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04x01 - Friended! with the Casagrandes

Posted: 06/29/22 18:19
by bunniefuu
- ♪ In the Loud House ♪

♪ In the Loud House ♪

- ♪ Duck, dodge, push,
and shove ♪

♪ Is how we show our love ♪

- ♪ In the Loud House,
in the Loud House ♪

- ♪ One boy and ten girls ♪

♪ Wouldn't trade it
for the world ♪

- ♪ Loud, Loud House ♪

- Poo-poo.

- Hey, it's me, Ronnie Anne!

If you like The Louds,
come meet my family!

My mom, my brother, Abuelo,
Abuela, Tio Carlos, Tia Frida,

my cousins Carlota,
CJ, Carl, and Carlitos,

and our pets, Sergio and Lalo.

We are the Casagrandes!

[bright music]

♪ ♪

[Ronnie Anne snoring]

- [slurps]

- Gah, Lalo!
What the heck, dude!

- [squawk]
Time for breakfast!

Early bird gets
the chilaquiles!

- Chilaquiles?

- [humming]

- Andale!
Eat, eat!

- Morning, Abuela!

You're in a hurry today.

- Si, mija!

The apartment upstairs
is vacant, and as

building manager it's my job to
show it to potential tenants.

- And it's my job to help!

- Sweet tool belt, CJ.
Is that a new hammer?

- It's also a screwdriver!

- Ooh.

- Morning, Mom!

- Morning, sweetie.
Got any plans for the day?

- Yeah, I'm gonna take
my board to the park

and work out
some new tricks.

- Sounds fun!
Remember to wear your--

I've heard enough of your ER
stories to know better.

- Ooh, that reminds me!
You won't believe what we

found in a patient's
stomach yesterday.

At first we thought
it was a hairball, but--

- Ahem!
You know we love you, Tia,

t me of us are eating.

- Text me the details!

- Oh, thanks for
the plate, hun!

- Morning, fam!

Better take breakfast
to go, Abuela.

I gotta get downstairs
to open the mercado.

- Gracias, mijo!
What a good grandson,

letting your abuelo
relax and enjoy his café.

- Thanks, Abuela!

- Wait, Bobby!
Your apron!

- Thanks, sis!

- Wait up, cuz!

You need me to supervise!

[door closes]

[dog barks]

- [squawk]

- [whimpers]

- Better luck next time, dude.

- Yes, Mr. Scully.

I'm going to open up
the apartment right now.

I think we're going to get
a lot of applicants.

- Abuela, your keys!

- Anyway, I'll be sure
to have the apartment ready.

- [sighs]
Ahh, and now to finally eat!

- [whimpers]


- Ha!

You are really laying
it on thick, aren't you?

Go ahead, I'll grab something
on my way to the park.

Just don't tell Abuela!
- [barks]

- So how's big city life?
- Great.

Funny thing, I thought
I saw you the other day

but it was just an old dude
with white hair.

- Heh, yeah, I get that a lot.

[loud smack]

Sorry, Ronnie Anne.
It's breakfast time.

I gotta go before one of
my sisters swipes my bagel.

- Smell ya later!
[phone beeps]

Morning, Bruno!

I'll have the
Great Lakes City special.

One dog,
dragged through the garden.

- You want a hot dog
with the works at : a.m.?

- Yup!

- [sighs] You sure I can't

interest you in a Danish
or something?

- Excuse me, could I get one
Great Lakes City special?

- See?
This girl gets it.

Later, dude!

- Ehh.

[upbeat rock music]

♪ ♪

- Ahh, come on!

[upbeat rock music]


Not gonna lie.
I kinda wish someone saw that.

- I did!

- Oh!

Hope you didn't see me
goof it up before.

- No, no, no, no, no!
That was sweet!

Can I try?

- Sure!

Always happy to share
with a fellow skater.

Here, this ramp opened up.

All right, dude.
Show me what you got!

- Whoa, whoa!


- Quick!
Grab on!

- Whoa!

- Are you okay?

- Not a scratch,
thanks to you!

