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01x34 - Watermelon Steven

Posted: 06/22/22 09:06
by bunniefuu
We are the Crystal Gems we'll always save the day and if you think we can't we'll always find a way - # that's why the people # - # of this world # - # believe in # - # Garnet # - # Amethyst # - # and Pearl # And Steven! Look, dad! I'm Amadeus! My father - he disapproves of me! - Ha! Well, check this out.

Ta-da! - Betcha can't top that! - Bet I can! Beat that! Huh.

That was impressive, my son.

But the name of the game ain't distance nor accuracy.

- It ain't? - No, Steven.

This challenge is all about who can spit the coolest.

Allow me to demonstrate.

Wow, dad! Uh, dad? You okay? Help me, son.

Ohh! - Beat that.

- What?! You're asking for it.

You're really asking for it.

Hurricane spin spit! - My hurricane spin spit is unbeatable.

- By jove! It's full of seeds! - Dad? - Congratulations, son.

You win by a mile.

I crown thee your watermelajesty.

My liege.

Huh? Holy watermelon! Huh? Is this Can't be.

They're me! They're all me! Hmm.

This is really impressive.

I suppose.

Your mother had the power to grow sentient plant life to act as her defenders.

But Rose's plants moved and stuff.

- These guys don't do anything.

- Amethyst, be careful.

This one's just a baby.

Aww! Look at him.

- So precious.

- Ugh! Ohh.

This is really weird.

What are we gonna do with all of them? There.

That's a mighty fine-looking table, right, baby melon? - Mm-Hmm.

- Steven! What's going on here? - You got a permit for this setup? - Oh! Uh, hey, Mr.


Um here.

Try one of my watermelon Stevens! Hmm.

Yeah, I don't I don't know.

It's kind of weird-looking.

Uh, but I'll go ahead and accept your bribe.

- Hey, there.

- Hey, Steven.

- What's all this about? - Just a little side - project I got going on.

- Oh, really? That's great.

How'd you get such handsome watermelons? Let's just say there's a little Steven in every one of them.

Great sales pitch, dude.

So, how much for one? How much? Uh, I was just gonna give - you one, Sadie.

- Come on.

I insist.

I love supporting local businesses.

Whoa! What's going on here? - Hey, Ronaldo.

- Don't mind me.

Just doing some live blogging about your weird watermelons.

"Check out these weird watermelon guys down by the funland entrance.

- It's really " - Steven, you shouldn't keep your customers waiting like this.

I'll just give you five bucks and take one, okay? - Sadie, wai - What? You're only selling them for $5?! Hey, everybody! Come get a watermelon Steven! He's practically giving them away! Hurry before they're gone forever! And another and another and another and another.


100 pieces of money.


Hey, Onion.

Um you want my money? Oh! Sorry for the misunderstanding.

I'm all out of watermelon Stevens.

Sorry, Onion.

Baby melon is not for sale.

Onio-o-o-o-n! Give me back my baby melon! My baby melon! My precious.

I thought I'd never see you again.

You're alive?! I really shouldn't be so surprised about this.

Oh, man.

The other ones must be alive, too, right?! "Keep Beach City weird" presents Oh, hang on a second.

first ever official mutant-watermelon autopsy.

- Ronaldo, stop! - Steven! Get out of here! - You're gonna ruin my websclusive! - Ronaldo! It's alive! - Not for long.

- No! Don't do it! Ow! What? G-Get away from me! Stay back! No! - Ohh! Ooh! Ohh! - No! - Uh, Ronaldo, I'll go get help! - Steven! Is the camera getting all of this? Sweet! Ohh! Ohh! Pearl! Garnet! Amethyst! - What? - My watermelons came to life, and they're attacking people! What?! - Wow.

- You said they're hurting people? Rose's plants lived to fight.

He can't control them.


Get in the house.

- But - Now.

Oh, what?! Bring it, melons! Gems, do your thing.

Wait! Don't! Come on, baby melon.

We have to stop this.

Come on.

Everyone, please stop! I'm okay! Look! You don't have to fight anymore! They're gonna put me in the ground! No! Those flowers are lovely! Let go of my spear, you little twerps! I'll destroy you! This is bad, baby melly.

How do we end this carnage? Baby melon? Ah, let me through, you melon heads.

Ba-Baby melon.

I understand.

You stopped the watermelons from fighting everyone else by making them fight you.

Look at what you've done! You think I wanted this?! You should all be ashamed! He knew this is what it would take to calm your rage.

He understood true loyalty.

Go! Think about what you've done.

And don't come back until you understand what he did for me for all of us.

Spoken like a true king.

They don't need a king.

They're their own melons now.