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01x20 - Jaco's Warning! Frieza and His 1000 Troops Approach

Posted: 06/28/22 09:03
by bunniefuu
Don't you wanna dream again?

Now it's calling for me
Go back to the start

Wishing on the starlight

In the sky, let's paint a door for tomorrow

Just step on the new stage
Don't be shy

Gonna take the challenge of god


Let's Go! Go! Big panic!

I don't care 'bout limits, no regret

Make me tougher even though I lose

Nothin' gonna stop me no mo'
Try me


Let's Go! Yes! Give a kick!

Keep on going
Power pumpin' up

Something greater waiting not so far away

Goku and Vegeta were in training with Whis

on Beers' far-removed world.

You two have gotten better
compared to earlier,

but you are still utterly lacking in speed.

Look, I even signed your tops.

Meanwhile, at that moment,

the evil emperor Freeza
had returned to this world

through the power of the earth's Dragon Balls.

And so, using state-of-the-art
regeneration equipment,

Freeza had at last
achieved a complete recovery.

Imagine, me... coming back to life.

"A Warning from Jaco!
Freeza and , Soldiers Close In."

W-Welcome back, Freeza-sama.

Hmm? And you are...?

M-My name is Sorbet.

I was on your staff before,
in the rd Stellar Region.

Ah. I do somewhat remember seeing you.

Presently, I am leading our forces
in your place, Freeza-sama.

You are?

Apparently, I really have come back to life.

Yes, sir, using the Dragon Balls
and our new regenerative machine.

Dragon Balls? Ah, those
mysterious orbs the Namekians possess?

We could not find the Namekians,
so Tagoma and I went to earth

and used the Balls that are there.


I am Tagoma. I assisted
in your revival, Freeza-sama.

Hmm, well done, then.

As for Tagoma, sir,
he is an outstanding warrior,

rivaling even the now late
Zarbon-sama and Dodoria-sama.

It took a great deal of time
for you to revive me, considering.

I-I am terribly sorry.

We were occupied with the many
preparations that needed to be made.

The suffering was quite terrible,
there in earth's Hell.

Every day, angels and animals
would throw a cheerful parade.

All right, everyone, let's get started!

Come on, smile!

--Come on, come on!

That truly was hellish.

W-We are glad that you are back.

Hmph. I will wager that things
did not go well without me being here,

which is why you decided
to revive me, is it not?

N-No, sir, not at all.

And Papa?

We thought that we would
revive you alone, Freeza-sama,

and your father the next time around.

Hmph. You do not have to revive Papa.

He is so high-and-mighty
about everything, after all.

Y-Yes, sir. As you wish.

It appears that my skills are a bit rusty.

It may require some time
before I am able to take my revenge.

R-Revenge, sir?

But of course. Until I eliminate

the two Saiyans
who put me through all of this,

I will not be content.

Freeza-sama, please, please, listen to me.

First, we should bring all areas
of the universe under your power--

Forgive me for saying so, sir,

but I think it wisest to ignore the Saiyans,

and instead, work as before to...

Hold your tongue!

He rivals Zarbon-san
and Dodoria-san, you say?

Hmph, I go absent for a short while,

and the Freeza force has grown
quite fainthearted, has it not?

Do you intend to allow the universe's finest,

the Freeza force, to work while
cowering to a handful of Saiyans?

F-Freeza-sama... I beg your forgiveness...

k*lling you all at once
would not be as much fun, after all.

I have no need for weaklings.

Spend the rest of your life
crawling along the floor like that.

Freeza-sama, a-as it happens,

the Saiyan named Son Goku...
went on to become even...

What? Are you telling me
he became even stronger?

As difficult as it is for me to say so...

I expected as much. I just have to
become even stronger than he is.

He even defeated Majin Boo.

Majin Boo?

Papa said that under
no circumstances was I to take action

against Beers the Destroyer
or Majin Boo. That Majin Boo?

Y-Yes, sir.

That is better than I imagined.

Still, does that not make this interesting?

I-Interesting, sir?

I was born naturally gifted, after all.

I have never done any kind of training before,

nor was there ever any need for it.

Y-Yes, sir.

I wonder what will happen...
once I go through training

to draw out all of my latent abilities.

By my prediction,
if I train earnestly for four months,

I should be able to
easily surpass the likes of them.

