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02x10 - Destruction

Posted: 06/19/22 08:36
by bunniefuu
- Out of the way.
- What do we have?

g*nsh*t wound to
right anterior chest

With heavy arterial bleeding.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

We were told to come here,

Our son... Ryan shen.

Ma'am, only patients and
staff beyond this point.

I saw him. I saw him.

- I'm sorry.
- Bobo.

We need you back
from this door.

- Bobo.
- Mama?

Althea: did they
tell you anything?

Nothing. How'd you get here?

We got here as
soon as we could.

- Are you ok?
- Yeah.

Hey, I think you
brought my brother in,

A g*nsh*t wound.

Is there anything
you can tell us?

Woman: heart rate worsening.

Full-s iv fluids.

[Ekg beeping]

He lost a lot of blood.

They'll do
everything they can.

Oh, my... Oh, my baby.

My poor...

Ok. He'll be all right.


Lady's choice.

It's been a hard
night, I know...

Shen boy.

Russell tan did this, not you.

That's why you came to me,

So we can punish him,

End him together.

I'm ready.

We didn't see anything.

By the time I heard,

The ambulance
had already left.

Dennis: althea.


I'll talk to them. Sit down.

They don't know what happened.

This is all my fault.

I never should have
involved the family.

This whole plan was a mistake.

I shouldn't have asked
ryan to watch mia.

I put him in danger.

Nicky, no.

What if he doesn't...

Hey, he's gonna pull through.

He's a shen.

[Cell phone vibrating]

It's my dad.

You should take it.
It could be important.

- Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.

Ok. I'll be right back.

Mama? Papa?

Oh, what happened out there?

Tan was getting away,

And mia went
rogue chasing him.

Mia? She had something
to do with this?

No. No.

I think tan shot him.

What was ryan doing out
there in the first place?

I told him to keep
an eye on her.

On mia? But why?

He knew the situation.

What situation?

When miawas sick

And we were trying
to save her,

There was a woman... Xiao.

She told me
something about mia.

She said mia's dangerous.

I didn't believe her,

But I asked ryan to
watch her tonight

Just in case
something happened.

You didn't tell us
everything, nicky.

You knew there was a risk,

But you kept us in the dark.

Now your brother...

All right, all right.

Ok. Come on. It's ok.


Come on. Sit down. Sit down.

Sit down for me, hmm?

Althea: everything's
gonna be ok, all right?



Hey, hey, hey,
is everything ok?

Is everything ok?

Any updates?

What did your dad say?

He and the wan
zei, their mission

In ireland was a success.

They found the scroll,
the extraction ritual.

I mean, this could be big,

A real shot at stopping tan.

Go. Help them.

You sure?


I love you. Call
me with any news.

Mr. And mrs. Shen?

We were able to
remove the b*llet,

But your son lost
a lot of blood,

And he suffered considerable
damage to his right lung.

He's in recovery, but
he's still unconscious.

What does that mean?

We'll know more in
the coming hours.

That's really all I
can say right now.



I spoke to henry.

You told him.

He's on his way here.

The amhran na bainte
was lost for centuries.

We never would have found
it without his help.

He's got a right to be here.

Danny, henry may be your son,

But he is not wan zei.

When the wan zei first formed,

Its only mission

Was to stop the bell
from being rung.

This is too important.
I don't trust him.

We've been through
this before.

He's keeping secrets from you.

What secrets?

Have you heard the
legend of suyin?

I've read the wan zei
files on the bloodlines.

She was a warrior/
guardian hybrid.

Supposedly, she went mad

And destroyed
everything in her path.

What does that have
to do with my son?

There's a new hybrid,

And your son, along
with his girlfriend,

Have been hiding her from us.

What? How do you know this?

You've been spying on him.

I had no choice.

I knew how badly you wanted
a second chance with him.

You're blinded by love.

It's not fair.

Her name is mia.
She's nicky's cousin.

If we involve them,

They won't do what
needs to be done.

There's something
you're not telling me.

I've been studying
the rituals.

There will be side effects,


[Ekg beeping]



He's gonna pull through.

Russell tan won't
get away with this.

I won't let him.


I'll stop him.

I'll find mia before he can.

I'll do whatever it takes...

I don't care!

This is my son.


Nicky, maybe you should go.

