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01x01 - The Engram

Posted: 07/08/22 12:50
by bunniefuu
In the Book of Judges,

Gideon asks God how to choose
his men for battle.

The Lord told Gideon to take
his men down to the river

and have them drink.

The men who flopped
on their bellies

and drank like dogs
were no good to him.

Gideon watched as some men knelt

and drank with their eyes
watching the horizon...

spears in hand.

Though they were few,

those were the men he needed.

Port arms.

Ready. Aim.


Back. Rack.

Ready. Aim. Fire.

Alpha, bring it in.

We got the green light
to move on Chemical Kahani.

Oh, f*ck yes.

He's back in Syria.

Intel confirms
another attack is imminent.

- Wait, where's Donny?
- I got him hooked up to an IV

- in medical. He's got a headache.
- A headache?

He's just dehydrated
from the run this morning.

Not the run.

I'm pumping him
full of electrolytes.

- He'll be good.
- He's just freaking out

'cause his wife's
about to give birth

to Boozer's baby.

Yeah, yeah, f*ck you, Lecrone.

It would be an honor
to have a little baby Boozer.

- Thanks, bro.
- Even if he tapped out at five foot two.

You're a d*ck. Five foot three.

Hey, guys, let's lock it up.

Donny, how you feeling?

Like a f*cking pit bull, sir.

All right.

- Then let's eat.
- All right, boys.

We're gonna enter
via in dig fishing trawler,

800 meters off the coast.

We'll be swimming east
to our target.

We got a high tide 0232.
It's gonna be a dark one.

Moonlight will be at 14%.

So, kind of like these tunnels,

we're gonna be under 20
or 30 feet of solid limestone.

So, if I was a betting man,
I'd say inter squad comms,

it's gonna be a no-go.

The best way to pass word
is gonna be to drop relays off

at the entry point
and any forks along the way.

We should get comms
back up and running

once we hit the access point
here in the crypt.

Yeah, we can trust
these tunnel maps, sir?

Syrian Democratic Forces
gave us a local trooper

who grew up playing in the
tunnels beneath the compound.

It's personal for this kid.

Kahani gassed his whole family.

He'll be accompanying us
on the op.

Roger. Five klicks out, sir.

Fellas, let's get ready
to take it topside.

Infield's good.
Chief, your assessment?

Kahani's in under the radar,

so it makes me think
that the compound's

probably gonna be
lightly guarded.

In the event
that shit goes south,

we got Rangers
ten mikes out on QRF.

It feels solid, sir.


We keep it quiet. In and out.

No one's gonna even know
we're there.

Bravo platoon has just
touched down, as you know.

Cox has given us
the option to stand down

and hand this off
as part of the turnover.

I told him that we did not
come here to coast,

and this m*therf*cker is ours.

We are Alpha.


Eyes on the horizon, boys.

Let's make it count.

Let's roll.

Lecrone, Fletcher,
maintain comms.

- Copy.
- Good copy.

Access point, 60 feet.

Sir, Zeke's flagging.


EOD up. No comms.

We're going white light.

It's a f*cking landslide, sir.

This whole crypt
is rigged to blow.

Stay comms external.

Let them know we're negative
on the access point.


Contact, entry point!

- What do we got?
- We've got heavy contact.

Rear. They need backup.

Chief, I'm putting
a fire team together

- and moving to the post position.
- Roger that.

Move it!

Lecrone, what do you got?

Go! Watch your back!

- f*ck! Lecrone's hit.
- Move, move, move.

Roll it, roll it, roll it! Move!


Frag out!

Frag out!

Let's k*ll that m*therf*cker!

f*ck him up!


Get these men!

Get them out now!

Coming in!

Fall back to the crypt, now!



On your back, on your back!

- Go left. CCP's on the left!
- Go, go, go.


Forward, clean it up!

Come on!

I got you, brother.
I got you!

- Last man!
- Last man!

Give him to me.

Come on!

Sir, you need to spin up
that QRF now!

Hey, calm your man down.

What's our casualty status, Ram?

We got two guys K.I.A.

Barnes is barely breathing.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Hey! Listen to me.

I'll get you out of here.

I got you, brother.
I got you.

Mallory's hit!

They keep coming, boss!

Boozer, on me!

Got to make comms,
got to get QRF spun up.

Let's go!

Charlie, get us
to the access point. Move.


Trip wire!

- Right here.
- Careful!

