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03x18 - What About Your Friends?

Posted: 06/25/22 07:55
by bunniefuu
First, I break my wrist

because our neighbor is
too lazy to clean up his spill.

Then I go to check the
mail, the lock is broken!


Somebody stole the
mail! On the up side,

you can't pay a bill
that you don't have.

You know the laundry
room's been vandalized?

There's new graffiti on
the side of the building,

and yesterday, I put the grocery
bags down for, like, a second,

and someone stole
our lunch meat!

- Lunch meat?
- Yeah.

- Oh no, that was me.
- What?

Sorry, Ms. G, but
you buy the good stuff.

Somebody needs to do a
better job at securing this building

and my lunch meat.

Hey, Nia.

Dude, you said "hi Nia,"
like, five times today.

- Think she gets it.
- Hey, studies show that

repetition makes an impression.

Studies also show you
should leave my sister alone.

Don't hate, Booker.

Okay, where are
William and Jordan?

They should be here by now.

Oh, you mean William and Jordan

from my science honors class?

When did you start
hanging out with them?

When they realized
I was that dude.

What dude?

The dude that gets them
discounts at the barbershop.

- Yo, what up?
- Hey, what's up, man?

What's good? Uh, fam?

William and Jordan.
William and Jordan, fam.

Alright, cool. Let's go.

So, Ms. G, where's
that good stuff?

It's probably across the hall.

♪ Hey... Yo ♪

♪ Let me tell you somethin' ♪

♪ Had my vision all worked out ♪

♪ But then life
had other plans ♪

♪ Tell 'em, Rae ♪

♪ It's crazy when things
turn upside down ♪

♪ But ya gotta get up
and take that chance ♪

♪ Maybe I'm just finding my way
Learning how to fly

♪ Yeah, we're gonna be okay
Ya know I got you, right?

♪ It might be wild, but ya
know that we make it work ♪

♪ We're just kids caught
up in a crazy world ♪

♪ C'mon! ♪

♪ It's Raven's Home ♪

♪ We get loud! ♪

♪ It's Raven's Home ♪

♪ It's our crowd! ♪

♪ Might be tough, but
together we make it look good ♪

♪ Down for each other
like family should ♪

♪ It's Raven's Home ♪

♪ When it's tough ♪

♪ It's Raven's Home ♪

♪ We got love ♪

♪ 'Cause no matter the weather,
ya know we gon' shine ♪

♪ There for each other,
ya know it's our time ♪

Yep! That's us.

Hey, yo!

I can see a carnival
from up here!

I can smell the cotton candy!

This thing is incredible.

Nah, man.

What you're smelling is this.

Hey, man, w-w-where'd
you get a vape from?

From my older
brother. Wanna try?

Nah, man, I'm-I'm good.

Come on. We
thought you'd be down.

You vape, too, Curtis?

Oh, sure. Yeah, yeah.
I vape all the time.

Boy, that, um, that
does look like fun.

- Oh, what's going on up here?
- Uh, nothing, nothing!

Yeah, we were just leaving.

What do we have here?


Oh, man! We're
almost out of hula-loops!

Auntie Rae said she
wasn't gonna buy anymore

because they're too expensive,

which means that takes
away from her wig money.

Yo, Nia, check this out!

There's a hula-looping contest,

and if we win, we could get a
lifetime supply of hula-loops.

Oh, okay. What do we have to do?

Uh, we-we just need to
record ourselves hula-looping,

and the longest video wins.

The standing record is
minutes and seconds.

Oh. Well, if only we knew

- a really good camera person.
- Yeah.

You don't! You know an
amazing camera person!

- I'm in.
- Great.

Alright. Now, all we have to
do is get some hula hoops.

Oh, Sienna and her little
sister have some stored

in the basement. We
can just borrow those.

Tess, how do you know what
they have stored in the basement?

The less you know, the better.

- Hello, Raven.
- Hey, hey, Mr. Clark. How you doing?

Uh, what happened? Is little
whiskers hiding from you again?

No. Actually,

Booker and his little friends

dropped something
on the rooftop.

Oh, no no. This doesn't
belong to my son.

I saw him and his friends
fooling around on the rooftop,

and that fell as
they were leaving.

I'm gonna need you
to hear me when I say

that my son doesn't smoke,

and he certainly
doesn't vape. Okay?


Hey, what's, uh,
what's going on, ma?

I just got a visit
from Mr. Clark,

and he claims that
you and your friends

dropped a vape.

Do you know anything about that?

Well, um...

