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15x06 - Prunella the Packrat/What's in a Name?

Posted: 07/01/22 08:09
by bunniefuu
♪ Every day, when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say, hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to
your heart, listen to the b*at ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ Place to start ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪



♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we can learn to work
and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!



(loud thud)

(letters shattering)

Hello, boys and girls.

What a beautiful day this is!

It makes you feel like singing.

But don't worry, I won't,
I'll spare you.

Ugh, look at this room.

Hold on, I'll be right back.

I know you all tuned in

to see my granddaughter
Francine and her friends,

but first I want to talk to you
a little about getting old.

Getting old, kids, is wonderful.

There are a few little

The knees don't work so well.

When I was your age,
I could jump over this table.

Now, if I drop a cookie,
it stays on the floor.

Big deal, the dog will eat it.

And my ears aren't so good.

I don't hear half the things
that people say to me.

And the other half,
you want to know?

I just ignore.

Why? Because I've heard most
of it before.

"I'm fat, I'm broke, why isn't
there anything good on TV?"

Please! You are alive!

Stop complaining!

And then there's all those
little aches and pains.

Some days, this pinky--
it hurts.

Other days, it's my tongue.

Go figure.

But there are great things, too.

First of all, it's cheaper
to ride the bus, yeah.

And anytime can be naptime,

especially if someone
is boring you to tears.

And you know the best part?

You still make new friends.

Anyhow, I wanted
to share with you

the story of my new friend.

You are never going to guess
who it is,

so I'm just going to tell you.

Okay, are you ready?

My new friend is...


We're out of time already?

I was talking too much?

Okay, fine.

Children, darlings,
it is time for the show.

So you'll watch, you'll enjoy,
goodbye for now.

Yeah, bye-bye.

Will someone please tell me
what was the rush?

At this age I only have two
speeds: slow and stop.

It's public television.

Why don't we all just
stop and smell the roses?

Has anyone got a rose?

(baby crying)

He's coming!

He's coming!

Who's coming?

Grandpa Dave!

And guess what--
he's staying in my room.

And guess what else.

You get to set up the cot.

No, move it over there.

Why don't you move it?

Mom says I'll pinch
my fingers.

I wonder how long Grandpa
will be staying with us.

I don't know.

Mom said he was coming in
to see the doctor.

No, move it back.


Arthur's being mean
to Grandpa!


Well, hello, everybody!

Holey moley!

Let me look at you two.

Arthur, you must be
about two inches taller.

I don't think so.

It's only been two months
since we saw you.

Boy, this town sure has changed
since I was a boy.

Nice ride you kids have here.

Is it new?

No. You rode in it this summer.

For Aunt Lucy's wedding,

We did just get it
cleaned, though.

Oh, that must be it.

It's so good to see
you two little rascals.

Later on, if you're good,

I'll make you my special
country stew.


♪ Let's all count to one ♪

♪ Let's all count to one ♪

♪ Ready, set, one,
you're done ♪

♪ Let's all
count to one. ♪



, , ...

(Grandpa Dave counting down)

He'll never find me here.

Where is he?

Beats me.

What's he doing?

He's talking to mom.

It's probably a trick.

I don't care.
I'm hungry.

Home free!

Yes! I win!


I'm hungry, too.

Where have you two been?

Off playing?

Well, yeah.

We were playing
hide 'n' seek.

With you.

Oh, were you?

I'm sorry.

I must have got distracted,

Wait, that's not right.


It's Arnold, right?

Oh, dear.

That's okay, Dad.
It's Arthur.

Kids, I'm taking Grandpa
to his doctor's appointment.

Dad's in the garage.

We'll be back in an hour

and then we'll have
a family talk, okay?

How could he forget my name?

Well, Arthur isn't

a very memorable name.

Actually, I think you look
more like an Arnold.

This is all your fault!

How is it my fault?

You've been playing
with him too much.

He's probably exhausted!

The reason I want
to talk to everyone

is because I got
some news today.

