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Anacondas: Trail of Blood (2009)

Posted: 06/21/22 11:58
by bunniefuu
The latest serum
has surpassed expectations.

The test subject
has grown five times normal size...

...within days of the serum
being introduced into its system.

But the only known side effect
is aggressive behaviour...

...that requires constant feeding
to maintain a higher metabolic rate.

For now, constant sedation
of the subject is needed...

...but the results are very promising.

Regeneration only occurs...

...when there is immediate introduction
of the serum into the wounded area.

My past attempts
to save older decomposed...

...or severely damaged tissue
have failed.

The latest genetic modifications
to the black-orchid strain...

...have had the predicted effect
on the serum extract.

The serum now successfully
provides the apparent benefit...

...of halting decomposition
of living tissue.

This, of course,
would rev olutionise medicine...

...if properly applied.

Mr. Murdoch is expecting you.
Right this way, sir.

Come in.

Sir, sorry to disturb you.
Mr. Eugene has arrived.

- Send him in.
- Right away, sir.

Come in, please.


There's a briefcase over there.
Have a look inside.

That's $1 million.

It's yours if you'll do a little job
for me.

- I'm listening.
- Sit.

There's a cottage
in a forest not far from here...

...where an employee of mine has been
conducting certain experiments...

...the outcome of which
may be beneficial to my health.

But here's the thing.

We've lost contact with him.
He appears to have disappeared.

- His experiments were successful?
- I believe so.

I believe he created a new hybrid
of the blood orchid...

...extracted a serum from it,
and that the serum works.

And that's why he's gone missing...

...because he has found
another employer.

Now, I want you
to collect all the plant material...

...the serum, all his research notes.

- Find him and k*ll him.
- Just one man?

I should warn you...

...that some say he's one
of the smartest men on the planet.

He may have one or two tricks
up his sleeve.

This is a lot of money for one man.

I have invested over $50 million
in this project...

...and the returns
could be incalculable.

I want results
no matter what the cost.

One other thing.

There's a photo of a girl in there
who is also involved with the project.

She knows too much.

Should she cross your path...

...remove her from the equation.

It would be my pleasure.

That's what I wanted to hear.

One other thing.

Time is of the essence.

I have bone cancer.

Without this little concoction...

...I would be dead within the week.

And that new serum
might change that?

Well, that is my hope.

Until I see you, sir.

Good hunting.

How the heck
am I supposed to read this?

Hey, you.

You lost?

Oh, no, no, it's okay, we're...
They're officers.

Well, I got a little turned around.
The map's in Romanian.

You know, I saw something out there.
Something big.

Wait, you see it or hear it?


All right, well,
why don't you just stick with us, okay?

So, what's your story?

I spend the summers
with my grandmother.

She lives in a town nearby.
Are you guys all cops?

I'm not. I study flowers.

And you have two cops with you?

What are you doing out here?

Well, I'm studying for a career
in palaeopathology.

People in town told me there was a dig
going on in these mountains... I wanted to check it out.

- Palaeo- what?
- The study of human ancient remains.

Yeah, it's okay,
my friends don't understand it either.

Wait. Wait a sec.

- You hear that?
- No.

When the forest goes quiet,
there's a predator near.

- Come on.
- Are you serious?

- What's your name again?
- Alex.

I'm Amanda.

You know,
you really shouldn't be out here alone.

What the hell is that?

Listen, you guys, we're too exposed.
We need to take cover. Come on.


So I'm working this dig with
this hotshot Ph. D. Who's on sabbatical.

And he starts yapping to me
about his new methodology...

...and how he's developed a tool
that allows him to dig faster...

...without damaging any artefacts.

He also tells me
the way we do it is prehistoric...

...and nobody does it that way


- So I'm not done yet.
- "I'm not done yet."

So hotshot,
he drags me over to his site.

He hops down in the hole...

...and he immediately proceeds
to chop off two of his fingers...

...with this brand-new tool of his.

That's a bit of a morbid story there,

I was a little shocked myself.

I did ask
if he was gonna leave fingers...

...for future generations to uncover.

You were jealous
he could out-dig you.

Well, I don't know about that, but he
can count to three faster than me.

All right, come on, guys, let's focus.
We're not too far away.

You know, if what they say is true...

