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01x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 06/18/22 17:22
by bunniefuu
Damn it, Harold.

You didn't bring them.

No, I didn't.

You don't need any more g*ns.

I don't need more g*ns.

I need those g*ns.

You know,
we're 350 miles
from the nearest golf course.

I'm not sure what this is all about.

I don't have the luxury
of pretending I'm someone
other than who I actually am.

Good one.

So, are we gonna argue now
before you eventually agree
to get me what I need?
Johnny, do you have any idea
how dangerous it is
- for me to even be here?
- I guess so.

You are fighting a w*r
your country
has ordered you not to fight.

And within that w*r,
you've taken sides
with one of our enemies.

He's fighting against our enemies.

How do you figure
that makes him our enemy?
He's not fighting it
the way we want it fought.

He's not gonna win the fight
the way he's fighting it.

And he's making the guys
who are going to win it
weaker for having
- to fend him off.

- None of that matters.

None of it matters?
There's no one else out here,
is there?
This is where
the decisions get made, okay?
It's just you and me.

Regardless of what Langley
wants you to think,
you know I'm right.

You know I'm right.

He's smarter
than you and me put together.

All he wants is for his people
to live their lives
without getting r*ped and
m*rder*d by Russian teenagers.

In a w*r where it's getting
increasingly difficult
to tell the good guys from the bad guys,
I'm telling you.

This guy is the good guy.

That's what matters.

That's all that matters.

The United States government,
its entire intelligence apparatus,
all her regional allies
and all their
intelligence apparatuses
they're all wrong about this guy.

And you're right?
Yes, exactly.

So, can I have my r*fles now, please?
How'd the Knicks end up doing?
Haven't seen a sports page
in three months,
but got the feeling like
maybe it was turning around.

You know it's going to be me, right?
When the wrong people find out
what it is you're doing out there
and they want for there
to be no you anymore
I'm the one
they're gonna order to do it.

How we looking, Waters?
All right, let's set up a
set up a grid, all right?
My operation's been shut down.

You don't say.

Red Notice was published last night.

Warrants are being issued as we speak.

It's a law enforcement issue now.

A task force will be formed
out of your office
to organize a manhunt.

I will be assigned
to that task force to consult.

With your permission then, sir,
there is one question from last night
- I'd like to start working on.

- What's that?
Well, there was a point
where he'd lost my guys.

He could have just disappeared,
but instead, he came back
to do all this.

I'm wondering why.

Maybe he wanted to make it messy
so we'd have to play by the rules.

Or maybe he wanted
to make it messy, sir,
so that you would be
the one in charge
of the rules we play by.

Sir, it is hard for me
to see what I saw last night
and not suspect that this situation
is personal to you
in ways that may be detrimental
to the mission.

You get to be my age in this business,
and one way or another,
you'll have something personal
with just about everyone.

- Where you going?
- Can't have gotten far.

I'm gonna find him.

Hey, Em.
It's your dad again.

I know you're not a child.

And I know that there are things
that are gonna have to change now.

Who we are to each other.

Hell, who I am to the world.

And it has to change so quickly.

It used to be easy.

Easy to step out of one role
and into another.

It was second nature to me.

It's just that
I really thought that
this was gonna be the last role
I'd ever have to play.

Being your dad.

Starting again,
it seems so much harder than I remember.

I know you've got questions,
questions you want answers to.

I know it seems
like I'm shutting you out.

I know it seems
like this is the end of us.

It isn't.

I've discarded Dan Chase
and everything that ties me to him.

I'm leaving it all behind.

But the answers that you want
and the solutions that I need,
they're in L.
and I'm not gonna make it
all the way out there
in this shape.

I need to
I need to find a quiet place.

I need to take a little time.

I need someplace that isn't connected
to anyone or anything
that I'm supposed to be.

I need to heal up.

I got to remember
what it takes to be someone new.

I'll call you when I can.

I love you, kiddo.

Can I help you?
I'm, uh,
I'm just making sure
you have everything you need.

Oh, all set.

I'm Zoe.


You okay?
Yeah, for sure.

Uh, uh, who are you, now?
I-I'm Zoe.

I live here.

- You live here.

- I do.

I see.
I was under the impression
that the owner wasn't on-site.

What gave you that impression?
Well, the contact number on the listing
- was a 412 area code.

- Right.

That would be my ex-husband.

He The property still belongs to him.

- Oh, all right.

- I hope that's not a problem.

no, no.

