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19x05 - Buster Isn't Buying It/One Ornery Critter

Posted: 07/02/22 19:15
by bunniefuu


♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to your
heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together
and make things better ♪

♪ By working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself,
for that's the place to start ♪

♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!




Lake Shagamonk, an hour's drive
from Elwood City.

Home to herons, beavers
and the weekend fisherman.

But is there something else
lurking beneath the surface

of these placid waters?

Something ancient,

and extremely dangerous?

What do you think it is,
Mr. Morris?

Beats me.

And I'm not sure
I want to find out.

Could this peaceful lake
be the home of...

...the megatoad?!


Sweet Jehoshaphat!

Tonight, our team

of scientifically inclined

investigate a giant,
carnivorous amphibian

that may live among us.

The megatoad: myth?

Or the frightening,
undeniable truth?


I'm Martin Spivak,
and this is The Factoid Front.

What do you think?

Myth or truth?

Oh, truth.

Definitely truth.

It's on TV.

It's as tall as
a double-decker bus.

And it can climb
straight up buildings

with its sticky feet!

Buster, there's no such thing
as a megatoad.

Yes, there is.

I saw it last night
on The Factoid Front.


That Martin Spivak
isn't even a real doctor.

He is, too.

He's a doctor of...

"Forensic Speculography."

What's that?

I'm not sure,
but I wrote it down

because I want to study it
when I grow up.

it's a terrible show.

It's filled with half-truths
and bad science.

You take that back!

The Factoid Front is where
I get all my best information.

Then I hate to say it,

but you're even more gullible
than I thought.


Oh, yeah?

We'll see who has
the last laugh

when megatoads are hopping down
Main Street.


The Factoid Front is canceled?

But why?

According to the article,

it was filled with half-truths
and bad science.

But I believed it.

Well, you weren't
the only one, honey.

A lot of people did.

I'm not hungry.

You were right.

Megatoads don't exist.

Oh-- well, that's
a good thing, right?

I guess.

Do you think I'm gullible,
like Brain said?

That I'll believe anything?


You just have...
a really big imagination.

Like, if I saw some flashing
lights in the sky right now...

Where? How fast is it going?

Is it saucer-shaped?

I said "if"!

I'm not even looking
out the window.


I see your point.

I think you answered
my question.

Thanks, Arthur.

It's not a bad thing,
it's just...


You're throwing
all this away?


Because it belonged
to Old Buster,

that laughing stock
who would believe any old thing.

Well, New Buster
isn't buying it, you hear?

Help yourself.

(horn honking)

Hey, Buster, did you hear?

The Factoid Front was...

I know-- canceled.

New Buster says,
"Good riddance!"

New Buster?


It's the brand new me.

From now on,
I'm only believing things

that can be
scientifically proven.

What about your horoscope?

You love hearing
your horoscope.




I don't know...

Let's see.



No way!

That can't be true!

What does it say?

Am I coming into money?

Read it for yourself,
New Buster.


Must. Be. Strong.


I have changed.

"Take advice
from an old friend..."

(clears throat)

(laughs sheepishly)

Wasn't quite finished
with this.

Good luck!


New Buster
doesn't believe in luck.

Strike one!

Is there any scientific proof
that luck exists?

Strike two!

The only thing that matters
in baseball is skill.

Or the lack of it.

Strike three!

You're out!

I rest my case.

Oh, wait,
we should take umbrellas.

The forecast said
it might rain.

"Might" rain?

Oh, please!

And a piano "might" just
fall out of the sky.

Buster, that's not
the same.

Unless the forecast says
it definitely will rain

and there are facts
to back it up,

we shouldn't believe it.

(thunder rumbling)

It's sheer coincidence.

I miss Old Buster.

He had some
pretty weird ideas,

but he was a lot better
at baseball.

And a lot more fun.

Maybe you could
talk to him, Brain?

Yeah, tell him
monsters exist

and he can believe
whatever he wants.

I'm not
telling him that.

Well, isn't there something
you could say?

(Buster gasps)

Is that a photograph
of the megatoad?

No, it's a tree frog.


But the tiny tree frog
is kind of special.

Every winter,
it completely freezes.

Its heart stops for weeks,
maybe even months.

Then when spring arrives,
it comes back to life.

(frog ribbits)


Wait, why are you
showing me this?


I can't believe
I'm going to say this.

If a frog can live
after being frozen,

then I suppose there's
a . percent chance

that a megatoad
could've survived

from the Cretaceous Period.

There, I said it!

Could I have a glass
of water, please?

I feel faint.

Do you have any proof?


