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01x74 - For the Ones He Loves! The Unbeatable Great Saiyaman!!

Posted: 06/30/22 04:40
by bunniefuu
Don't you wanna dream again?

Now it's calling for me
Go back to the start

Wishing on the starlight

In the sky, let's paint a door for tomorrow

Just step on the new stage
Don't be shy

Gonna take the challenge of god


Let's Go! Go! Big panic!

I don't care 'bout limits, no regret

Make me tougher even though I lose

Nothin' gonna stop me no mo'
Try me


Let's Go! Yes! Give a kick!

Keep on going
Power pumpin' up

Something greater waiting not so far away

Believe it or not, there is
a Great Saiyaman movie being made.

"Great Saiyaman vs. Mister Satan"

Further, Gohan has ended up
doing the stunt work

for the movie's ill-natured
megastar, Barry Kahn.

But then, Jaco, in pursuit of Watagash,
shows up in front of Gohan.

Great Saiyaman!

I don't know who that is inside there,

but there is no doubt
that Watagash's host... you!

Great Space Cannon, activate!

"For My Beloved Ones!
The Indomitable Great Saiyaman!!”

What is that?! What's that light?!

Look! It's Great Saiyaman!
They must be sh**ting that movie.

That was close.

I nearly fell off there. Hmm?

So, you're still alive, Watagash?

This time I won't miss!

--H-Hold on!
--Gah! A g*n!

--It's Gohan! Gohan!
--No, he's going to sh**t us!

Gohan [a meal]?
No, thanks, I just had some ramen!

--Trying to buy time, Watagash?
--Cocoa-san, let me go!

--Trying to buy time, Watagash?
--No! Protect me!

This is where you get vaporized.

Wait, Jaco-san! It's me! It's me! See?


That's right.

Son Goku's not-quite-as-capable,
less-than-inspiring son!


He's right about
the less-than-inspiring part.

Hmm... What exactly are you up to?

Why the ultra-lame costume?

It is not either lame!

It really is.

A mind parasite?

Mm-hmm. His name is Watagash.

All alone, he's the
very definition of harmless.

But he tends to be drawn to
the darkness within people's hearts,

and latches onto them.

Once they unite, he gives
his host superhuman powers.

The greater the darkness is
within the host's heart,

the more that power increases.

An entire civilization
once fell because of him.

There's no question that
he's hiding out here on earth.

I understand what's happening.

We cannot allow such
a dangerous alien to remain at large.

--I'll go speak to Father about it.

The way things unfolded,
I had no choice but to explain it to you,

but this is supposed to be
a top-secret investigation.

Let's keep this just between
you and me, okay?


In return, I'll keep your
mid-air date with the spunky girl

a secret from your wife.

Th-That's not what this is!

Oh, really...?

Excuse me!

If anything comes up,
please contact me. I'll see you.


How does a lame guy
like him get the girls?

I'm an idol to everyone.

But right now, I'm just a girl
in love with Great Saiyaman.

I am a hero! I could lose my life
at any time in battle!

I can ill afford to be in love with anyone!

Please forget about me!

Then find a new someone special,
one who really can make you happy!

Please understand. I am a warrior
who keeps the peace for all people!

Such is the Great Saiyaman!

Invite Gohan-san over to my place?


Make up any excuse, like you
want to rehearse lines with him,

to get him over there,
and then keep him there until morning.

Huh? You mean...?

Yeah, it's me. Have I got a scoop for you!

Here's the headline--
"Amaguri Cocoa's boyfriend discovered."

If you stake out her condo,
you can snap some terrific photos.

Look, you can't do this. I'm an idol, so--

I hear your latest single's sales
aren't all that great.

Don't worry. I'll use you
in my future films as well.

Out all night at an idol's home.

Once that scandal gets around,

Gohan's home will fall apart
without a doubt!

That's what happens when
you try to grab the spotlight!

--Excuse me...
--What? You have a problem with this?


Who do you think I am?

Don't think I can't bring down
some has-been idol!


Sorry, I guess you can't really rehearse
with an amateur like me, huh?

No, it's not that.

I don't have any talent.


Um... I really think it's amazing

that you're taking on both
being an idol and an actress.

Have some faith in yourself, okay?

--I don't get it.

Gohan-san, you can fly
through the air and sh**t beams.

You even have an alien as a friend.

How can someone as incredible as you are

understand how an idol
who can't do anything right feels?

I can fly through the air,
and I can control Ki.

But there are a lot of things
that I can't do, too.


I want to make
my wife and daughter happy,

but I'm still no good at all.

So you see, Cocoa-chan, I do
somewhat understand your uneasiness.

Let's both try harder, okay?


Let's rehearse those lines, if you please!

That's more like it!

Mmm, now that was rehearsing!

You really are amazing, Cocoa-chan.

I'm afraid I wasn't much help at all, was ?

That's not true.

Well then, I should be getting home.
Why am I taking the roof again?

Because it's too dangerous down below.

Huh? What do you mean?

Thank you. I'm going to try harder.

He's flying? Don't tell me he's the real...

This is my lucky day. I've got
one more thing to blackmail him with.

And Cocoa, you tried to let him get away,

but did you really think
a mere idol could outfox me?

It's morning already.
I'll have to apologize to Videl-san.

Ah, welcome home.

Oh, you weren't
waiting up for me, were you?

My trouper, working until morning.
The sh**ting went long, did it?

No, it wasn't that...

I made some dinner for you.
If you're hungry, help yourself.


Who could that be at this hour?


How do you have these?

Gohan-kun, what a surprise
that you are the Great Saiyaman.

But even more surprising...