- Where is it?!
- Careful!

- Where the f*ck is it?
- Trip wire. Watch your feet!

Crowley, get eyes
on that trigger.

I want to know
what we're dealing with, now!

Yes, sir, I'm on it.

What do we got, Boozer?

I have an out!

Get those comms up there,
spin QRF now!

Troops in contact.
Multiple eagles down.


- No, no, get back!
- No!

Get back, Trooper!

Hey, Picasso, you gonna
let me see what you're drawing?

What was that?

Is she gonna be okay, Daddy?



Donny, you good?


Get up, Chief! Move!

Reece! Reece, move!

Come on, man! Get up!

Cortese, I'm moving to you!


On me.

Check fire! Check fire!

- Move, move, move!
- Commander Reece!

Talk to me, Cortese.
Hey, brother, what you got?

All right, come on, man.
Let's go. Let's go.

Move it, move it, move it!
Let's go!

Let me know an ETA on that helo!

Hey! Light that chopper up.

Commander, I have
a helo coming in!

I need you on it!

Hey, give me two! Give me two!

Cortese, let's go! Up! Up!

- Get him up! Come on!
- We got to get you out!


Hurry up!
Move it, move it, move!

Return their fire!

Let's go!
Let's go get some support!

Sir, I need to get you
on this first!

I need a head count on my men!

I understand, but I need
to get you off this sand!

Get my boys off this beach!

Sir, you are the last man!

I promise you, I promise you!

- How you feeling on that leg?
- Good, good.

I have no pulse.

Cortese, eyes on me. Look at me!

Cortese, open your eyes!

Stay with me, brother.
Stay with me.

- Control the bleeding.
- S-Stay with me.

- More pressure! More pressure!
- Come on, come on.

Come on.


Mrs. Reece?

Your service member
is waiting to speak with you.


- Lauren? Lauren?
- James? Thank God.

Is that you?

They've been calling
the families all night.

What happened? Talk to me.

It's not good.
They're, uh...

Everybody's gone.
They're all gone.

Me and Boozer, that's it.

Everybody else is...

Everybody else
didn't make it out.

It's a bad one.


I love you.

Just, just come home.


I'm here for you.

This is Special
Agent Robert Bridger, NCIS.

I'm here at Incirlik
Air Force Base

with Special Agent Daniel Stubbs

to interview Lieutenant
Commander James Reece,

SEAL Team 7, regarding mission
number 644: Odin's Sword.

Commander, can you outline
the details of your mission?

We were tasked
with supporting SDF

in apprehending
Dr. Jahan Kahani and any intel

related to his chemical weapons

- Tip came in two weeks ago.
- Tip from whom?

Tabari Moussa.
Arms dealer outside of Aleppo.

Our top SDF source.

You red-teamed
this operation with...

Commander William Cox.

Any flags?

No. No. Moussa's intel
has been pretty solid.

Gave us two clear sh*ts
at Kahani in the last two years.

I'm sorry, did QRF find any sign
of Kahani at the compound?


According to audio logs,
you went dark on comms

roughly four mikes in.


We encountered countermeasures,
IEDs, near the access points.

Comms down is S.O.P.

Was there any sign that he had
even been to the compound?

Can you point
to the area with the IEDs?

QRF found a mobile lab.

Let's stick with the op.

Where were the IEDs located?

Right here.

If it was just IEDs,

it'd be nothing
out of the ordinary,

but there were armed loyalists
waiting to ambush us.

They knew we were coming.

Commander, at what point
of the operation

did you notice that Special
Warfare Operator 2nd Class

Donny Mitchell was unwell?

Excuse me, what?

SO2 Mitchell, the youngest
member of your troop,

experienced some sort of
"episode" during the operation,

shortly before he set off
the expl*si*n.


you need
to understand something.

I have 12 men flying home
in caskets right now,

and you want to ask me
questions about Donny Mitchell?

It was the SDF trooper
who panicked, not Donny.

Our mission logs
say it was Donny Mitchell.

No, it wasn't, okay?
I was there.

- It wasn't Donny.
- Easy, Commander.

We're just telling you
what we know.

It's too loud, Boozer!
It's too f*cking loud!

Ramirez, Donny needs help!

Donny, chill the f*ck out!

- Where the f*ck is...
- Hey, Donny, what's going on?

That's not how it went down.

I never said any
of those things.

Maybe this interview
is too soon.

