On top of that, you told Ernesto.

Mom, they're calling you.

We'll talk about this later.
For now, stay calm.

Let's go.

We're coming.


No. Not today.

Or maybe… Maybe at night.

- Did you bring your bathing suit?
- Excuse me.

What are they doing here?

I don't complain about your guests,
so don't complain about mine.

So that's why you did all this.

It's Luis' birthday,
and he deserves a party.

But if we can also take the opportunity
to smooth things over with the Marwens…

Smile, Pedro, smile.
As if you're at one of your rallies.

- Let's go.
- Right. I'm coming, I'm coming.

You go ahead.


Sorry we're late.

No problem. Thanks so much for coming.

- Hi, Zoe.
- Hi.

Luis and the others are playing
in the pool if you want to join.

- You can stay for a bit, can't you?
- Sure.

Francis, I could really use some help
with the cake.

Pedro, Shirley needs a drink.
Where are your manners?

Feel at home.

Shall we?

So glad you came.

Be careful. It's slippery.

What up, Montse? What's new?

You can't get any more beautiful.

- Arturo.
- How are you?

- Good, and you?
- Here you are!

- It's so good to see you.
- Very good.

Our guest is punctual.

I thought the three of us were
having dinner as a family. Who's coming?

It was rude not to tell her
and your dad agreed.

- Hi.
- Hi, good afternoon.

It's been a while.

Twenty years.

You haven't changed, Arturo.

You have a very good heart.

And very bad eyesight.

Shall we go to the patio?

What the hell are you doing here?

Your fiancée invited me.

Help me out here.

I don't really know why
you and Shirley are insisting on

all this kumbaya
everybody-be-friends stuff

when we know our kids are old enough
to figure it out on their own.


I just thought maybe if they saw
their parents getting along despite...

So the kids aren't the reason
we're invited here today.

Look, if your husband
has problems with my column,

having us over for a little bit of cake
isn't gonna change...

My husband didn't know I invited you.

The thing is, we're not happy with the way
our press officer's handling things.

We think the time has come
to find a better one.

Is that a job offer?

Is Pedro on board with this?

Don't worry about that. Any interest?

He won't stop attacking you.

In the debates. In every column.

And you invite him to your house?

To your son's birthday party?

It was Ana, okay?

It wasn't my idea. I already told you.

Why does she do these things
without asking you?

Ana. Ana. What can I do?

The fact that you're here
doesn't make things easier for me either.

Let's go.

Excuse me. Be right back.

- A little, right? Ever since...
- It's improved.

Yes, because the one before was a…

Well... No, don't mention it.


Were you looking for something?

The bathroom.

It's this door, remember?


But since we're both here…

I wanted to talk to you.

Be right back. I'm going to the bathroom.

Have a seat.

What do you want?

Excuse me?

I'm asking you what you want from Marcos.

I don't know what you mean.

There is $100,000 here.

If you walk away
and don't come back for 20 years,

or even 60 years, they're yours.


You really want to get rid of me.
That's for sure.

What's going on? What happened?

$100,000, for real, $100,000 to walk away.

What? What do you mean, one…

I had nothing to do with this.

If you want me to leave, just tell me.
You won't see me again.

- But at least say it to my face.
- I had nothing to do with this.

Sofía! Listen to me, Sofía!

Son of a bitch.

$100,000, Dad? Really?

$100,000 for her to walk away?

You left me no choice.

But are you crazy, or what?
Have you no respect?

She had nowhere else to go.
What do you want me to do?

Throw her out on the street, or what?

That's not your responsibility, Marcos.

She's a grown woman, isn't she?

She can figure out her own life,
can't she?

She just turned down $100,000.
She must not be so bad off.

That's called dignity, which is
a word you're obviously unfamiliar with.

No, no. No lessons from you. Not from you.

You want to throw everything away

for a woman who has only
brought you trouble, then go ahead.

I won't let you destroy everything
I've spent my f*cking life building!

Uh-huh, what are you trying to say, huh?

- I'm going to sell the clinic.
- What?

It kills me to say it,
but I'm going to sell the clinic.

Have you lost your mind?
You can't do that.

Well, Silvia has already started
the paperwork.

But… how? Who?

You know, for a long time, I actually
believed that you would measure up.

I swear, I believed it.

What a pity.

Go to hell.

Let's go, honey.

- Now?
- Yeah, yeah.

- Why?
- I'm tired. Let's go.

- We were going to have more wine...
- Yeah. No, enough. Let's go.

Are you going to tell me what happened?

Definitely, with my dad, it's impossible.

I knew that it wasn't a good idea
to have that f*cking dinner.

f*ck me.

Listen up. We gotta go.

Are you almost finished
in the living room and kitchen?

We still gotta do upstairs.

Ten minutes. Ish.

You got five. We gotta go. Now.

I've got a splitting headache.
Can you stop at a pharmacy?

No, we're not stopping anywhere right now.

We've got everything at home.

Come on, guys.

Come on, Come on.

Good night.

See you tomorrow.

Going to tell me what's wrong?

Nothing, honey. Today was just hard.

Come here. Let's go to bed.

Now we gotta stir up a hornet's nest.

These rich kids think
they could get away with anything.

