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04x26 - The Fabulous Care Bear’s Safety Game / A Rhyme in Time

Posted: 07/04/22 18:07
by bunniefuu
who's that coming

from somewhere up in the sky

moving fast


five four three two one

and now back to the care bears



the fabulous care bear safety game


starring mr safety himself

grumpy bear ow hello

and welcome to the safety game right you

are grumpy

the game where we find out how much you


about safety as our studio contestants


for big prizes

um braveheart aren't you supposed to be



okay treat heart let's find out who

today's lucky contestants will be

uh she's a student a student from

caroline elementary school

and she's dressed up like an indian

baby hugs come on down

he's another another student from

carolina elementary

and he's dressed as a cowboy

baby tugs come on down

braveheart do you mind not at all grumpy

help me he's a bad guy from no heart

storm cloud

and he's dressed up like a wild


beastly that's me guy one

beastly what do you think you're doing

in there

hey no hard look it's me i'm on

tv come on let's play out

beastly what do you know about safety

huh are you kidding i practically

invented the stuff

what is it anyway safety is when you


and act in a way that doesn't hurt you


anybody else see i knew that

go ahead ask me anything i dares you

here's our first question what does it

mean when you see

this symbol on a box or bottle

no i know that one it means it was made



sorry beastly that's not the answer

we're looking for

i know grumpy okay hugs what do you

think it means

it means it's poison and you shouldn't

touch it

or drink it very good hugs

this does mean poison it can make you

very sick

or even k*ll you semantics

okay here's the next one what should you


if your clothes catch on fire

easy run and scream

oh no beastly you should never run

that just makes the fire burn faster

how about calling the fire department

no that would take too long

maybe you could fill up the bathtub with

cold water and jump

in no there wouldn't be time for that

either the right thing to do if your

clothing catches on fire

is to lie down and roll that's the best

way to put out the flames

okay let's see if we can do better on

this next one

what should you do if you're playing

with the ball

and it accidentally bounces out into the


uh lie down and roll but how do you get

the ball

oh yeah i know grumpy just ask an adult

to go and get it for you

i was just gonna say that very good

tugs end of round one

and but i was just getting the hang of


and at the end of round one baby tugs

has one point

baby hugs has one point and mr beasley

still has

no points i'm pacing myself

now it's time for a care bears safety

right challenge are grumpy in this

kitchen we play

several dangerous things that kids

shouldn't touch

our contestants must find the dangerous


and not touch them all set contestants

okay go

here's one grumpy the stove it could

burn you

very good tugs i found another one

poison stuff under the sink they could

make you

real sick that's right hugs

in fact they should really be kept in a

safer place

here's another one grumpy sharp knives

we shouldn't touch them because we could

cut ourselves

here's some more grumpy electrical


they're real dangerous very good hugs

um how are you doing beastly wow

i found them the most dangerous things

on the face of the planet

look brussels but beastly

brussels sprouts aren't dangerous

they're actually good for you

good for you have you ever tasted these


yuck well there it is our contestants

have found all the dangerous things in

our kitchen

and what do we do when we find something


don't touch it and as we go into round

two of the safety quiz

tugs and hugs are still tied with three

points apiece

and mr beastly is uh

lagging behind somewhat sure

rub it in here's our first question

what should you do if a stranger offers

you a ride home

ask him to take you to the circus



no beastly hugs you should say

no and stay away from the car yeah

and tell your parents or a teacher about

it very good

you both get a point for that sure

give them all the points okay here's our


question what should you do if a

stranger offers you gifts

candy or money easy

take the money ah

not again i'm afraid so

beastly tugs you should never take

anything from a stranger yeah

and you should tell your parents about

it too

that's right never take anything from a


unless you ask your parents first

boy you two sure know your safety rules


end of round two

all right panel are you ready for the

final safety challenge

what have i got to lose tell them how it

works braveheart

right you are grumpy it's the fabulous


challenge at the top of each staircase

is a bookcase our contestants must

safely climb the stairs

get a book and bring it back down

now remember contestants we'll be

judging you on

safety are you all ready yup

okay go



no i won

all right braveheart how did they do

right you are grumpy hugs and tugs each

get a point for

walking not running and one point for

holding on to the railing

one point for not taking more bucks than

they could safely carry

and two more points for coming back down


giving them a total of five points each

get to the good part what did i get

mr beastly loses five points for running

on the stairs he loses five more

for trying to carry way too much ten


for sliding down the manister and five


for a bad landing this gives him a total

of nothing

yeah but how many points do i get for


beastly this wasn't a race it was a

safety challenge what

you mean i nearly k*lled myself for


what a dumb game

well here it is the big moment


what are the final scores right you are


baby tugs 11 points baby hugs

10 points and mr beastly 51

675 yahoo

i win oh tell him what he's

won braveheart for our grand champion

winner here on the fabulous care bear

safety game

the all-new fluorescent orange safety


featuring an exciting light reflecting


that's it a lousy vest and that's not


he also wins a new stop sign

comes complete with metal hand hole what

