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02x06 - Endless Winter Night

Posted: 06/30/22 13:35
by bunniefuu
- Previously on "Escape the Night,"

unscripted, unrehearsed.

- We are gonna trade the gem for the recipe.

- The guests try to outsmart the gingerbread woman;

Tyler and Liza face off in a room full of sweets,

and turn the tables... - [yelling]

- Well, we got this! [all cheer]

- But sadly learn they cannot cheat the sorceress.

- One of you must die. That is the rule of the game.

- [roars] - [yells indistinctly]

- We have to play by the rules.

[enchanting music]

♪ ♪

- I wouldn't use it.

♪ ♪

- At the very door.

♪ ♪

Many have fallen to her spell.

- None like me.

Now wizard!

- [roars, grunts]

[grunts and wallops]

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- [grunting]

[enchanting music]

♪ ♪

Evil one...

you've frozen our land and slaughtered our people.

Prepare for death! [yells]

[breath whooshes, cracks]

♪ ♪

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[solemn piano music]

- I can't believe she's gone.

- She wouldn't be gone if Joey didn't turn on her.

- But it wasn't my fault that Liza's gone.

If anything, it's Tyler's fault. - It's absolutely your fault.

- How is it Tyler's fault? - If anything--

If anything... - Because he's here, she's not.

- It's the critter's fault. Whatever that was,

we were both supposed to live.

- Guys, we can't blame each other.

They're forcing us to do this.

Blame is being passed around everywhere.

What scares me the most is that we're not working as a team.

- Okay, so how many more gems do we have to get?

both: Four. - And we have this.

We got this last time, right? - Let me see.

[enchanting music]

"To recover the next gem, outsider,

you must save our world from the ice witch's evil wrath."

- Oh, gosh. - "I have placed a compass

in the hearth"? How do you say that?

Hearth? - In the Hearth.

- "That can lead you to our realm."

- Hearth means fireplace?

- Is that... - Is that a hearth?

- Oh, oh, oh, oh. - Oh, wow.

- There's something in here. - Oh...

- What is this?

- Oh, wow, strong man.

- I just push in the bricks,

and I find the magical compass behind the fireplace.

I have never seen anything like this before.

- Is that all the note said?

- "It will lead you to our realm."

- Alex, is there anything else in there?

- Was this in--was this-- both: What is this?

- Oh, another note! - This is a letter.

- What's it say?

- "The compass will lead you to the portal between worlds,

"but its source of magic has faded in your realm.

My spell book has an incantation that will restore its magic."

- The spell book's definitely in there.

There's a lot of books in here.

♪ ♪

Spell book... Wait, I think this is it.

"The spell to restore magic requires two components:

"a vile of maiden's blood and ash's remains of a hero.

"One is hidden in the dining room,

"and the other is in the sick room on the second floor.

Recover these, and you'll be ready to cast the spell."

- Guys, let's split up. You three and us three.

- You guys do the dining room, we'll go upstairs.

- Okay, yeah. - Perfect, let's go.

- Okay, let's do it. - Okay.

- At this point, I am unfazed

that of course, that's what we need.

Blood and ashes.

Why wouldn't we need that for a spell?

[solemn piano music]

♪ ♪

- Whoa. - Oh...

- Come on, come on.

- Okay, let's see. - A vile of blood or ashes.

Look for, like, an urn. That would be full of dust.

Oh, check that right there, Tyler.

That looks like an urn. - This room is creepy as hell.

- Is there dust?

- Okay, so ashes or blood. Wait, wait, wait.

- Is this just the blood? - Is this blood?

- I think that's-- is that it?

- But wait, it could be-- wait, you guys...

- Okay, there's a lot of blood here.

Why is there this hospital in this house?

What is going on? I don't think it's normal

for people to keep blood in their house,

but I also don't think it's normal

to be abducted by a sorceress.

- Hello?

Nothing. - Ah, I thought that was it.

- Guys, "Captain Wesley Adams, w*r hero and father.

May his ash and remains be incased in clay."

- Maybe over yonder?

[suspenseful music]

Found it.

Ashes. There's ash in here.

Don't inhale it. - Okay.

- So we got it. Let's go tell the others.

- Let's go get the girls... and Joey.

- There's a chart over here, guys.

- Oh, these all are labeled.

- Let's see. "Female"...

- So it definitely has to be a female,

because she's the maiden. - Right.

Patient number is 116, 117, 125.

Do they say that on there? - Yes, there's numbers.

Okay, what were they? Read them again.

- 116...



Do you have those? - Nope.

- I can't believe we found it this quick,

and they're having problems.