I told you no one
would ever find out.

A vape?

No. No, I don't... I don't
know anything about that.

Okay, good. Just...

Be careful of the
company you keep.

You know what I always say.

You gon' get it?


Your friends' bad decisions
can negatively impact you.

I know, mom, but don't worry.

My friends are cool peeps.

You know why they're cool peeps?

- 'Cause you're a cool peep.
- 'Cause I'm a cool peep.

Why don't you put
these groceries away,

so you can stay a cool peep?

Okay, alright.

There's a lot of stuff
happening around this building,

and now my baby is being blamed

for something he didn't do.

A-And his friends
are cool peeps.

- He said so himself!
- Yeah.

W-We need to start a
building watch group.

Yeah. I guess
there'd be less crime

if we had our neighbors
watching out for each other.

Yes! Yes, we'd gather
the neighbors together,

share information about,
uh, about shady activity,

and ask the
management to install

more cameras
around the building.

Ooh, no, Rae, that
would mean I'd have to be,

like, camera ready / .

That's crazy.

I'm in.

I told you guys it was
cooler to eat lunch

in here than in the cafeteria.

It's so much more chill without
all those teachers around.

You know what I'll
have for dessert?

Crème brulée.

Ooh! Fancy!

- Wanna try?
- No.

You know, after yesterday,

I read online how
addictive vaping is.

Dude, old people made that
up to stop us from having fun.

Come on, don't be a loser.

Yeah, Booker, don't be a loser.

You guys think I'm a loser
because I don't wanna vape?

You know what? I'm starting
to think you guys are losers.

Oh, look at how
cool I am. I'm vaping.

- Cotton candy!
- Crème brûlée!

But I can't stop
coughing for minutes!

You see the fun I'm having?

Now, what are you
guys do... Booker!?

- What is in your hand?
- It's his vape, coach Spitz.

He was trying to get
us to do it with him.

Wasn't he, Curtis?

- He was.
- But, we told him no.

You three, out.

Coach Spitz, they're
lying. That isn't mine.

Then why was it in your hand?

And why would all
three of them lie on you?

Because I took it from them
to show how stupid they looked!

Yeah. Well,
unfortunately for you,

we have a zero tolerance policy.

Now, come with me. I'm calling
your mom. You're suspended.

I gotta drive with one arm!

I can't believe you! My child!

My child! Mine!

So, um, glad we had this talk.

Where you think you're going?

- So, we're not done yet.
- Oh! Oh, no!

Two days, Booker!

Two days you got
suspended from school.

That goes on your school record!

- Mom, I know...
- and let's not forget

that you lied right to my face

when I asked you if you
knew anything about that vape.

Mom, I know, and I'm sorry.

But, you have to believe me.

Why? Why I gotta believe you?

William, Jordan, and
Curtis are setting me up.

What, are those those cool
peeps you told me about

the first time you lied to me?

I told you, watch the
company you keep.

I am so disappointed
in you, Booker.

Is the coast clear?

I was gonna speak
up for you, but, uh,

I'm trying to live, bro.

There you go! There
you go! There you go!

Alright, it's dropping. Cut.

Oh, sorry. Sorry,
guys. Lemme try again.

Now, you're hooping!
Now, you're... oh, come on.

Come on, Nia! Get
your hips in the game!

We need that cereal!

It's hard to focus
on some silly contest

with all that's going
on with Booker.

Silly? A lifetime
supply of hula-loops?

What is silly about that?

Nia, are you in or are you out?

I mean, I've got a full
production schedule to keep here.

I'm out.

I need to help Booker figure
out a way to clear his name.

Maybe she's right. We should go.

Ho! Not so fast!

We're gonna do our part
by winning that cereal,

so Booker has something to
eat while he's on suspension.


Get my good side.

Chels, I'm so mad at Booker.
I don't know what to do.

Yeah. Rae, I wish I could
offer up some advice,

but honestly, I...

I don't know what
I'd do, you know?

They're kids! They're...
They're gonna make mistakes.

Okay, we better get
this meeting started

before Ms. Pearl tucks all
the plastic forks in her purse.

Um, hello, everyone,

and welcome to the
first watch group meeting.

Now, as you all know,

management has put
cameras all over the building,

so I will be needing
everyone's email address

so I can send you
the footage as needed.

Well, I don't have
an email address.

Can't you just put it
in my regular mailbox?

No, ma'am. That's actually
one of the reasons we're here.

The mailboxes have
been tampered with.

Well, how do I get
an email address?