Ho-ho-ho-ho, I look forward to
what is coming after four months!

Both of you!
Your heightened Ki is leaking out.

Keep your Ki heightened
only within your bodies,

so that your opponent is not aware of it.

Imagine, both of them
coming so far in so short a time.

They are indeed worthy of
the recognition Beers-sama gives them.

What is this?

You're being too noisy.


Beers-sama, you are awake?

Sheesh, I can't sleep, can ?

H-Hey, Beers-sama.

Y-Yikes! I was not ready for that one!

Yeah, you really can't
lower your guard around this guy.

I guess we will not need a do-over this time.

Hey, now that I think of it,
how come you guys are here?

We're having Whis-san train us.

I can see that for myself.
I mean, how did you get here?

We had Whis-san bring us here.

Whis did?

Hmph, I'll just bet that you
bribed him with something yummy, huh?

As I remember it...

Well, that's pretty much it.

Why do you want to get stronger so badly?

You wouldn't be gunning for
the job of Destroyer, would you?

It ain't that. I just wanna
get stronger, that's all.

And I don't want to be left
in the dust by this bastard, that's all.

How can you say that, Vegeta?

You're the one
who got the jump on me, remember?

It's your own fault for not paying attention!

You two really do not get along well, do you?

So, what is the treat
you brought back with you?

Th-This time, I dropped it
by accident along the way.

It is probably floating along
somewhere in outer space now.

You dropped it on the way?

Th-That's right! Whis-san is
such a butterfingers, ain't he?

Yeah, what a waste, huh?

I smell a rat. Hmm?

Whis, you just said "this time," didn't you?

I'll bet that while I've been asleep here,

you've been back to earth
many times, haven't you?

I'm going to ask you again, Whis.
You've gone there, huh?

Yes, I went.

However, Beers-sama,
I have an ironclad reason for doing so.

I was testing the food.

Testing it?

There are some foods on earth
that are not so delicious.

I was taste-testing them ahead of time,

so that you would not have to eat any.



"Four months later"

Hey, this is Bulma's house, to be sure, right?

That's right. You need something from Mama?

Mama? Are you Bulma's son?

Yes, I am. Got a problem with that?

This is a surprise. Her, a mother now?

Ah! This isn't the time!
Go call Bulma here at once!

Is he one of Bulma-san's friends?

Cut it out, Goten.

Mama doesn't have any friends
who wear full-body tights like this guy.

These are not tights.

It's my own skin.

Say, where do they sell those masks?

This is not a mask!

It's my own face!

Ha, that's funny.

Say, which grade school do you go to?

I am not in grade school! I'm an adult!

Goten, you idiot!

H-His ear came off!

That is not my ear;
it's the latest radio communicator.

Now hurry and go get Bulma for me.

You sure are bossy, huh?
So, what's your name?

I am a defender of
the galactic peace! A chosen elite!

Jaco, the Galactic Patrolman!

Eh, lame.

Hey! If it isn't Jaco! Long time no see.

Trunks said that a "zako" [small fry]
was here to see me,

so I wondered who it might be.

It's not zako, it's Jaco.

Hey, no touching the
super-elite machine without asking!

So, did you need something?

I heard that you were friends with
the man who defeated Freeza.

--Is that true?

There are two people
who have defeated Freeza, though.

One of them was my son, Trunks.


You're telling me that
that child defeated Freeza?

No, not this Trunks.

To be exact, it was the Trunks
who came from the future,

in a time machine, who defeated him.

From the future?

You're pretty brazen about it.

Time control is a serious crime
under galactic law!

If caught, you could be
exiled to a penal planet.

I don't know anything about those laws.

Still, even coming from the future,
to be able to defeat Freeza...

Your son is pretty handy, for an earthling.

He's not an earthling.

Trunks and the other boy there,
Goten-kun, are both half Saiyan.

Saiyan?! As in, Saiyans from Planet Vegeta?

That's right.

The warrior race Saiyans?

Like I said, yes.

In other words, Bulma,
your husband is a Saiyan?

Of course he is.

Of course...

Hey, you two! Come out of there, right now!


Bulma-san, I do not mind!

Go ahead, please, enjoy yourselves!

Why are you suddenly being more polite?

What do you think that button does?

This one? Click!

