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04x07 - Caring for Spring

Posted: 07/04/22 16:43
by bunniefuu

help me tugs i'll save you hugs


please help me tugs

i want to get the jam jar so i can make

a sandwich

no way

huh you wouldn't help me fix my truck

when i asked you come on tux please i'll

share it with you nope

tux i'll get it myself


what's going on here my two little

darlings tugs wouldn't help me well she

didn't help me

hmm i think this situation calls for a

story a story oh goody goody gosh

what's about grams this is a story about

nursery rhyme land

it was the first day of spring after a

long cold winter

mother nature was in her cottage

preparing for the most important day of

the year

morning mother nature well hello

robin i hope you haven't forgotten what

day this is of course i haven't today is

the first day of spring

that's what you think this is the first

day of never ending winter oh no it's

the wicked witch of winter i'm going to

make sure that you don't start spring

before the sun sets today oh no you



you won't get away with this oh yes i




you shrieked your

where have you been i was so hungry i

stopped off and got this delicious pie

from the pieman


this is no time to think about your

stomach furball

now grab mother nature and let's get

back to my castle




okay but could you defrost my pie first


she gives me the chills when she does


luckily however the witch of winter's

evil deed was quickly noticed jack and

jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of


the water is frozen but it's the first

day of spring we better go tell mother

nature come on

mother nature

something's wrong here it looks like

she's not home



thanks what's happened how did you get

in there where's mother nature the

wicked witch a winner took her to the

ice castle the ice castle oh no

if mother nature doesn't start spring

before the sun sets today

it's gonna be winter forever gosh

i guess it's up to us to save her yeah

let's go wait

setting mother nature free is easier

said than done the witch has a powerful

magic mirror you're going to need

something even more powerful like the

magic ring

it will grant you three wishes

oh goody goody gosh then we can wish for

mother nature to come home how can we

get this magic ring robin you must

go to the ogre that lives under the

bridge and answer a riddle


is he big and mean and ugly and nasty


i don't know come on chill

we gotta get that magic ring



mr uh ogre are you there


who wants to know



you don't look like an ogre yeah

you're not big me

ugly or nasty oh

you noticed but i am pretty grumpy


we've come for the magic ring that will

grant us three wishes oh everybody wants

my magic rings well you're gonna have to

answer my riddle first

what kind of a ball is fun to play with

but doesn't bounce


could it be

a snowball

it's fun to play with and


doesn't bounce

everyone guesses my riddles you know how

many magic rings i've given away this



hurry jack wish mother nature away from

the witch of winter's castle magic ring

set mother nature free and bring her

here for us to see

hey the ring didn't work

that's because you're too far away it's

not a long distance ring does that mean

we have to go right up to the castle

walls yeah i'm afraid so then let's get

going jill we've got a long way to go

thanks for the ring mr ogre


good luck


it looks like we're going to have


are they friends of yours mother nature

jack and jill

my little darlings well

that's the last time you'll see them




you want some of this delicious pie it's

fresh from the oven and warm as toast

stop thinking about your stomach you

bottomless pit two little brats are

coming here to free mother nature

are you listening to me

then get out there and make sure they

don't get here

okay okay i'm going i'm going

oh poor jack and jill


gosh jack

which way do we go to get to the witch

of winter's castle i don't know jill

hey look maybe someone in there will

know come on


anybody home

what a mess

it's gotta be here somewhere


it's not in here either what are you

looking for sir


oh hi sports fans i'm looking for my

candlestick i'm jack b nimble you know

jack be quick i always jump over my


that is until i lost it why do you do

that mr nimble to keep in shape of



maybe you could jump over a table or


a table


let's see

jack be nimble

jack be quick

jack jump over the table


see it's gotta be

jack be nimble jack be quick jack jump

over the candlestick

get it

quick stick


i've lost my candlestick forever

what am i gonna do to keep in shape now

jack maybe the magic ring can help yeah

magic ring help us quick

make jack another candlestick


hey way to go sports fans

now you can jump over the candlestick

jack now

oh if there's anything i can do for you

sports fans there is how do we get to

the witch of winter's castle oh that's

easy just follow the path through the