[Dyson stringer cloher's
"can't take back" playing]

[Knocks on door]


Oh, nicky, it's ok.

Listen. He's gonna
be ok, all right?

He's stronger than any of us.

Hey, you remember his
freshman camping trip

When he cut his leg?

It got infected, and
he got blood poisoning.

We were all freaking out,

And he wasn't scared.

He was just curious.

He was trying to figure out

How his body was
gonna fight it off.


That's when he
decided on med school.

Mia dyson: ♪ early-morning
hours teething ♪

♪ I can almost
hear you thinking ♪

♪ Turn away

♪ Close my eyes...

I talked with althea.

Did she mention...

I think your mom just
needs a little space,

And while we're
waiting for more news,

You need to take
care of yourself,

Eat something,

Maybe try a little
bit of meditation.

That sounds
impossible right now,

And what about mia?

I mean, russell's
looking for her.

I have to find
her somehow. It...

I've been working all
my old connections,

Even had nadia arrange
to put out a bolo.

Thank you...


But I think I know
where she went,

Or at least who she's with.


Before the enclave,

Zhilan somehow made
contact with mia.

After everything that
happened last night,

I'm guessing she felt

Like she had nowhere
else to turn.

I know zhilan's gonna use
her to k*ll russell tan.

I mean, if she
crosses that line,

It'll ruin her.

I have to stop it.

I just don't know how.

Yuen's been working on
translating the text,

Readying the
necessary materials.

If we perform the ritual,

We can strip the power
from all jyu sa...

The bell, the
mallet, everything...

Rendering it completely inert.

How can I help?

We need you to convince nicky.

Don't see why
she would object.


There's something
about the ritual

You need to know,
what it will do.

Hyah! Huh! Uh! Mia?

Ryan! Ryan!

Call 911!


Expecting someone else,

Your sweet shifu, perhaps?

How are you here?

Once you made contact
with the jyu sa,

It opened a door.

I can come and go as I please.

Then go.

I sensed your turmoil,

Your regret.

You let mia live.

You opened your home to her,

Your heart,

And now your brother's
life hangs in the balance.

You've been rejected
by your family,

And after all that,

She still chose
zhilan over you.

Did you just come here
to say, "I told you so"?

You're not changing
my mind about mia.

Even after everything
that's happened?

I told you she was
an abomination,

Past saving.

Now she is out there
fulfilling her destiny.

I hope you enjoy the results.

Althea: mm-hmm. I understand.

I will see what I
can do about it.

Mm, courtney's
laptop fritzed out,

And she's in desperate
need of a new one.

I've got, like, 80
unread messages,

15 Missed calls
and voicemails,

And I just want to
ignore all of them.

You should.

But I've got 12
full-time employees,

All counting on me,

And if I don't deal
with this stuff,

Then my entire company's
gonna come crashing down

On all of our heads,

And I just had to
banish my own sister

From the hospital to keep mama

From completely melting down,

And I felt
horrible, but, like,

What was I supposed to do?

I know I'm just
desperately keeping busy

Because if I stop,
even for a second,

I'm gonna have to think
about the possibility

That ryan might not
be ok, and I can't.

I just can't.


- Dennis...
- I know.

What about the snacks?

No one's eating
anything, anyway.



Uh... Uh...

What are you doing?

Your job, at least until
ryan's out of the woods.

Forget about work. Just go.

Be with your family.

[Breathes deeply]

[Ekg beeping]

He'll be ok, lo por.

Everybody keeps saying that.

You don't know
that. Nobody does.

I'm sorry.

It's all right.

I don't believe you.


I blame myself.

Mei-li: I let this happen.

I held on to my children
so tightly before,

I didn't want to make
the same mistakes again,

But I went too far.

Mei-li: I never
should have let us

Take so many risks.

My boy.

Sorry to interrupt.

It is the anniversary.

It's been 6 years
since raymond passed.

I take it last night's
mission was a success.

There was a sh**ting
of some kind.

There was some complication,

But our plan worked,
and the enclave

Would not dare
to come after us.

Regarding the sh**ting,
there were no witnesses,

At lease none that
are likely to survive,

And now that we
have the mallet...

We can move on, finally,

To the most important piece...


Unfortunately, we
have another problem

We need to attend to.

It's about the
zindle acquisition.