That a giant toad survived
for million years?

Of course not.

I just...

I'm sorry, but if you
don't have hard evidence,

then you're no better
than Martin Spivak.


He called me
a forensic speculographist.

What's that?

I have no idea.

But it sounds offensive.

Maybe we should just
hypnotize him.

I bet Prunella could do it.

There might be
a better way.

Do either of you
have a big tarp?


Hey, Buster,
want to go for a walk?

It's a beautiful day.

Oh, really?

Can you prove it?

Why don't you just
look out the window?

(birds chirping)

Okay, seems to check out.

Meet you in five minutes.

(mysterious roaring)

Wh... what was that?

Uh, I don't know!

It sounded like a lion!



What is that thing?

It's looks like a...
giant toad!

Maybe even a...

Martin Spivak
was right!


Pal, no, come back!


FRANCINE (quietly):
Cut it out, you crazy dog!


Wait a minute!

That's no megatoad.

Um... good boy!

You saved us!

Nice try, but...

We know, we know.

(roaring stops)

New Buster
isn't buying it.

We just wanted
the Old Buster back.

I hate to admit it,
but even I miss him.

So do I.

But why should I believe
in something

if it can't be proven?

(phone ringing)

Telephone for you,

Hey, amigo.

I'm on UFO patrol.

Think I might've
spotted one.

It was probably
just an airplane.

Bright green and shaped
like an eggplant?

Not like any plane
I've ever seen!

Can I ask you something?

Why do you believe in stuff
like aliens?

Do you know how many galaxies

scientists estimate
are in the universe?

I don't know--
a million?


And do you know how many we can
see with our best telescopes?



Think about that.

There's a lot out there
we don't know.

But there's another reason
I believe in aliens.

What's that?

I like to.

Life is more interesting

when there's
a little mystery in it.


It is.

So then the alien civilization
used their advanced technology

to freeze the prehistoric
creature in a block of ice

and left him in Lake Shagamonk,
where one day, he'll wake up.

And that's how a megatoad
could still exist.

Will you admit
it's possible?

If I do, will you go away
and let me finish my homework?


Old Buster is back!



And now a word from us kids!

Hi, my name's Wilson.

And my name is Lynn.

Welcome to Beaver Summer Camp!

Buster believes in UFOs,
aliens and the megatoad,

the giant toad that lives
in the lake near Elwood City.

Here at Beaver Summer Camp,
we have our own local legend.

Rumor has it there's a strange
creature living in Hammond Pond.

We're doing some investigating
to see if the legend's true.

Let's go.

Tell me what you heard
about the Hammond Pond monster.

I heard it acts cute
and then tries to grab you

with all four hands.

I heard it's allergic
to little sisters.

I'm a little sister!

I heard it has ten eyes.

Now that we have a description,

we're making a model of what
we think the monster looks like.

We're making claws
out of popsicle sticks.


I'm giving it feathers
so it can fly.

What are you working on?

I'm working on the tentacles.

Ooh, I'm gonna get you!

It's ready.

Not far from Beaver Summer Camp,

in the depths of Hammond Pond,

there lives...


...the Hammond Pond Monster!


(shutter clicking)


What do you think?

Is the Hammond
Pond Monster fact...

...or fiction?



And now, back to Arthur!


Okay, boy, there you go.

Chow down.


No, the food, not my hand!

Have you ever realized
there was this one thing

you were really great at?

I bet Francine knew she was
going to be great at sports

when she was really little.

(crowd cheering on TV)

And Buster's been a comedian
ever since he was a baby.




I'll never forget when
I realized what I was great at.

(dogs barking)


Whoa, whoa!

Pal, your owner is
a real dog person.

And ever since, I try to be
around them as much as I can.

Okay, Mr. Samuels,
they're all fed.

Thanks for volunteering.

I've never seen anyone
so good with dogs.

(phone ringing)

Spadina Road Dog Shelter.

It's Buster.

Can you come over?


What's wrong?

My aunt just asked us

to take care of her dog
for a week.

I'm kind of nervous.

Sometimes dogs don't like me.

I'll be right there.

Arthur Read, Dog Hero,
to the rescue!


Hey, Buster, I'm here!


Okay, girl, and fetch!

Looks like everything's okay.

Yeah, I don't know
why I was so worried.

Carrot Cake
is really sweet.

Carrot Cake?

I know,
what a great name, right?


Oh, her ball's stuck.

Don't worry, Carrot Cake.

I'll get it back for you.

Here you go, girl.



Um, not really.

She probably just needs
to sniff my hand

to make sure I'm friendly.





