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20x06 - Prunella's Tent of Portent/Mutiny on the Pitch

Posted: 07/03/22 06:29
by bunniefuu



♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to your
heart, listen to the b*at ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together
and make things better ♪

♪ By working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself,
for that's the place to start ♪

♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!




Welcome to the annual
community picnic!

We've got games, crafts, food,
and fun all day long!

D.W., stop wasting
my balloons.

This isn't a waste.

It's an alien tadpole.


(blows raspberry)

Welcome to Prunella's
Tent of Portent.

I predict you want me
to tell your fortune.

I do.


Do another one.


I predict that...

Arthur will pop
a balloon.

It's not a prediction
if it already happened.

I didn't mean that one.

I meant one in the future.

Step inside and prepare
to be amazed.



What else do you see?

I predict that...

The lost one
will join the line,

and the final bite
will taste sublime.

Oh, that's so wise.

Wait, what does it mean?

I merely relate what I see.

It is for you to interpret.

Thanks for visiting
the Tent of Portent.

Have a mystical day.


I'm so excited
for our sleepover tonight!

Me too.

I have something for you.

It's a friendship

Each friend wears
half the heart charm.

Aw, thanks.

Hey, I've got something
for you, too.

Come with me.

Prunella, you don't have
to tell my fortune.

I want to.

It'll be fun.

Madame Prunella
is sensing something.

A sound.

The roar of a lion!

(faint whirring)


Pretty sure that's the generator
from the ice cream truck.

(whirring stops)

Marina, come on.

It's like you don't even believe
my predictions.

Of course I don't.

I mean, you're just
making stuff up, right?

I can't believe my best friend
thinks I'm a faker.

I didn't say that.

I just...

think you're a creative
story maker-upper.

Oh, yeah?

I bet I can make
three predictions

and all of them will come true
by tonight.

All three?

No way.

Yes way.

If they don't come true,
I'll give up fortune-telling.

But if they do,

you have to do
the "I'm sorry" dance

in front of everyone.



Is "the lost one"
in your prediction my shoe?

Buster, I don't know.


Unrelated question:
have you seen my shoe?

We're kind of busy
right now.

Let us begin.

Prediction one.

Madame Prunella never lies.

Today, I say
you'll get a prize.

A prize for what?

You'll find out
when it comes true.

If it comes true.


Sometime today,
before sunset,

I predict that you'll be
dripping wet.

It's not supposed
to rain today.

I'm not worried.

And the final prediction is...

Something special,
safe, and sound,

first it gets lost
and then is found.

Well, I predict one thing
I'm not going to lose today:

this bet.

Oh, really?

That's funny, because I have
a very clear vision

of you doing
the "I'm sorry" dance.



to our first place team.

You each win a box of cookies.

Wait, there was a prize?

Aw, I would have
gone faster.

Guess that first prediction
didn't come true, huh?

Hey, Marina,
want my cookies?

I'm allergic to nuts.



It did come true.


This doesn't count.

We didn't win it.

Jessica just gave it to me.

I never said you had to win it.

I just said you'd get one.

All right, fine.

I'll give you this one.

But you still have
two more to go.

This one's a melon.

We're supposed to be making
balloon animals.


It's a toad that
swallowed a melon.

You've got corn at : ,
carrots at : ,

and green stuff at : .

What's the green stuff?

Creamed spinach, maybe?

Or alien brains.

Either way,
you can have mine.

Mine, too.


Sorry, Marina.

That's okay.

It's just water.

And prediction number two
comes true.

The crowd goes wild!

(imitates cheering)

You said I'd be
"dripping wet."

This is hardly
dripping wet.

There are drips
and you're wet.

Sounds like
dripping wet to me.


All right, if you insist
on being so literal.

But there's no way that third
prediction is coming true.

We'll just have
to wait and see.

(doorbell rings)

Perfect timing.

I just made popcorn.

You'll be sorry to hear that
I haven't lost anything,

Madame Prunella.

The day isn't over yet.

So, want to watch
a Henry Skreever movie?

Um... yeah, sure.

Hey, before we do that,

let's connect
our necklace charms.


Because we're best friends.


I put it right here.

Oh, I hope
you didn't lose it.

I haven't taken mine off
since you gave it to me.

(necklace jingling)

Maybe it fell off
in your bed or something?

Wonder how that
could have happened?

Yay, you found it!

Hey, something special
was lost and found!

That was the third

Okay, Prunella,
you win.


Well, at least I don't have
to give up fortune-telling.


Aren't you going
to put it on?


You know, you don't really
have to do an "I'm sorry" dance.

I just said that
to be funny.


So, how about that movie?

BOY (on TV):
I should never have lied
to you, Persephone.

GIRL (on TV):
Being right matters more to you
than being my friend.

Actually, I've seen this movie
too many times.

Can we play cards instead?

(TV turns off)

Go fish.

Any nines?

I win.