...this could be one of the most
important discoveries on the continent.

Roland, any news on your brother
or Team 1?

No, haven't heard anything yet.

Heather, nice tunes, honey.

- Yeah, man.
- Yeah.

I can't help it.
I am a sl*ve to the rhythm.

I am a sl*ve to the rhythm.

I wanna take my clothes off.
I wanna...

I wanna touch your body.

Great. That's the last thing we need.

Any way around it?

- Let me look.
- Anyone pack a chain saw?

- Well, we can use the rock chisels.
- Yeah, and we'd be here for days.

No, no, this is the only route
to the base camp.

Can we go off-road?

I don't know.

Yeah, we could go off.
We're not gonna get back on.

All right, let's break it down.

We haven't heard from Team 1
in two days.

From the looks of this log,
they didn't come through here.

We've had no radio,
no cell-phone communication.

- Guess what, guys. We're walking.
- Are you crazy?

- Jackson, it's five miles, man.
- We're walking, Heather.

- Okay.
- Okay, listen up.

Grab your packs and travel light.
We'll get to Team 1.

In the morning, we'll come back,
use the equipment to move this tree.

- Jackson.
- Yeah?

Why don't you head out now?

We'll hunt the rest of the gear
and we'll meet you halfway.

- All right.
- Okay.

- It's getting dark pretty fast.
- Well, let's move.

Hey. Did you see that?

- What?
- Did you hear?


Hey, your eyes
are playing tricks on you.

Come on. It's been a long drive.

Let's get the rest of the gear
out of Jackson's Jeep.

Hey, Alex, let's go check this out.

- Vasile, you guys stay out here.
- Okay.

- Want a flashlight?
- I've got one.

Oh, my God,
I can't believe he did this.


No, you don't understand.
I've been looking for these flowers.

Hybrids, probably twice the potency.

Get back.

Here, you know how to use this?

- That was just the wind, right?
- Maybe.

- What the hell are you doing?
- Don't ask questions.

You're gonna blow this place up?

- Do you know how to use that stuff?
- I know what I'm doing.

Put an end to these flowers,
hopefully, I'll put an end to it.

- An end to what?
- How'd you get here?

- My Jeep, why?
- We'll need it.

We've gotta get about a 100 yards
before I blow this place...

Let's go, come on.

Move. Get in front of me. Move.

- What about your friends?
- They're probably dead.

- Amanda, what the hell is going on?
- Just...

You have no idea. Just keep moving.

Keep going, kid. I'm right behind you.

- Where the hell were you?
- Right here.

Come on, there's a way out.



Don't worry, I'll get help.

If the forest goes quiet,
there's a predator near.





Is there anybody here?

Oh, God.

- Where the hell is Jackson?
- Probably lost.

- I'll k*ll him if he is.
- Wait, wait, wait.

- What?
- I've got movement.

- Where?
- Over there.

I don't see anything.

Okay, I'm gonna check it out.

- You brought a g*n?
- I'll come with you.

- Don't do anything stupid.
- Don't worry.

We're just gonna check it out.

- What are you doing, man?
- Hey, it's Jackson, it's me.

- Jackson.
- Jackson.

- What happened to you?
- What happened?

- What's wrong?
- They're dead.

- Who's dead?
- What do you mean, dead?

- Who's dead?
- Team 1. They're all dead.

Man, we've gotta get out of here.

- Who's dead exactly?
- What do you mean?

I didn't stop and check their wallets.
Whatever k*lled them is still out there.

- Let's go. We gotta go.
- Just calm down.

- We're too far. Let's get to base camp.
- They are dead at base camp!

Will you calm down five seconds?

Look, we're too far in.
We'll get to base camp.

At the least, we'll get their vehicles,
get a satellite phone...

...and send out
an emergency broadcast.

- You're wrong.
- I'm right. We're too far in.

- Now let's move.
- Come on.


- Come on.
- Come on, let's go.

Come on.

Everyone stay together.

Listen up, ladies.

These are the targets:
Peter, Amanda.

Come on, Sal, join the club. All right.

He's in a cottage near here.

We find him,
we get what we're looking for...

...we clean house.

She is classified "sh**t on sight."

- What a waste.
- Yes, indeed.

Be careful, do as I say...