Videl-san, I was just--

How shameless.
And you call yourself a man?

B-Barry-san, why do you
have those photos? This isn't right!

I can understand
how you must feel, ma'am.

The entertainment world
is a daunting place, you see.

With its bright lights
and thunderous applause,

and nothing but pretty girls all around.
It makes plain, regular life--

I feel sorry for you.


Did it really bother you that much
when I turned down your autograph?

Does it really bother you that much
to have Gohan stand out?

Everyone makes such a fuss over you,
but really, you're insecure.

I feel sorry for you.

Th-Those photos are irrefutable proof!

Gohan-kun is not that kind of man.

I'm sure there must be
some good reason for them.


If you're finished here, then leave.

I'll reveal to the press
that Gohan is Great Saiyaman!

I'll subject you to the terror of
being hounded daily by those hyenas!

Please leave, Barry-san.
You're going to wake my daughter.

Don't you tell me what to do,
you lowly stuntman!

I asked you to please leave.

Who the hell does he
think I am?! I'm Barry Kahn!

I'm a superstar! I'm famous! I'm great!

They're all looking down their noses at me!

I'll show them what happens
when they make a fool of me--



Look, um, about those photographs...


Hey, there...

Barry Kahn!



Pan-chan...! Pan-chan...!


What just happened?

Waiting for you at the TV station"

What the...?

Tch, you sure got guts, kid.

I have to admit, this feels great.

Thanks to this power, whatever it is,

I'm not afraid of
Son Gohan, Videl, the media,

or what they write about me on the net!

There is nothing left in this world
anymore that can scare me!

That smell...

Pee-yew! You made poop, didn't you?!

You're one formidable kid
to be able to frighten me.

Give me back Pan-chan!

Oh, he makes his appearance, eh?

Great Saiyaman! It's Great Saiyaman!

Why don't you let me hear one of
your famous signature phrases?!

The monster's body
is growing even bigger!

What power!

Those of you watching this on TV,
this is not CG!

It looks like picking this spot
was the right choice.

I get fired up when there are cameras!



Thank goodness!

This is what you get for exposing
Pan-chan to danger! Say your prayers!

I could say the same!

Th-The monster has grown even larger!

It is now a kaiju! A giant kaiju!



My blood is boiling! Get me a camera!

Y-Yes, sir!

I'm going up there! Follow me!

Yes, sir!

I can feel it! I can feel that
we're about to sh**t a great movie!

M-My back!



He's fast!


There you are, Watagash!

That's far enough!

Great Space Cannon!



If you use that on him, Barry-san will die!

But he's...

I don't want her to see that!

Nothing so awful, no matter what!

Well, I'm not helping you then.


Oh, no... Gohan-san is dead...

No. He's still alive.

There's no way that Gohan-kun will lose.

How can you know that for sure?
How can you be so calm?!

Don't tell me that you
believe in Gohan-san that much!

That's part of it. But the reason
I'm keeping it together is Pan-chan.


To Pan-chan, her papa is
an absolutely invincible hero.

There is no way that he would
ever let Pan-chan see him be beaten.

And that is why Gohan-kun won't lose.

That goes for Pan-chan's mama, too.

There's no way that I'd ever let Pan-chan
see me shaken up and crying.

Let's go, Pan-chan.

Ready, set...



--Hang in there!
--Hang in there!

Pan-chan... Videl-san...

What is that?! What are we looking at?!

If it were up to me, I'd call it...

..."Super Great Saiyaman"!

Super Great Saiyaman Beam!

Fear not; I was curbing my power.



I'm sorry to worry you like that.

Mm-mm. I love you.

Me, too.

What am I going to do
with this naked man?

A manifestation of the evil
in Great Saiyaman's heart?

The final foe was not
Mister Satan, but his own self!

"Great Saiyaman vs. Mister Satan"
opens today!

It's Barry versus Barry!
An irresistible twist for Barry fans!

As for the urban guerilla filmmaking
of the last battle scene,

how did you accomplish that without CG?

--Well, um...
--Hey, now,

you don't get it, do you?

How do you mean?

Ahem... To tell you that would
do away with the movie's magic!

Oh, nicely stated!

--If you reveal anything about Gohan-san,
--Pretty memorable, huh?

--I will tell everyone
that you were that monster.
--Pretty memorable, huh?

Super Great Saiyaman Beam!

Gohan-chan, you sure looked sharp.

Please don't carry on, Mother.

The impact of those battle scenes
wasn't lackin' anythin'!

Right, Goku-sa?

I fell asleep midway through.

I guess fighting is
more fun to do than to watch...

--This is your son's big moment!

What good is it if
his own father isn't watchin'?!

But I ain't good at sitting still.

Here you are.


Ooh, here it comes, here it comes!

Thank you for this meal!

Mmm, that's so good!

Are you sure you should
be eating while on duty?

It's fine. Today is
an auspicious day, after all.

Yeah, but...

An angel and a demon
are sitting together like friends

I'm in the middle
Which way do I face?

Either destroy myself
or destroy everything else

They scream it in my ear all night

Is there a right answer to this???

Demons wearing the masks of angels

They beckon to me and say to me

"For the sake of justice
destroy all evil right now"

They say the world is waiting for me

Heya! I'm Goku!

I wanna keep getting
stronger and stronger.

I wanna get strong, and fight
the heavy hitters across the universes.

But lately, everybody has been so busy,

and nobody will spar against me.

Kuririn! There's always Kuririn, ain't there?

Hey, Kuririn! Come train with me
like we did in the old days!

Next time on Dragon Ball Super,

"Goku and Kuririn: Back to
the Old Familiar Training Ground."

Be sure to watch, okay?