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01x02 - The sinister sculptor & Zummi makes it hot

Posted: 06/27/22 07:40
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Dashing and daring ♪

♪ Courageous and caring ♪

♪ Faithful and friendly ♪

♪ With stories to share ♪

♪ All through the forest
they sing out in chorus ♪

♪ Marching along as their
song fills the air ♪

♪ Gummi Bears, bouncing here
and there and everywhere ♪

♪ High adventure
that's beyond compare ♪

♪ They are the Gummi Bears ♪


♪ Magic and mystery are
part of their history ♪

♪ Along with the secret
of Gummiberry juice ♪

♪ Their legend is growing ♪

♪ They take pride in knowing ♪

♪ They'll fight for what's
right in whatever they do ♪

♪ Gummi Bears, bouncing here
and there and everywhere ♪

♪ High adventure
that's beyond compare ♪

♪ They are the Gummi Bears ♪

♪ They are the Gummi Bears! ♪♪

[playful music]

[Grammi] You put
in the first piece,

so I get to put in the last one!

Yeah, but I found the puzzle!

Why can't you
be big about this?

Is that a short joke?

[Grammi] Take it as
you please, Tiny!

Oh, you ruined the puzzle!


Why, you stubborn old...

Don't ever speak to me again.

And stay out of my kitchen!

"And stay out of my kitchen."

I heard that!

Nothing can escape
the Great Davini,

you simple-minded rodent.

The hardest to catch
always make the best prize.

Say, Tummi, what
are you doing?

I'm tastin' 'em to
see if they're ripe.

Yep, they're ripe.

Won't he look nice
in my collection!

I'll give you a
sporting chance, rodent.



Oh, that is the best
magic powder I ever stole.

I don't know why those other
sculptors muck about with clay.

It's so messy.

My cage traps!

More animals for my gallery.

Do something, Zummi!

Pretty bells.

Talking bears?

That means you're Gummi Bears?

But I thought they
were only fairy tales.

Oh, no, no, no, we're not
Bummi Gears, eh, Gummi Bears.

Yeah, we're just
dressed like Gummi Bears,

on our way to a costume party.

We can't talk either!

Don't try to con a con artist.

You are Gummi Bears!

Hmm, I wonder
where the others are.

Ah, who needs her.

I'll go check on them by myself.

It's late.

Where is everybody?

That lazy bear's gone to bed.

I'll have to look
for them myself.

You should all be honored.

-I am a great artist.

I'm going to immortalize
you in stone.

I always wanted
to be immortalized!

A masterpiece,
if I do say so myself.

Ooh, I'm gonna fix his wagon!

I'll teach him to
fool with Gummi Bears.

Gummi Bear statues
will bring me a fortune!

-You dolt!
-You menace!

What's the big idea? I was ready
to take him when you--

[Grammi] Me?

Step up, ladies and gentlemen,

and gaze upon the most
incredible art in all the world.

Excuse me, artisan.
Do you have one with
the wings spread?

Ah, of course, I have
another exactly as you like.

Excuse me one moment.

Picky, picky, picky-

Bimbala bimbolo mobimbo bimbam!


Ooh, excellent!

[Cavin] Make way, make way!

His Royal Highness approaches!

Your reputation precedes
you, master sculptor.

We are honored by your presence.

Thank you, sire.

And since you are
a patron of the arts,

I will share with you
my greatest creation.

Oh, father, they're gorgeous.

My impression of
the mythical Gummi Bears.

Just like in my storybooks!


They look almost alive.

It's Cubbi and Tummi,
and, but it can't be.

How would?

Grammi, Gruffi!

What's happened?

That phony sculptor
used a magic powder

to turn 'em into statues.


He's got some fancy words
engraved on a stone tablet.

If you recite them,
the statues return to normal.

Then it's not too late!

[Gregor] Of course,
I'll buy them for you, dear.

Oh, father, thank you.

Psst, Cavin.

We've got to get that
tablet and reverse the spell.

[Tuxford] Come along, Cavin.

Wait here till nightfall.

[Gregor] Well, what
do you think, Calla?

Oh, I love them, father.

I wish they were real!

Oh, but what about
these two empty spaces?

We can't have that,
can we, daughter?

I'll speak with the royal
sculptor immediately.

Oh, would you, father?

They're so cute.

Sculptor, are you awake?

Go away.

[Gregor] It's the king!

Oh, just a moment,
Your Highness!

Come in, Your Majesty.

Come in.
What a pleasant surprise.