...and with any luck,
we'll be out of the forest by daybreak.

Come on, gentlemen.

Looks like we've got company.

- This fire's at least a day old.
- They're gone. The bodies are gone.

- There's nothing missing.
- That's a good thing, right?

- Maybe.
- Like hell it is.

Hey. Hey.

There were bodies here today.
I saw them.

Now, what about that is not sinking in
with you people?

Jackson, nobody's saying you didn't.

For all we know, Team 1
could've been transporting the bodies.

Oh, come on.

It wouldn't take the whole group
to take them.

Somebody would be here.
They're not out working.

They don't have equipment
to work at night.

- Where are they, huh? Where?
- Then we have to go looking for them.

- The site is up that hill.
- And we will, but not until sunup.

Not tonight.
We'll be no good to them if we get lost.

- I'll go alone.
- You go, we all go.

But let me tell you something.

If there is something out there...

...chances are,
it'll have the advantage at night.

- True.
- Tonight we all play it safe.

We stay in one hut,
and we rotate lookouts.

I know what I saw.



- Hey.
- You scared me.

I think I saw something out there.

- Where?
- I don't know, there.

I must be hearing things.

You see anything?

No. I know, I know.
I should have stayed inside.

I don't know.

Look, I don't know
what's going on here...

...but I know what I saw today.

And I got a pretty good idea of what
we're gonna find at the site tomorrow.

And I don't want you
to be a part of that.

Tomorrow I want you and Wendy
to take the van and go back down.

Oh, come on, why?
Because we're girls?

No, no, not because you're girls.
Listen, this isn't some kind of contest.

- Yeah, but...
- Hey.

I don't want anything
to happen to you.

I care about you too much.

Remind me again,
why do we have to keep this a secret?

You know what? We don't.

- We don't, right?
- No.

- What?
- Something bit me.

- Something bit me.
- What?

- Oh, man, something nailed you.
- It stings.

- You okay?
- Yeah, it just stings.

- Let's go in and get something on that.
- Yes, clean it out.

What was it? You got any idea?

You all right?

Not really.




Oh, my God,
I can't believe he did this.


Hey there.

You okay?

Not so good, no.

- Let's do this.
- Do what?

you were bitten by a hobo spider.

They're poisonous,
but they're not deadly.

- Well, it hurts.
- I know it does, honey.

- But it'll pass, I promise.
- Yeah, well, it better.

The area around the bite
is filled with poison.

I'm gonna make a tiny incision
to drain it out.

It'll make your fever drop
much quicker.

- You know what you're doing, right?
- Yeah.

- I know what I'm doing.
- You ready?

As I'll ever be.



Come on. Come on.

- Here.
- Thanks.

You're okay, you're okay.

Okay, hang on, hang on.

Okay, okay. Easy, easy.

It's okay, it's okay.

Hold still, hold still, hold still.

It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.

How is she?

- She's fine, honey.
- Oh, thank God.

- Got a cup of coffee?
- No, but you can have mine.

- Oh, you're a doll. Cheers.
- No problem.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Listen, we're gonna go
to the excavation site...

...see if we can find anyone.

Wendy's gonna stay here with you,


I'm gonna leave this radio.

If you need to talk to me
for any reason, you call, okay?

I'm on channel three.

They've got it. Let's go.

Keep an eye on your temperature.

If it goes above a 102,
you're gonna call me.

Yeah, I'll be fine. Don't worry.

- You're gonna call me, right?
- Don't worry.

Listen, you be careful out there,


I don't know what we're gonna find...

...but I'd be prepared for the worst.

Yeah. For Roland's sake,
I hope you're wrong.




Oh, great.


The site should be just over there
to the right somewhere.

Where'd you get that?

- What, the map?
- Yeah.

Found it in one of the huts.
Team 1 must have made it.

- It's not much further, right?
- Shouldn't be.

Look, I know you're worried
about your brother.

And I wish there was something
I could do.

He's okay. I would feel it if he wasn't.

Roland, Jackson, get over here.

Oh, my God. Jackson! Scott!

Oh, God.

Come on, you big bag of slime.

Oh, no.

- Run! It's behind you!
- I know. Go. Run, come on.

- Did you hear that?
- Yeah.

Came from somewhere over there.


Move out, move out.

I think there's a clearing up ahead.