- Um, not to be rude,
but have you skated before?

- Nope!
But it looked fun.

I've never eaten
a hot dog with

all that extra junk
on it either,

but I just moved here
and I want to try

every new thing I can!

- [sputter] You're awesome!
I'm Ronnie Anne Santiago.

- I'm Sid Chang!
Nice to meet you!

[pigeon coos]

- Whoa,
look at that little dude.

He's seen better days.

- [burps]

- Poor guy.

I still can't believe you
didn't grow up here!

- Nope!
I'm from Royal Woods.

- Wow, you seemed
like such a city kid,

what with the hot dogs
for breakfast and all.

- Nah, I only moved
here a few months ago

with my brother and my mom
to be closer to family.

My mom's an ER nurse
at the city hospital.

- Cool!
What about your dad?

Unless that's like
a sore subject.

My grandma always
says I'm too nosy.

- [laughs] No, no, no,
you're good.

My parents are split up,
but it's no big.

My dad's a doctor who works
with Physicians on Missions.

He's in Peru right now
helping set up a new clinic.

- Whoa, is that
a ring-tailed lemur?

- Yeah, how'd you know?

- My mom brought one
home from work once.

She's a zoologist.

That's her.

And that's my dad, who's
a subway conductor,

and my sister Adelaide,
who's, like,

a professional
little sass bucket.

- [chuckles]

- Crud, that's my mom.

I gotta go meet
back up with them.

- I should probably
get going, too.

But maybe we should,
you know...

- Hang out again
as soon as possible?

- Yeah!
Number swap?

Put it on my tab, Bobby!

- You don't have a tab!

- Sid?

Both: What are you doing here?

- I live here!

- No way.
I might too!

My parents are applying
for an apartment right now!

I looked at it with them
before going to the park!

- Apartment A?

That's right over me in A!
We could be neighbors!

- You're blowing
my mind right now!

Ooh-ah, ooh-ah, ooh!
- [laughs]

- Ooh-ah, ooh-ah, ooh!

together: Whoo!


- Thanks, Mrs. Casagrande.

It was a pleasure meeting you
and your grandchildren!

Hey, kiddo!
Sorry we took so long.

Ready to head back
to the hotel?

- Yep!
See you later, neighbor!

- Abuela!

You have to give
that family the apartment!

I hung out with Sid at the
park, and she's awesome!

- Mija, I don't own the
building, I just manage it.

That decision's up to
Mr. Scully, and he's gonna have

a lot of applicants
to choose from.

- Oh.

- Don't worry, niña,
I'll put in a good word.

I like them, too.

- Come on, Abuela,
back to work!

- You're right, CJ!

- Guys, I have a favor to ask.

You know that family
who just looked at

the apartment, the Changs?
They have to get it.

I know that sounds crazy,

but I just met this
awesome girl, Sid, and--

- Are you kidding?

We want them
to get the apartment, too!

- Yeah!
Carl and I met them when

they came into the mercado.

Did you know Mr. Chang
is a subway driver?

- Excuse you,
he is a conductor!

And he said he'd let me take
the controls sometime!

- And Mrs. Chang is
taking me to the zoo!

I'm going to feed
the elephants!

- Oh, and that adorable
little Adelaide?

Her parents are looking
for a babysitter!

Hello, second job!

- I'm just happy to see you
so excited about a new bud.

I know it's hard
to make friends in a new city,

and I don't want you
to be lonely.

- Come on, Bobby, don't
get all cornball on me now.

- [clears throat]

If you guys are done,
I want to hear the plan.

- Thank you, CJ.
It's simple.

We just have to
make sure that no other

potential tenants
see the apartment.

How does Abuela
usually advertise it?

Online posts?
Email blasts?


- No way.
Abuela's old-school.

- Yeah, she photocopies
the same flyer she's used

for ten years and puts it up
all over the neighborhood.

- Okay, so we'll have to
take those flyers down

and deal with the people
who've already seen them.

Plus, someone has to keep
Abuela distracted.

Now who's with me?

- [together]
I am!

