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02x01 - Care-a-Lot's Birthday

Posted: 06/30/22 08:05
by bunniefuu

noble heart and i will be back as soon

as we complete our caring mission

are you too sure you can manage don't

worry true heart

just leave everything to me and


all right but remember keralot's

birthday is the most important day in

the history of the care bears

oh you bet noble heart we'll have

everything ready for the biggest

celebration cara lot's ever seen

do you really think we can do it all by

ourselves braveheart

of course i do tender heart how much

trouble could it be

setting up a birthday party


a more over there i'll move the stars up

front here

are those lights ready yet tenderheart

almost braveheart

one of these bulbs must be loose it'll

just take me a minute to find it

oh forget it tenderheart start mopping

over there and move the stars up front


and put those lights up over there

ah found it

why did true heart and noble heart ever

think we could do this all by ourselves

tender heart

because you told them we could


oh yeah well i didn't think setting up

for caroline's birthday was going to be

so complicated

that we'll never get everything done in

time never say never

we can save some time by tossing out

your carnival games

never these games are a big part of my

birthday party extravaganza

when i set up a party i set up a party

your birthday extravaganza i thought we

were working together

great idea tenderheart we'll work

together i'll tell you what to do

and you do it you mop up over there move

the stars up front here and put the

lights up over there

while i share


baby hugs give you a big hug and make it

all better

ah braveheart how come

caroline has a birthday it's a place

not a people

oh well baby tugs it's to celebrate when

noble heart horse and true heart bear

started the care bear family understand

no i guess you don't care a lot's

birthday is just like a big

birthday for the whole care bear family

a birthday for everyone what can we give

everyone for a birthday present


tell you what why don't you give

everyone a little show

a show yeah you know show

everyone how you can mop up over there

move the stars up front here a show for

everyone to watch

you can sing or dance or do whatever you


oh we can dance watch


maybe we can do something else

maybe somewhere else too

well we saved a little time braveheart

at least now we don't have to decorate



i know what we could do for our show

oh you're so smart dogs and strong

too caroline's birthday will be so much


you wait till i tell no hard about this

cara lot's birthday

sure no heart will want to ruin the care

bears bye



i don't care

i hate those furry guardians of feelings

even more than the love and caring they


so today with this enchanted gemstone i

no heart will mark the end


so you're not interested in their party

no heart

uh get your stone



come back without a care bear






would be nice










anything else you need braveheart sure

swift art

you can mop up over there put the stars

up front get mr beastly out of there and

mr beastly



oh no the clowns









we've got to stop it



now we'll never be ready before true

heart and noble heart come home

uh oh braveheart what do you think of

our rodeo show

i think it's time for you to to take

your show

on the road


braveheart oh no

i lost my temper i'll go talk to the


i don't think maevert likes this anymore

of course he does he just wasn't crazy

about your rodeo idea

you really think so tenderheart sure do

well we can think of a different idea

for our show

ah thank you tenderheart come on tugs

oh do you know how to play the saxophone



bear and a blue bear no heart can take


yeah i hate to bother you when you're

doing whatever

you're doing there but yeah you told me

not to come back without a care bear

well i'm back and i

don't have one there you know no

no no i i i did bring something back and

something good

well actually




nasty thing should i do to them know her

be nice to them be

nice to them that should fix them good

maybe be nice to them they are vaped


bait to lure the rest of the care bear


right into my hands all of them

you want all the care bears here

yes they will all be destroyed by the


of my gemstone

don't worry i'll take care of the care

babe bears

gather the cubs


i'm scared tugs ah don't worry hugs

i'm not gonna take this hanging up i'll

think of a way to get us out of here

i knew i could k*ll my new tugs what's

your idea

my idea well uh how about a tumbling act


tumbling act yeah you know like acrobats

we could do forward rolls and walk on

our hands and leap from the ceiling

what kind of escape plan is that tux

it's not it's a show for cara lot's


what do you think oh i think it sounds


wow you do

sure that's why

i brought you here so you can practice


peace and why not

what are you gonna do with us i'm going

to help you

with your tumbling act carol


you're the nicest nasty person we've

ever met

well there's no need to get insulting


that's real good mr breezy

let's try it again

wow we have to keep doing it till we get

it right

oh i can't take much more of this

i need some help from the care bears

any luck tender heart i can't find tugs

or hugs anywhere braveheart

it's all my fault i never should have

yelled at the little guys

there's only one thing we can do form a

search party



it says no heart has

the cups what



no heart has the cops oh poor hugs and


what are we gonna do well cheer bear

we're gonna go in there

and get them that's what what if it's a


grumpy's right no heart always has

something evil up his sleeve

we're gonna need a plan okay we'll sneak


get the cubs and sneak out without no

heart ever knowing

sneak in i say we bust down his front


grab the cubs i have an idea

i have an idea what's your idea lots of


i think i've forgotten that's the truth

we're busting in the front door

and that's that i'm sorry braveheart but

we're sneaking in the back way

fine everyone come on let's go

everyone hey wait for me


anyone know where we are no

come on the cubs must be around here


well it's too late to turn back now

grumpy bear

gold star leader pink cloud do you read

me over

is that you braveheart i forget which

one of us is supposed to be pink cloud

never mind is everyone in position just


wait for your signal over and out


just a little more practice dogs and our

birthday show will be



we've come to take the cubs back beastly


just hurry before no heart comes back

that's what you think no heart care


countdown four three



my enchanted gemstone will stop all the


and caring you care to dish out now

prepare to quit

now's our chance everyone run run

after an entrance like that are you




thanks playful heart that was close





you will never leave you want to

there is no way out quick the bridge

going somewhere whoops

we're trapped stand all you want

but you know my gemstone will protect me

it's hopeless what can we do

hugs i've got an idea our tumbling act






cops will pay for this




i promise you me too

i hate you all


well looks like we did it


what about the birthday party braveheart


carol lock's birthday i almost forgot

we still have a lot of work to do

you really have to hand it to

tenderheart and braveheart this really

is the biggest celebration carolina's

ever seen

introducing baby



you know true heart there's no other


quite like our care bear family

you can say that again you can say that



too bad these guys are missing all the

