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18x06 - Whip. Mix. Blend./Staycation

Posted: 07/02/22 19:07
by bunniefuu


♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to your
heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together
and make things better ♪

♪ By working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself,
for that's the place to start ♪

♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!




Grandpa Dave, Grandma Thora,

Mom, Dad, DW, Kate and Pal.

That's my family.

Did you know there are all sorts
of different types of families

in the animal kingdom?

Like these tamarin monkeys.

Sometimes they have two dads

that help the mom
raise their young.

Can Buster sleep over
this weekend?

Ask your father.

Can Buster sleep over?

Ask your other father.

Well, can he?

Ask your mother.


Or how about elephants?

All of the females in the family
take care of a new baby.


And in Arabian Babbler families,

birds who aren't even related
feed each other's chicks.

(doorbell rings)

Well, hello there!

Have some pudding.

Beef stroganoff?

Cocktail weenie?


I like being
an Arabian Babbler.

What's your family like?

(gavel squeaking)

I hereby call this meeting
of The Tough Consumers to order.

So, what's on the agenda?

A protest.

Sticky Chicken
is opening a franchise

right across the street
from the old one.


They're drowning us
in trans fats.

Let's picket those crispy
sticky chicken pickings.

When's the opening?

This Sunday at : .

I can't go.


But I got a great deal
on four chicken suits!

Believe me,
there's nothing I'd rather do

than dress up as poultry

and publicly shame
a corporate juggernaut.

But I'm spending the weekend
at the Vanderloos.

The Vanderloos?

Who are they?

It all started
six months ago...

(doorbell rings)

That's when my mom started
dating Archie Vanderloo,

a friend of hers from work.

I like Archie just fine.

He's smart, has traveled
all over the world...

But he likes to cook
very complicated dinners:

soufflés, étouffées,

Eiffel Towers
of mashed yams...

I like my food simple.

Archie has twins:
Angie and Ansel.

We're the same age,

but that's where
the similarities end.

Angie is into everything
hip and trendy.

She talks with all this slang.

I can barely understand
a word she says.

Rattles, frizzman,
you're so nova.

Do you mush
Kitty Pow Pow?

Aren't they dwell?

I'm, like,
"Side order, please!"

Wanna make muffins?

Um, okay?

(dance music playing)


Come on, frizzman,
make those muffins!

Ansel's different.

He has more energy
than anyone I've ever met.

And he's really competitive,
but not in a mean way.

Man, you're strong!

Almost had me there.

Come on, best of five.

Great effort!

You were this close.

- !

But that last point
was a nail-biter.

Bet you win
the next round.

I can take the Vanderloos
in small doses.

But a whole weekend?

I'll never survive.

Sure you will.

But you must be
like bamboo.

What does that mean?

I should be tall,
green and leafy?

I think I'm more
of a moss.

She means that you should
be more flexible.

Just do whatever
those twins want

and the time will pass by
like that.

But how?

I can't keep up with Ansel,
and I don't speak Angie.


It's only Wednesday.

We've got two days
to train you.

Peep my sabots, gup.


That movie was gigabad.


But J.J. Boggs
is muy melty.

Simonize my sideburns.

Now I'm smelted.

We've got to build up
your stamina.

If you can spend a whole day
with a little kid,

Ansel will be a cinch.

No offense, but James doesn't
seem like much of a workout.

Isn't he kind of shy
and quiet?

Oh, he's got more energy
than you'd think.

And he has friends.

See you in five hours.

Have fun.

(kids laughing)

Tommy, put that down...



Mayday! Mayday!

Here: a mix of wheatgrass,
kale and spirulina.

It tastes awful,

but it'll give you a boost
in an emergency.

Here's your slang

We still can't figure out what
"simonize my sideburns" means,

but hopefully Angie
won't use that.

So, how do you feel?

Ready to be the perfect
Vanderloo houseguest,

thanks to you guys.


There are some things I'd like
to talk with you about

regarding this weekend.

Can we do it tomorrow?

Between my slang homework

and my play date
with the Tibbles, I'm beat.

Play date with the Tibbles?

It's a long story.

But don't worry.


The Vanderloo kids and I

will get along just fine.

Good night.

Before you go inside,

I just wanted
to let you know that...

Enter, Frizzman.

Kudos and bienvenudos!

Hope you brought
your hiking boots.

I thought we could climb
Mt. Kanikanook before dinner.

Uh... yay!

Be there in a sec.

Sorry, Mom.

Duty calls.

Fearsome sabots, Angie.

Then Tolon,
this dwell new gup,

was all,
"Text me a novel,"

and I was like, "Roll tape,"
but he was on mute.

Gigabad, right?

Hold on.

My, uh, sabot's untied.


Let him drizzle.

If he mushes you,
check, please.

If not, uh...

...hit snooze.

We're almost there.

Race you to the top!



Nice finish.

You would have won
if you hadn't tripped.

I'll give you
a ten-second head start

on the race back down.






Frizzman, want to skittle
to Bilge post-vittles?

(air whooshing out)


(nervous gulp)


Simonize my sideburns?


Sure, okay,

(dance music playing)

Hey, Rattles,
you asleep?