Are you sure you're all right?
Oh, this?
Oh, I'm fine.

You should see the other guy.

No, a fender bender.

You know, I'm heading west.

I sold my house.

Bought a place in Montana.

I thought I'd take a couple of days,
you know, see the country.

And, uh, second day out,
couple of teenagers,
they run a red light.

Well, if you
if you need anything at all,
don't hesitate to ask.

I see you have a dog.

I do.
Yeah, I do.

- Is that a problem?
- The listing should have said no dogs.

Oh, did it?
- I
- The listing definitely said no dogs.

Oh, I see.

That's it.

I'm sorry, I-I don't
I don't think this is gonna work out.

they're exceptionally well-behaved dogs.

I'm sure they are.
But it
My ex-husband and I, he
I just I just can't have them
eating his sofa,
and then he, uh, thinks
that I let them do it.
I just
- I can't have that in my life right now.

- I can make
a security deposit if that would help.

- In cash.

- I'm so sorry.
I, uh
I'm sorry.

It was nice meeting you.

Good luck.

You're not gonna believe this.

- Office or home, sir?
- Neither.

I got to go see a friend.

Just a moment.

The light's perfect right now.

The New York Times called today
to read me my obituary.

A very nice girl named Janine
read it to me.

I quite enjoyed it.

Like peeking through the curtains
into some forbidden room.

I'll bet.

What did she say?
I don't really remember.

Mm, the things you'd expect.

It wasn't what she said so much as
how she said it.

But how nice it will be,
in those final moments
as the light is dying,
knowing what everyone will read
in the paper
the morning after
and knowing it will be good.

Faraz Hamzad is back.

I know.

Yeah, I thought you might.

And I was hoping
that maybe you'd know why.

Does it matter?
Well, I think it matters.

For 30 years, uh
No one could've cared less
about him or what he wanted.

Now he's asking for help
settling some 30-year grudge,
and some fool has agreed to provide it.

He can ask for anything he likes,
anything at all, and he's gonna get it.

From the moment Johnny betrayed him,
one imagines
he was consumed with two things
and two things only:
imagining revenge
and acquiring the means to make it real.

K and R.

He had no problem acquiring means.

It was just a matter of time
before he figured out how to apply it.

Who knows what leverage he holds
over whom and how,
but in this moment,
he's using it for all it's worth,
and it's working.

I loved you and Johnny both
as I would sons.

I warned you both
that the choices you were making
would have consequences.

And I watched as you did
whatever the hell you wanted,
as sons will.

Him leaving the Agency
to be Lawrence of Arabia
and you leaving it to be a policeman.

The only surprise
is that it took so damn long
for any of this to catch up to you.

I spoke to him.

Spoke to who?
I called him.

And I tried to help him escape.

- When did you do
- Just before
he was about to get caught.
Last night.

Why would you
Because in the process
of pulling out his fingernails,
maybe Faraz Hamzad learns
that Johnny had some help
screwing him over.

And then all kinds of stories
crawl out into the light.

And then maybe the next name
on Faraz Hamzad's revenge list
is mine.

This thing has been buried
in the ground for 30 years.

I wanted it to stay there.

Well, you should've called me first.

What, you would've told me
not to call him?
I would've told you that
Johnny doesn't f*cking listen
no matter how much sense
you think you're making.

And I might have told you
that there are better ways
of keeping things buried in the ground
than trying
to wish them away.

Is that what I think it is?
One day,
a nice young lady
from The New York Times
is going to call you.

And she'll pull back the curtains,
and I hope you see
that all the work you've done,
all the things you've built
they mattered.

They're appreciated.
They'll survive.

I hope you'll see tears
and reverence and love.

Believe me when I tell you that moment
is what every moment that preceded it
has been for.

What you don't want to see is doubt.

Ill regard.

Gossip and indictments
and your wife's shame
and your grandson's confusion
about what kind of man
his grandfather truly was.

Do what you must
to protect that moment.

Do anything you must.

If I even touch that piece of paper
and anyone ever finds out,
I have a pretty good guess
what the headline
on my obituary will be.

And it's not gonna be good.

The light's perfect.

Would that it might
stay that way forever.

Why are you doing this?
Well, I saw what you were about to eat.

Somebody needed to do this.

Besides, I've got time to k*ll
before the tow truck comes.

