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18x10 - Shelter from the Storm

Posted: 07/02/22 19:10
by bunniefuu


♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to your
heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together
and make things better ♪

♪ By working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself,
for that's the place to start ♪

♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!




There it is:

Hurricane Sadie.

As big as France
and heading towards Elwood City.

You actually made this?

The globe came from a kit,

and I just layered a flexible
touch screen over it.

It wasn't that hard.

Why did they name it Sadie?

It seems too nice a name
for a hurricane.

They should've called it
something scary,

like Nigel.

It has to begin with an S.

They're all named alphabetically

by the World Meteorological

You sure know a lot
about hurricanes.

They're fascinating!

They're the most powerful storms
on the planet.

Did you know the winds can gust
over miles an hour?

I just think
they're scary.

We had a couple
back in Louisiana,

and all I can say is:
be prepared.

Oh, the Crosswires
are super prepared.

We have a generator,
tons of spring water--

both sparkling and still--

and three cases
of smoked trout.

Aren't you going to get sick
of eating fish?


But Daddy
can't resist a sale.

We're having
a hurricane party tonight.

Wanna come?

No thanks.

Suit yourself.

Here, Muffy, take some
ice cream for your party.

If the shop loses power,
it'll all just melt.

Oh yeah, I forgot!

We're having a party, too!

Yeah, so are we!

Me, too!

Big, big party!

(thunder rumbling)


Well, that should do it.

Oh, I left my weather globe

Should we get it?

No, that's all right.

I'll just pick it up

Plus, I still have to set up
my anemometer

to measure the wind speed.

We should've invested
in a digital barometer

to measure
the storm's pressure,

but I just really like the way
the aneroid ones look.

The strongest winds will just
miss downtown Elwood City,

but the area bordering the
river will be hit very hard.


Don't worry,
we're safe.

Don't worry,
we're safe.



. ...

. ...


We just hit kilometers
per hour winds!


Be right there!

This is amazing!

(heavy winds blowing)

To spending Hurricane Sadie
all together,

except for Chipster,
who's soaking up the sun

at Tallahassee Tech!

(thunder rumbling)


I'm on my way, Mr. Crosswire.

(generator revving)

And to being prepared!

Uh, wind!

Something windy.

Gone with the Wind.

The Wind in the Willows.

It's the Three Little Pigs.

How'd you guess that?

I just started!

I can read minds.

(phone rings)

No, you can't!

Rufus Compson here.

Yes, I can!

I can tell what you're
thinking right now.
Oh, hello, sir.

Okay, what?

Can you hold on
for one moment please?

You're thinking, "That Bud
Compson sure is a strange one."

Yeah, but I'm usually
thinking that,

so it's kind of cheating.

The Katzenellenbogan River
is starting to overflow.

They need the Army Corps
of Engineers down there.

I have to report for duty
as soon as the winds die down.

How long will you be gone for?

My birthday is this Thursday.

Will you be back in time?

I don't know, sport,
but I'll try my hardest.

(birds chirping)



Bailey, my lights don't...


Alas, we've lost power

and have had a bit
of flooding.

Galoshes, Miss Muffy?

While Elwood City
avoided a direct hit,

many homes by the river
have had to be evacuated.

Some people even had to leave
their pets behind.


Can you imagine having to leave
your pet behind?

I feel so bad
for those people,

and their pets!

When I talk to my Dad,

I'll ask him
if he's seen any strays.

They sent the Army Corps
of Engineers down there

this morning.

I didn't know your Dad
was in the Army.

Yeah, the Army Corps
of Engineers

mainly designs, builds,
and fixes stuff.

And his job is really important

when there's
an emergency like this.

Wow, that's really cool!

Yeah, it is.

Except when he has to miss
really big events.

Like one Thanksgiving,
and my first school play...


That is kind of rough.

Well, it's only early June,

so he probably won't miss
any big events this time.

That's not true!

He could miss...

Bud Compson,

mind your own beeswax!



What's he going to miss?


There-- good as new.

(barking happily)

Why don't you want Arthur
to know it's your birthday?

I don't want him
feeling sorry for me.

In fact, if Dad's away,

I think I'll just skip
my birthday this year.

You can't do that!

How will you get older?

I'm still going to turn nine,
turnip head!

I just won't celebrate it.

But... not celebrating
your birthday?