[low jazzy music]

- Abuela always puts a flyer up
at Margarita's salon.

- Got it.

- Gracias, Margarita,

for the trim and the gossip!

- Whew, that was close!
- Uh, I know!

[gasps] Hey, you wanna get
mani-pedis while we're here?

My treat.

- Uh, you missed a spot.

- Oh. Thanks, buddy.


- I got this one.

Oh, you're here to see
apartment A?


The bed bug exterminator
should be done any minute.

[horror music]

[men shriek]

- Ay-yi-yi!
I'm surprised

no one's coming by.

Last time we had a vacant
apartment, it was a mob scene.

[suspenseful music]

- Wanna see my new hammer?
It's also a screwdriver.

- Hmm!


- [sighs]

[low jazzy music]

♪ ♪

- Shh!

- Shh!

- Oh, sorry.

[low jazzy music resumes]

- [gasps]

[whimpers nervously]

- Shh!

- Is that... police tape?

Is this a crime scene?

- I know we wanted edgy,
but not that edgy!

[both screaming]

- [chuckles]

[both sigh]

- Hey, guys.
How'd everything go today?

- Perfect!
We were able to keep

every potential tenant
from entering the building.

How about you guys?
- Great!

We got every flyer
in the neighborhood.

And I've got the blisters
to prove it.

I chose the wrong day to break
in these disco boots.

- You guys have been amazing!
Thank you so much.

[bell dings]

- I gotta got tell
Sid about this!

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

Oh, hey, Abuela and CJ.

Lotta people come to see
the apartment today?

- No, mija.
It's very strange!

The Changs were
the only ones who came by.

Oh, well, I'll call
Mr. Scully to let him know.

- Hey, official new neighbor...

[phone ringing]

- Oh, hello, Mr. Scully!
I was just about to call you.

- Thanks for all your hard
work today, Mrs. Casagrande.

I was wondering
if you could show

the apartment one more time.

- Huh?

- I'm sending some potential
tenants over in an hour.

They're friends of mine.

I think they'll be
a great fit for the building!

[tense music]

- Ugh, I can't believe
another couple

is coming to look
at the apartment.

So much for babysitting
Sid's little sister.

And right after I found out
she and I are the same sign.

- Bye-bye, elephants.

- [groans] So much
for going full throttle

on the : express train.

- Aww, sorry, sis.

I know how much you wanted to
have Sid in the building.

- Guys, we can't give up!

- But these people are
Mr. Scully's friends!

If they like the apartment,
they'll definitely get it.

- Hmm.

what if they don't like it?

Here's what I'm thinking.

Before they get here,
we distract Abuela

and make the apartment
look like a total disaster.

- That's great!

But there's one tiny hole
in your plan.

Abuela's obviously going
to know what we did when

she takes the couple up there.

- No, she won't.
- [together] Why?

- Because she's not going to
take them to see the apartment.

I am.

- [mimicking bird call]

- Sid?
- Hey!

How'd you like my bird call?

It was an Amazon kingfisher.

Perfect for secret missions.

- Oh, do you do a lot
of secret missions?

- No, this is my first one.

But I'm already getting
the hang of it.

[pigeon coos, Sid gasps]


Guess my bird call
was a little too good.

- Ha.
Come on, you nut.

- [whistling]

- Five, four,
three, two--

- Are you hungry, mijito?

- Right on time.

- Let me whip you up a snack!

- Thanks, Abuela!
You're the best.

- That's my good boy.

- [panting]

- Good dog.

Let's do this.

- I can't believe this
is going to be my hallway!

And my door!

And this is going to
be my living room!

And this is going to
be my bedroom!

- Wait.

You're right above my bedroom!

We'll be able to talk
any time we want!

[dog barks]

- Oh, cool,
and there's your dog!

Hey, bud!

- [barks]

- Lalo, shh!

- I had a little leftover
hot dog in my pocket.

- Well, you just
made a friend for life.

And now, back to the plan.

Let's get to work!

- [groans]

- Asi, muchacho!
Keep eating!