Eric pascal has
been expressing

Concerns about our plans
for the search engine.

We have no plans for
the search engine.

I'm acquiring zindle

For the land
underneath the campus.

Besides, he's at my mercy.

Maybe so, father,

But pascal's a powerful
player in the tech world,

And it would behoove
us to keep him onside.

A little face time
would go a long way.

You haven't told me
everything about your plan,

What comes after you succeed.

In time.

But you promised
me the company.

If I'm going to take it over,

I can't have us detonating

Every last
relationship we have.

Very well, juliette.

Set the meeting.

[Cell phone vibrating]

Baba, any updates?

They just completed
another transfusion.

He's still in
critical condition.

And he still hasn't woken up?


Do they have any idea?

They're not sure, sweetie.

Baba, i...

Hey, I need to get back, ok?





Uh... Uh...


[Breathes deeply]

Any updates?

What about you?

Is the extraction ritual a go?

Um, yeah. That
kind of depends.

What do you mean?

If the ritual works,

It would strip the world
of all jyu sa power.


It would affect the
bloodlines, too.

The warrior and guardian
lines would cease to exist.

You would lose all your power.


Nicky, you'd be
giving up your destiny

And your birthright.


This legacy isn't a gift.

It's a curse.

But look at all the
good you've done.

The weapons were destroyed,

So what's the point
of this burden?

Look at where my
birthright has gotten me.

Hang on a second.

My family is in ruins.

Ryan is...

I know, but, nicky...

If giving this up

Means I can stop russell,

Save mia, the world...

I'm in.

Oh, my god.

Jin: sebastian.

Oh, mr. Shen.

- Hey.
- Hey, hi.

Sebastian, what
are you doing here?

Uh... I...


Sorry. I, uh...

I should head back
to the restaurant,

Make sure everything's
running ok.

Mei-li: no. Oh, no.

You belong right here.

Once we're gathered
at the site,

We'll start the ritual.

By the time yuen finishes
the incantation...

All the jyu sa
energy in the world

Will be extracted, trapped,

And contained within a vessel.

And you're sure it'll work?

Nothing is certain,
but I am confident.

Having second thoughts,

Sacrificing your birthright?

No. I'm in.

What do you need from us?

We'll begin the
ritual at sundown,

The time specified in
the amhran na bainte.

We just need one last item.

The jyu sa.

Why do you need it?

It acts as a conduit
during the ritual

And as a vessel
for jyu sa energy.

Once we've contained and
bound the jyu sa energy

To the stone, we will move
it to a secure location.

The wan zei will guard
it with our lives.

Yuen: no one will ever
use its power ever again.

I'll bring it.

See you tonight.

Nicky, hey, hey, are
you sure about this?

If this ritual works,
there's no going back.

I've made up my mind.

I'll head home,
grab the jyu sa.

Meet me in the library.

Xiao: you're making a mistake.

You're throwing
away your powers,

My gift to you and the others.

Some gift.

Your bloodline is what
makes you special.

Without it, you may
still know kung fu,

But you'll lose your
deeper connection to it,

Your intuition, your strength.

You really think you
gained everything

From 3 piddling
years in a monastery?

No. That all came from me.

So be it.

Your grief has
clouded your judgment.

You're leaping at the first
solution to come your way.

You trust these wan zei?

They may have told you
what happens to you,

But did they tell you
what happens to mia?

She'll have a chance
at a normal life.

The ritual may free
you from your burden,

But mia is different.

She is a hybrid, an
unstable creation.

Her very existence is
bound to the jyu sa energy.

Strip it from her by force,
she will never survive.

You can't know that.

Doubt me if you wish.

Gamble with your
cousin's life.

Why are you trying to stop me?

You want mia dead.

You're afraid.

The jyu sa is the
source of your power,

Your connection
to immortality.

Without it, without
the bloodlines,

You'd cease to exist.

You're right.

I have everything to lose,

All the more reason
for you to believe me.

I want mia dead
more than anyone,

But not like this.

If you let the ritual happen,

She will die.

Hah! Huh! Huh! Hah!


Why are we training right now?

We should be going after tan.

You need to wait for
the right moment.

Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh!

Trust me. I've
got eyes on tan.

Right now, your form
could be stronger.

[Vava's "let's go" playing]

When russell sends
his army against you,

Go beyond.