How about I set
you up, Ms. Pearl?

Huh? What would you like
your email address to be?

How about my
name? Pearl Saunders.

How about, uh, pearls ?

- Who's that?
- Well, Pearl Saunders is already taken.

They done stole my name, too?

Now, would anybody like
to report a criminal activity?

Yeah. I would like to report

that someone stole my
cats' socks out of the dryer.

My babies have not been
the same without their footies.

Oh. Oh, you're for
real. Okay, um...

I'ma make a memo.

Mr. Clark missing...

Cat footies.

I'd like to report
this lemonade.

It's too sweet! You trying
to take my last good tooth?

Ms. Pearl, that's not
really a real complaint...

Go ahead.

Say it into your little phone.

Ms. Pearl...



Booker, I have a way for
you to clear your name.

Hold up, hold up now.
I got a list of my own.

Number one,

get revenge on William,
Jordan, and Curtis.

Number two, get revenge

on William, Jordan, and Curtis.

Number three, get...

Some actual cotton candy.

Got me craving.

Book, you don't have to
get revenge on anyone.

They're already poisoning
their own bodies by vaping.

Did you hear about that kid whose
vape exploded and broke his jaw?

That's awful.

But, that's why I never vaped,

and I don't ever plan to.

Just can't believe
Curtis sold me out.

Why would he do that?

He was probably
just trying to fit in.

Well, listen,

you remember when I ran against

danisha and Linda
for student council?

Danisha thought
she was gonna win

just because she was popular,

but Linda thought
that because she was...

Nia, Nia, Nia.

J-Just get to the point for me.

Right. Well, I realized that it
was neither of those things.

I realized that if I wanted
to win student council,

I was gonna have to bone
up on school policies...


Right. Sorry.

The point is, any carver student
can challenge a suspension.

You just need proof.

Nia, that's great!

Why didn't you start with that?

Hey, you're suspended.
You've got time.

You know what? I'm, uh,
I'm happy I voted for danisha.

Wait, Booker, you
really didn't, right?

Sup, Booker? Aren't
you suspended?

Yeah. Yeah, I am.
And it should be you.

I just came here to pick
up my assignments, but, uh,

why did you lie and
say that vape was mine?

Well, it was yours at the
time. You were holding it.

So you... so you got jokes?

Dude, calm down.

Don't tell me to calm down.

Hey, I got suspended
because of you.

And I got in trouble
with my mom.

I thought we were friends.
Why would you do this to me?

Stop being so dramatic!

You cost my brother a vape.

Look, man, I'm gonna need you

- to tell coach Spitz the truth.
- The truth?

And then what? I get in trouble,

ruin my spotless record,
and disappoint my parents?

I told you no one
would ever find out.

Sorry you had to take the
fall, but better you than me.

Well, you know what? Now,
everyone's gonna know the truth

because I... Recorded
the conversation.

Booker, if you're gonna
record someone confessing,

you may wanna press the
record button beforehand.



Any-any chance we can
redo this conversation?

- No.
- No? You sure? Just...

That was amazing!

How many minutes?

minutes, seconds.

- Let's play it back!
- Alright.

Well, the good news
is you beat the record!

The bad news is...

We didn't catch it on tape.

What? How?

Well, your phone's dead,

and probably because
I recorded everything.

I mean, your
minutes and six seconds,

your minutes of
just smack talking,

and minutes of you

telling me to stay put
and forget the charger.

So, really,

it's not my fault.

Thank you so much
and welcome back.

Listen, our last meeting

- got a little off track.
- Yeah.

So, I'd like to start this
one with an exercise

in how to keep your eyes open.

Ready? And...


Oh my goodness!

Someone just stole
a hundred dollars

out of my bag! Oh no!

Did anyone see anything?

I said, did anyone
see anything!?

Now remember, this is an
exercise in attention to detail.

When reporting a crime,

you wanna make sure you
give accurate information.

Ms. Pearl, what'd you see?

I saw the worst acting I seen

since that off-Broadway
production of bats years ago.

That was you in the audience?


Okay, alright, let's
forget about the acting.

What'd you see in
regards to the crime?

Her acting was the crime!

Okay! Okay!

Listen, did anybody
else see anything?

I did. Yeah.

Um, there are a lot of
distracting shiny things

on that bag.

You just wanna SWAT at them.


Alright, I think we're
done for the day.

- Yeah.
- Please just remember

to keep your eyes
and ears peeled.

If you see something,

say something, okay? Thank you.

Eyes open. Keep your eyes
and paws open. Thank you.