am i supposed to do with this

you'll be needing it beastly when you

step into your new

job as carol lot crossing guard

crossing guide wait a minute

congratulations beastly

no you wait see you tomorrow morning mr


yeah and dress warm because it's

supposed to snow


i don't want to be a crossing g*n


the care bears will be right back


and now back to the care bears


i wonder what my two little angels hugs

and tugs are up to

hugs tugs what's wrong where's hugs

wait there i'm coming hugs



the door got stuck oh hugs

that's no place to play in although it's

not all your fault

i should have had my eye on you that

reminds me

tugs maybe grams needs my help

tugs no

oh grams grams the railing turned into a

snake and

tossed me off and the cupboard got

smaller and smaller

and tried to crush me but baby hugs the

cupboard isn't something bad like mr


look it wouldn't want to crush you

although that doesn't make it a safe

place to play

right hugs right grams and the stair

railing isn't

really a bad old snake is it tugs

i i guess not it's just another place


isn't safe to play come on you two

it's story time yay

today i'm going to tell you a story

about a place where there are dangers

that you sometimes don't see

and can either of you guess where this

place is

in a crater on the moon in the deepest

part of the ocean

in the darkest scariest forest

what imaginative guesses and i only wish

it was so far away

but it's right here in your own home it

is that's right my little darlings

and this book will tell us all about the

things we should watch out for

it's about little boys and little girls

and all the kinds of trouble they can

get into

at home when the table is set at meal


with mother's hot cooking laid out the

linen is there for the diners

not at all for swinging a boat

pulling a cloth from the table brings

hot food a tumbling down

burning a would-be young tarzan with

everyone hungry all round

so you see pulling on a tablecloth can

be quite dangerous

a lot of dishes filled with a lot of hot

foods on the table top can fall on you

and give you a pretty bad burn hot foods

like soups

hot apple pies stew hot chocolate gravy

and while they sure are good inside of

you they can leave an awful burn

on you on you


oh that's hot what is tugs

the lava grams lava

but i huh you must have been daydreaming


let's take a look at the next lesson

shall we

of a friendly stranger who promises

reward for help

instead of a treat may be danger

at times it is so hard to tell better be

safe than be sorry

keep your distance from people unknown

you do not have to be friendly to

strangers when you are alone

oh grams i'm scared they're there tugs

you know being scared isn't always a bad


it it isn't oh no

sometimes being scared just means that

an alarm

deep inside you is sending you a warning

it usually makes a lot of sense to

listen to that alarm

because that alarm usually isn't wrong

isn't wrong


goodness hugs i suppose it might be no


you never can tell with him but don't

worry it's just a story

now on to our next lesson there are

bottles and jars in your home

which are not meant to be used as toys

what's inside them could cause you great


and sickness which no one enjoys the

sign of the skull and crossbones

warns that poison is kept inside

let mom and dad handle it only and


a bottle or a can doesn't have to have

the sign of the skull and crossbones on

it to be dangerous

but when it does watch out

watch out watch out


they're coming to get me they're huh

it's just your imagination tugs maybe we

should stop now

oh no grass no we're not scared

tell us some more well all right

just a few more now let's see

a bathtub is no place to play for

someone so tender and small

there should always be someone around to

help you if you take a fall

the water might seem quite inviting when

you're bored and have nothing to do

a romp in the tub seems exciting but


it can be dangerous too i know you both

have lots of toys to play with in the


and i know you both have lots of fun but

you must remember that to a couple of

little cubs like you

the bathtub can be a very unsafe place

it can seem very big and very very

deep deep deep



what an imagination now then

are you ready for the last story hugs


you too tugs yep very well

here we go if a fire breaks out keep

your cool

do not fret as if you were to blame at

this point there's only one rule

and that's to stay back from the flames

pretend you're an inchworm at heart and

crawl really close to the floor

stay out of the smoke if you're smart

and make your way to the exit or door

you know accidents like a fire can

sometimes happen no matter how careful

anyone is

and if it does happen the only thing we

can try to do is to stay

calm head straight for the nearest exit

and above all

crawl out close to the floor and never

walk with your head in the smoke

and the smoke and the smoke


hey tugs let's stand up and see what's

in all that smoke

hey good idea

save us all those birds in the smoke


oh grams grams

oh my goodness

there we are all safe and sound

now before i turn off the light can you

tell me what rules of home safety you

both learned today

don't talk and pull on a tablecloth

don't talk to strangers

don't play with poison don't play in the

bathtub by yourself

and always crawl out under the smoke

there's a fire

very good and and

uh and

goodness don't you remember the trouble

you got into today

i know never play in the cupboards

and don't slide down the railing very


will you tell us another story grams

maybe tomorrow hugs

home safety is a never-ending story and

there'll be lots more to tell

but for now you two should get some

sleep and if you need me

just call i won't be far away good night


good night my darlings

and then there was this big wave which

smashed right over me and

yeah well you should have seen this

volcano why it must have been a

100 miles high wow and and the lava kept

chasing me and chasing me gosh that's

just like when no heart started chasing

me too

really not falling but what happened

with all those bottles of poison