mountains thanks for your help mr nimble



jackie nimble jackie quick

jack jump over the

they're going to the wicked witch of

winter's castle



i'm freezing jack

me too jill

but don't worry

as soon as we free mother nature she'll

bring back spring and it will be warm



jack and jill went up the hill to get

squished by a boulder


i'm so



did jack and jill get past simple

simon's trap did they rescue mother

nature did spring come back settle down

you two and i'll tell you

now jack and jill were walking right

under simple simon's trap


and didn't even know it



move boulder move move mum


alone at last


i'm going to starve to death at this


so jack and jill continued on their way

toward the witch of winter's castle

suddenly they came upon another person

along the path

do you have it huh do we have what the

time i must have the time why

because i'm wee willy winky and i run

through the town upstairs and downstairs

in my nightgown

tapping on the window crying at the lock

are the babes in their beds for now it's

ten o'clock but i've lost my watch and i

don't know when it's ten o'clock maybe

we can help you find it yeah

oh thank you

i know it's around here somewhere

we see it mr winky you do

where it's right on the back of your hat


ah there it is

oh no

my watch is ruined

no nobody in nursery rhyme land will

know when to put their babes to bed the

magic ring chill good idea jack

magic ring help us three fix the watch

the way it used to be

oh thank you now everyone will know when

to put their babes to bed now you'll

have to excuse me it's getting late and

i must get to town and we've got to

rescue mother nature before the sun sets


yeah let's go

this will stop jack and jill from

getting to the castle they'll come

running along the path onto the net then



i'm so


here they come

now don't go away i'll be right back

hey jack let's use this log like a


that'll be much faster gee i don't know

if this is gonna oh




i'll never get to eat another pie as

long as i


hey get away from my pie you dumb sheep



that gives me a wonderfully nasty idea

well that's the end of the toboggan

right jill come on


what's wrong little girl

i'm little bo peep and i've lost my


and i don't know where to find them

maybe if you leave them alone they'll

come home wagging their tails behind


but they've never run away before

don't worry little bo peep we'll help

you find them

oh thank you


it's me

there's your sheep little peep

oh how am i here

do how am i ever going to cross that

nasty horrible scary old bridge okay

we'll go get them for you oh

you're so kind to me






oh no the bridge fell down we'll have to

use the ring jill i know magic ring help

us get the sheep safely back to little

bo peep



the magic ring is disappearing

oh no you used up the magic brings three


one for jack be nimble one for wee willy

winky one for bo peep

we did use all three wishes we'll never

be able to free mother nature now


i can't wait to tell the witch of winter


we've got to try and free mother nature

somehow even without the magic ring come

on joe

oh dear

what can i do

the sun is setting mother nature through

mystery rhyme land will be locked in the

season of eternal winter oh if i get out

of this cage i'll bring on such a warm


it'll melt your ice castle into a puddle

but that's not going to happen because

you're never going to get out


especially since jack and jill won't

dare to rescue her they lost their magic



magic mirror


oh no


are you all right my darlings we're all

right mother nature

but not for long i'm going to turn you

all into fuzzy icicles that's what you

get for wasting your wishes helping

others that's what you think

let our friends go


now it's my turn jack be nimble jack be

quick jack jabover the candelabra

oh it's a good thing i keep in shape

oh thank you jack be nimble well none of

you are going to ruin my plans


i calculate that there's just enough

time left to bring on spring

cold flowers to blossom and birds to

sing i hereby declare this the first day

of spring


well that takes care of the witch of

winter for at least another year gosh

thanks for coming to save us

well it's the least we could do after

how much you helped us but how did you

know we were in trouble you could say a

little birdie told us

huh of course it was nothing

my castle is ruined at least one of my

pies survived you're not getting any

more pies until you build me another

castle now get moving or else i'll

yummy yummy

it was my last pie but it was worth it


and so spring came once again to nursery

rhyme land gosh grams that was a

wonderful story now do you see how

important it is to help others

sure if you help someone someday they

might help you i'm sorry i didn't help

you fix your truck tux

oh that's okay come on i'll help you

make some jam sandwiches yay

that's the way to do it my two little