It's against
the laws of nature!

Oh, relax!

It's just a day
like any other.

There's a lot worse things
than missing a birthday.

Okay, thank you.

(hangs up phone)

Insurance will cover
the damage.

It'll take a while,
but we're going to rebuild this.

I don't understand.

We prepared.

We did everything
we were supposed to.

are unpredictable.

But look at the rest
of the street.

Not a single other shop
was damaged.

What are the chances of that

It is strange.

But sometimes,
these things just happen.

Hey, look,

it's your weather-globe!

Maybe you can fix it.

(loud crashing)


(electricity shorting)


(wind blowing)


I can't stop thinking about
that poor dog I saw on TV.

What if that were Pal?

I'd be worried sick
about him!

I remember how sad I was
when I lost Pierre.


My pet rock.

I had him in the pocket
of my bathing suit

when I went to the beach
last summer.


If only I had taught him
how to swim!

(blowing nose)

Hey, you should call
the animal shelter!

Maybe you could help out
in some way.

That's a great idea.


Do it for Pierre!

(locker slams shut)


Brain, I just heard
about the ice cream shop!

That's so terrible!

How are you feeling?

Um... okay.

A little jumpy, but...

Did you hear
what happened to me?

Our house was destroyed!


Well, not exactly destroyed,

but our first floor got flooded
and we have no power!

We have to move to a hotel!

Oh, that's terrible, I...

I know!

It only has four stars,

although there is a jacuzzi
in every room, but...

Oh, Francine!

Did you hear
what happened to me?

All right, settle down.

I know the hurricane
has affected us all,

but I think it's a good idea

if we jump right back
into schoolwork.

Please open your history books
to chapter seven.

Um, Mr. Ratburn?

I seem to have left
all of my books at home.


That's okay, Alan.

You can use mine.

Ladonna, is that you?

Want to talk to Dad?

And after you left, we helped
the Reads clean up their yard,

which wasn't so bad.

Oh! And keep your eyes peeled
for stray pets, okay?

Arthur asked me to ask you.

Will do.

And how about you, sport?

How're you doing?

Okay, I guess.

Do you know if you're going
to be back for my birthday yet?

Well, a lot depends
on the weather.

If it rains again, I might
have to stay longer to...

(garbled speech)

Dad? Dad?!



What kind of birthday cake

do you want?

Mom and I went
to a bakery today.

You decide.


I can't decide.

It's not my birthday.

I don't care.

There was a mistake.

They overbooked, and now
they don't have room for us.

Oh, how rude!

Fine, we'll just take
our business elsewhere.

Well, there's the rub, Muffin.

I called other hotels,
but they're all full.

The hurricane displaced
a lot of people.

So where are we
going to stay?


Well, it may not be
a luxury hotel,

but there's plenty of warm beds!

A shelter?

We're staying
in a shelter?

Happy birthday!


But it isn't my birthday.

But your Dad might not be around
on the day of your birthday!

Or the next three!

So we're celebrating them
all at once!

That's why there are
candles on the cake!

And that's not all!

Merry Christmas!

But it's only June!

I know, but there's
a good chance

I might miss
this Christmas, too.

And before I forget,
I got you a car.

But that's for
high school graduation.

Well, what are you
waiting for?

Open your pre...

(phone ringing)

Rufus Compson here.

Oh, hello, sir.

Mm-hmm, I see.

I'll be there
right away.

Sorry sport, there's been
another emergency.

Looks like we'll have
to celebrate

your Graduchrismirthday
some other time.

(door closes)

It's not fair!

(wind blowing)



Are you okay?

I have to put something
against the window!


That tree outside!

It could fall into this room
any minute!

That's not going to happen.

You can't be sure.

You said it yourself!

Sometimes these things
just happen.

Here, get back into bed.

I'll sit here
until you fall asleep.

Are we all going to be okay?

Yes, I promise.

And in the morning,
we'll talk about some ideas

that might help you
feel better.



I wouldn't eat that cheese.

Tastes like glue.

But there are oat 'n' cranberry
granola bars on the bottom.


I'm Muffy.

Kaylie Lamott,
mayor of the shelter.


Well, not officially,

but I know this place
inside and out.

My mom and I were evacuated
before Hurricane Sadie hit.

How on earth do you get
any sleep?

It's like a snore factory
in here!