Mmm... yes.

I just wanted to say,

I used to think you were
kind of cool and aloof.

But now, after spending
some time with you,

I think you're going to be
a great brother.

Good night.

Good night.


What do you mean,

Didn't your Mom tell you?

She and Dad
are getting married.


I tried to tell you
earlier today.

And yesterday, too.

I'm really sorry
you had to find out this way.

Does Dad know
about this?

Yes, and he's fine with it.

But how do you feel?

Are you upset?

No, I like the Vanderloos.

They're... strange,
but nice.

But I can't be bamboo anymore.

Is that some of Angie's slang?

Because I really
don't understand.

What I mean is I can't pretend
I fit in any longer.

I'm nothing like them.

Oh, honey,
you don't have to fit in.

I don't?


I want you all
to get along,

but if this family
is going to work,

we have to accept
each other as we are.

That could take some time.

There's no rush.

I'm just happy you're willing
to give it a try.

"Had to do something.

See ya, Rattles."

I bet he left for good.

This is all your fault!

Why'd you make him dance
to that awful music?

My fault?


Frizzman mushes Bilge.

Actually, I don't.

That is,
if "mush" means "to like."

I'm not really sure.

But if we're going
to be a family,

you're going to have
to speak English sometimes.

Nopro novo siblano.

I mean... okay.

And you've probably noticed,
but I'm not very good at sports.


But when we played
Ping-Pong yesterday...

I lost every single round.

By a lot.

It's true.

You really are
pretty terrible.

And I'm fine with that.

Finally, I'd like
to introduce you

to what I like to eat:
a delectable concoction

of dough and yeast,

seasoned with diced onions
and baked to perfection.

Also known as the bialy.

Bon appétit.

Sticky Chicken makes you sicken!

Sticky Chicken
makes you sicken!

"Makes you sicken"?

You made it!

That's the best
you could do?

It's not even
grammatically correct.

I brought reinforcements.

Want to see who can shout
the loudest?

Ave, gup.

Dwell nugget duds.

They're a little strange,
but they're family.

Don't give this store
a single penny!

Two Sticky Chickens
is too many!

And now a word from us kids.

Hi, my name is Tyler.

Welcome to Beaver Summer Camp.

Today, we're in the mood
to blend.


Shake it up.

Arthur's friend Rattles
is part of a blended family,

where two families are combined
to make one.

Families can be blended,
and so can lots of other things.


We made new colors.


Don't try this
without adult supervision.


We're pouring the baking soda
into the vinegar.

Now, that's cool.

Vinegar and baking soda
make gas.


Mix it up.

We're blending cornstarch
and water together.

Alone, the ingredients
are pretty boring.

But mixed together,
they create something magical.

It's quicksand.

When you put pressure on it,
it's a solid.

And when you put
your hand in slowly,

it's a liquid.

I can't get my hands out!

It's a solid and a liquid.

It's so cool.

Sometimes, things go
a little crazy.


We made two reactions:
heat and gas.

It's warm like a fire.

Blending takes a little...

Now? No...






And voilà...

Ice cream!


Blending can be...









That was not successful.

But lots of fun.




And now, back to Arthur.

Kitchen secured, DW!

Kitchen secured!

Green alien slime at : !

What do you mean, : ?

It's : .

: doesn't mean
the time on the clock, DW.

It's just a way of saying
where the slime is located.


Should we call
Mom and Dad?


We can handle this ourselves.




Watch out!

Behind you!

: , giant mice!

Do you hear something, honey?

(faint shouting)

Nope, not a thing.

(shouting continues)

♪ Oh, we're camping
at the lake, ah! ♪

♪ We're going
to vegetate, ah! ♪

♪ I really just
can't wait, ah! ♪

(Kate giggling)

It's not funny.

It's mean that you're going
without us.


When parents go away
without their kids,

they feel guilty
and bring home presents.

Don't wreck it.

I don't care.

I want to go to the lake.

I want to vegetable.

It's only for two nights.

And Grandma Thora is coming
to take care of you.

(phone ringing)


Hi, honey!

I am so sorry,

but our plane home from Cancun
got canceled.

And we can't get another flight
until Monday.


I feel terrible.

I know how much you were looking
forward to your vacation.

Oh, what a cute
little monkey!


It's okay, Mom.

It's not your fault.

We'll go camping
some other time.



(birds chirping)

Wasn't that so sad?

I thought my heart would break.

Wait, you didn't want them
to go on vacation

and now you're sad they can't?


Didn't you see Mom's face?

I thought she was going to cry.

(dramatic crying)

(birds cawing)

I guess parents really do need
a break sometimes.

Especially from you.

I wonder if there's some way
we could fix this.

I called every babysitter
we know.

No one's available.


I guess there's nothing more
we can do.

Wait, wait,

wait and wait!

Tell them, Arthur.

Tell them!

Okay, so DW and I
came up with a way

for you to have your...

It's called a "stay-cation,"
and it was MY idea.


What do you see?


Someone was playing
with our tent?


And that someone was me!

And Arthur.

Since you can't go
to the lake...

