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08x03 - Arthur's Snow Biz/Bugged

Posted: 06/30/22 05:29
by bunniefuu
# Every day you walk down the street Everybody that you meet

# Has an original point of view

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!

# What a wonderful kind of day We can learn to work and play

# And get along with each other

# You gotta listen to your heart Listen to the beat

# Listen to the rhythm of the street Open your eyes! Open your ears!

# Get together, make things better By working together

# It's a simple message And it comes from the heart

# Believe in yourself For that's the place to start

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!
- What a wonderful kind of day

# We can learn to work and play And get along with each other

# What a wonderful kind of day, hey! What a wonderful kind of day, HEY! #

- Hey, DW!
- Hey...

Woo-hoo! ]

Look at me! I'm a kangaroo!

Come on, Buster! It's my turn now.

You had it for bounces. I've only had... .

- !
- But you've had it for longer!

So?! I can't help it if I hop slower!

Sometimes I wonder if all best friends fight.

Did Orville and Wilbur Wright ever argue?

- Give me a push, Orville!
- You got to fly it last time!

- The wasn't a real turn!
- Oh, forget it!

If you won't take turns, people can use the train for the next century!

I'm just saying why is it Frankenstein's monster?

I do just as much work as you!

I did not spend , marks and four years in medical school

to share credit with a lab assistant!

It should be jelly and peanut butter! Alphabetical order!

Ah! Keep a lid on it!

Without me, you'd get mouldy with that jar of borscht!

But Buster and I always find a way to work things out.



Snow day, everyone! No school!

- Arthur, it's Saturday.
- Oh, yeah.

But look at it! I'm calling Buster!

We can build snowmen, and go sledding...!

- And help Dad shovel out.
- But, Mom!

- Thanks for the help, Arthur.
- I'm gonna call Buster now.

Arthur? You wouldn't want to do my walk, too, would you?

- Alberto has the flu!
- Um... I kind of have plans.

- I'll pay you .
- Huh?!

?! For one driveway?! You should go into business.

But then I'd have to spend the whole day shovelling snow.

Let's say you did eight jobs a day. You could make...

, !

- Arthur, you could buy a spaceship!
- It's only a day.

- I can't buy a spaceship!
- What about a used one?

I can't buy ANY spaceship!

But I could buy a skateboard.

Or a catcher's mitt, or a new sled!

I can't sit and talk all day! I have work to do!

Morning! Do you need your money shovelled? I mean, your driveway?

- Hey, Arthur!
- Huh?!
- Wanna go sledding?

Thanks, but I still have some work to do.

Work?! But it's Saturday!

- Huh?! Is this a homework assignment?
- I'm just doing it for extra money.

Suit yourself! Remember us when you're rich.

- Buster?! What are you doing here?
- After you mentioned your spaceship,

I figured, "Why can't I be rich, too?"

- But I was gonna do this house!
- It's big! Let's do it together.

- Hey! We could be partners!
- OK.
- ..Shovel your walk, ma'am?




It's beautiful! You've even sprinkled sand on the steps.

- How does sound?
- Thank you.
- That's great, ma'am.

Wow! Talk about easy money!

- One for me, one for you. One for me...
- It's . each!

OK. Seven for you and seven for me.

I'll take the extra dollar since I was here first.

But I did all the work! You spent half the time dusting the steps!

But she loved the steps!

Plus I did the wet icy snow and you did the fluffy stuff.

- Well, YOU took a huge cocoa break!
- That was for customer relations!

Whenever I looked, YOU were leaning on your shovel catching your breath!

Know what? Keep your dollar! This partnership's over!

Oh, yeah? Well, so is...this one! I quit!

- More snow! Better go shovel out.

- I'll wake up Arthur.
- Let him rest.

After his hard work yesterday, he'll sleep till noon.


Oh, Arthur.

- I've promised the job to that nice boy on all the posters.
- Posters?

Oh, no!

"Everclean Snow Shoveling.

"Elwood City's first and best snow removal business."

That should do the trick.


- Hey! You're covering my flyer!
- I am not!

You are, too! See?! Your corner's touching my corner!

- You can't do that!
- I just did.

That's a poster for a lost kitten!

Oh, forget it! You can have this stupid telephone pole!

OK, Arthur. I've decided to help you.

Help me?! DW, you can hardly lift a shovel!

Yeah, but I can find more jobs for you...for a fee, of course.


Getting your little sister to find you work?!

No fair! Who's gonna say no to a four-year-old girl?!



- # Magic snow! Magic snow... #
- Huh?!
- # If you're all snowed in!