And if those don't work,
I use earplugs and earmuffs.

That's a great idea!


I said...


I'm just kidding you.

Come on!

I'll show you the best part
about this place.





(clears throat)


(laughing quietly)

(rain pattering on window)

Great-- more rain.

There goes any chance Dad
will be back in time.


He's been really jumpy
and having trouble sleeping,

so our pediatrician suggested
we see a therapist.

I think that was a good idea.

I'm fine.

Really, you guys don't have
to worry about me.

You know what,
why don't you let Alan and I

talk alone
for a little bit.

Would that be okay
with you, Alan?

You can call me Brain.

Everyone else does.

Okay, and you can call me
Dr. Paula.

I'm not crazy, you know.

Who said anything
about being crazy?

Please, if a hurricane
destroyed my office,

I'd be a little jumpy, too.

How do you feel right now?



A little nervous, I guess.

So tell me, what was it like

when you saw the shop
after the hurricane?

Kind of shocking, right?


There was this tree
sticking out of it, and...

I mean...

We did everything
we were supposed to.

And if that could happen
to our store,

why not our house?

Or my school?

I'll never feel safe again.

I think you will.

But things happen
in their own time.

Is that clock right?

Have I really been talking
for an hour?


Time flies
when you're having fun, huh?

And when you're in therapy.

How are you feeling now?


Hey, maybe I'm cured!

(wind blowing)

(blinds rattling)

Listen, it's gonna take a little
time to feel safe again.

It doesn't just heal overnight.

But we're going to work on this
together, okay?

Hey, I called the animal shelter
like you said.

They are trying to reunite
pets and owners,

but they're short
on funds, so...

I'm raising money for them!

Care to donate?


Here you go.

Buster, I'm trying
to raise money, not fruit.

What if they rescue
a pet monkey?

It could come in handy.


I've only raised
three dollars and cents.

That's not going
to help much.

Arthur, Arthur, Arthur.

Everyone knows
you don't sell the pudding,

you sell the wiggle.

What does that mean?

You can't just ask for money.

You've got to tell people
a heartbreaking story.

"Somewhere, there's a poor
little kitty,

all alone, cold,
looking for her mommy."


I can't hear any more!

Take my coloring book!


I rest my case.

DW might have a point.

You could make a website that
gives people more information.

I could help you.


Bud, I was just
making it up.

It's not that.

It's Ladonna.

She told mom she doesn't want
to have a birthday party

because Dad's away.

Not have a birthday party?!

I don't buy it.

Even a bad birthday party
is better than no party at all.

That's what I say!

You should
throw her one anyway.

I will!

We'll have a clown...
no, a magician...

No, a clown magician
in a Tyrannosaurus Rex suit!!

That's what you'd like.

You have to throw her a party
that she'll like.

Ask Arthur.

He'll know what to do.

Ugh, I can't believe
I'm still here!

I miss my room,
my walk-in closet,

my whirlpool bathtub...

Wait, are you leaving?


Now I'll be all alone!

My mom and I are just going
to look at our house.

We haven't seen it
since the hurricane.

Wanna come?


I'll just let Dad know
where I'm going.

Kaylie, I'm...

I'm so sorry.

I had no idea.

And exhale.


No offense, Dr. Paula,
but I know how to breathe.

I've been doing it
for nine years.

I know.

You seem like an old pro.

I'm teaching you how to breathe
when you feel afraid.

I bet you didn't know
that sometimes, I sing.

And every time
before I perform,

I'm a mess.

This fear climbs inside of me
and takes over,

like a bully inside my head.

Focusing on your breath

is one way to stand up
to the bullying fear.

So the next time the wind blows,
you give it a try.

(wind blowing)

(breathing deeply)

It's not working.

Maybe we should just move
to the Sahara Desert.

No trees can fall
on you there.

Alan, you're the smartest,

bravest, most determined
person I know.

You're going to beat this.

(horn honking)

Your chariot awaits, madam!

Where's Bailey?

Oh, he couldn't make it,
Muffin, because...

He's preparing
our welcome back dinner!

We're going home!


Oh, I can't wait
to see my room,

my bed, my flatscreen HD...

What's wrong, cream puff?


It's just...

Can we stop off somewhere
before going home?

You want us
to move in with you?

I've got it all figured out!

We have a charming guest suite,
or if you don't like that,

we can put you
in the carriage house, or...