And save room for flan!

I'm just going upstairs
to do one last check

of the apartment.

- [groans]

- [squawks] Man down!


Carl's asleep!

Abuela's on the move!

- Oh, no!
I'm on it!

Abuela, wait!

- What is it, mija?
- Uh, I just... uh...

Can you do a
fortune telling for me?

- I'm happy to do it later,
but right now I'm busy.

- But, it's urgent!

There's, uh, a really cute
barista at the coffee shop

and I don't know if I
should ask him out

before Kinsey Beckwith
swoops in!

- [gasps] That is urgent!

Let me get my cards
and tea leaves,

and we'll see if
this boy is worthy of you!

- Have a seat next
to your hermano.

I'll be right back.

- I think we nailed it.

- Yeah.
Nice brush work.

You're almost making me
not want to live here!

- A-thank you.
How'd the gluing go?

- Great.

These windows aren't closing
any time soon.

[pigeon coos]

[chuckles uneasily]

- Yep, I think our work
here is almost done.

Just one more thing...

- Whoa!
What is that smell?


- My secret w*apon.
A secret blend of

expired cheese,
Bobby's work shoes

and to top it off,
Lalo's fart pillow.

- Dang, girl!
What's next?

- We hide these
around the apartment.

- And then?
- You go back to your hotel.

- And then?

- I'll signal you when
the mission is complete.

- Ooh, which bird call
are you going to use?

The plum-throated cotinga?

[mimics bird call]

[pigeon coos]

Just text me!

- Shh!
This is a secret mission.

I'm going up, Ronnie Anne.

- Great job, CJ!

- Shh!
Secret mission!

- Right!
Sorry, CJ.

[knock at door]

- Hi, Mrs. Kernicky!

- CJ, my favorite neighbor!

Come in,
I just baked some cookies!

[Carl coughs]

- The cards do not lie, mija.
This barista boy is a punk!

You can do better.
Let Kinsey have him.

- I love you, Abuela!

- Yes, yes, that's nice,
mi angelita.

I love you, too.

[doorbell buzzes]

Oh, that must be Mr. Scully's
friends the Reynolds!

- What now?

We can't let Abuela
go upstairs!

- Don't worry.
We planned for this.

- Oh, good, good.

I should've known
you guys were on it.

- Oh, no!
Carl, your forehead is warm.

Are you getting sick?

- Sick?
Who's sick?

Carl's sick?

- How could you?

Pobrecito, are you ill?

I told you not to touch

the subway handrails.
But don't worry!

I have remedies
to cure everything!

- Yeah, that's what
I was afraid of.

Mija, you'll have to show
the Reynolds the apartment.

I'll start warming up
the bone broth.

- I will not forget
this betrayal!

If I survive.

[doorbell buzzes]

- Okay.
Here we go.

- It's nice to meet you,
Ronnie Anne.

We're so excited
to see the apartment!

- Oh, it's the best unit
in the building.

You're going to love it,
Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds.

[both gasp]

- So, as you can see,

it's really bright and open
and airy.

- Goodness.
[uncomfortable laughter]

There seems to be a lot
of cracks in the walls.

- You could hang a few pictures

and who's gonna notice,
am I right?

[loud footsteps upstairs]

Your upstairs neighbor is a
professional clog dancer.

- And that's how
you do the CJ Shuffle.

- Wonderful!
You're very talented, CJ.

Another cookie?

- Don't mind if I do.

- [sniffs]
Oof, what is that smell?

- Great question!
No one really knows.

It's a fun mystery
the whole building's

been trying to solve.

My money's on a
forgotten crab cake.

Or rockfish.
Ever had rockfish?

[car crash outside,
horns honking]

Ahh, the excitement
of the city!

Don't you love it?

[horns honking]

- Maybe we should
close some windows!


This one is stuck.

- [grunts]

So is this one.

It's almost like
it was glued open.

- [chuckles]
You're funny!

No, those windows have been
stuck for years but it's great.

You get plenty
of natural light.

And rain and snow.