- Son of a...
- What is that?

I didn't sign on for this.

What the...?

Those people
are never gonna make it.

I gotta do something.

- Roland, get back here.
- Roland, no.

- Jackson...
- Roland, get back.

- Jackson, no.
- Roland!

Jackson, wait!

- God, get off me.
- Roland!

- Roland!
- Back, back.

No, don't go, don't go.
What are you, crazy?

- Come on, get back here.
- Turn around.

Roland! Roland, no!


That's Amanda. Take her out.

There's nothing we can do. Come on.

- It's coming.
- Go, go, run. Run!

What about that thing out there?

If it att*cks, we engage.


Wait, let's split up.

Okay, you, come with me.
You guys go that way.

Go, go, go.

Jeez, Wendy, where were you?

- I heard somebody back there.
- Yeah, I heard somebody too.

- I thought it was you.
- Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine, I just woke up and...

- Oh, God.
- Patrick!

Oh, my God.

- Oh, my God, Patrick.
- Patrick.

Don't say anything. Just relax.
Don't speak, don't try anything.

Try to tie his wound or something.
Oh, my God.

- Stay calm.
- Try and tie his wound.

Heather, we need Scott.
Get Scott. We need him.

- I'll go get Scott. I'll call him.
- Hurry, we need him right now.

- Wait.
- Hold on, we're getting help.

- Just relax, calm down.
- Scott, we need you here.

We've got Patrick here. He's injured.
We need you. We're not trained for this.

Oh, my God. Patrick... Scott.

Scott, please come in, please.
Oh, my God.

Come on, he's behind us, I know it.
He's coming.

- Okay, we'll confuse it.
- He's coming, I know he's coming.

Go left, go left. We'll confuse it.

Wait for the girl. She's the target.


Get down.

Life is hard, huh?

Life is hard, huh?

- It's okay.
- What is that?

Your friends, bring me to them
if you want them safe. Come on.

Is there anybody out there?
Can anybody read me?

Come on. Come on.
Somebody, anybody, please.

- I'm not getting anything.
- Keep trying.

- I'm trying. How is he?
- Bad.

Scott, please, somebody.

Can anybody read me?

- Is there anybody out there? Come on.
- Hey.

Check it out.

- Please, can anyone read me?
- Forest Service, what's your location?

- I'm getting something.
- Really?

Yeah, we're at a base camp
near a cornfield or something.

We're part of the archaeological team
working in the area.

- We need medical help right away.
- Wendy! Heather!

Jackson? Where the hell were you?

- Where's Scott? Pat needs a medic.
- Oh, my God.


Wendy, get me the med kit.

- It's in the tent right behind you.
- Okay.

- Are you okay?
- Yeah.

Here you go.

- Let me help you.
- Find the keys to the Jeep.

- We're getting him out of here.
- Okay, I can do that. Be right back.

- We'll wait here.
- Is there something I can do to help?

I don't know.

Where are they?

Where are they?

Murdoch residence.

Yes, just a second, please.

Mr. Murdoch,
Eugene is on the phone.


- I found the cottage.
- And?

You didn't say anything
about the snake.

Well, I told you he might have
a few tricks up his sleeve.

That's the understatement
of the year.

I had no idea what we could expect.

Ten million, and an extra million
for taking out the girl.

Forget the girl.
Do you have the serum?

- Yes, I do.
- Good.

Tell your man to meet me.

I'll be ready.

It's all set. Let's go.

Wendy. Wendy, it's okay, it's okay.

- Scott showed up. He's got the keys.
- Okay.

- I think Patrick's stabilised.
- Right.

Let's grab our gear
and get out of here.

- We have to leave now, come on.
- Look at me. Look at me.

Who are you?

I am responsible
for what you saw back there, all right?

Trust me, we've gotta get out of here.

- Trust you? You want me to trust you?
- Yeah.

You know what we just saw out there?
What is it?

- Some kind of an experiment?
- Exactly.

Those men that you saw
are here to get the serum.

- What serum?
- They can't have any witnesses.

Do you understand?
We have to get out of here.

- They would k*ll us?
- Why not?

It's the cleanest option.



You seem to be of a certain value
to my client... I'm going to ask you
a few questions, if I'm allowed.

I'll take that.