See, I've had problems
remembering things lately.

Just last week,

I got lost when I was
walking around my own farm.

You did?

Afraid so.

The doctor told me that
my memory is starting to go.

Maybe you just need to tie
a string around your finger.

I'll go get some ribbon.

This isn't like normal
forgetting, honey.

Everyone forgets things
when they get to be my age.

But some folks get a disease

that makes it even harder
for them to remember.

It's not my fault, is it?

Of course not.


It's no one's fault.

It's just the way
the cookie crumbles.

But I feel fine.

And I'm going to be
moving closer to you.

That's the bright side.

Grandpa will need some
extra care from all of us.

I'll take care of you,

I need some photographs.

Photographs of what?


The house, vacations, me.

But not too many of you.

We already have
tons of those.

Why are you gathering photos?

I'm making a book to help
Grandpa remember things.

It's a memory book.

What's the point?

He'll just
forget them anyway.

He'll probably forget
what it's even for.

Okay, mister, I'm only putting
in one picture of you!


Are you all right,

Why are you standing?

All the blood will rush
to your feet.

Sit down.

How many fingers
do I have?


Actually, I have ten.

Last time I checked.

Anyhow, you seem okay,

A little thin.

Gonna talk
to your mother.

Hey, Arthur.

You've met my
Grandma Bubby, right?

Sure, we're
old friends.

You had the pizza thing

when Frankeleh was trying to
fast for Yom Kippur, remember?

Frankly, I still don't know
why you didn't change the date.

I mean, how hard
could that have been?

Want to play with us?

No, thanks.

I kind of want
to be alone.


Why do you want to be alone?

Something is bothering you.

Tell Bubby.

I'm fine.

I'm just...
it's my grandpa.

He didn't remember
my name the other day

and now it turns out
he has this problem.

Just a sec.

You mind if we have this
conversation over some pastrami?

This one's got me running around
like a golden retriever.

I'm sorry to hear that about
your grandfather, Arthur.

But what can I do about it?


Listen, Arthur,
sweetheart, people change.

The body changes
and brains change, too.

You think I can do
long division now?

Forget about it!

But here's the thing:

Your grandfather will always be
your grandfather.

He's still in there.

And he still loves you
very, very much.

Now, drink your water.

Your body is % water, so it's
just like drinking more you.

Does she ever stop moving?

This is nothing.

Yesterday, she alphabetized
the cereal.

Do you think Bubby would want
to come over for dinner

sometime this week?

I'm sure she'd love to.

So long as you don't mind
if she cleans your kitchen

when you're
not looking.


Well, I may not be

so good with names,

but I can still make
a mean country stew.

Listen, I don't know
what country this is from,

but wherever it is,
I am moving there.

Shall we have coffee
in the living room?

Go, go.

I'll do the dishes.

If I don't keep moving,
I fossilize.

Where have those
kids gotten to?

I brought a batch
of really old photos.

Some of these photos
date back to the s.

Thanks, Francine.

These'll be perfect.

Are they closed
tight, tight, tight?

They are.

Okay, you can
open them now.

Holey moley.

What's this?

It's a memory book.

We made it to help
you remember things.


This was at
Aunt Lucy's wedding.

Don't I look great?

You do indeed, princess.

That's the way
Elwood City used to look.


I have some trouble
remembering new things,

but I sure remember
old stuff like this.

Where did you find this picture?

From Francine's

I've got a million of them--
just like my liver spots.

You were talking about
how the town changed.

I thought you'd
like to see these.

That's wonderful.

You kids are great.

I know this hasn't been
easy on you.

It's okay.

Even if you do forget
my name once in a while,

I'm still your grandson.

Is this you?

Sure is.

I was cute, huh?

And remember that?

It's The Music Box.

Oh, yes, of course.

It was a vaudeville house
and then it turned to movies.

Bubby's better
than pictures.

She's a living memory book.

And across the street
was Drinen's.

varieties of pickles,

Let me get you some water.