# If you're all snowed in it's the way to go!

- # Magic snow! Magic snow! #
- Grr-rr!

# Who cleans your driveway? Arthur! Arthur! #

Arthur! Arthur!

Buster's lowered his prices! He's only charging a walk!

What?! That's a dollar less than me!

OK, we'll beat him at his own game.

. , and we'll de-ice the car for free.

Ha! I'm working for peanuts!

Buster would have to be crazy to compete with me now!


All for a mere three dollars.

Only two dollars and fifty cents.

At two dollars, I'm the best deal in town.

And I'll even throw in this hat.


Arthur. What a nice surprise.

Hi, Grandma. Do you need your walk shovelled again?

No, sweetheart. Your friend Buster has already started.

Back patio's finished. Let's see about those gutters.

But I'm your grandson! You have to give ME the job.

Sorry. I've already hired Buster. Besides, he only charges a dollar.

Well, then. I'll do it for free.

But, dear... You'll never make any money that way.

Arthur, you missed it!

We had the greatest snowball fight!

And we built a French chateau out of a snowdrift on my front lawn.

- Gee! Sounds like fun.
- Not as fun as it was tearing it down.

- Take that!

- Long day, huh?
- After posters,

sound equipment, a push broom and a new shovel, I made...

ten dollars.

- Ahem!
- Make that nine.
- TV: Now the local weather...

After a weekend of snow, look for blue skies tomorrow.

- Hear that? Sounds like you'll have school tomorrow.
- Really?

I mean, that's too bad.

- I'm getting a hot chocolate. You want one?
- Thanks, Dad.

Phew! School tomorrow. What a relief!

Arthur! Arthur! No school, Arthur!

No school!

Early bird catches the worm.

- How's business?
- OK.

- I'm probably going to have to cut the advertising budget.
- Hey!

- Are you getting puffy blisters on your toes?
- Toes, heels, thumbs -

you name it!

Well, I'd better go. I promised to do the parking lot for cents.

I'm doing the community centre playground for .

Number . This house here.

OK. is next. Move it out!

Buster, how would you feel about skipping the parking lot?

- Are you trying to steal my job?
- No. Let's give Muffy both our jobs.

It's a snow day, and you don't get that many chances to go sledding!

I heard the hill on the th hole is super fast!

- With our profits we can buy a new sled!
- Binky, Francine!

Wait for us!

# Merry blue cow, merry blue cow We love you

# Yeah, we do... #


- DW, why am I so large today?
- We're seeing things from MY point of view.

- You ALWAYS look huge to me.
- I do?

Arthur, you're in third grade. You're a giant!

Your gloves are as big as my shoes!

It's weird that people see you differently to how you see youself.

- Oh, Arthur, you've got peanut butter all over your face.
- Mom, cut it out!

Sorry. I just can't help thinking of you as my little baby.

Well, I'm not a baby, OK? I'm a... a waiter?

Our special today is kibble drenched in steak gravy

- with a side of liver snaps.
- Wuff! Wuff!
- How would you like that done?

- Wuff!
- Hal is a very demanding customer, but he is a good tipper.

When the sand drains, you will be carried onto this catapult

where rats will gnaw the rope on this pulley, releasing the weight

and sending you into this vat of piping-hot scrambled eggs!


You'll never get away with this, Dr Fowl!

Why doesn't he just THROW Bionic Bunny into the scrambled eggs?

- Hey, whose side are you on?
- But it's so unrealistic!

Watch now. Dr Fowl will reveal his master plan for no reason.

While you're melting like a wedge of cheddar,

I'll be robbing banks dressed as YOU!

The age-old mask device?! We've seen it a million times.

- I can tell you exactly what's going to happen next.
- Cut it out!

Why do you have to ruin the show?! It really bugs me.

And the outermost planet is...? Francine?

- Pluto.
- Good. Now, because Pluto is so far away from the sun...

Mr Ratburn? Pluto's orbit intersects Neptune's

so technically it's not always outermost.

Thank you, Alan. But I'd appreciate it if you raise your hand before...

- Yes, Alan?
- Isn't it true there's some controversy

- as to whether Pluto is a planet at all?
- Yes, I suppose.

So why are we learning the planets if we don't...

Hand, Alan. Hand.

Sorry, no more questions until after class.

- You guys divert them and I'll race in and grab the flag.
- Good idea!

Wait. Haven't you learnt anything from the Battle of Agincourt?

- The...
- You don't like my plan?

Well, a more effective option would be to orchestrate a weave pattern.

Here, let me show you on my DX Personal Organiser.

- Yeah!
- Yay, we did it!
- Woo-hoo!