Ah! Hey!

Bulma-san is saying something.

Can't hear her, can't hear her!

Imagine, Saiyans settling
down here, on earth...

Maybe I've botched things.

Nah, the statute of limitations
on that mission has passed.

Oh, you. So anyway,
what are you doing here today?

Like I said, I need to see
the man who defeated Freeza.

Who is the other one--
the one who isn't your son?

That's my friend, Son-kun.

Let me see him at once.
I have something to tell him.

That could be difficult.

Right now, he's at
Beers-sama's place, with my husband.


Beers the Destroyer.

That's impossible. Beers is just a myth.

If that's what you think, then fine.

This is no time for you
to be so happy-go-lucky!

Freeza has come back to life,
and he is headed toward earth,

along with , soldiers!

Huh? Freeza?

He couldn't have come back to life.



With , soldiers?


As I recall, Freeza is a
ridiculously violent fellow, right?

You are correct.

Incidentally, this is what he looks like.

Not only is that drawing bad,
it's pretty malicious-looking, too.

Freeza apparently returned four months ago,

and the Freeza force is
rivaling their heyday in their power.

Unless something is done,
all earthlings will be exterminated.


You should have said something
that important first!

I'm just letting you know,
I'm getting out of here.

That's because I don't want to die.

All right, you two,
back to your room, right now!



This is one of our in-house-strawberry

deluxe strawberry parfaits!

Contact me if you want to eat it!

Act quickly, or it will melt!

What are you doing, at a time like this?


Say, Jaco, when are Freeza
and his men coming?

Another week? Maybe ten days?

In about one hour.

You dummy! That's in no time at all, isn't it?!

I have to hurry and let the others know!


Cell phone... Where's my cell phone...?

Huh? It's from Bulma-san.

Yes, this is Kuririn. This is
a bad time, Bulma-san. I'm on duty.

Eh? Freeza?! But that's impossible.

A-An hour?!

Right... Understood. I'll get ready at once!

I'll handle contacting Muten Roshi-sama.

Okay, goodbye.

Here you go.

Thank you, No. -san.


Who'd have thought I'd ever
have to put on my dogi again?

I'd never get k*lled twice
by the same opponent, right? No way.

I'm coming, too. My battle power
is much higher than all of yours.

No, I'll go.

No. -san, you stay here
and keep Marron safe.

And more importantly, I need a favor.

You say Son Goku and Vegeta

are both at Beers' place, and not here?

Yeah, we're waiting to hear back from them.

I sure hope they get here soon.

But luckily, Majin Boo and Gohan
are around, so that's encouraging.

All right!

Look after your mama for me.

I'm off.


Have supper waiting for me.

Pretty cool.

It sounds like there's an army of them coming.

We'll be able to cut loose
for the first time in ages.



You're coming, too?

Yeah. Muten Roshi-sama,
you look well, as usual.


Gohan! Piccolo!

Seeing your head like that
sure takes me back!

I'm all geared up! But never mind me--
are you sure about this?

Your daughter was just born, wasn't she?

The same goes for you, Kuririn-san.

Here they come!

That's huge! This is the
resurrected Freeza's Ki?!


We will arrive on earth shortly, Freeza-sama.

Incidentally, I understand that Son Goku

is the only Saiyan who
defeated me that you can find.

Yes, sir. No matter where we looked,
we could not find the other.

Well, that will do.

But Freeza-sama, once you have
successfully taken revenge,

he can be brought back to life
with the Dragon Balls.

I have a thought about that.

It looks like they're here.

So then, it is time for my fun, fun vengeance

to now begin!

Now I reminisce over my childhood

When both my tiny hands
were overflowing with dreams

Let's ride the wind blowing in the whole town

(A new chapter begins)

And go on a journey

Shining star

Night falls in an instant, like magic

The warmth I remember in my heart

Shining star

If I could scrape up sh**ting stars

I thought I would be a bit stronger

Hello. I'm Gohan.

Unbelievable. It really is Freeza.

He has clearly
increased his power from before.

Even against a thousand foes,
we will not be beaten!

Kuririn-san, watch out!
I'll be right there! Please get out of there!

Next time on Dragon Ball Super,

"The Start of Vengeance!
The Freeza Force's Malice Strikes Gohan!"

Please be sure to watch.