That's the sculptor's room.

You climb up the vine,
and get the tablet.

I'll create a diversion.

Age before beauty.

I'll climb slowly
so you can keep up.

I want to commission you to
carve two more Gummi Bears.

Two more? But, sire.

If it's a question of money,
I'll meet any price.

Oh, say no more,
Your Highness.

I'll begin immediately.

Good night, good night, sire.

Oh, I've got to find
those other two bears.

-What was that?
-[Cavin knocking on door]

There's his coat,
I'll get the tablet.

A late night
snack for you, sir.

We have truffles,
cheesecakes and pies

blintzes, fruit, warm milk.

It's safer in my hands.

Is that so?

Uh, how about some grapes?

I just can't decide.

My two other bears!

Quick, run for it!

My tablet!

They'll ruin everything.

Come back!

[Cavin] She's asleep.

You two fix the tablet
and don't wake the princess.

-Excuse me.
-[woman screaming]

You put in the first piece,

so I get to put in the last one.

Yeah, but I found the tablet.

Why can't you
be big about this?

Is that another short joke?

This is no time to argue.

Your friends need you.

After you.

Bimbalo bimbolo
mobimbo bimbam.

Put 'em up, ya dumb toadstool.

Oh, no, she's waking up!


OK, out the window.

I'll check to see if--

I know you're in here!

Of course, I'm in here.

This is my room!

They're getting away!

If you don't get out
of here this instant,

I'll yell for the guards!

I've got to stop them.

Uh, I'm sorry, Your Highness.

I can explain everything.



Hey, Royal Phony!

You want your tablet back?

Look, maybe we can
be partners, you know?

I make a lot of money.

At the expense
of little animals.

Ah, nobody misses them.


Give that back to me,
you pipsqueak!

No, no, keep it!
It's yours!

We'll give you
a sporting chance.

Run for your wagon!

[horse whinnying]

[Both] Bimbala
bimbolo mobimbo bimbam.

[birds chirping]

Oh, no!

Help, stop!

Let go!

Help, help!

Well, that's the last
statue he'll ever make.

And he won't be needing this.

Wait, Calla's a statue!

I've got to change her back.

Ready, bounce.

Bimbala bimbolo
mobimbo bimbam!

Guards, help, guards!

Oh, oh, Cavin.

Oh, what are you doing here?

Where's the sculptor?

And where are my bears?

I didn't, I swear.

Calla, what's wrong?

My bears.

Someone stole my bears!

Uh it was that
rotten sculptor.

I tried to stop him.

Sir Tuxford, gather your
men and pursue that renegade.

Oh, Cavin, I really
loved those bears.

They looked so real,

it made me think
they really exist.

Oh, they do, they do.

Er, in your imagination,
that is.

[Zummi humming]

Zummi, are you busy?

Oh, Cavin, Cavin.
Come in, come in.

I want to show you something.

-What is it?
-I've learned my first spell.

But I've seen you do magic.

From notes, my boy, from notes.

Today I learned my
first spell by heart.

That's great, Zummi.
Show me.

It's a lamp lighting spell.

Oh, you better
stand back though.


Lamight comen dowmon noma.

There, isn't that wonderful?

Wow, come on,
we've got to go show the other.

Oh, well, if you think
they'll be interested.

Take this and this
and go get the others.

I can't imagine how
we got into this mess.

[pots clanking]

Oh by the way, I found
something in the Great Book

very important, very important.

I need to tell you.


Anyway, Cavin, it was.

It was, oh heavens.

Oh my goodness, what was it?
What was it?

Grammi, Zummi has
something to show you.

And I've got
something to tell him.

We're nearly out of
Gummiberry juice.

Oh my, no, no.
That can't be right.

We have a whole barrel
in the storeroom.

Went bad.

Had to throw out
the whole batch.

We have to make more today.

Oh great.

Grammi, the water stopped.

I know sweetheart.

Gruffi, you're in
charge of fixing things.

Why isn't the water working?

I don't know.
It never stopped before.

We gotta have
absolutely pure water

for making Gummiberry juice.

The piped in stuff is
the only kind that works.

Probably just a clogged pipe.

What we're gonna go fix it.

The problem could be at
the source, it really could.

Maybe some of us
should go and see.

I say it's a clog and
we should work together.

I like Zummi's idea.

Why dig up the whole
countryside if we don't have to?

Because I'm the one who knows

how to fix things
around here and I say--

I say you're a stubborn
close-minded old foof

and I'm going.

