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14x10 - Buster Spaces Out/The Long Road Home

Posted: 07/01/22 08:01
by bunniefuu
♪ Every day, when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to
your heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪
♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪
♪ Place to start ♪

♪ Place to start ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪



♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we can learn to work
and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!



(loud thud)

(loud thud)

(letters shattering)

MAN (on TV):
If it don't rain soon,
we're plum out of luck.

♪ Three, three,
three is fun ♪

♪ It's more than
one or two. ♪

Straight down.

Just to the right
a little.


Hey, Mom, I just found
this great sci-fi movie.

Have you seen it before?

That's not a movie.

It's one of the moon landings.

It really happened.

That's real?


I wonder if I'll be able
to go to the moon someday.

I think you'd be
a fantastic astronaut.

That's it!

I know what I'm
doing this summer.

But first I'll need all
the money I've been saving.


With these dollars
and cents,

I'm going to journey
to a place

where no Baxter
has ever gone before!

Can I get a ride
to the mall?


If I start building
model rockets now,

by the time I'm older

I'll be able to build a real one
to take me to the moon.

Or Mars...

Which one do you think
has better weather?

Come over in
about an hour.

I'm sure I'll be ready
to launch it by then.

See you, Arthur.


An hour and a half, tops.

Did you launch it already?

This place is
a wreck.

No, just give me
another minutes.

Or if I can't get this
unglued from my finger.

This is a skill level five kit.

Maybe you should've started
with something easier.

I bet that's what they told
the astronauts.

"Oh, the moon's too hard!

Why don't you just
go to Seattle?"

But they didn't give up,
and neither will I.

Well, do you at least
want my help?

Nah, I'm good.

There's an order
to my disorder.


Well, I've got to get home
for dinner.

Call me if you
change your mind.

Okay, I'll postpone the launch
until : a.m. tomorrow

so you can see it, too.

But don't be late.


Good-bye, Earth.


Hey, it's the moon!

We're here already.

I missed it.

How do I turn this thing around?

(computer sings
Mary Moo Cow's tune)

Mission Control!

Come in, Mission Control!

Mayday, mayday!

Is anybody there?

Bring back
more cheese.

Where is everybody?

I can't do this by myself.

I need help.

I need lots of help!


I've gathered you all
to be a part

of a very important mission.

Arthur, you're calm,
cool and organized.

George, you're great
at building things.

And... wait,
who's with you?

This is my friend Carl.

Trust me, you want him
on the team.

He knows a ton
about rocket ships.

Multistage rockets use
two or more stages.

Each stage has its own
engine and propellant.

My favorite book
is on rockets.

I've read it times.


Glad to have you aboard, Carl.

Francine, you're a born leader.

And Muffy, you've got
a really big yard

that's perfect
for our launch site.

You just want me for my yard?

Uh... and...

your impeccable sense of style.

Huh, that's better.

What about Brain?

Shouldn't he be here?

Just because
Brain is a genius

doesn't mean we should
ask for his help

every time
something is hard.

We can do this
on our own, people!

He's in Texas
visiting family.

He said he'd check in
every now and then.

Separately we're just six kids
who happen to be friends.

But together
we're Rocket Team Buster.

Now let's build this rocket!


I need that.

I need that.


Let me see that.

Hey! I was in the middle
of using that!

So was I.

Give it back.

I need that.


Wait, I need that, too.


I need that!

(all talking at once)


This isn't working.

We need a plan.

And sandwiches.

I'll be right back.


The rocket will be
broken down into three parts.

Arthur and Buster,
you take the body.

George, Carl and Muffy will
handle the engine mount.

And I'll do the recovery.

The recovery?

That's the part with
the big parachute.

I wanted to do that!

I've appointed Francine

to be in charge of
organizing this project.

What she says goes.

But I had plans for a big
pink-and-saffron parachute.

I had designs and everything.

Now, it says to glue
the engine mount ring

into the tube where
it touches the engine hook.

The engine stuff
is boring.

They won't let me
decorate it.

Muffy, it's really important.

Without the engine the rocket
won't get off the ground.