- And I really I really enjoy, uh
- No, I meant
I meant "why are you doing this"
in a "I hope you don't think
it's gonna change my mind
about the rental" kind of way.

try this and then let's talk, hmm?
You look like you know what
you're doing.

I-I used to do it more.

You know, cook.

- Before my son went to college.

- Mm.

I don't-I don't miss the stress of it.

I mean, I know some people
find it relaxing,
but all I ever felt
was the fear of burning things.

maybe whoever taught you to do it
skipped a few steps, hmm?
Could be.
Who taught you?
Oh, this guy I served with.

You were in the army?
A long time ago.
He was a local.

Uh, very very well-respected.

And he took his kitchen very seriously.

I I found that rather odd.

I talked to him about it.

And he told me this story
that he was told as a young boy
about this wise old man and his garden.

This, uh
This wise old man,
he never spoke.

And, uh, it wasn't because he couldn't
or because he had nothing to say.

It was because he believed
that language deceived.

That by its very nature,
it clouded the truth, so
it made the world harder to know.

And, uh, this
This wise old man, he believed
that the truth
the truth lived only in silence.

Communicated by other means.

That the food he prepared
from his garden,
that conveyed, you know, his affection,
his gratitude
or his indifference
far better than any words
could convey.

And it was said
that this wise old man
He could change minds in that way.

He could
soften the hardest of hearts
without ever saying
one word.

Am I getting anywhere?
When I was a kid
and I was having a moment
my mom used to drop everything
and just make me scrambled eggs.


I don't know why it worked, but it did.

Maybe you're onto something.

Tell me more about the dogs.

Oh, they're sweethearts.

They've been sitting
absolutely still for 20 minutes.

Is that because they listen really well
or because they're
giving each other ideas?
Oh, well, they're exceptional listeners.

I asked them to sit.
They're sitting.

And if you ask them
not to eat the guest house,
would they listen to that, too?
Uh, you seem very uncomfortable
with all this,
and, you know, I Truly,
I understand.

I don't want to
Oh, look, there's the tow truck.

I don't want to cause you any
trouble or make you regret this.

It's been nice to meet you.

Wonderful to cook for you.

Two months' rent.

As security.

Oh, no, we're
- Well, are you sure?
- In cash.

And you'll cook three nights a week.

Groceries are on your dime.

If you can live with that,
I can live with this.




We're okay.

Well, we're gonna be okay
for a little while.

FBI Directorate of Intelligence.

This is an unsecured line.

How may I direct your call?
I'm fine, guys.

As you were.

Whose birthday?

If it's your birthday,
why aren't you having cake?
Well, I don't like cake.

Or celebrating at work.

Or birthdays.


So, what are we doing here?
Well, everyone else likes those things.


Uh, we should get you
up to speed on this.

- Uh, is now a good time?
- Sure thing.

Just give me a minute to settle in.

How you holding up, kiddo?
I'm okay.
What are you doing here?
You don't sound so okay.

I'm not okay.

It's only been a few weeks.

Are you okay?

It's wrong for them to have
brought you in like this.

I mean, Cheryl needs you at home.

Henry needs you at home.

You need you at home.

Joe has everything under control here.

Thank you.
I mean it.

Right now,
I've been asked in to do my job,
so I'm just trying to focus
on doing my job.

Come on in, Joe.

What do you got?
Well, been working on these aliases,
but there's not a whole hell
of a lot to go on.

- Yeah.

- What aliases?
From the subject, our guy Chase.

- Where'd we get aliases from?
- From the Agency.

Somehow they managed
to harvest six names.

And if we can positively ID them,
then we can start surveillance
on bank accounts, residences
and make it hard
for this guy to function.

Wait, I thought you were on
the ground when this went down.

- How did you not know we had this?
- The guy in charge
when I got there.
Uh, Waters.

Apparently, he didn't want me to know.

- Why would he keep that from you?
- Who knows.

Keep pushing everyone on this.

And copy me
on all the raw data you pull in.

I should have my eyes
on everything, as well.

Uh, do me a favor.
Close the door.

I've got another name
that we have to track down,
but I want you guys to do it.

- No one else.

- Okay.
What's the name?
I don't know.

Dan Chase has a daughter.

I don't know anything about her,
but I know she exists.

And I know if I can find her,
I can get control of him.

Well, if you don't know anything
about her, how do you know
- that she exists?
- I know him.

Knew him, at least.

We served together.

So that's why they called you in.


It was a long time ago,
but yeah, I have some skin
in the game on this one,
so I want to see it through.