I'm looking for...

I'm looking for a serum
which I'm sure you know about.


Don't. Don't waste my time.

Tell me about this man.

What? I didn't hear you.

Tell me that again.

Okay. He's a scientist
that captured a snake.

Good. Where is he now?

- Answer the question.
- I don't know.

I've been looking for him myself.

To do what?

To destroy everything
that he's created.

Lucky for us, you didn't, right?

It's gonna pretty be difficult for you
to go get that serum with that thing.

- Who?
- You guys are gonna die if you try.

If that's the case,
you are going to go get it for us.

Why would I do something like that?

- Hey.
- Patrick.

- Patrick!
- What are you doing?

What? I make him a favour.
He's not suffering anymore.

- Wendy, no!
- Jackson, no.

- Wendy!
- Wendy, no!

- No!
- Jackson, no.

- Jackson.
- I am gonna k*ll you...

...the first chance I get.

- Jackson, no.
- Let him go. I'm liking this.

- You hear me? You are dead.
- Jackson, no.

Damn you, you are... God.
God, God, why?

- Jackson, no.
- God.

Hey, hey, hey.

Listen. You two, 10 minutes.
You are leaving in 10 minutes.

You heard what she said.
That thing will k*ll us.

Maybe, but trust me... and your team's chances
of living are better if you go.

Now, I'll send my men
to make sure you don't lose your way.


Heather, Heather,
come here, come here, come here.

I got you, I got you.

It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.

It's okay, it's okay.
Let's go, come on.

Come on. Please, just come with me.

Just stay with her.
Just calm her down, okay?

Okay, I got you.
Come on, we're gonna go.

Come on, let's go.

Hope you guys pack light... case we gotta move fast.

- Take care of yourself, kid.
- I will.

- You think we'll get away with this?
- Truth? Probably not.

I'm here.

So let me ask you something.

What's this research about?

- You really wanna know?
- Yeah, I really wanna know.

Longevity, immortality,
the fountain of youth.

Somebody took this orchid
and genetically enhanced it...

...which is the chemical basis
for the serum.

Any snake that ingests this serum
can grow 100 times its normal size.

- And you were chasing it?
- Destroying the flowers and research... the only way I could atone
for what I did.

I've been waiting every day...

...for any sign that would lead me
to these orchids.

And this is where they were?

I started hearing strange stories...

...about these animals and people
that were disappearing in these hills.

Didn't take a genius to figure it out.

Why try it by yourself?

No one believed me.

I had this cop, Vasile, with me,
but he's dead.

- Sorry.
- Yeah.

Find anything?


I think he hid it in the mineshaft,
which is about a half a mile north.

You guys wanna chance it?

Snakes are nocturnal. They detect heat.
It's pretty dark out there.

Unless you're feeling lucky.

We'll wait here till sunup.

Good. Then we'll keep looking.

What exactly are we looking for?

Anything that references the serum.


Honey, you need to eat something.

Heather, look at me. Look at me.

If we get the chance,
we're getting out of here.

And I need you to have your strength
because I can't do this by myself.

And I'm not leaving you here.

You hear me? I won't leave you here.

I'm not leaving you.

- Anything?
- No, it's all boring.

I just rigged an expl*sive
to the window.

Nothing gets out, nothing gets in.

We're not gonna be able
to stall these guys much longer.

We better have a plan before sunup.

Loose floorboards.

Is this what you're looking for?

- Is there any more down there?
- No, that's it. Nothing else.

He's gotta have the chemical
composition written down somewhere.

You know,
if that thing's attracted to flowers...'s gonna love this.

You know, they find this...

...they'll k*ll us both.


And that's the serum
that causes cell regeneration.

What does that mean?

So we can't k*ll it.

Not if you're talking about sh**ting it
or cutting its head off.

It's too big.

But if there's enough damage
to the internal organs, maybe.


The snake's organs are long and thin
because of its tubular shape, right?

If we destroy enough of them,
there's no way it can heal.

Either that or burying it alive.

Hey, I didn't say
this was gonna be easy.

It just doesn't make sense
that this would be all of the serum.


He didn't want Murdoch getting it... he would hide the bulk of it
someplace else.

Who's Murdoch?

Murdoch's the one
who financed this nightmare.