What, are you turning into
a camel in front of me?

Don't worry,
Bubby's got it covered.

Today we make the most important
food the world has ever known.

Who can tell me
what this food is?

The potato chip?

Chicken-Lickin' chick-stix
with cheddarola?

A fancy pastry
filled with fruit?

No, no, no.

The "chip" is filled
with the trans fats.

Very unhealthy,
mon ami!

Better you should
eat dirt.

if you mention the name

of this "Chicken-Lickin'"
in my class again,

you will be asked
to leave.

Monsieur Read, I will teach you
to make the fruit pastry,

as promised, but you must learn
to crawl before you walk.

No, today, we make bread.

Flour, water, yeast.

And a little pinch of salt.


I'm never going to make
something for my dad

in time for his birthday.

Chef Puffeau is a genius.

He cannot be rushed.

How do we know
he's a genius?

We've been in this class
for two weeks

and I haven't even tasted
a cookie.

He's famous.

Didn't you ever see
Preparing with Puffeau?

My dad watched that show.

It was canceled when
Puffeau yelled at the audience

for clapping too loudly
and ruining his soufflé.

Et voilà!

We let the dough rise,
we bake it,

and finally, we have this.

Can I taste it?


This class is not about this.

It is about... this.

The process.

The journey!

So... can I taste this?


which is a better title
for my cooking show?

Crosswire's Classy Kitchen
or Muffy: Master Chef?

Both are excellent.

However, the term "master"

may be a tad presumptuous

when one has only ever
made a sandwich.

(engine churns
but doesn't start)

There seems to be something
wrong with the limo.


I can't be late!

If you're late, Chef Puffeau
makes you peel onions

for the entire class.

Fear not, Miss Muffy.

I'm sure you can go with one
of the other students.

We've already agreed
to drive Arthur this week,

but I think we can squeeze in
one more.

See you in a bit.

Muffy's car broke down.

Sorry, sweetie, it'll be a
little crowded in the back.

Are you kidding?

This is going to be great!

I'll get some games

and CDs and we'll pack
some snacks.

This is going to be
a party on wheels.

(tires screeching)

Welcome to the super-cool
cooking class carpool!

All aboard the Baxtermobile!


The "Baxtermobile"
is ten minutes late.

Don't worry, we'll get there
with time to spare.

My mom is the best
driver in Elwood City.

Okay, so what do
we play first?

How about "I Spy"?

I spot something and you have
to guess what it is.

I spy with my little eye...

something that begins
with the letter T.



That's a G; I said T.

No, there's garbage
on the floor of this car.

It's not garbage.

It's a bag of fruit
I brought

for the pastry
I'm going to make my dad.

Well, please get it away
from my side.

I don't want any fruit
getting on my shorts.

You'll get food
on you anyway.

It's a cooking
class, remember?

It might just be
a "class" for you,

but for me, it's practice
for my cooking show.

What's it going
to be called?

Ordering In with
Muffy Crosswire?

Hey, guys,
we're still playing I Spy.

The letter was T.


The smell is
making me sick.


Buster, could you hand
me that bag?

My fruit!

Does anyone have
a moist towelette?


How about a little music, hmm?

(loud hissing)

Sorry, I forgot--
the CD player is broken.

Mrs. Baxter?

Could you please put
the air conditioning on?

It's a little
hot back here.

It is on, dear.

Why don't you just roll
down the window?


My bonnet!



What I spied.

With my little eye.

It was a tree.

Well, you know what I spy?


Guess what that's for.




That's what this carpool is.

Mademoiselle, the bread
will not make itself.

Knead it, knead it!

I was trying not to make a mess.

Cooking is messy.

Life is messy.

You must enjoy the mess.

Only sad chefs
have clean clothes.

Speaking of appearances,

what makeup do you recommend
wearing in front of the cameras?


Monsieur Puffeau,
I brought fruit with me.

Maybe after class you could
help me with that pastry?

Oranges, grapes, bananas?


Puffeau cannot work
with this material.