I'm on it.

And, kiddo.

You don't have to worry about me.

Well, I'm gonna.

- Hi there.

- Hi.

Is it my night to cook?
Uh, no.
Um, I just
I feel like I need to ask you something.

Oh, okay.

I'd like you to have dinner with me.


I-I'm confused now.

It is my night to cook?
No, no.

No, I-I'm-I'm Dinner.

With me.


Okay, sure.
Why not.



- Dad.

- Yeah.

- I know.

- I mean
Look, if I say no,
then maybe she starts getting suspicious
why I won't be seen in public.

- Dad.

- Look, I don't know.

She asked.
I said yes.

It just, uh, it just came out.

What do you want me to tell you?
I'll be okay, okay?
Your server will be right with you.

- Thank you.

- I know what I'm doing.

Well, that's attractive.

Uh Why don't I just put that back.

We can pretend that never happened.

Let's see what you got.

Acid reflux.

Ah, acid reflux.

Uh, statin?
- You got anything I don't have?
- Uh phosphatidylserine.

- You got any phosphatidylserine?
- What does that do?
Oh, it prevents cognitive decline.

Probably doesn't do that, you know.

Yeah, you're probably right.

But my wife, she, uh
she died of Huntington's disease
after six years of severe dementia,
so I'm erring on the side of caution.

And here I thought
this would be awkward.

What, you've never started a first date
with an ailment contest before?
No, I cannot say that I have.

How long has it been for you?
You know, since your last first date.

George Bush, thereabouts.

Well, which one?
Read my lips.

Oh, that's Ha, ha.

That's a long time ago.

Yeah, I'm just now realizing
just how long.

How about you?
Oh, a bit longer than that.

My wife, actually.

How long has it been
since she passed away?
Oh, little over five years.

Yeah, we were, um
We were married for 21 years,
I knew she was the one long before that.

It was too complicated to act on it,
but the minute I saw her,
I knew she was the one.

How long has it been since your divorce?
About the same as you.

- Five years.

- Hmm.

What happened?
I mean, we don't
have to talk about that.

No, no, no, it's fine.

Is it strange
that you have an easier time
talking about your wife passing away
- than I do about my husband leaving me?
- No.

No, it's not.

No, it's not, is it?
Well, we-we married in our 20s,
and, you know, it made sense.

Um, we
I supported him however I could.

Enjoyed his company, he enjoyed mine.

We picked up slack.

We hosted and fought
and apologized, and
- laughed and compromised.

- Mm-hmm.

- And had a son.

- Mm-hmm.

Loved him, cared for him, and
We had a life, you know.

We worked at it.

And it-it made sense until
one day I woke up and it didn't.

And then there was a woman
much younger than me.

And then it was over.

And my house got very, very quiet.

You didn't deserve that.

Thank you.

I mean it.

You sure about that?
Yes, I am.

Then let me tell you the story
a different way.

When we got married in our 20s,
it made sense to everyone.

I was pretty sure
it made sense to me, too.

We enjoyed each other's company.

We had a life.

Until one day, I woke up,
and I couldn't breathe.

I dragged myself to the mirror, and I
I recognized the eyes but not the face.

It wasn't my face.

It was my mother's face, or
a stranger's face.

Nothing made any sense.

So, I got the courage
to talk to my husband,
and I said, "Something is very wrong,
I am living the wrong life.
But I wanted to fix it somehow.

I wanted to fix it with him.

I wanted to live the right life
with him.

And he agreed,
and he sacrificed, and he supported,
and he picked up slack,
and he compromised, and
I didn't get any happier.

But I tried.

I tried.

I tried.

So, eventually,
he couldn't sacrifice anymore.

he found a life that made sense
with a woman who,
when she tried to get happy,
she succeeded.

And the happier he got with her,
the more and more resentful
he got towards me,

And my life got really, really quiet.

Why would you tell the story that way?
I tell it to myself both ways.

Honest to God, I don't know
which one is the truth.

I don't, uh,
I don't think
what happened was your fault.

- Well
- Oh, you can't control
how you feel, you know?
You're not the villain here.

I hope that's true.

I think that's true.

But here's what I do know.

Nobody ever sees themselves
as playing that role.

But there they are.

There's a villain in every story.

Maybe that's why.

Maybe the only one
who can play that role
is the one who can't see it happening.

Was that too much?
- Can I get you a wine list?
- Yeah.



I'm-I'm Ray Waters.