Now we both won something

I won the bet
and you won the card game,

so we're even.

No, we're not.

Why would you even say that?

It's just...

You seemed kind of upset,
so I thought...

I'm not upset
because you won.

I'm upset because...

I'm just tired, okay?

Let's go to bed.


You asleep?

(night birds hooting)


What is it?!

Are you seeing my future?

Your past.

A most unkind friend
you have been

because you always
have to win.

Will winning
still be worth the cost

when your best friend
you find you've lost?


It's not worth it!

I never meant to hurt Marina.

She's my...

Looking for this?

Best friends for never!



Prunella, wake up.

Are you okay?


I just...
had a bad dream.

I'm fine.

I've been thinking,
and I really need

to talk to you
about something.

You know how yesterday...

I hid your necklace.

I know.

I'm so sorry.


Wait, you knew?


That's what I wanted
to talk to you about.

But how?

(necklace jingling)

You heard it!

How come you pretended
not to know?

You just wanted me
to believe you so badly.

But I'm pretty mad,
so I decided I had to tell you.

I'm really sorry.

You should give this
to someone who deserves it.



I'm not giving it
to someone else, you goofball.


The charms say
"best friends."

It takes more than a little
fight to change that.


Your mom told me
you were here.

It's an emergency!

What is it?

You said, "The last bite
will taste sublime."

The last bite of what?

It's driving me nuts!

Sorry, but I'm not telling
any more fortunes.


You don't have to stop
fortune telling for me.

I don't?

No, you love it.

Besides, your third prediction
wasn't totally wrong.

It wasn't?

What did you almost lose
and get back?

My best friend.

This is all very nice,

but what does
my prediction mean?

You're no longer worried
about predictions of old.

From now on, you'll stop
wanting your fortune told.

You're right!

I don't need to know
what that prediction meant.

(sighs with relief)

I feel better already.

Thanks, Madame Prunella.

I predict you want eggs
for breakfast.


How did you know?

It's what you eat
every time you sleep over here.

Actually, today
I'm having cereal.

I don't want to be
too predictable.

And now a word from us kids.

Second grade, the day is here.

We're finally ready to make
our carnival booths.


Prunella's carnival booth was
a fortune-telling booth.

We are making our own
carnival booths.

We're painting and designing
our own signs and boxes.

The challenge
of making these booths

was coming up with an idea
that was really astonishing.

The Hair-o Machine.

So you walk through the booth

and then when you come out,
your hair will be all off.

Hey, you want to come feed
talking animals?

Talking bunnies.

They only talk
if you feed them carrots.

Yum, yum.

Thank you.

Come get an a*t*matic swish
at my amazing basketball booth.

Every ball goes in

Come get a free
golden retriever.

They're puppies.

The amazing flying guinea pig
of terror.

So you go inside the booth
through a tunnel

to the flying guinea pig.

Ever since I was in second
grade, I loved guinea pigs.

They're very intelligent.

Come and get your all-mountain
roller coaster tickets.

It's an all-mountain
roller coaster.

Welcome to the mirror
photo booth.

You get your picture taken.

When you go to bed at night,
your picture comes to life.

It copies everything you do.

Step right up
to take a miraculous journey

by hot air balloon
into outer space.

My booth is a carousel,
and it's called the Night-O-Sel

because it's the colors
of night.

The horses come alive,
and some have wings.

They fly.

I like this kind of art project

because it's really using
your imagination.


And now, back to Arthur.

The truth is, nobody likes
being told what to do.


Although sometimes,
it's for a good reason.

But way too often,
it's for no reason at all.


Put this on right away.

There's a horrible outbreak

of Amazonian Capybara Flu
going around.



In the Amazon.

But you can never be
too safe.

And it's really annoying

when it isn't even people
telling you what to do.

Squeeze me!

Hug me!

Squeeze me!

Hug me!

Hey, Arthur,

have you seen
my Chatty Sally Doll?



No doll here.


But worst of all is when
it's one of your best friends

always telling you what to do.

Mutiny on the Pitch.

Crisper passes, Fern!

Just seconds left,
and it's a tie score.

Give it your all!

Go hard, Muffy.

Those shoes
aren't even dirty.

(crowd cheering)

Pass it, Arthur, pass it!




(whistle blows)

(crowd cheering)

We b*at 'em!

Mighty Mountain's
the best team in the league.

Nice assist, Arthur.

What's wrong
with everyone?

We're on a four-game
winning streak.

It's just...

Well, we're not having
any fun.

You keep
bossing us around.

You're a control freak.

Who, me?

Binky, tie those laces.

Okay, okay,
I'm a little demanding.

But I'm team captain.

I'm supposed to tell you
what to do.

That's the coach's job.

I want a truckload
of sand

and beach umbrellas.

Great win, kids!

Trust me, this "Beach-ya
Can't b*at These Deals" sale

is going to move a ton of cars.