- I'm gonna put this away just in case.
- We should get some sleep.

Hey, what's going on?

At least somebody's having fun.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

How good is his smell?

Not that great,
but this stuff is pure concentrate.

I'm stepping out.

Come here, quick.


So, what's the plan?

You know what, kid?
I don't have a plan.

I guess just be ready to move
when I do.

And if I'm not here... bring her with you, okay?


You know,
if that thing's attracted to flowers...'s gonna love this.

- Amanda, what's the plan?
- I'm thinking, I'm thinking, I'm thinking.

- Amanda, what's the plan?
- I'm thinking!

- What do you want me to do, huh?
- Don't take it out on me, all right?

I just lost three of my friends!

This is... Look. It's the serum.

He must have kept it in here
to keep it cool.

Great. Now we've found it.

All we gotta do
is get back to the camp.


I'm sorry.

Come on.

- I don't even know where we're going.
- Well, just...

What do we got to lose, huh?

- This way?
- Yeah.

How many friends have you lost?

I can't really talk about that right now.
It's not my mission.

- This way.
- You sure?

- Yeah.
- Amanda!

We have the serum. We actually...
We found it.

Take it, take it.

- Look, what's the problem?
- There's been a change in plans.

- I'll be going alone.
- Give him the bag.

Amanda, hand me the bag.

- Amanda, give him the bag.
- Shut your mouth.

- You, hey, back off.
- We have what your boss asked for.

- We found what your boss wants.
- Give him the bag. Give him the bag.

- Back off.
- We found it in the...

- Hand me the bag now.
- Amanda, give him the bag!



- Come on.
- Go.

- What are you doing?
- Go, run.

- What are you doing? No!
- Run. Get out.

- Come with me.
- Go! Run, go.

Glad to see you, sir.


You, back inside.

I need water for the girl.
She's having convulsions.

It's fine, I'll watch him.

- How was the drive, sir?
- Terrible.

- Is there anything I should know about?
- No, sir, everything is good.



What are you doing here?
I told you to take care of the girl.

We got split up.

That snake of yours almost k*lled me.

But he didn't.

Now you're just another loose end.

I had a feeling
that's what you would do.

So I cut a new deal...

...with someone
who will pay twice what you pay.

Eugene, this is what I pay you for.
Time to start cleaning house.


...I'm the new partner
he was telling you about.

- But we had a deal.
- I'm deeply sorry, Murdoch.

- A very good deal.
- sh**t him.

sh**t him.

Go ahead.

What are you waiting for? sh**t him.

Come on, let's get you out of here.
We gotta go, come on.

Get her to the car.
Get her to the Jeep. Go, go, go.

Move, move, move. Go.

Are you okay?

- No, I don't think so.
- Okay, come with me.

They're coming.

- We gotta get out of here. Come on.
- Not so fast, Amanda.


If I wanted to k*ll you,
you would already be dead.

Now, this is a fully a*t*matic w*apon.
Are you prepared to take the risk?

Yeah, try me.

Give me what I came for.

There's no time for this.
The snakes are alive.


Peter created a snake
that would regenerate.

- Then the serum works.
- The threat has doubled.

Oh, that's disturbing,
but not of immediate concern.


I'll give you a deal.

Your lives for the serum.

I am a man of my word.


Come on.

Just give it to him. Give it to him.

All right. Take your bloody serum.

You saved my life.

You can have yours. Now go.


Go on, get out.


It's coming, come on.
Come on, hurry.

It works! It works!

If I'm not back in five minutes,
I'm not coming back.

Made it.

You can rot in hell.

Come on, we gotta go.

- Jackson, come here.
- Yeah, here, here, here.

- Here, take the keys. You drive.
- Okay.

- Oh, my God, what is that?
- It's the anaconda.

Let's go, hurry.

Drive, go.

Go, go, go.

Here, get rid of this.
Throw it out the window.

- Down!
- Get down, down, down!

Amanda. Amanda, are you okay?
Heather, stay down. Down.

Alex, take the wheel!

Alex, take the damn wheel!

Take it.

Okay, come on.

I got it.


Keep your eyes on the road.

- Jackson.
- No.


- Hurry, Jackson.
- I'm trying.

Let's see you try and regenerate
from that.

- Let's get out of here.
- Let's go.