- I think at voting, we should remember

how long it's taking our friends to find something.

- You guys wanna make a-- an alliance?

Our alliance is we just promise not to vote for each other.

- I am so down for an alliance.

- And don't you feel like right now they're making an alliance?

- Yeah, especially The Mystic, Andrea.

I don't know if I trust her.

- She hasn't done one challenge.

- Not one. - Neither has Joey.

- Neither has Joey. - Yeah.

Oh, my God. Guys, we just made an alliance.

[dramatic music]

- Was 135 one?

- Yes. - Okay, I have 135.

- Okay, guys, I think it's Daria.

It's patient 135. She's female; she's 18.

- That's her. - Okay, let's go.

- Finally, we find it,

so we take that bottle and run back to the green room.

- Guys, we got the blood. - We got the ashes.

Do you have the incantation? - I have the spell.

"Make a circle with the ash, and place the object inside"...

- Oh, my gosh, that's disgusting!

- This reminds me of some wild nights in the saloon.

- "And then speak the words of the spell

as the maiden's blood is dripped around the ash and circle."

- Oh, I don't love that. - Do you wanna try it together?

Like, all at the same time. Okay, you hold onto this book.

Ready, set, go.

all: "Pella Embella Templa Ella Ey.

"Pella Embella Templa Ella Ey.

Pella Embella Templa Ella Ey."

[drones] - Ah! Okay!

- This is the compass.

- My light will lead you into forgotten realms.

It will glow brightest when you move

in the proper direction.

- Oh, it's like--like-- both: Hot and cold.

- So it'll go brightest when we go the right way.

- Okay, it's fading. Go this way.

- Go this way?

- Try this door. - It's still faded.

Let's go towards the hallway. Oh, it's getting brighter.

There we go, there we go. It's the hallway.

- Andrea takes the compass, and she's leading the way.

I think that she's really good

at pretending like she's doing stuff.

Like, she'll be like, "Oh, I'll hold the compass."

But what does that do? You're not sacrificing yourself.

Somebody had to hold the compass.

- Okay. - It's getting brighter.

- Do you think we should go this way?

- Outside. - Outside? Outside?

- Wait, what's this leading us to?

- Another realm. - Here, try out here.

- [shushes] [thunder clapping]

- Do you see that? - I think--yeah, yeah, yeah.

Should we go down there? - What is going on?

- Let's stick together. - Oh, it's--it's thundering.

- Do we go towards her? - Yeah.

- If it's--if it's bright still. - Now it's getting bright.

- It says to go this way, but it's getting bright--

- [shushes] What was that?


[indistinct chatter]

- Hello? - Hello?

- The heroes of our prophecy have arrived.

- This woman that the compass lead us to

sees us and says, "The heroes of the prophecy have arrived."

- Okay, hero, maybe.

The rest of these guys? [scoffs]

- Our world has been cursed,

and we need your help. - Okay, how do we help?

- The once lowly ice witch has obtained a gem,

giving her great power.

- That's the gem we need. - Yeah.

both: We need that gem.

- To defeat her,

you will need to find the unquenchable fire,

which lies on The Path of Betrayal.

To get to the path,

you will need to find the talisman.

Two evil harpies got the talisman.

- That's what k*lled... - Liza.

- And they will tear you to pieces,

unless you have a great warrior by your side.

- I'm looking at our team, and it's not any of us.

- Torhil to the Undying was such a warrior.

[enchanting music]

[whooshes, cracks]

The last spell in my book

has the power to reverse the witch's curse and free him.

- Oh, the last-- she said the last spell.

- The last spell. - Oh, "To dispel a curse,

"you will need tears from a fairy

"and the moss king scepter.

Both lie here, hidden in the woods."

All right, so we need to search for the fairy.

- Let's split up. - Here, let's just look around.

♪ ♪

- A scepter and a fairy.

- A staff and a vile of tears.

- Fairy tears would be pretty small,

- So we need to first find the fairy, and then get her tears.

Wait, what's this? Is this something?

- [gasps] Is that the scepter? - Guys, I found something...

- We found the scepter. - It's like a flute.

Oh, okay, I found it. It says,

"Play the proper note to summon a fairy.

"If you seek her tears,

you must get her to laugh until she cries."

- Okay, those-- you cover these...

- Okay. - Cover these with your fingers.

- Here, hold this. Hold the book.

- Second, fourth, fifth. Here, here, here, here.

- I actually played the flute when I was younger,

so I'm like, "Okay, I got this."

[flute music plays]

- Here!

[enchanting music]

- You called? - Yes, we need your tears.