But I'd be much better
working on the parachute.

Look at it,
it's so drab.



What if we just launched the
rocket without a parachute?

The rocket would fall rapidly
from a height of meters

and shatter into thousands
of pieces.

It would be really hard
to put it back together.

And all of our work
would be for nothing.

I tried to buy you another
rocket kit,

but that was the last one
at the hobby store.

Aw, I'll never go
into space.

Maybe I should
just give up.

Why would you do that?

I wouldn't give up the time
I've spent in space

for anything in the world.

Wait, you mean
you're an astronaut?

Yes, sir.

Mike Fincke's my name

and I've spent over days
in space.

For a while I was the commander

of the International
Space Station.

It was amazing.

Of course, the pumpkin pie
wasn't as good as it is here.

We were just trying
to get a model rocket

off the ground and
we've already messed it up.

You can't let a mistake
get in the way.

When I was doing
my very first space walk,

I had left the spacecraft and
was about to do some repairs

when, all of a sudden,
I got a message

from the ground crew back
on Earth.

There was a defect in my suit

and I was losing
oxygen rapidly.

I only had a few minutes to get
back to the ship.

It was scary,
but I made it back.


And you know something?

We put our minds to it,
fixed the problem,

and I was back in space
in a jiffy.

So don't give up.

Every problem has a solution.

You've just got to be willing
to work together to find it.

Bye! So long! Thank you!

He's right.

We can't abandon
the mission.

But what's the solution?

What if we coat the rocket
in something soft,

like mashed potatoes?

That way it'd be protected
when it hit the ground.

It's a good idea,

but how would the potatoes
stay on the rocket?

And it would be a shame

to waste something
so delicious.

It's the right size...

and it's perfectly stylish.

I've got it!

Would you like to be part

of our Accessories
in Space program?

Okay, people, we've got
a rocket to launch.

So stay focused.

Now who needs some snacks?

Yeah! I do!

It's okay, Buster.

We can launch the rocket
some other time.

But it's the last weekend
before school.

I don't want summer to end with
the rocket still on the ground.

Bailey is putting

a movie on for us
in the home theater.

You coming?



The rain stopped.

It's time!

It's cleared up!

But look over there.

Those are more storm clouds
coming in.

So? We have a
small window.

We have to take it.

Who's with me?

It only takes seconds

for the rocket to reach
its peak altitude,

then only a few minutes
for it to descend.

I'm in.

Let's launch this baby!

This is it.

Ten, nine...

I hope the
parachute opens.

I hope the
parachute works.

The clouds are almost here!

They're about
five minutes away.

Now, Buster! Now!

One... ignition!

The parachute!
It's not opening!

Wait for it...

Wait for it...

Here it comes!


And there it goes!

Who's in charge
of recovery?

That's me!

I completely forgot!

I'm telling you, Sweetie,

it's the best pie I've ever had.

I'm bringing you home some.


I'll call you back!


Cheer up, Sweetie.

At least you got it
off the ground.

I'm so proud of you.

Could I get an
umbrella over here?

You found it!

And I found you.

Fortunately, there's not
too many long-eared kids

launching rockets around
Elwood City today.

I'm fine, son.
Protect the pie.

Mom, this is Mike Fincke.

He was the commander of

the International Space Station.

I'm glad to see
you didn't give up.

It's a very pretty
parachute, too.

Mr. Fincke,

I've been thinking about making
Venus my first destination

when I'm an astronaut,
instead of Mars or the moon.

Maybe you'd like to join me.

You mind if I get a towel
and some coffee first?

I'd like to stay on Earth
long enough to get dry.

And now...

Welcome to science club.

Science club for girls

is a chance for girls
to learn science.

Today we are going to be doing
rockets in science club.

We're learning how balloons can
become rockets.

Three, two, one...

The balloons went

all over the place.

How do you think we make

these balloons go
in a straight line?

We could, like, attach
a straw with tape to it

and put the straw on string.

Mine is ready.

Then we're going to see
how fast they went.

Three, two, one...

Which balloon went farther?

The blue one.