You can camp here,
in the yard!

You can spend
the whole weekend out there

while we're in here with Kate,
not bothering you at all.

That's really nice of you kids,

but you're too young
to stay on your own

for that long.

Although we could spend

just the day out there.

Of course, we'd have to take
the baby monitor

and check in
from time to time.

Yeah, yeah.

And we won't disturb you at all!

Come on, you two should have
a vacation.

Even if it's just
for a little while.

Cold cuts, milk, peaches,
pretty much everything you need.

We'll be fine!

Go away.

Enjoy the great outdoors.


So, Arthur,

you're in charge.


You can't do that!

This was my idea!

I'm in charge.

How about Arthur
is in charge,

and you are...

the communications officer.

So, if there are
any emergencies...


Then I get to make the call!

(door opens)

I need your phone.

I'm the communication-er.

Don't run down
the battery, okay?

Ready, hon?


(phone ringing)


This is your
communication-er speaking.

If you hear,
"Help, help, help!"

that means you have
to come back.

Got it, DW.

Have fun.

Don't watch too much TV.

(birds cawing)

Is it me, or are there
a lot of birds around?

This is DW Read,

recording hour one
of Mom and Dad's stay-cation.

So far, so good.


Time to change
the diaper.


And we have our first

Calling Mom,
calling Dad!

Help, help!

Are you kidding?

We've changed Kate's diaper

Come on!

Who has the best brother
in the world?

You do!

It's Arthur!


(toilet flushes)

Testing, testing.

Hour two of Mom and Dad's

and DW Read is on patrol.

So far, I am not seeing any...

No! No way!

Hang on, Arthur, I'm coming!

Is it an emergency?

No, I just can't get
the TV to work.

That's totally an emergency!

Let's call Mom.


Come here.

What do you see?


Mom and Dad?

Having fun without me?


They're having fun--
vacation fun.

And we're not going
to bother them.


But how are we going
to fix the TV?

All you needed was
a new battery, guys.

But since I'm here,

why don't I try
and upgrade your system?

I can wire it so you can run
your TV, cable, phone, lights

and fridge
all from your computer.

This is DW,

reporting on the stay-cation.

Brain is fixing our house,
Kate is asleep,

Arthur is goofing off,

and so far,
there are no emergencies.


Also, Buster is visiting,
dressed like a zombie.

It's an alien mask, DW.

And check this out.

The eyes light up.


Are you wearing that
for Halloween?


Except I also want to be
a xylo-bird.

You know, half-bird,

Arthur has some really
goofy friends.

Anyway, I've checked
the entire house

and there's nothing more to do.

Oh, wait!

I forgot about the birds.

(birds cawing)

Hi, birdies!

Are you getting
enough to eat?

Here, birdy birdy!

Come and get it!

You want your bread


Or maybe I'll go
as "Eager Beaver."

Only instead of trees, he can
gnaw down apartment buildings

with his radioactive teeth.

Arthur, help!


Oh, brother!

This is like her eighth

Hold your horses, DW!

I'm coming.


Go away!

I didn't want you inside!

So what is it now?


How'd a bird get in here?!

I don't know.

Let's call Mom.

No, this is not
an emergency!

We just have
to open a window.

You open a window.

I'm hiding in the bathroom.

Come on, little birdy.

This way!

(toilet flushing)

I don't know what Arthur
would do without me.

He wouldn't even know
about the bird

if it wasn't for me.

(toilet water running)


If you hold the net,

I'll try and push him
toward you.


Can you not bother us?

We're busy!

Is it an emergency if water
is pouring all over the place

and I can't make it stop?


What did you do?!

It wasn't me.

It's the toilet's fault!

Maybe Kate's diaper
was too big for it.

You're not supposed to flush
diapers down the toilet!

How was I supposed
to know that?


Okay, all patched together.

Let's see how this works.

(electricity buzzing)

It won't shut off!

The knob is stuck!

(electricity stops buzzing)

I can't see!

Hang on!

I'll use my eyes.

Keep dumping, DW!

Keep dumping!


Sorry about the lights.

I should have it fixed
in a few.



(smoke detector beeping)

Now what?

Is this going to wake up
Baby Kate?


Hang on, Kate!


Where'd those new birds
come from?

Is it an emergency now,

No, it's not!

(bird squawking)

Okay, it is!

Call them!


Only, where's the phone?

How would I know?

(phone ringing)

(ringing continues)

DW Read, DW Read
answering the phone!

(Kate crying over monitor)

What's going on
in there?

Are you okay?

We're fine, only...


I got the birds out.

Toilet's fixed.

I reset the circuit breaker.

Floor's good!

And I saved the day.


Nothing like a burnt marshmallow
after an exciting evening.

And now we're all having
a stay-cation.

So why were there birds
in the house?

I don't know.

I just fed them.

I didn't ask them
to move in with us.


Well, here's to a great
stay-cation, everyone!


I'm still
the communication-er, right?


Only let's hope we don't have
any more emergencies.

And no more surprises,

(birds chirping)

To watch more Arthur

and play games with all
the Elwood City friends,

You can find Arthur books
and lots of other books too

at your local library.