In your text message,

you said there would
be soft drinks provided.

Oh. Look at you
paying attention to detail.

Uh huh.

Hey, what's up, Curtis?
Uh, thanks for coming.

William told me
about the recording,

so don't even try it.

Pssh. Come on, man.

I'm done with that. Look,
you can even hold my phone.

What's up, Curtis? I
thought we were friends.

We are.

Well then, why'd you go along

with William and
Jordan lying on me?

I don't know.

William didn't
wanna get in trouble,

and you know Jordan
was gonna side with him.

Yeah, but you didn't have to.

And I can't believe
you're vaping.

You know, when you
can't stop coughing,

that's your body telling
you to knock it off.

Honestly, it's not that good

for something that's
supposed to taste like candy.


Look, that's just how
they get kids to try it.

It's candy that can
give you lung disease

and k*ll you.

What happened to you, man?

We used to ride the
school bus together,

and now you're
throwing me under it?

I'm sorry, Booker,

but what do you expect me to do?

Well, I expect for
you to speak up for me

at that disciplinary
hearing tomorrow.

That's not gonna happen.

Thanks everyone for coming.

Booker has requested
a student tribunal.

Like many of you, I
didn't know what that was,

but Nia let me know.

You're welcome.

Always check your
bylaws, people.

That's something a real student
council president would do.

Why don't we hear
from the accused?

Booker, we're all
aware of your infraction.

What do you have to
say in your defense?



I have never vaped.

And that's the truth.

And I can testify to that
as a character witness.

My brother makes good choices.

Most of the time.

Nia, Nia, I got this.
I got this, thank you.

Okay, before,

I used to think vaping
could only poison your body.

But now, I realized...

That it can also
poison friendships.

I saw you with the vape.

That's because he took
it away from William.

That's a lie!


Now, why should I believe you?

Before, you told me it was
Booker's. Now, it's William's.

He's probably got
one in his pockets now.

William, stand up and
empty your pockets.

Both pockets.

It's just a pen, coach.

Oh, really? Well, I
happen to need a pen!

Lemme see.

Oh, wait, this might
actually not be a pen after all.

No, it's not. This is a vape.

Now, you kids need to know
how dangerous these things are.

They're addictive and
they have chemicals.

Do you know there's
formaldehyde in them?

That's the stuff they keep the
dead frogs in in the science lab.

Yeah, and vapes put
all that in your lungs.

Just because I had
a vape in my pocket,

doesn't mean that
Booker's not guilty.

I saw him vape.

No one's ever seen
me vape, have they?

Oh! Wow.

Well, I've seen enough.
Let's take a vote.

Faculty and students in favor
of lifting Booker's suspension,

raise your hands.

Those opposed?

You guys don't get to vote.

Booker, your suspension
is officially lifted,

and your school
record will be cleared.

I'm sorry I didn't
say anything before.

I forgive you, bro.

Just thanks for having my back.

William, Jordan,
Curtis, in my office.

We're moving! We're moving!

Hey! Hey, coach
Spitz, while you're here,

I'd like to request a recount
on the student council election.

Did danisha win fair and
square? Let's let the people decide!

They already
did, Nia. Let it go.

Okay. I will.

No, you won't.

He's right. He's right.

Just eat it, Tess.

I can't. It's the
last hula-loop.

Dang, Tess, you got
major hooping skills.

What do you mean, Ms. B?

I'm watching the security
footage from the roof.

What, the what?

Yeah, girl, you went,
like, minutes plus!

How do you have that footage?

Well, I'm in charge of the
neighborhood watch group,

so I have access to everything.

Ms. B, can I use
this to submit it

to the hula-loops competition?

Of course you can.
It has the time stamp

and the date stamp.
It's very official.

Come on, little loop.
Let's submit our video.

We did it!

Yes! I am so proud of my babies

for working together
to clear Booker's name.

Aw, you called me
your baby again.

Mom, I should've told you
the truth from the beginning.

I, um, I think I've
learned my lesson.

Oh. What lesson is that?

That vaping is poison.


This might take a while.


Be careful of the
company you keep?

- And?
- Don't lie to your mama?



- You're still on punishment.
- Okay.

A lifetime supply?

This is the worst idea ever.

What I'm saving on
cereal, I'm spending on milk!

Pfft! I was fantastic in bats!

Ms. Pearl just doesn't
know good theater.

I can't tell if I'm still
being punished or not.

Why am I eating part
of a balanced breakfast

for lunch and dinner?

Yay! Best day ever.