- Why? What are you going to use them for? Evil spells?

- No, good spells. - We wanna break a curse.

- All right,

but first, you must make me laugh.

- What makes you laugh? - You figure it out.

- Um... - I got one, okay...

- I tried. - What did the blanket say

when he fell off the bed? - What?

- Oh, sheet. [laughter]

- That's good. - That's close.

It was close. - Okay, who's got more?

- Hello, I do standup.

They say don't sweat the small stuff.

That's why I got rid of my ex-boyfriend.

- No. - Hey...

- That was probably... - [laughs]

- Honestly, that was, like, the worst joke I've ever heard.

- Gabbie seems to think she's got all the right moves

to make this fairy laugh,

but she might not be as funny as she thinks she is.

- Wait, let's try twerking. Here, someone hold my legs.

- Try--what? - Hold on, I got you.

Go, go, go. - Go, hey!

- No, no, no, arch your back, arch your back.

- Oh... - There it is!

- Yeah, that's it. - Yeah!

- It's not working, guys. It's not working.

- Should we get down, like we were getting,

like, ratchet, with-- - Yeah!

Okay, let's do the spell, let's do the spell.

- You ready? You ready? - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Have her in the middle. Ready?

All: Pella Embella Templa Ella Ey!

Pella Embella Templa Ella Ey!

Pella Embella Templa Ella Ey!

Pella Embella Templa Ella Ey!

Pella Embella Templa Ella Ey!

- Okay, guys, she's laughing! - [laughs]

- Get her tears!

- [laughs, sighs] All right, all right.

Oh, God, that was funny.

- Uh, my feelings are a little hurt.

- Yeah. - [scoffs]

- There you are, darling.

- Thank you so much. - Thank you for the tears.

- You all run along now. - Too-da-loo.

- Let's find the scepter. - Guys, we only--

we have less than two hours. We've gotta find the scepter.

- Nobody likes my small d*ck joke? Seriously? Come on.

- She hated it. - I liked it.

- We finally get the tears, bottled up in a jar,

and next thing we need to find is the scepter.

Wait, is--guys, is this the scepter?

- Is it? - No, it's his axe.

Okay. - Oh...

- I'm gonna go back over here, just in case.

- Man, where could this be? Make sure to look up.

- If I were a scepter,

honestly, I feel like I would be up here.

- He said it was a moss king that had the scepter.

- Found it!

I found it in the moss. - Awesome.

- Now we have everything we need.

What do we do? What does the incantation say?

- So Alex finds the scepter; We have the tears.

We have both items we need to free the warrior.

- "Spell to reverse the ice curse:

"place the scepter at the base of the subject,

"and sprinkle the fairy tears on their eyes.

"Then move 20 paces from the subject

before reading the words of the spell."

- Put this at the bottom? - Yeah, at his feet.

♪ ♪

All right, who has the tears? Okay, sprinkle it on his eyes.

- On his eyes? - Yeah.

- Everybody back up 20 paces. - This way, just go back there.

- It doesn't have to be together, let's go.

- Okay, it's on his eyes. Walk 20 back.

- [counting] - This is good, this is good.

- Just 20 feet. - 17, 18, 19...

- Okay, now recite it. -What? What?

- We should recite it together again.

- Yeah. both: One, two, three.

all: Lova Tomara Entepla.

[whooshes] - Oh, something's happening.

- Yalla Ana Baragala Entempla.

- The curse is breaking. - He's melting.

- [yells] [all scream]

- So we put the tears in the eyes,

and we put the scepter at the base,

and all of a sudden, this huge naked guy comes out.

- You freed me from that frozen tomb.

I am in your debt. - We need your help.

- Can you help us defeat the ice queen?

- Yes, I will.

- Finally, someone who is indebted to us,

and is gonna help us in this mess.

- You'll have to follow me. - Okay, let's go.

- Okay, Daddy, I'll follow you anywhere.

- Can you carry me, boo-boo?

- Everybody, calm down.

- This is where the harpies lie.

Should they attack, mind their claws.

They carry a poison that can fell a Northern mammoth.



- Those were the things that k*lled Liza.

- [screeching]

- Step back, creature,

before I cleave your head from your shoulders.

- Torhil to the Undying

has taken up the company of outsiders.

[spits] - Mock me again, bird,

and your blood will spill.

Now hear the words.

- We need the talisman. - [screeches]

Do you have any idea the price we paid to obtain it?

- Can we trade you? Can we do something?

- [mumbling indistinctly]

- [screeches]

Here are the terms, and we will accept no others.