Okay, as captain,

you may have some added

But you're too bossy.

I don't have to be in charge.

I could let anybody be captain.

Prove it.


I will.

Check it out.

No hands.



you're captain.




This is going to be a disaster!

You'll be fine.

There are four games left,

and we only need to win two
to make the playoffs.

Of all people,
you picked Buster?!

You should be happy.

He's not bossy at all.

That's it.

Pedal to the metal!

(cell phone ringing)


Of course it's a crisis.

Take over, Captain.

Somebody needs to blow
the beach balls up.

Okay, Captain,

what stations
should we be in?

Who's on offense?

Well, uh...

I think that's
an open question.

What do you guys want to do?

Nobody's ever asked
our opinion before.

Why don't we go home
and watch cartoons?

I like it.


(whistle blowing)


See everybody tomorrow
for the game.

(phone ringing)


Oh, hi.

He's right here.

How are you feeling?

Ready for your first big game?

Got your scouting report ready?

Uh... it's in progress.

Having a good breakfast?

You need stamina to be captain.


Good, because I was so nervous,

I threw up
before my first game as captain.


Of course,
if you're not up to it,

I can step in.

(dial tone)


(whistle blows)

(faint talking)

Hey, Captain, you may want
to tell Muffy and Fern

they're out of position.

They are?

Only seconds left.





(whistle blows)


Let's have a big cheer

for our new captain Buster
and his game-winning goal.

Yay, Buster!

Yay, Buster.

If you ask me,
the whole thing was a fluke.

It was a lucky win.

Everybody warmed up?

Ready to dominate?

(team cheering)

I was just wondering
if I could play forward.

I've never had a chance
to score.

Fern, you're better
at defense.

You should stick to...

I think that's
a great idea.



Way to go, Fern!

You tied it up.

Nice move, Fern!

Hey, can I play forward, too?


Go get us another goal.

(whistle blows)

Wait. Who's playing...


(whistle blows)

Okay, everybody,
the little experiment is over,

and we can all see
how that worked out.

Yeah. It was fun!

But... do I have
to spell it out?

We lost.

Yeah, but it was close.

And we only need
one more win.

But... but...


I can't believe
you don't see it.

Buster's a terrible captain!

We'll never make the playoffs.

Why did you pick him?

Well, because I thought
after one day,

everyone would realize
you needed me to be captain.

Well, you really blew it
on that one.

Like it or not, you have
to listen to Buster now.

You're right.

I'll just do
exactly what he says.

I realized
what our problem was.

We're not passing enough.

So I want everybody to pass more
before taking a sh*t.

How much more, exactly?

Uh... hmm...

Four times before any sh*ts.

You're wide open.

Take the sh*t!

What are you doing?

You could have scored.

Just following your directions.

You said to pass four times
before sh**ting.

But how could you pass up

an open sh*t?

Well, how could you give
such bad directions, Captain?

That's it.

Go to the penalty box.

Um, there's no penalty box
in soccer.

Well, there should be.

Brain, go build one.

you're benched!


This is ridiculous.

I should be captain and now
I'm not even in the game.

Are you sure
about benching Francine?

She's our best scorer.

Not today, she isn't.

(whistle blows)

Lost again.

Our chances
of making the playoffs

just took a nosedive.

Now we have to b*at
Mighty Mountain again.


You blew it!

We didn't make
the playoffs.

It's all your fault.

TEAM (chanting):
Bossy! Bossy! Bossy!

We want to have fun.

But don't you want to win?

I just want to win.

What are you doing here?

First you take over my team

and now you're taking over
my nightmare?

What are you talking about?

This is my nightmare.



(both gasp)

Everything's riding
on today's game.

But who do we want
leading us?

Let's review.

Under Buster,
"No boring practices."

Under Francine,
"Better play."

Buster: "No loud yelling."

"Always well prepared."

You forgot "great snacks"
under Buster.

And for Francine:

I think we have
our answer.

(doorbell rings)

We need your "C," Buster.

Take it.

The pressure's k*lling me.

That went well.

Yeah, but who gets the job

of begging Francine
to come back?

You know she's going to hold it
over us forever.

What are you doing here?

Arthur has something
to ask you.



But I have something
to say first.

Please, you gotta let me
be captain!

I've changed, you'll see.

I'll listen to suggestions.

I'll let everybody
switch positions...

...when we're more than
four goals ahead.

I'll even let you be
my assistant captain.

I have to admit, putting Fern in
as a forward was a good idea.


If you haven't noticed,
I'm groveling here.


(crowd cheering)

(whistle blows)

Who's in the playoffs now?!

If we want to win
the championship,

we're going to have
to buckle down.

That means extra practices,
more drills,

paying attention
to every detail.

Uh... what do you think,

Great idea,


Tie those laces, Barnes!

To watch more Arthur

and play games with all
the Elwood City friends,

You can find Arthur books
and lots of other books too

at your local library.