We'd have won if they had listened to me.

Here, I saved the plan on my DX ... Oh! My personal organiser!

I left it on the field!

We'd have won if it weren't for Brain. He's such a know-it-all.

Sometimes he can be a real pest.

- Come on, Francine. It's not a big deal.
- But it happens every time.

- Mom, am I annoying?
- Of course not, sweetie.

- Where does a question like that come from?
- Just something someone said.

But you shouldn't end a sentence with a preposition.

"From where does a question like that come?" is more correct.

OK, Alan, it's time to go to sleep.

- I must have stayed up too late

working on those extra credit problems.


- Don't be alarmed when you see me.

You look fine. Now hurry along.

- Mom, I'm a bug!
- Of course, Alan, you're a common household pest.

Now, put on the sweater from Grandma. It's school picture day.

- Sorry I'm late, Mr Rat.
- Just take a seat and stop bugging us.

Since we've all done our reading, a pop quiz won't be too difficult.

Time's up. Congratulations, Alan.

You've succeeded in producing a puddle of brown slime.

I'm sorry, Alan. You can't come in.

- Orders from the Board of Health.
- I'm hungry!

Well, take it up with the Board.

In the meantime, there's plenty of rotten fruit in the garbage.

All right,!


We're gonna have to take that one again.

Here, let me try.

- You have a slow leak. I'd suggest a makeshift...
- Quit bugging us!

You're a pest, Brain. A real pest.

And you know what we do with pests? We squash them.

- ALL: Let's get him!
- Aaargh!


The subterranean cave - not THAT age-old device(?)

Brain, have you learnt nothing from the Battle of Agincourt(?)

What are you going to do to me?

When Buster pulls this lever,

this belt thingy will carry you onto this throwing thingy

which will toss you onto this wall

where you will be swatted by this giant fly-swatter.

But... But that makes no sense.

It would be much simpler just to swat me.

Maybe, but it would be a lot less fun.

OK, Buster, let her rip.



What a disturbing dream!

So what does it all mean?

Ohhhmmm... I've got it!

- It means you will come into sudden wealth.
- Sudden wealth?!

My dream wasn't about wealth!

No, wait! You will meet a stranger who will change your life.

What has that to do with bugs?! will receive a promotion at work?

I don't have a job! You don't know what you're talking about!

- I suppose that's possible.
- I think I dreamed I was a bug

because I AM a bug... in a symbolic sense.

When I correct people I annoy them.

OK, smarty-pants, have it YOUR way!

A perfect illustration of my theory. I see only one solution -

a vow of total silence.

Total silence?! Hah! You won't last a minute!

I assure you, Prunella, I have ample willpower to... Oops.

If anyone can answer this question,

I'll let you all go to recess early today.

- Cool!
- Oh, great!
- Let's do it!

What famous North American landmark is constantly moving backwards?

'Hmm. Moving backwards... I've got it! It's Niagara Falls!

'The force of the water erodes the lip of the falls, making it recede.


'I can't! My vow!'



'Say Niagara Falls! Niagara Falls!

- 'Niagara Falls!'
- it the Statue of Liberty?

No, Buster, it's a natural landmark. Anybody else?

'Sure, they want me to answer now, but later they'll call me a pest.'

Time's up. The answer is Niagara Falls,

whose rim is eroded by the thousands of gallons of water

- passing over each second.
- ' , gallons per second to be precise.'

Hmm, I could go for a red spiral...

or maybe the steelie in the back. What do you think, Brain?

- Ahem.
- Did you hear me, Brain?

Ahem! Ahem!

Are you OK? Do you need some water?

- What's wrong with him?

I have the perfect plan. Arthur, you climb up that tree.

Meanwhile the Brain will...

'They're going to get our flag! I've got to do something!

'No. Don't say a word. They don't want you telling them what to do.

'But I HAVE to say something!

'But I can't! But I must! But I...!'

Francine, go help Buster. Arthur, make a diversionary move.


Here. Sorry.

What are you sorry for?! You got us the flag!

- That was great!
- But I told you guys what to do.

- Doesn't that annoy you?
- Yeah, but not when it wins us the game!

Is THAT why you've been so quiet? Because you think you're annoying?

Well, I overheard Francine calling me a pest the other day.

I was just mad that we lost, Brain. I'm sorry.

Besides, everyone bugs people sometimes. Muffy's a show-off,

and Buster eats my desserts when I'm not looking.

- Huh?! And what about Francine? She can be a real big-mouth.
- What?!

Who are you calling a big-mouth?!

- I guess you're right.
- I am not a big-mouth!