Four of you will be placed

on the edge of the fountain as witnesses;

two of you will face us

in a game of stones.

If one of you loses,

all four outsiders will be slain.

If both of you can win,

the talisman is yours.

Decide who plays! - Wait, wait, wait, guys,

did they just say if you guys lose,

all four of the people on the edges die?

- This game of stones essentially looks like

a game of checkers.

- I'm, like, pretty good at checkers.

We're gonna put our faith in a lot, baby girl--

- I'm not here for pretty good. - No way, baby--

- Really? You're gonna play

the strategy game to save our lives?

- I feel like Tana gets confused a lot.

- Alex? - Okay, Alex and Joey.

- I feel good about that. I feel good.

- Are you good at checkers? - I can play checkers.

- All right, come on. - Okay.

- Honestly, I'm disappointed that they wouldn't let me

get out there and play.

Our lives literally depend on this game of stones.

- Okay, okay, I got it. You don't have to manhandle me.


- So if Alex and Joey both win,

we get the talisman,

but if they lose, we all die.

- The first player to stack three stones is the victor.

The outsiders go first.

- Alex, concentrate and take your time.

Do not rush.

- Slow and steady.

[tense music]

Good job. - Alex, how are you doing?

- I'm doing good. I'm almost about to stack one.

- Whoo! Yes.

- [grunts angrily] - You should've practiced.

♪ ♪

- Go ahead, your turn, miss. - [grunts]

- No, that's not how it works.

Go back. - You can do that?

both: She jumped two. - She's cheating.

- She's definitely cheating. You just cheated.

- I moved one space!

- You think me blind? You cheat!

- Calling me a liar? - That's it--I am.

- Aah! k*ll them!

- Step back! Step back! - Aah!

- Whoa! [yelling]


[dramatic music]

[snaps] - He's hurt!

- [yelling] Get off me!

♪ ♪

[all gasp] - Whoa!

- [coughs] - She's coming back!

♪ ♪


- [groans]

- Oh, my God. - Are you okay?

- Let's go look. - Oh, my God.

- Go, go, go. - [pants]

- It was their claws. Their claws got him,

and they have poison on their claws.

- Are you poisoned? - I'll suck it out.

- My time in this world is over.

- There's nothing we can do? - Get the talisman

from the crimson pool. - That was a hero's death.

- Thank you. - The pool, the pool.

- Yeah, hold onto me.

- Good job. - Hell yeah.

- All right, we got it. What do we do with the talisman?

What do we do now? - k*ll that ice witch. [groans]

- She's here. Guys...

- You truly are the heroes of the prophecy.

Follow me to the path.

You will need the talisman to get past its guardian.

- Hey, we're Postmating you a Band-Aid.

- Thanks, babe. - Such a shame

that all the good ones keep dying.

- Wow, he sacrificed himself for us.

- We got the talisman,

and now it is time to destroy this ice witch.

- Oh, no, who's that?

- What the heck? - He's guarding something.

- If you seek the unquenchable fire,

two must be chosen to walk the Path of Betrayal.

- Discuss amongst yourselves.

- If we have to send in two people,

I feel like it should be two people

that haven't proven themselves yet.

- Joey and Andrea? - I feel like that's easy.

- Yeah, they're the only ones. - That's easy and fair.

- [chuckles] Okay, I guess-- I guess we're going in.

- Do you take that with you? - Don't you think that's fair?

- You haven't, I haven't. Let's just go in.

- Yeah, you're right. It is fair.

- Two people are gonna be chosen to walk the Path of Betrayal,

and the only two that haven't proven themselves yet

are Joey and Andrea.

- Oh, my God, okay. - Guys, you can do this.

- We believe in you.

- Thank you.

- Okay.

[solemn music]

- "Along the path are five riddle boxes,

"each containing a key.

"To make it past the second guardian,

"you will need to gather three keys.

"You must each walk the path separately,

and only one of you will be able to gather enough."

- Okay, here's the talisman.

- Ready? - Yeah.

Andrea hasn't really proven herself yet,

so I feel a little good about my odds.

Let's go.

- We love you.

[dramatic music]

- Where's the box?

- Oh, okay.

- Where's the box? I immediately run to one side.

I hear Joey going to the other side.

I'm struggling, so at this point,

I don't know who's gonna make it out alive.

You feel yours but never see it, never will.

- Soul?

When I get the riddle, I am just trying to solve it

as quick as I can, but I have no idea.

I have to find a different one. Oh, gosh.

- I hear him struggling,

which makes me feel like I might have a chance.

Hell yeah. - [sighs]

Is there any more?

- "30 white horses"...