This is all the
juice we have left.

One vial for each of us.

Now don't use this unless
it's a real emergency.

Oh, here, here.
Look, look, I found a map.

There's something called
a stumping patient,

eh, pumping station
miles northeast of here.

Won't that take a long time?

Oh no, no, no, no.

Well, we'll take
the quick tunnels.

Not the quick tunnels.

[Cavin screaming]

I hope we get to
battle some trolls.

What's that noise?

Oh, the map shows
a little waterfall

near the pumping station.

A little waterfall?

[Zummi] And the map shows
the station on the other side.

There's a bridge!

[gulps] Oh my goodness.

What's wrong?

Zummi's scared of heights.

Oh no.

You don't have to.

You can wait here.

No, you'll need
me to fix whatever's wrong

at the pumping station.

Don't look down.

Look at the trees
on the other bank.

You're doing great.

You just keep
your eye on the goal.

[Zummi screaming]

Zummi, are you all right?

I can't move.

He's frozen with panic.

I'm gonna try something else.

Try anything.

Yeah, like a swift
kick in the patootie.

Now, just hold still.

Here, climb up on my back.

Cubbi, don't go
too far, honey.

All right, Zummi, now where?

Currently it's
down in the gorge

and the map shows some stairs
straight past that sign.

Oh my goodness.

"Here B. Drekmore."

Duke Igthorn province,
an ogre behind every bush.


Hey, this is turning into
a really neat adventure.

There's a whole bunch of
ogres right over there.

We've gotta find
cover quickly.

Well, this certainly
complicates things.


Which way?

[Cubbi] Oh boy,
now we get to use a rope.

I wish I could remember
what I found in the Great Book

and I wanted to tell you.

I know it was important.

That's our water.

We're in the right place anyway.

[Cubbi] Hey. Hey. Hey.

Hey, I found a door.

[soft music]

I'll do it, I'll do it.

Oh, all right.

Here, show me.

It's something like, uh,

lamight numdumble camow.

No, no, that didn't work.

Wait, wait a minute, wait, wait.

Lamight cumenumble damow.

Give me that.

Gummi Bears built all this?

Every Gummi community
in this part of the world

must have gotten
its water from here.

And all this has
worked for centuries

without anyone tending it.

Oh Zummi, it's terrible
that we've forgotten.

When I suggested that
we come here I had no idea.

I don't even know
where to start.

Zummi, could that
be the problem?

[Zummi] That's it.

But can we fix it?

I can probably unjam it.

If we can get me up there.

I can bounce up with a rope.

Cubbi, honey, you're a way
to eager to use up your juice.

Wait until you absolutely
have to use it.

I think there's a way.

Cavin, how are you at climbing?

Okay, I guess.

Wait, I'm coming with you.

[playful music]

[Cavin yelling]

[all gasp]

[Cubbi] Quick, Cavin,
before your strength goes.

Oh no.


See anything, Gruffi?

I'm not sure.

That Grammi thinks
she's so smart.

Gruffi, are you okay?

I was right.

[Gruffi coughing]

I fixed it.

Oh, wait till Grammi
gets a load of this.

Grammi, throw me your juice.



Oh my, oh my, that's
what I wanted to tell you.

That the juice only works
for humans once a day.

Now you tell me.

[Cubbi] Grammi, is it
okay to use my juice now?

Yes, yes, yes.

Why don't you pick on
someone your own size?

Get going, I'll catch up.

He cleared the camp for us,
we can go straight through.

Cavin, wait, I can't make it.

We aren't gonna make it.

We're too far from
the quick tunnel.

We have to cut the bridge.

I could try to set
the ropes on fire.

Oh, honestly, Zummi.

No, that's a great idea.

Is Cubbi close enough yet?

I think so.
Yes, you better start.

Camit lemon.
No, no, I can't do it.

I think I can.

Maybe I can.

Zummi, take a deep breath.

Relax, forget what's going on.

You know that spell.

Lamight comendumble nama.

You did it!

I knew you could do it.

Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, I did it, didn't I?


[Cubbi] Gruffi, wait till
you hear what happened to us.


I guess you know
you wasted your time.

I fixed the water
while you were gone.


It's on now,
go see for yourselves.

Gruffi, even more than usual,

you don't know what
you're talking about.

[Gruffi mumbling]

By the way, Zummi,
did you ever get the hang

of that lamp lighting spell?

[fingers snapping]

Yes, I suppose
you could say I did.

[Zummi laughing]

[theme music playing]