Your CIA liaison,
though no one seems particularly excited
about liaising with me.

It's almost as if someone
instructed them not to.

Any idea who that might've been?
Yeah, that was me.

All right, then.

You're upset that I've been less
than forthcoming with your boss.

May I ask why?
Well, he hired me out of Quantico,
launched my career, taught me
almost everything I know,
protected me when
it was dangerous for him to.

Should I go on?
No, there's no daylight between
the two of you.
I can see that.

I assume he's told you
all about Faraz Hamzad, then.

He hasn't?
Well, then, that's-that's interesting.

I made some calls this morning
trying to figure out
what it was we're mixed up in here.

Would you like to know what I heard?
Faraz Hamzad was a w*rlord
in Afghanistan
during the Soviet invasion.

Now, not our favorite, right?
But formidable enough we
couldn't discount him, either.

But what made him so formidable
was he had a man in his camp,
scared the living shit
out of everyone over there.

He shot a rival w*rlord
between the eyes at 1,100 yards.

Word was, he'd go on raids
against Russian units,

Now, I'm talking hard targets
pipe-hitting, spetsnaz m*therf*ckers.

And then just disappeared
into the night,
having dropped a dozen bodies
in total f*cking silence.

No alarm, no witnesses.

I mean, he's-he's just a g*dd*mn madman,
this guy, right?
Now, in the Panjshir Valley,
they called him Baba-khorkhore.

It's "the beast who eats everything.
Back in Langley, there was
a rumor floating around.

Baba-khorkhore, actually ex-Agency.

That's pretty scandalous, right?
You got a
got an American spy k*lling
Russians in the b*ttlefield.

It's not even the best part.

Word is
Hamzad's number two
the ghost, Baba-khorkhore
was Dan Chase.

That Hamzad's using us
to get his hands on him
after all these years.

Something about some grudge
that apparently just never went away.

And what does this have to do
with the assistant director?

The chief of station in Islamabad
overseeing CIA support
for the mujahideen
at this time
was Harold Harper.

See, now, you just got to wonder
what he might have known.

Right? You got to wonder what
he might have done about it.

You got to wonder how far
he might be willing to go
to keep it from coming out.

Is this what they teach you at Langley?
That no matter how much you f*ck up,
you just cultivate an asset and use that
to blame somebody else for it?
If you think I'm gonna
turn on Harold Harper,
you're not very good at your job.

For what it's worth,
the thing they teach you at Langley is
when a mark brings up
being cultivated first
even if they say they'll never turn,
and I mean especially when
they say they'll never turn
Well, you seem pretty good
at your job, right?
I'm guessing you can fill in the rest.

Should sync up.

Stupid phone.

Too much to hide ♪
Maybe, baby ♪
Everything is gonna turn out fine ♪
Please read the letter ♪
- Hmm.

- I nailed it to your door ♪
It's crazy how it all turned out ♪
- We needed so much more ♪
- Oh, it's my son.

Hey, sweetie.

Ah, uh No.
I just, I just, uh,
went out for a bite to eat.
What's up?
No, I paid it.

I'm sure.

Uh, a few days ago.
Everything should be square
in the bursar's office.

You're okay.

Talk to you soon.
I love
Well, that totally spoiled
the mood, didn't it?
Oh, my God.
It did.

- I'm so s
- Look.

- Should I turn around?
- Why-why would you?
I had that second glass of wine.

No, do not turn around.

Just drive normally,
slow to a stop,
keep your hands on the wheel,
and follow their instructions, okay?
- Evening.

- Hello.

Where you folks headed tonight?
Uh, home.
We were just, uh,
out to dinner, now we're going home.


License and registration, please.

Of course.

Would you mind showing us your
identification as well, sir?
Is that normal?
- He wasn't driving.

- It won't take long.

We'll have you on your way in a minute.

- Sir?
- You know, uh
Officer, I'm sorry.

Uh, we left in a hurry.

I didn't bring my wallet.

Officer, my husband and I
have lived in this area
for a long time.

Is this really necessary?
Excuse me.

- Sorry, I just thought
- It's gonna be all right.
Trust me.

I'm gonna ask you both
to step out of the vehicle.

Stand right over here, ma'am.

Just right over here, please.

Beautiful night, huh?
It's all right.

It's all right,
but we need to get moving.

What the hell are you?
Please, just get in the car with me.

I can't do that.

I see you.

Unit 42, report to 3488 Riverside Drive.