- The Navy wanted us...
- All right, listen, don't say Navy.

All right? You're not Navy.

You're f*cking wannabe cops.

I know how it went down.

The place was packed with
expl*sives and armed loyalists,

and our SDF trooper
lost his shit.

It's too f*cking loud, Ramirez.

- It's too f*cking loud.
- Calm down, Donny.

- Calm down!
- It's too f*cking loud, Ramirez.

Donny, look at me.

I'll get you out of here,

I got you. I got you.

All of the audio
indicates it was Mitchell

that triggered the expl*si*n.

Please, take a moment,
review the logs.

Then let us know if you want
to amend your statement.

You're in good shape, Commander,

all things considered.

Course he is, Doc.
Look at him.

My men are built
to take a kick to the head.

How are you feeling,
Commander, generally?

Any blurry vision,
headaches, memory loss?

Memory loss?

With brain trauma, physical
injuries can heal quickly,

neural pathways
may take more time.

Add in the stress
of grief and loss...

You experiencing
symptoms, Reece?

No, sir. No.

There are a few more tests
we can run.

I'd really like to get
those done at Balboa, if I can.

- I'd prefer to give you an MRI here.
- Yeah.

Well, my men already flew home.

I'd like to get back
to their families.

Unless you're grounding him,
I'm okay with Reece flying.

WARCOM can coordinate
once he's stateside.

Okay, Commander.

But until your follow-up,
take it easy.

Plenty of rest.

No alcohol.

We're gonna find Kahani.

And when we do,
we're gonna scalp him.

f*ckin' A.

That's what Donny would've done.

23-year-old kid
was a f*cking savage.

For Donny.

Long live the brotherhood.

Can I get a whiskey?

Who we drinking to?

You a contractor or a reporter?

The Zirvede nightclub stamp
on your wrist.

They don't let
service members in there.

You never broke a f*cking rule?

I mean, I was there
with an airman.

He told me about a transport

that flew out last night
carrying 12 SEALs.

No color guard,
no ramp ceremony.

Oh, good, you're press.

Katie Buranek, VoltStreem News.

Hey, let me buy
the next round, Commander.

No. I buy my own drinks,
thank you.

I write about team guys.

I did a whole series
about our overreliance

- on spec ops.
- Yeah, I read it.

people still give a shit

about what goes on over here.

12 SEALs lost and no one

in command
even issues a statement?

What are they hiding?

I don't know what
you're fishing for,

but you're not gonna get it
from me or from Boozer.

Who's Boozer?

I don't leak stories,
Ms. Buranek.

And certainly not to people
who criticize our work.

I don't criticize your work.

I question your assignments.

A Hooten Young on me.

For your efforts.

Smooth and steady, boss.
Smooth and steady.

Reece! Get up!

Come on, man, get up!


- Wake up!
- Commander.

Everyone off-loaded, sir.

Tried to wake you up
a few times.

Don't tell me
you're calling a f*cking Uber.

Heard a rumor
you were flying in tonight,

so I figured...

Oh, man.

Thanks, Ben.

- Let's get you home, brother.
- Yeah.

Maybe we could just drive
a little bit? Clear my head.

- Want to tell me what happened?
- How much do you know?

- Figured the Agency read you in.
- The Agency said shit.

I mean,
that's pulling teeth over there.

You know that.

- It was a setup.
- Wait,

- what do you mean?
- Somebody fed us

bad intel on Kahani
to draw us in.


Probably. Maybe the Russians.

- Could be Assad.
- Shit.

Who has the capability
to alter our signals?

What do you mean?
Like disruption?

Change our digital record.

Alter voices. Deep fake.

Brother, that is...

that is a f*cking high-level
E.W. capability.

That's God's hand kind of shit.

Listen, I mean, I know
some guys in Persia House.

I can make some calls, see if
there's anything worth seeing.

We'll start there.

All right,
that's enough, sweetheart.

- I'm not done.
- It's way past your bedtime.



Hey, bug.

You're home.

You betcha. I'm home.

Mommy said you wouldn't be home
until tomorrow,

but I knew
it was gonna be today.

- Oh, yeah?
- Mm-hmm.

Look at you.
Look how tall you are.

I have some new pillows
and stuffed animals in my room.

- I really want to show you.
- Oh, okay.

I also had a really good idea.

I really wanted

- to get a dog.
- Okay.

why don't you go lay in bed,

and then Daddy can come
and tuck you in in a second.