You will be outnumbered.

Huh! Hah! Yah! Hey!

Uh! Uh!

You need to be ready.


No! No! Oh!

Rr... Uh! Huh!

Huh! Huh! Hah!



Ha! Never apologize.


Tan's on the move.

It's time.

Hey, did you bring the jyu sa?

I did.

I got the coordinates
from my dad.

It's almost sundown,
so we better get going.

I can'tdo this.

Is this about giving
up your warrior power?

No. It's not that.

Then what? Why
the sudden change?

I don't trust your father.


I think there's something

He and yuen haven't told us.

Look. Xiao, she
came to me again.

She said that this ritual

Won't save mia.

Henry, it'll k*ll her.

Ok. I'm a little
confused here.

You say you don't
trust my dad,

But you're willing
to put your faith

Into this ancient apparition

Who you know wants mia dead.

I've made my decision, ok,

So just tell your
dad it's off.

Yeah. Sure, nicky.

Ok. Do you have
something to say?

This is how it goes
with us, right?

I'm with you every
step of the way,

And I support you,

Even when I think
you're making a mistake.

What's that supposed to mean?

For one thing, i... Look.

I told you to
tell me the truth.

Look. No.

I'm not saying what
happened is your fault.

- It's just...
- Just what?

I don't need to be your equal

When we're out there fighting,

But when it's time
to make a decision,

You just do it on your own,

And I try to roll with it,

But it's like what
I think, what I say,

It only matters to you
when it's convenient.


Nicky, I love you,

And I love fighting
beside you.

I just want to feel like
an equal in all of this.

How long have you
felt this way?

A while.

And you're choosing
now to tell me

With everything
that's going on?

That's how it is
with us, right?

It's never a good time.

We're always in a crisis.

I'm sorry.


I think I have to go.

Nicky, come on.



- Nicky.
- Yuen?


Search her.


[Door opens]

- Nicky?
- Henry?

Uh! Uh!

What's this about, yeun?

What are you gonna do to us?

Absolutely nothing.

I needed this.

I had a feeling
you'd get cold feet.

Tonight is very important,

And I can't let anything
stand in my way.

Henry: is my dad in on this?

Hey. Hey!

[Door closes]

You ok?

Yeah. You?



It's ok.

We got to go stop that ritual.

Right. You still have
that pocket knife?

Yeah, left side.

Come on.

Shouldn't he be here by now?

Any moment.

Let's get set.

Help me with these.

Henry, where are you? We're
at the site. Call me back.

What took you so long?

Had to run an errand.
Let's prepare.

We can't. Henry's
not here yet.

We can't wait for them.

He and nicky probably
got cold feet.


Danny, what are the odds

The warrior was going to
give up her gift, hmm?

We can't do the
ritual without jyu sa.

Hence my errand.

Where'd you get that?

I had a backup
source just in case.

It's nearly time.

Let's get started.

Looks like he got
extra security.

They won't be a problem.


[Tires screech]


Watch this.

Agh! Agh!

Huh! Uh! Uh!

Yah! Huh!

Oh! Agh!


Phil: uh...


Please help me.


- Huh!
- Yaagh!

You're up.

Tan is all yours.



You've made a big mistake.

Maybe not. She could
still be useful.

You're coming with us.

Cosnaigi an ciorcal seo.

Fuinneamh dearg.

- You good?
- Yeah.

It's past sundown.

We got to hurry. What? Oh...

I can feel it. It's starting.

Let's go.

What do you want?

Where the hell
are you taking me?

Shut up and keep moving.




Oh, zhilan, what's
happening to me?



Yuen: deliver yourself
to our vessel.

Cosnaigi an ciorcal seo.

Fuinneamh dearg.

Stay. Mia?


Mia. Mia. Mia.

- Uh!
- Uh!

Mia. Mia.


Zhilan, help me.



I'm not leaving you.

Cosnaigi an ciorcal seo.

Call forth the red
energy from all corners.

Stop! This ends now.


Your partner, she drugged us,

Tied us up.

She stole the jyu sa.

Did you know?

- Yuen...
- I had no choice.

You and I both know
this is the only way

To stop tan.

Henry, we have
to stop it. Mia.

I can't let that happen.

This ritual is the fulfillment

Of the original
wan zei mission...

To protect the world from
the power of the bell.

