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01x72 - Will There Be a Counterattack?! The Invisible k*lling Strike!!

Posted: 06/30/22 04:39
by bunniefuu
Don't you wanna dream again?

Now it's calling for me
Go back to the start

Wishing on the starlight

In the sky, let's paint a door for tomorrow

Just step on the new stage
Don't be shy

Gonna take the challenge of god


Let's Go! Go! Big panic!

I don't care 'bout limits, no regret

Make me tougher even though I lose

Nothin' gonna stop me no mo'
Try me


Let's Go! Yes! Give a kick!

Keep on going
Power pumpin' up

Something greater waiting not so far away

As Goku says that
someone is out to take his life,

the assassin Hit shows up.

The two of them
stake their lives on their fight.

But then, their bout
comes to a conclusion.

H-He's dead...


"Will He Strike Back?!
The Unseen k*lling Technique!I"


D-Darn it...

--Goten! Stand aside!


Come back to us!

It's no use.


What is that?

So that's it!

Both of you, get back!

But what about Father?

It's okay!

F-Father? You're alive?

Wh-What are you doing way out here?

Don't worry me like that!

Goten, you're tickling me.

Aah, thank goodness.
He came back to life.

You launched that blast ahead of time,

so that the shock would
revive you again when it hit you.

Just how reckless are you?

Oh, I guess he ain't here anymore, huh?

Well, I did die after all. What can I say?

Man, he got me, he got me.

Just for a second there,
I saw Old Man Yama again.

You sure seem to be enjoying yourself.

It's our own fault
for being worried about him.

Father, you were fighting Hit-san, right?

I'm going to avenge your death!

You can't! This fight is between
me and Hit, and nobody else!

But with you dead,
Mother will grieve terribly.

Goten, I'm fine.


Don't worry.

Son, if he's capable of leaving
someone like you for dead...

I thought you could
outmaneuver his time skipping.

He wasn't doing time skipping.
It was something even more awesome.

I've only heard stories about him,

but is this Hit person
really that strong a contender?

When Hit means business,
he's off-the-scale formidable.

I wanna take this chance
to fight Hit at his best.

Gohan, Piccolo,
just let me have this one, okay?

Suit yourself. You've risked your life
time and again for the earth.

You have every right to use your life
any way you like, however wantonly.

There's no use arguing, is there? Very well.


But please b*at him, will you?



Do you understand?

Father, make sure you b*at him!

I'll b*at him for sure!

Hit! Did you leave already?!

I ain't dead yet!!

I did, in fact, k*ll you.

My work is already finished.

I can hear his voice,
but I can't sense his Ki at all.

Father, you fought someone
as incredible as him?

That's an assassin for you.
Hiding his Ki is a walk in the park for him.

Come on, Hit! Don't tell me that!
I did come right back to life.

What about the three-second rule?

This ain't gonna sit right with me
the way things stand!!

Besides, I've figured out your technique!


You're following me, ain't you, Hit?

It might actually be easier
for Hit to fight out here.

Are all assassins
supposed to be this bashful?

If I can feel his Ki coming from over there,

that must mean
that he ain't over there, right?

You can create phony copies
of your own Ki, can't you?

That's how you lured me in
to get behind me, huh?

Where are you, Hit?

Over here?!

No, you ain't.

I'm sensing Ki from all over the place.

He can create Ki duplicates
of himself, huh? That's awesome.


Guess your passion for
finishing things in one blow fell flat.

Though I gotta admit,

I wasn't expecting you to att*ck me
through something else.

But as a result, I'm starting to figure it out.

You're sh**ting Ki
that can't be seen, ain't you?

Figuring it out won't stop it.

Oh, yeah? What do you say
we go some place more open?

Emitting your Ki like that in the dark,

you're as good as telling me
exactly where you are.

That's the whole idea.

I've never allowed
one of my targets to escape.

No doubt.

Meaning that I've always
taken out my targets,

no matter what tricks they've used.

Here it comes!

You ain't gonna hit me
with that move again!

So you really have completely
eluded it on the third try then.

Now it's my turn!

Sure enough, I didn't hit him!

Is that a Zanzo-ken?

No, it ain't!

You're strong! You were nothing
compared to this at the tournament!

However, you can do even better, right?

I'm trembling...

Those aren't tremors of a warrior's
excitement; they are born of fear.

Could be.

I touched you!

That leaves three more times. Good luck.

How about a prime steak?

How about a prime steak?!


I'm proposing trading a steak
for those last three!

Is that what it has come to?

Still, I have already
had steak several times.

It will have to be something
delicious that I have not tried

before it sways my mind.

Damn it. I-In that case, I'll drench it
in Grandma's secret sauce!

--This is Grandma's secret sauce!

Grandma's secret sauce?

Yeah, that's right! A steak served
with Grandma's secret sauce!

That does sound like it would
tempt my appetite ever so much!

Yes, yes! Yes!

If my att*cks ain't gonna hit him,
what else can I do?

This is a pickle.

Well, I gotta try something!

Hit ain't doing nothing
while I'm attacking him.

Something ain't right.
It's almost like there's two of him.

Son Goku is still alive, isn't he?

Hit means business,
and he still hasn't taken him down.