You like Arthur,
don't you, Carrot Cake?

Yes, you do.

You know you do.


Why is she doing that?

I don't know.

I've never met a dog
who didn't like me.

Well, she sure doesn't.

Maybe she has
an upset stomach.

Did she have any table food?

I don't think so.

Wait a minute!

Is that chocolate?

Um, yeah.

Buster, chocolate's
really bad for dogs.

It is?

Maybe she licked some of it
by accident.

I should check her
to see if she...

Where'd she go?


Oh, that's it!

She wants a walk.

You're right.

Okay, girl,
here we go.


And that was it.

I gave up and went home.

Do you think it could
have been the chocolate?

What's wrong, boy?


Oh, you've got something stuck
on your nose.

Dogs can be fussy.

Just be patient
and let her come to you.

Yeah, you're right.

I bet it's just
a matter of time.

Okay, you've been sitting there

staring at Carrot Cake
for over an hour.

I'm just worried about her.

This isn't normal.

Well, we're going to miss
the movie.

Just another few minutes.

You have to be patient
with dogs.



(dramatic music on TV)

Next week on
Extreme Kite Flying,

Tex Buttery in Antarctica!

Okay, if we leave right now,

we can catch
the last matinee.

Just a few more minutes.

Be there in a second, Mom!

It's dinnertime.

Don't your folks
want you home?



Just a few more minutes.


She likes Buster.

It's just me
she's got problems with.

I don't like dogs,

but this one sounds
pretty smart.

Maybe it's because
you smell like cabbage.


I don't smell...

Wait, you might be right.

Smell is really important
to dogs.



Soap, toothpaste, ink.

Now yours.


Pizza, peanut butter,
vanilla or butterscotch pudding.

Vanilla and
butterscotch pudding.

That's it!

You smell like food.

Thank you.

I don't know why I didn't
think of it before.

I should just get some
of your food scent on me.

See, Carrot Cake?

I smell like Buster now!


Don't take it personally.

She's just picky.


A dog hair.


I thought you said
you were coming in today.

I'm really sorry, Mr. Samuels,

but I can't be around dogs
for the next few days.

Sorry, boy.

I can't get your smell on me.


(doorbell rings)

Okay, I'm ready!

For what?


Are we going to be "patient"
all day again?


It's on to Plan B.






Plan C.


Okay, this is just


You're right.

Plan D.

We're not going to go through
the whole alphabet, are we?

Don't worry, girl.

Pal's penned in the kitchen.

Are you sure your folks
are all right with this?

Sure, it's just
for one night.


Come on, Carrot Cake,
you're going to love it here.

(door closes)



Told you!

(D.W. laughing)

What a great dog!


Here's her food
and water bowl.

See you tomorrow.

Why does this not surprise me?

Are you ready?

You better not
touch my stuff.


(speaking gibberish)

Carrot Cake!


No, no, it's okay!

No, no, no, Mom!


Mom! Dad!

That dog
really hates you.

Thanks for telling me.

Give up, already!

Why do you care so much
about this one dog?

Because if she doesn't like me,

then there are other dogs
out there

who don't like me either,

and then I'm not really
a dog person.

Oh, okay.

That makes a lot of sense.

You know what?

It doesn't.

Now that I've said it out loud,

I don't think it actually makes
any sense at all.


Wow, that dog
really, really...

Don't say it again!

(whimpering loudly)

Oh, no!

Aw, you poor girl...

Don't worry,
I'm not going to hurt you.


D.W., can you get the tweezers
and some gauze and antiseptic?

And Mom, can you call Buster?

It's okay.

It's okay, girl.

Last one...

Just a little antiseptic.

Wow, you're really good
at that.

See how good he is,
Carrot Cake?



It's all right.

I'm okay with it now.

It's impossible for anyone
to be liked by everybody.

My aunt called today.

She said Carrot Cake
doesn't even like her.

Then why does she keep her?

'Cause she loves the rest
of the family, just not my aunt.

And my uncle.

And my mom.

Actually, she just likes
Cousin Karen.

Poor girl.

I'm sure it's not much fun
being so wary of everybody.

Huh, Carrot Cake?


She'll be fine.

She just needs
to sleep it off.

Thanks a lot,
Mr. Samuels.

Should we drop you off,

Thanks, but I think I'll work
at the shelter today.

Okay, see you
tomorrow then.


She likes you.

Only Carrot Cake
knows for sure.

Okay, guys, I'm back!


To watch more Arthur

and play games with all
the Elwood City friends,

You can find Arthur books
and lots of other books too

at your local library.