[loud squawking, both scream]

- I forgot to ask,
do you guys like animals?

This neighborhood is full
of friendly critters.

[loud, blaring squawk]

Come on, I'll show
you the bedrooms.

One's right over the dumpster,
which makes trash day a breeze!

- Actually,
I think we've seen enough.

- What?

- Thank you for showing
us the apartment,

but we're not going
to take it.

- Oh, that's too bad.

I really thought you'd like it.

Well, good luck
finding a place.

- Is this bird poop?

- Did I miss the Reynolds?

I have an application
for them to fill out.

- No need, Abuela!

They decided not to take
the apartment.

They, uh, wanted a place
with an elevator.

- Of course, CJ!

I'm sure my mom would let you

help give the elephants a bath!

And, Carl, my dad will
give you a tour

of the abandoned
subway tunnels.

- To our new neighbors,
the Changs!

all: To the Changs!

- Uh, Rosa, Mr. Scully
is here to see you.

- Huh?
What's he doing here?

- Oh, hello, Mr. Scully.

- Hello, Mrs. Casagrande.

Uh, I was surprised

to hear that the Reynolds
aren't taking the apartment.

- So was I!

And just because
we don't have an elevator.

- [stammers]

They said the apartment
was a disaster.

I thought you were taking
better care of it.

I'm sorry, but I'm afraid
I'm going to have to fire you.

[all gasp]

- [sighs]

- No, Mr. Scully!

Come, come.

I'll show you
the apartment.

I don't understand what
the Reynolds are talking about!

You'll see how nice
the apartment is.

New windows, new paint,

[both gasp]

- What!

Then how do
you explain this?

- I-I... I can't.

- I can.

This was all my doing.

I made the place
look terrible

so the Reynolds
wouldn't want it.

- But why would you do that?

- [sighs] Because I wanted
the Changs to live here.

Sid and I really
hit it off and...

I thought we could be friends,
maybe even best friends.

Mr. Scully,
I'm really, really sorry.

Please don't fire Abuela.
She's a great manager!

This is all on me.

- Ronnie Anne!

- [squawks]
Double trouble!

- Your abuela told me what you
did, and I'm very disappointed.

- [groans]

- But we did
get some good news.

- Mr. Scully said
I can keep my job.

- Oh, my gosh!
That's great!

I'm so sorry
about what I did.

- I know, mija.

And I appreciate that you
took responsibility for it.

Aww, mi nieta.

- So... the Reynolds
are taking the apartment?

- Si...

- Once you're done
repairing it.

[grunts with effort]

- Last one!
All done.

Thanks for the assist, Sergio!

- [squawks]
You can pay me in crackers.

- [gasps] The apartment
looks good, mija.

I'm impressed.

Why don't you
come downstairs

and help we welcome
the new tenants?

- Okay.

I owe the Reynolds
an apology anyway.

Oh, hi, Mr. Scully.
The apartment is all ready.

I know the Reynolds are
going to be very happy here.

- Thank you, Ronnie Anne.
I really appreciate it.

And I'm sure the
new tenants will, too!

- Oh, yoo-hoo!

[mimics bird call]

[pigeon coos]

- Ahh!

[subdued pigeon coo]

- Oh, yoo-hoo!

- What the what?

- Hey, neighbor!

- But wait.
I-I-I don't understand.

- Ronnie Anne, what you said
about having a best friend

really touched me.
I got to live next door to

my "BFF" when I was a kid,
and I know how special that is.

So I found the Reynolds
an apartment in another one

of my buildings and
told the Changs they

could have this one.

- Thank you, thank you,
thank you!

- [laughs]
Now have fun, you BFFs!

both: Yes, sir, Mr. Scully!

- Being neighbors is
going to be awesome!

- I know!
We can have sleepovers

all the time and eat hotdogs
for breakfast every day!

- Oh, and wait till you see
the view from the roof!

- Wait till you
meet Cheesecake!

- Who's that?

- He's an albino gorilla
my Mom rescued from the Congo,

and he's really good
at karaoke!

- [laughs]
This just keeps getting better!