He does appear to be
having a difficult time of it.

But why isn't he able to even touch Hit?

Do you know why Hit's technique
is called time skipping?

Because he's able to stop time, right?

What he is doing is not stopping time;

to be more precise,
he is skipping over time.

What do you mean, "skipping over time"?

Further, Hit is able to store up
the time that he has skipped.

Yeah, but what does that mean?

Moreover, with that stored time,
he can create another space--

in other words a parallel world--

into which he can freely move.

That is the reason why he is still visible,
but no one is able to touch him.

It's all so incredible,
I don't know what's what!

I am this close
to grasping something here...

Then go ahead and grasp away.


Heh-heh, I grazed you.

Against you, that's no great surprise.

It is almost as though we are
watching a repeat of the tournament.

He'll be a real thr*at at the next
tournament, which Zeno-sama will hold.

You were right to hire him
to assassinate Son Goku.

Oh? I just acted as a go-between.
The real client was someone else.

Huh? For real?


Whenever you take an att*ck,
you're in some other place, right?

That is correct.

But while you're there, you can't att*ck!

That's why you only move back here
the moment when you att*ck!

That's the moment I was watching for!

It's not as though I can't att*ck.


He certainly is free
in showing off his techniques.

He must be enjoying his fight
with Son Goku considerably.

Assassins aren't supposed
to enjoy their work, right?

Right now, he is not the assassin Hit;
he is merely a martial artist.

I am able to att*ck like this.

You really are awesome.
You're always one step ahead of me.

Ooh, that smarts...

But then, I ain't ever
gone down without a fight.

You went down without
giving me much of a fight, didn't you?

Hmm? Beers-sama?
Whis-san? And Vegeta, too?

What are you all doing here?

We came to observe.

Observe what?

It would seem that we are not
the first visitors here.



Champa-sama and Vados-san, too?
How long have you been here?

Hurry up and finish your fight.

What do you mean? You guys are
the ones butting in here, ain't you?

Hit, let's get this going again!


What the--?!

He b*at that technique?!


Ka... me... ha... me...



Kakarrot, you seem to enjoy
fighting that bastard Hit

more than you do fighting me.

That ain't true. Hit was out to take my life.

I had no choice but to fight him, see?

He's out to take your life?

Yeah, that's right.

Who did this?
Who hired you to k*ll Kakarrot?

I cannot reveal anything about my clients.

So he says, but then, are you sure
you're not the one who hired him?

Don't be ridiculous!

Who are you calling ridiculous?
I'll destroy you.

I-I am terribly sorry!
I was caught up in the moment!

Vegeta-san, do you not have
some inkling who it was?


You mean, you're the one who hired Hit

because you wanted to fight him all-out?!

The cat's outta the bag, huh?

Is this true?

Sorry to hide it from you.
If you knew I was the one who hired you,

you might not have been
as motivated as you were.

I don't believe you. You're so profound
I can't wrap my head around it.

Do you mean that as a compliment?

Hey, Whis...

Yes, Beers-sama?

This means that you had
a part in this, too, right?

Goku-san was quite insistent
when he asked me, so I told my sister

and had her hire Hit-san for us.

You shouldn't have
done anything this crazy.

Beers-sama, were you not the one
who said you wanted Goku-san trained?

And I told you to do the training!


Son Goku, is there a deadline for this job?

No, there ain't nothing like that.

I can't do my job with so many onlookers.

You're leaving?

I'll k*ll you at my leisure.
Make sure to always watch your back.

I can't believe he brought it all on himself.

Champa-sama, we should be going as well.

Yeah, you're right.



Goku-sa! You're all right, aren't you?!

Yeah, there ain't anything to worry about.

I heard from Piccolo that
there was an assassin gunnin' for you!


I want to know who is payin'
to have Goku-sa k*lled!

Goku-sa, do you have any idea?

Oh, uh...

Well, not really...

It has to be that dastardly Frost guy!

Don't let it get out
that I'm the one who hired him.


What is it?

Vegeta-san, you have not
forgotten, have you?

Hurry up and feed us those steaks
covered in Grandma's secret sauce!

--Don't forget, now!

Oh, crap! I forgot that
I was lying through my teeth!

I-It's all right! I haven't forgotten
Grandma's secret sauce!

Let's do this again, Hit!

Hello! , , , !
Hello! , , , !

Super! Thank you! Fried Rice! Tasty!

Riding on a ladle
I don't even know its name

A four-thousand-year-old monster

Mixing it all up
And then it's finished in no time

Mysterious story

Softly sprinkling in the spices
It's the world's biggest obsession

Here, bon appétit!

My passion's on a rampage
A Chinese spoon in my right hand

It's time to finish them off!

Hello! , , , !
Hello! , , , !

Super! Thank you! Fried Rice! Tasty!
Super! Thank you! Fried Rice! Music!

Hello, this is Gohan.

Something tremendous is happening.
They're making a Great Saiyaman movie!

What's more, I've ended up
being Great Saiyaman's stuntman!

What am I going to do? Then again...

By no means will I
allow evil to run rampant!

Next time on Dragon Ball Super,

"Gohan's Plight! The Preposterous
Great Saiyaman Film Adaptation?!"

Be sure to watch, okay?