We can figure this out.
We don't have to fight.

Sorry, dad. I think we do.

[Zayde wolf's "rumble" playing]

Wolf: ♪ smoke in my lungs

♪ Blood on my tongue

♪ I'm here to make
the devil cry ♪

♪ It's like a drug

♪ When I'm on the hunt

♪ I'm gonna wake
the w*r inside ♪

♪ Stare at the sun

♪ Do it for fun

♪ This is the way
I live my life ♪

♪ This is the way
I live my life ♪

♪ This is the way
I live my life... ♪

Yuen: give it up.

The ritual's nearly complete.

You're weak and
only getting weaker.

Wolf: ♪ like a razor

♪ I'm here to rumble

♪ Diamond breaker

♪ It's my nature

♪ Get ready for thunder

♪ 'Cause I'm here to rumble

♪ I'm here to rumble

♪ I'm here to rumble


Wolf: ♪ I'm here to rumble


Wolf: ♪ I'm here to rumble now

♪ I'm here to rumble




Hey, are you ok?

Yeah. It's over.

Danny: I'm sorry, son.

I know, dad.

It's ok.




What was that?

I don't know, but
I think it's over.

You stayed.

Yeah. Yeah.

Oh, tan's men,

They'll be looking for us

And for juliette.

Not if we find her first.

She's got a head start.

It won't be easy to track her.

I'll find her.

[Ekg beeping]

Ryan, when we met,

A relationship was the
last thing on my mind.

I hadn't even
planned on staying

In san francisco very long.

I don't know what
it is about you.

I've only known you
a few months, and...

How can I need you
like this already?

It feels like we're just
getting started, you know...

So come on.

Come on. You got...

You got to wake up.

You got to get better.

I can't lose you.


I love you.


Uh... Guys, guys,

I think he's waking up.

Jin: yeah.

Ha ha! Ha ha!


Mei li: hey.


- Hey.
- Hey.

Oh, hi.

- Hey, you're...
- Hey.

Kleerup: ♪ maybe we
can make it all right ♪

Henry: hey, you were right.

I should have never
trusted the wan zei.

No. It's not your fault.

Look, henry.

Everything you said
back at the library,

You were right.

Look. Whenever we're
under pressure,

When every minute counts,

When I have to
make a decision,

I just feel like I
have to be responsible

For whatever happens
like it's all on me...

But that's not fair to you.

Look. I love you, henry.

You know that, right?

There's no one else I'd
rather do this with.

Kleerup: ♪ we can keep trying

♪ But things will never change

♪ So I don't look back...

[Cell phone vibrates]

- That's my mom.
- Yeah. Take it.


Kleerup: ♪ but I
don't look back

♪ I'm just a little,
little bit better ♪

Ryan: mama, please.

This is, like, the third
time you fluffed my pillow.

Althea: just try and stop her.

Jin: oh, it's just
the beginning,

A lot of recovery time coming.

You are going to take it easy

At home with us, no arguments.

Kleerup: ♪ we can keep crying

♪ About things
we'll never change ♪

♪ So I don't look back...


Kleerup: ♪ still I'm dying
with every step I take... ♪

Hey, sis.

I'm so glad you're ok.

Me? Oh, I'm better than ok.

How many people can
say they got shot

By an evil billionaire?


It's ok, nicky.

Ryan kind of filled
me in on everything.

Kleerup: ♪ but I
don't look back

I'm so sorry.

Oh, don't be. It
wasn't your fault.

It wasn't hers, either... Mia.

I know she didn't mean
for any of this to happen.

I saw her. She was so scared.

I don't think she
wants to be found.

We can't give up on her.

She's family.

[Saint mesa's "wolf" playing]


Sorry, sir. We still
haven't found her.

How could you let this happen?

All our protocols
were in place,

Had 3 of my best
men on her detail.

Whoever did it, it was
a professional job.

You will find my daughter,

And you will bring
her home to me.

Yes, sir.

Danny mccook: ♪ feel
it in your chest

♪ The nature of wolf
inside my head ♪

♪ Though my feet may rest

♪ Anxious eyes stay open...

[Muffled screams]

Mccook: ♪ I feel
it in my chest...


Mccook: ♪ the nature of
wolf inside my head ♪




What do you want to do to her?

We use her.

Man: greg, move your head.