And where I'm from, it happens a lot.

So what,
this is some kind of crusade for you?

No. I'm not saying that.

I'm just saying,
I've seen it over and over.

Scumbags do bad shit. Nine times
out of ten, they get away with it.

All right. Where's this coming from?

Doesn't matter.

What's going on?


Come on.

- What's going on?
- Nothing.

- Hey.
- I'm fine.

Don't lie to me.

It's just my older brother. He...

He was at this party, and…

one of his classmates, this rich kid…

he r*ped this drunk
and unconscious girl upstairs.


she didn't remember anything about
the r*pe, you know, 'cause she was drunk.

And the rich kid…

got all his friends together,

and they all lied.

And they pinned it on my brother.

And there was…

There was no DNA,
because the fucker used a condom.

They were from a fancy family, and they…

They hired this fancy lawyer,
but we didn't have a pot to piss in.


they gave my brother 30 years.

And he ended up hanging himself
in his cell with his bedsheet.


I know they did it, Sully.

And I'm not gonna let these rich kids
get away with it again.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

Can you come with me?

Daniela Marini.



If I needed a lawyer, would you help me?


Yeah, you.

You studied law, didn't you?

Unless you hate me and you don't want
to be my lawyer for obvious reasons.

I don't hate you.

I know that you had nothing to do with it.

I've always been a f*cking coward.

I think that it's time
to stand up to my dad.

And for that, I need help.

I'm Pedro Cruz, mayoral candidate.

But above everything else, I am a father.

And when one of my children
loses their favorite toy,

without which they can't go to sleep,

I go out of my way to find it.

Even if that implies
climbing mountains of garbage.

Vote for me, and I'll dive headfirst
into solving any problem,

no matter how dirty it might be,

just to make sure that no one in this city
loses sleep at night.

Cut. I think we got it.

Very good.


Tell her to come up.


Wow, Mr. Herrero.

Very nice.


Thank you for seeing me.

Are you okay?


Okay. Mind if we talk?

That depends,

because every time you show up,
so does trouble.


I actually came to give you
an update on the case.

Daniela Marini was being blackmailed.

Yeah. They were asking her
for a million dollars.


A million? What for?

Well, it seems like your friend
was in deep trouble.

And that much money
is a good motive for m*rder, isn't it?

But you can relax.
You're not a suspect anymore.

Doesn't look like
you need a million dollars.

Does that mean
that we're done with interrogations

and surprise visits?

Oh, yeah.

Getting very close
to catching the culprit.

Well, I'll keep you posted.

- Have a good day.
- Good day.


Just stand right there, please.

All right. Send in the first group.

Number four.

Number four. Great.

You sure?

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. Number two.

- Number two?
- Number two.

Number two.

Yep. Number two.

- All right.
- Okay. Can... Let's...

Just wait a minute.

You said that one of the girl's arms
were cut pretty badly, right?

I think that's what I said.

You "think."

So, you wouldn't mind
if we searched your car?

I wouldn't mind, except I got a new car.

The old one was so very old.
I sent it straight to the scrapyard.

Okay. That's fine. We're done here.

Send them back.

We're done.

Thank you.

File this for me, Sandoval. Thank you.

You see them smiling?

You know he totally bought
the taxi guy, right?

No matter what you do,
these people always win.

Detective, the medical examiner
called you again.

What do mean "again"?
When did he call the first time?

This morning. I didn't tell you...

sh**t. I must have forgotten.
I had a bunch of paperwork.

I was doing files. And the phone...

What did she say?

She said something about the autopsy.

The woman that was in that crash.


Nice work, Willis. Keep this up.
You'll go far.



- Good to see you.
- Yeah.

I just got the results
of the tissue analysis.

It seems there's something I overlooked.

See this wound here?
The one we assumed caused her death?

Well, the shard of metal
didn't actually reach the carotid artery.

Not at first.

There are two different lines
of coagulation.

The first one, as a result of the crash,

is much more superficial than we thought.

But there's a second, which is deeper.

One that occurred a few minutes later.

Is that the one that hit the artery,
which caused her death?

So Jessica Thompson
didn't die as a result of the impact.


This is 911. What's your emergency?

Please help me.

You're not gonna help me?

Someone drove that piece of metal
deeper into her neck, don't you think?


Help me.


You got your wish, rookie.

Our car crash just turned into a homicide.

No. What exactly did she say to you?

Nothing. That they knew that they were
blackmailing Daniela for a million dollars

and that
that was the motive for k*lling her.

It seems like
they're about to arrest someone.

Do they suspect any of us?

I don't know. In theory, not me anymore.

Do they suspect anyone?

I don't know.
She didn't say, but I wasn't going to ask.

Hey there, Hugo.

I screwed up, okay? I'm sorry.

Hugo. Have you been drinking?

You're not driving, are you?

Hugo. Hugo, listen to me.

Are you driving right now?

If you are, I need you
to pull over right now, okay?

I just need someone to talk to.

I just wanna tell you everything.


Hugo. Hugo, listen to me.

That's fine, okay?

I need you to just pull over
right now, okay?

Tell me where you are.

I said tell me where you are,
and I'll come and get you.


I don't wanna lie anymore.
I don't wanna lie.

What am I doing?