- Do you copy?
- Copy that, we're on our way.

Sir, I smelled alcohol
on your wife's breath.

Have you had anything to drink tonight?
I haven't.

You drive.

- And be more careful next time.

- Oh.

Thank you, Officer.

Appreciate that.

Oh, thank you.

You want to come in for coffee?
What is it?

Yes, it is.

I'm gonna be going
sometime soon, and, uh
I don't want to create
a weird situation for you.

Maybe can I at least have a say
in what may or may not
make me feel weird?
It's complicated.

You know
at your age I'd been married
twice already.

I'd lapped you.

I didn't realize it was a contest.

You got to get out of here
at some point, man.

At least pretend you want
something else out of life.

Yes, you're right.

I will, I will get right on that.

Then tell me you've found
something, Agent Adams.

Tell me you got some good news.

I do, and it's not.

We found the daughter.

She's dead.

Emily Anne Chase died, 2003.

It looked like they kept it quiet.

CIA must not have thought
to look for it,
but it wasn't hard to find.

There was a police report.

We're still working the aliases.

You know, we're gonna turn something up.

More of the raw.

Joe wanted you to have it ASAP.

Hotline call-ins, traffic stops,
anything fitting our search criteria.

- You want this here or in your office?
- Yeah, yeah, here.

- Can I ask you something?
- Yeah.

Waters got into my ear today.

He told me some stuff
about Faraz Hamzad.

And about you.


Well, is it true?
I mean, what the hell
is this really all about?
This is the end of a very long story,
in which I'm not sure anyone's ever
really known the answer
to that question.

Right now,
I just want to make sure
the damn thing ends,
so I can go home.

Make sure you get some sleep, you hear?
The end is never
what you imagined it to be.

And the end is everything, isn't it?

All that came before it.

In the end,
the end is all that matters.

My end was consumed with fear for you.

For the torment and pain
and unbearable loneliness you faced
if you never allowed yourself
to take another partner again.

I never wanted you to be alone.


If she only knew
knew what you did to me.

Stole me into your life.

d*sfigured me so that I would fit.

Or maybe it's me who did that to you.

It's so f*cking hard to remember.

Can I be here when you tell her?
Or maybe I should just tell her myself.

This was a mistake.

We'll find another place to lay low.

I don't want to have to hurt her.

I'm okay, I'm okay.

Just give me a minute.

What happened?
my son went to take his organic
chemistry midterm today
and was denied seating.

The, uh, registrars' office
said that the tuition check
had bounced, and I said
that wasn't possible.

But then I went online
and, uh, sure enough,
the account was overdrawn by $41.

By $41.

So, I-I apologized and I said
I would take care of it.

And that I was so sorry that he
had been embarrassed like that.

But what I didn't tell him, what I
what I so f*cking wanted to tell him is
the reason that
the account was overdrawn
is because his father
likes to short
his alimony payments sometimes,
just to send a message.

You wanted a different life.

This is what it looks like.

So, my son will spend the afternoon
in his professor's office
trying to reschedule the test,
and I'll be on the phone
for the next two days,
arguing about the penalties
they're gonna charge.

- Why don't you let me pay it?
- No.

I'd really be happy to.

- It's just money.

- Money is never just money.

You don't need to do that.


Morgan Bote gave me your number.

I've been expecting your call.

Is this a good time?
Uh, well Yeah, hold on, please.

You do understand what it is I do, yes?
I've been on one or two
of these calls before,
in another life.

Went to great lengths to make sure
I'd never be on one of them again.

I was offered your number.

I took it.

I don't know why I took it.

I guess I figured it was okay
because there was no way
I'd ever be able to use it.

Why wouldn't you be able to use it?
The guy I wanted you to visit
I figured there was a good chance
he'd never be found again.

It's hard to disappear in this world.

You're giving this guy a lot of credit.

Are you good at this?
Beg your pardon?
Are you good at this?
I don't think you would've
been given my number
if I weren't.

I don't think so either,
but I'd like to hear you say it.

I know what I'm doing.

Because no matter
what this sounds like to you
no matter how easy any of this sounds
it will not be easy.

There's nothing he won't do
to ensure his own survival.

There is no limit to the damage he'll do
or the things he'll destroy.

This is not someone to underestimate.

So, if you're asking me
to help you locate him,
it would be helpful to be
pointed in the right direction.

4921 Stratford Avenue.

Colliersville, Pennsylvania.

Let me know when it's done.