♪ ♪

- Oh, here's one. Okay...

- I have no clue what this could--

These riddles are really, really hard.

I'm starting to think I'm not even gonna get one open.

- [groans] I don't know what to do.

Should we work together on this?

- Yeah. If we work together, at least...

- If we get to the second stage, we'll take it from there,

but I don't know if we can do this alone.

- Okay, what does yours say? - Okay, this one says...

- Loves to fall, but cannot climb.


- Oh, waterfall. Fall--no, water.

- Try water. - Maybe water, okay.

[mumbles, gasps] Okay, this one was water.

- Water? - Okay, is the key in here?

- Here, try this one. - Okay, yeah.

[enchanting music]

♪ ♪

- First they chomp, then they stomp.

both: Teeth! - [gasps] Yes.

- All right, so we have two keys.

- Okay, how many more? We need three?

- It's right here.

♪ ♪

Lungs? Air. - Heart.

- Good one...H...

♪ ♪

- Yes, yes, yes.

- All right, we got the third one.

- We finally get the third key,

and we're running to the guard.

We're ready to get out of here.

- [sighs] What's gonna happen when we go past him?

[ominous music]

We have the three keys.

- Lift high in the air to melt the heart of the ice witch.

- The icicle warrior hands us the unquenchable fire,

and we continue on into the cave.

- I think Joey and I have been working together

incredibly well, so I'm nervous

that I'm gonna have to betray him.

- Okay, what the heck is this?

Okay... - Wait, what does it say?

- "Choose the friend you will betray.

"Smash their name upon the ground,

and the ice witch will be revealed."

No. - Oh, my God,

because it's the Path of Betrayal.

We have to betray-- - We have to betray someone.

- We're both safe. We are betraying someone.

We're both making it out of here alive,

but we have to choose which friend

is going to die tonight.

And immediately, I understand that this is the betrayal.

- Gabbie, Alex, Tyler, Tana.

- Okay, just think about who has been slowing us down.

- Alex had proven himself more than once.

- More than once. - We can't choose him.

- No. - Let's put him up here.

- I feel like Tyler has as well, though.

- Yeah, so it's between Tana and Gabbie.

- Okay. - Okay, I'll put these up here.

[groans] I don't wanna choose, I don't wanna choose.

I can't. - I don't wanna choose either.

We have to. I don't wanna betray anybody,

but at the end of the day,

hell yeah I'm gonna save my own life

if I get the opportunity.

Who's been more helpful, Gabbie or Tana?

- Gabbie has, but I can't-- I can't do that to Tana.

- I know, I know, I know.

- I feel so sick to my stomach right now.

Who do you think? - [sighs]

I mean, obviously Tana, for me.

The challenge that Tana and Gabbie did,

Tana "technically" lost. - Yeah, she did.

- I feel like from her loss, now is her time to go.

Want me to smash it? - You do it.

I can't--I can't--I can't.

- Ready?

- I can't look. Okay.


[ominous music]

- Guys--guys... - What?

- Guys! - No! No! No! No! No!

No, what did I do? What did I do?

- Tana!

- Oh, my God, what just happened?

She's dead!

I thought it was one of them. What is happening?

- Oh, my God.

♪ ♪


[drones, cracks]

- [yelling, groaning]

- Where's the gem?


Did she leave the gem? - Wait, wait, what's this?

- What is that?

- It's a letter.

"Your path is complete. Return to your friends."

- What the heck? both: We don't have the gem.

What the heck? - She didn't leave us the gem.

It makes me so angry that Tana just died,

and we didn't get what we were promised.

- Tana's a martyr. - Guys!

Tana's gone. - Tana's dead.

- We had to walk the Path of Betrayal,

and we had to betray one of you guys,

and we... - We had to choose somebody.

- I just feel like, hey, thanks for not k*lling me,

but you could have maybe k*lled Tyler,

'cause he's a much better competitor.

Did you face the ice queen?

- Yes, we k*lled the ice queen. - Yes, we k*lled her with this.

- Did you get the gem? - No.

- I am sorry for your loss,

but you have saved our entire land,

and for that, I am forever in your debt.

This contains a piece of my magic.

- [gasps] The gem? - No.

- May it serve you well. - That's not it.

That's not the-- - It is time to leave now,

before the sorceress finds her way here again.

- Let's go back to the room and regroup.

- Come on, guys.

- So we don't have a gem,

but we do have a crystal from Sireen,

but we don't know what it does.

- Is it every man for himself now?

- No. - No.

- I think we still need to work together.

- 100% we do.

- Well, that didn't help Tana.

[tense music]

♪ ♪