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02x10 - Birthday Bear's Blues

Posted: 06/30/22 12:48
by bunniefuu
Care Bears countdown four three two

why is that coming from somewhere up in

the sky

just when you think the troubles gone

who's gonna be there

and send a wish out


and now back to the Care Bears

gentle heart

it's hard

you must find a way to finish those

cares what a beautiful day to celebrate

someone's birthday especially mine

they're gonna throw me a party I hate to

spoil the surprise but I just can't wait

gee you guys didn't have to go to so

much trouble

sure we did today's a day worth

celebrating that's right it's not every

day we could eat no heart no heart hey

birthday bear follow me I've got

something for you you do it does it have

anything to do with someone's birthday

now that you mention it it does a little

boy named Charles is very sad because

everyone is forgotten his birthday and

since birthdays are your specialty you

can tear him up he's not the only one

who needs cheering up what a ride

Charles sure is a lucky boy hi there are

you Charles

yeah birthday boy

let's hope why so glum Chum because no

one came to my party I promised the kids

at school the best party they ever had

but no one came well they must have had

a good reason Charles maybe their

invitations got lost in the mail no they

didn't come because they just don't like


I'm sure that isn't true Charles I'll

bet if we asked the kids together they'd

come to your party do you really think

so I know so

cuz I'm birthday bear let's go

those Care Bears lazily put no harden up


but this creep authority Rima

hi you boss just cheer you up I brought

you something beautiful shiny mean ugly

Johnny you know whatever yeah I'm

starting to sound like a Care Bear oh

there must be a way to destroy those

Care Bears how is right every time you

corner those Care Bears they just stare

yeah anything your evilness can't handle

the squad of loaded Care Bears when I

want your opinion I'll give them to you

oh I must put the Care Bears into a

situation that will allow me to divide

some place like a maze

hi kid I'm birthday bear um Charles and

I would like to invite you to his

birthday party it'll be a lot of fun

I've all the best toys I'll even let you

play with my remote control kites

they're much more fun in those homemade

ones we like our kites besides you don't

need to set your party

see I told you they don't like me oh

don't be sad Charles I know we'll

celebrate your birthday together we'll

have our own party oh thank you bear

we'll have a great time just wait till

you try my merry-go-round and my racing

cars got pockets of ice cream some fun a

birthday bear you said it I don't

understand I've all these great toys and

we're still not having any fun Wow great

toys are nice Charles but a birthday

party just isn't a party without people

to share the fun with huh what do you

mean Tenderheart I didn't call you if

you didn't

well at least one of us will have a

happy birthday

hmm my plan is working perfectly beast

it was I who tricked the Care Bears into

coming here and it is I who will destroy

them become a vapor SEC once the cameras

and to my magic maze they will never

find their way out you must get the Care

Bears into the maze don't fail me

beastly don't worry boss I'll get him in

there even if I have to leader

we're all tuckered out Charles yeah like

one we can play lying down now that's

for me don't you want to play with my

toys having a lot of toys is nice

Charles but they're not the only way to

have fun they're not no we'll show you

okay I'll find birthday bear and we'll

catch up with you grading it's beastly

where are you Wow Shh

it's no heart my logic maze has divided

the cab hairs and now it's time to

conquer them

and now back to the Care Bears this time

no heart

I don't know Charles we have to save our

friends no heart everyone no hearts in

the maze run that's right cares I'll

track you down one by one

oh my gosh we really are trapped in here

we've gotta get out of here no parties

after us

don't worry Tenderheart I'll get us out

fines are going bad it sounds like he's

heading your way my friends are in

trouble I've got to help them

no you get lost in the maze too oh why

don't we ask him for help he doesn't

care about anyone but himself can I make

him an offer I can't refuse

you're wasting your time

beastly can't be bought do what you have

in mind

if you help us get our friends out of

the maze I'll give you anything you want

just name

haha the coast is clear

oh it's there Braveheart who's asking

it's me Tenderheart where are you over

here boy how am I glad it's you I

thought it might be


I should have known beastly wouldn't

help us he's lower than a worms belt

buckle what are we going to do just

can't go into the maze alone we need


you're right Charles there's only one

thing to do we've got to ask your

schoolmates for help they won't help us

they don't like me come on Charles

they're our only hope

Oh No

here comes Charles the rich kid let's go

hey wait we need your help what for

he need help counting all your toys no

we need you to help us rescue the Care

Bears why didn't you say so if you

really need our help you've got it well

let's get going there's no time to lose

I'm scared what if no heart catches me

stare him gentle hard stare him we've

got to do something

what are you doing tender heart seek out

evil tummy Jimbo

hmm we meet again but this time your

friends cannot help

I won't waste no more time with you

Care Bears wherever you are countdown

you think you have won cabinets you'll

never find a way out of my magic maze


we can't even find each other let alone

the way out it looks like no heart is

finally beaten us I hope our trouble

with no heart didn't ruin your birthday

are you kidding

thanks to the Care Bears this is the

best birthday I've ever had now I know

you can't buy friends good for you

Charles friendship is something you

can't put a price tag on the only way to

make friends is to be one hey let's

finish Charles birthday party Charles

huh what happened to the lights you

didn't think we'd forget your birthday

did you of course not not in a million