Muffy, that's really nice
of you, but we can't.

We're going to stay
at my uncle's in Florida

while our house gets rebuilt.

But I appreciate
the offer.

Hey, do you think we could ever
be, like, you know...


Are you kidding?

After what
we've been through?

Dear diary:

Today is my birthday.

But Daddy's not here,
so it won't be any fun.

Ladonna, hurry up!

You're going to be late
for school!

I just want today to be normal,

but Compsons can't resist
the urge to throw a party.

Guess I'll just pretend
to have a good time.

Okay, where is everybody?

Gussie and Madison
left for school already.

I'd wish you
a happy birthday,

but you told me not to,
so I'm respecting your wishes.


Normally, I don't like to take
class time for such things,

but I must wish
one of our students...

Here it comes.

A big congratulations!

Arthur Read has built
a very helpful website.


"Help After Sadie"
is a site dedicated

to reuniting pets and owners who
were separated by the hurricane.

My mom and I found some of their
stories online.

They're really moving.

WOMAN (on computer):
He looks tough,

but Winston's
just a big softie.

We last saw her about : ,
after her dinner.

Jack is...

Well, he's my best friend.

All the money goes
to the animal shelter,

so please give what you can.



What're you doing
with all that?

Oh, the tree house was damaged
by the storm.

I'm going to fix it.

Yep, got everything I need
right here!

You're going to use glue?

Yeah, why?

Should I use something else?

I've got some gum.

Come on, we have to pick up
some tools first.

You'll help me?

Sure, why not?

It's not like I've got
anything better to do.

Where's the damage?

It looks fine to me.

You're right!

That's so weird!

What a....


I knew it!

I knew you were planning

But how did you guys know
it was my birthday?

I didn't say anything.

I told 'em.

I knew you wanted a party
even if you said you didn't.

Told you I could read minds.

But there is something I don't
think you were expecting.

I can't stay too long, but...

You made it!

Hey, where's Brain?

He said he was
going to be here.

(wind blowing)

(deep breathing)

(deep breathing)

I'm smarter than you,
I'm stronger than you,

and I'm braver than you.

You are not going
to boss me around.

(wind subsides)

Best. Present. Ever!


Sadie, no!

Ice cream is for people!

Now that we've adopted a dog,

I think we need to adopt
a dog trainer.

Since your website's
doing so well,

I think you should consider
charging a fee to visit it.

Muffy, it's a charity.

Okay, what number
am I thinking of now?


That's not a real number!


But you were right anyway.

One Hurricane Sadie Smoothie,
on the house.


I love anything that's sweet.

And frozen.

So Brain, you're finally
back in the shop.

How do you feel?


And now a word from us kids!

Hi, I'm Melina,

and we're at the Massachusetts
Emergency Management Agency.

We're looking
for Christine and Peter.

They help people
all around the state

prepare for emergencies,
like hurricanes and blizzards.

Hi, welcome to MEMA.

We're the Massachusetts
Emergency Management Agency.

Hey guys, you want me
to show you around?


Okay, let's go.

This room is our
communications center.

This is where
we'll watch the weather.

You'll see there are radars up
that we're looking at.

We always have somebody here
in this room hours a day,

seven days a week,

not that emergencies happen
all the time,

but if they do,
we want someone here to be ready

to let us know
something's happening.

Okay guys, this computer here
has the Emergency Alert System.

Have you ever heard that noise
anywhere before?


(imitating beeping)

"Hello, there's going to be
a flood," or something.

That's very good, and that's
the sound that we send out

in case there ever
is a real emergency,

and it comes out
of this machine.

If there is an emergency,
what happens in this room

is the governor will come
in here and meet with the media.

Any of you guys
want to have a chance

to stand up there
at the podium,

just like the governor?

You over there.

(camera shutter clicks)

One thing kids can do is put
together an emergency kit.

An emergency kit
should have enough supplies

to keep yourself fed
and have enough to drink

for three days, in case
you do not have electricity.

That's mine.


I think we're gonna need
a first aid kit.

I have a first aid kit.

I have a flashlight.

I have a radio.

I have some water.

Ask a grown-up to help you make
an emergency kit at home.

And now, back to Arthur!

To watch more Arthur

and play games with all
the Elwood City friends,

You can find Arthur books
and lots of other books too

at your local library.