The blue balloon went farther.

Why do you think it went

Because the green one

ran out of air faster.

The green one ran out
of air faster.

Three, two, one...

Yellow spun around

and white went straight.

If we have

the yellow balloon and it's
taped, let's say, to the side,

all the force, which is the air
being pushed out of the balloon,

the air is pushing it
to the side.

If you put it like this,

it can go forward.

We're making film canister

We have to put on
our safety glasses.

We have the toilet paper rolls,
the antacid,

we have the film canisters,

and it is all going to go
on this plate.

This is our launching pad.

The antacid and the vinegar
are going to react.

That's called a reaction.

And basically it's going
to cause pressure,

it's going to force the cap up.


(girls exclaim)

(girls exclaim)




The air has no place to go,

so it pushes with force
up into the air.

I like science because I have
a chance to learn things

that I never knew before.

And now...

(ship horns blowing)

(object whistling through air)

Arthur, you're
never going to believe

what fell out of the sky.

What? A meteor or something?

Close, but no, a soccer ball.

Seriously, it fell
right out of the sky.

Want to see it?

It's signed by someone
named "El Boomerang."

No! It can't be!

Can't be what?

A friend of mine lost
a soccer ball a few months ago

that was signed "El Boomerang"!

I wonder...

Adil, could I ask you a favor?

Hey, Arthur, I have
something for you.

And I have something for you!

It's an invitation
to my birthday party,

a week from Saturday.

Just a few close friends.

Think you can make it?

Yeah, of course.

Thanks a lot.

You said you had
something for me?


Oh, yeah, it's a... comic book.

I'll give it to you later.

This isn't it.

This is just a box,
from Turkey.

It's a meteor or something.

See you!

(to himself):
This is going to be the best
birthday gift ever.

(blows whistle)

Get ready, George!

You're going
to bring us home.

All right!

There's no way
we can lose now.

(kids cheering)


Did we win? Did we win?

No, we didn't win.

You call that running?

I was going as fast as I could.

Oh, really?

I've seen sick turtles run
faster than that.

You just gave up, that's all.

I did not give up!

Are you sure
it's the same ball?


Brain examined Alberto's soccer
ball when Francine had it,

and I showed him this one
the other day.

There are more scuffmarks,

but see this elliptical
smudge pattern

one centimeter from the seam?

It's identical.

I'm % sure it's a match.

How do you think "El Boomerang"
got all the way to Turkey?

That's easy.

It sailed to South America,

then made its way to Europe,
China, India and Africa.

Then maybe it went
into space, and...


Why do I even bother
to ask you these things?

There's George!

Hey, George.

Come in here for a second.

I thought you hated running.


I do, but I thought
I should practice.

Here-- I haven't
touched my water.


I feel really bad
about losing yesterday's race.

I didn't give up, I swear!

I'm just slow.

We know, George.

It's no big deal
if you aren't fast.

Yeah, my Uncle Stu
is in great shape

and he just walks everywhere.

Once, he almost walked from
Crown City back to Elwood City.

Wow, that's really far!

It took him seven hours.

But at the very end,

he twisted his ankle on a tree
root and couldn't finish.

I wonder if anybody has
ever done that walk since.

Well, maybe someone will!


You can't be serious.

You're going to walk
from Crown City to Elwood City?

That would take, like,
a gazillion hours.

A gazillion and a half,

because I'm going to use
back roads and bike paths.

I've got it all mapped out.

And you're going to do
this all on your own?

No, my dad's coming with me.

And Wally.

Would you like to sponsor me?

I'm raising money
for autism research.

A dollar for every
hour I walk.

A dollar for every hour?

Sure. Why not?

I've got cents I can spare.


Walking to Elwood City
from Crown City!



This Saturday at : a.m.,

I'm going to walk from
City Hall in Crown City

back to Elwood City, and
I was wondering if you...

Yes, yes, by all means.

Excellent idea!

Now take your seat, please.



Sure, I'll give you a
dollar for every hour,

if you carry this.

Twenty-eight, twenty-nine...


Is that all you can do?