Bring berries.

Fresh ones!

Everyone! Come!

What? What?

I didn't do


And the dough,
it is rising beautifully.

Sometimes the chef must relax
and let nature do the cooking.

Good work,
Monsieur Baxter.


I have to ride in that horrible
Baxtermobile again?

I'm afraid the mechanic said

it would be at least a week
before the limo was fixed.


We'll just use a different car.

Daddy has tons of them at work.

Your father thought this
would be a good opportunity

to help the environment
by carpooling.

I guess I won't be trying out
my host outfit tomorrow.

It'd get ruined in that
cramped back seat.

But as long as I'm stuck
with Buster and Arthur,

I might as well
put them to good use.

Muffy Crosswire: Mister Chef,
take one.

Master chef!

So, Muffy,
how do you like riding

in Buster Baxter's super-cool
cooking class carpool?

Next question.

Okay, if you were on an island

and the only things to eat
were worms or beetles,

which would it be?

Give me that!

That's not the type of question
you're supposed to ask.

Ask me how I prepare
fabulous dishes.


How does Muffy the Master Chef
make fettuccine alfredo?

Um, well...

first you find an excellent
Italian restaurant

in your neighborhood,
and then...

Hey, speaking of food,

the cafe car of the
Baxtermobile is now open.


Eggs? Are you crazy?

They could cr*ck open
and spill on my berries!

Relax, they're hardboiled.

As least the ones with the "H"
written on them are.

Oh, dear.

"No exit."

They've closed our turn-off
for road work.

Good thing I got this GPS thingy
a few days ago.

It's not a Motorloco L- ,
is it?

Daddy says they're defective.

Turn right, here.

Right? What right?

Turn right, here.

There is no right!

This one has an "H"
and this one doesn't.

Huh, this one just has an "I."

I wonder what that means.

Hang on, I have to pull over
and look at a map.

Whoa! The eggs!

My berries!

It's on my shorts!

You have arrived
at your destination.

Now you look like a chef,

These berries are perfect,
Monsieur Read.

Too bad they are
covered in egg.

But you three
look like you had fun.

That is what matters.

Now, if you please,

peel the onions.

Buster, come on!

It's your last cooking class.

We don't want to be late again.

No games for the carpool?

Why bother?

No one will play them.

My carpool is a disaster.


Let's just get
this ride over with.

Be out in a sec.

I just have to
get something.

No fruit today?

They were out
of berries.


I guess I'll just
get my dad a tie

for his birthday.

Hey, kids,
look in the seat pocket.

I think there might be
something in there for you.

Car bingo!

I completely forgot
about that game.

We used to play it
on long car rides.

You look at the pictures
on the card

and if you see them outside,
you mark it off.

First one to get them
all in a row shouts "Bingo!"




♪ loaves of bread ♪

♪ You take one out,
pass it about ♪

♪ loaves of bread
in the oven. ♪

Hey, I think we're actually
going to be early this time.

(loud pop)

I'm sorry, Arthur.

My carpool was a catastrophe.

And now it looks like we'll
miss our very last class.

That's okay.

Hey, look what I bought
at the farm stand back there.

A tangerine torte.

I may not have made it, but my
dad sure does love tangerines.

And I got us some fresh peaches.



That's the best thing
I've ever tasted.

Okay, I've decided to
scrap my cooking show.

Instead, it's going to be Muffy
Crosswire: Master Mechanic.

I was inspired by your mom.

Look at her changing that tire.

She's amazing!

Even though I lost my bonnet,
got egg on my shorts,

and had to peel
onions for an hour,

I think I had more fun getting
to the class

than being in the class.

Me, too.

The Baxtermobile
is up and running.

If we hurry, we can probably
make the last half hour.

If it's okay with you, Mom,
could we just drive around?

We still have loaves
of bread to get through.

Yeah, and I didn't
get a bingo yet.

Okay, I'm calling this segment

"The Carpool Club
Cuts Cooking Class."

Take one!