Come on, give me ten more!

And put some socks on.

I feel like I'm lying next
to two wedges of old cheddar.

Thirty-one, thirty-two...

(wind blowing)

You found "El Boomerang"!

But how?

I have friends all over
the world, Alberto.

I got a lead from my
contact in Istanbul.

This is the best present I got.

It's even better

than the helicopter.

Arthur, from this day forward,

we are officially
ketchup brothers.

(wind blowing)

Destroy, destroy.

Destroy, destroy, destroy...

(alarm beeps)

Today is the day
you show the world

that George Lundgren
does not give up.

(rain pattering down)

We can't walk
in the rain.

I'll get moldy.

We're doing it, Wally.

Here. You can wear this.

I'm not wearing that thing,
but I'll use it as a pillow.

Let me know
when we get there.


Good-bye, Mom!

I'll see you
back in Elwood City.

Lucky for us the rain
stopped for our hike.

Ah, there you are!

I was beginning to think
I had come to the wrong place.

Um, I think you misunderstood,
Mr. Ratburn.

I was just asking
you to sponsor me,
not to walk with me.

Oh, dear.

And I brought
such delightful trail mix.

Well, as long as you're here,

you might as well join us.


You won't be disappointed.

I memorized the prologue
to Chaucer's Canterbury Tales

to entertain us.

And the rain has stopped.

Oh, this fine day is
just getting finer!

"Whan that Aprille
with his shoures soote

The droghte of Marche
hath perced to the roote..."

" Caunterbury-ward,
I mene it so,

"And homward he shal
tellen othere two

Of aventures that..."

Wait. We're going west.

We should be heading east.

I think we're on
the wrong path.


If we cut through this forest,
it looks like we'll hit a road.

But first,

a little rest
and refreshment.


Thanks, but I don't
want to stop.

I want to keep going.

All righty.

Now, who wants
to hear madrigals?

"Dark Bunny vs.
The Crouton Creature."

Huh. I don't have this one.

So, he fights
an evil piece of bread?

I had something much
better to give you.

Something you really,
really wanted.

But I can't find it.

It just disappeared.

I'm just glad you're here.

Have some empanadas.


(bushes rustling)

This way.

And my great-great-grandfather
Obadiah Ratburn,

he was the black sheep
of the family.

George, you're two-thirds
of the way there.

Keep going.

I'm not stopping.

How much do I owe you
so far?

Eight dollars and cents.

That much?

Then you can stop now.


Just kidding.

See you at the
finish line!

Legend has it, P.T. Barnum
wanted her for his sideshow.

Hey, did you hear?

Some kid is walking
from Crown City

all the way back here.

You mean George?

I don't know his name,

but we want to see him when
he comes down Main Street.

You coming?

Yeah! I'll go get my camera.

I'm not giving up.

I'm not giving up...

♪ Your foot bone's connected
to your ankle bone... ♪

I see it!

I can see the clock tower!

We're almost there!

Oh, dear!

Sweet Cicero!

I think I twisted my ankle.

I'll call for help.

Don't be silly.

Go on without me.

Just leave me your
portable telephone

and I'll call for help.


Please check
the number...

No. We'll wait with you
until someone comes.

It's not like
this is a race.

He should have been here by now.

I hope he's okay.

I suppose there is
the possibility that he gave up.

There he is!

Here, can you take Wally?

(crowd cheering)

El Boomerang!

You returned!

Woo! That was amazing!
Way to go!

I did it!

I actually did it!


George, you're not
the fastest kid I know,

but you just might
be the toughest.


You have so many new scars,
El Boomerang.

Where on Earth have you been?

Well, I can tell you where
it was last-- Turkey.

That's where my friend
found it.

Happy Birthday, Alberto.

That nice paramedic fellow
who gave me the crutches

looked just like my Uncle Cyril.

Now, he was the real fascinating
one in the family.

Owned an emu farm in Sedona,

but his real passion
was the accordion.

To watch more Arthur

and play games with all
of the Elwood City friends,

You can find Arthur books

and lots of other books, too,

at your local library.

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