- I'll come find you.
- Come on.

Okay, I'll see you in there.

Okay, let's get you tucked in.

I'm glad you waited up for me.
Thank you.

Are you okay?

Oh, um, yeah,

- I'm fine.
- Does it hurt?


It's nothing.

You sure?

Yeah, I am sure.

I'm all right.

What you been reading
since I've been gone?

The Girl Who Drank the Moon.

It's about magic powers.

You want to read some?

Daddy's really tired,

so he's gonna go to bed, okay?

And he needs to take a shower

because he smells really bad.

All right.

What's that over there,
a new drawing?

Gosh, you are getting good, kid.

Look at this. You drew this?

I drew that
before you left, Daddy.

I've never seen this before.

I showed it to you.

You liked it.

You're funny.

I am being funny.

I am always being funny.

Anything to make
my little girl smile, huh?

- Good night.
- I love you.

I love you.

All right.

I would have come
to pick you up.

It's okay.

Ben was there.

You know,
the only thing they've told me

is that you had a concussion

...and that you have to lay low.

You should get checked out,

I can... I can make you
an appointment.

I'm all right.

Ramirez, hold.
Moving to you.

Come on, man, get up!

What do you think, Daddy?


- James.
- Huh?

Oh. What?

I was saying

that Mommy and I already
planned your first day home.

Why don't you start
by telling Daddy

about the new activity
we've been doing?

While you were gone, Mommy and I

started stand-up paddle boarding.

It's like surfing
and sea kayaking combined.

It's super fun.

And maybe we can ask Daddy

- if he wants to come with us.
- You wanna come, Daddy?

I know you'll like it.

Last time I did surfing, uh...

It was a bit of a disaster,

It's easy.

We'll start off at La Jolla Cove

really early in the morning
'cause then are no waves,

- so we can get out to the flat water.
- Sounds like a plan.

We'll go. We're gonna do
some stand-up paddle boarding.

Okay. That'll be fun.

- Mm-hmm.
- Okay.

World-famous cinnamon rolls.

- What do you think, should we eat these?
- Babe, that's...

- Put that... That's hot.
- Aah!

- Ah, shit!
- Jesus Christ.

- You okay?
- I'm okay. Sorry.

Tell me about your...


This is Reece.


No, sir. That's impossible.

Yes, sir. I'll be right there.

Put it on my desk today.
Not tomorrow. Today.

- I have to go. Reece.
- Captain Howard,

- where is Boozer?
- I'm sorry.

The coroner just took the body.

We're standing by for a meeting.

It's gonna be
in about 30 minutes.

I'll be right by your side.

- Reece.
- Commander Reece,

Special Agent Holder, NCIS.
Excuse me.

- Sir?
- Move.

I have a few questions
I need to ask you

Petty Officer Vickers'...

mental state.

I was with this man yesterday,
and he was fine.

No f*cking way
he would've shot himself.

- Sorry, yesterday?
- Yeah.

Flew home
from Incirlik together,

and he was fine.

Uh, Commander,

that's not...
that's not possible.

- Vickers shot himself two days ago.
- No, I'm sorry.

You're f*cking wrong.

- Hey, you know what?
- Tell him.

Take a breath.

The commander just returned

- from combat.
- Right, yeah.

With Vickers. Yesterday.


PO1 Vickers flew home
with the bodies of your men

two days ago.

Later that night,
he took his own life.

Neighbors found him
this morning.

Coronado Police were
the first ones on the scene.

I'm really sorry, Commander.

Smooth and steady, boss.

Smooth and steady.

Come on, push it!

Push it!

There's no shame in quitting.
You want to quit?

Ring the bell.


We don't have to do this today.
You could take some time.

I would
if I thought it could wait.

We stick with your concerns

about the operational
intelligence. Come on.

- Push-ups. Ready?
- Ready!

- Down! Down!
- One. Two.

Sir, it is my belief
that this was a targeted attack

on Alpha Platoon.

My troop's been pursuing Kahani
since 2018,

k*lling two of his Quds Force
lieutenants in that time.

Somebody fed bad intel
to my man in Aleppo.

- This was a trap.

are tracking down Moussa,

and operations in Syria
are on hold.

But what I want to know is
what happened on the op itself.


Well, you're the only
eyewitness left,

but nothing in this file
adds up.

That file adds up.

It makes perfect sense
once you realize

somebody has manipulated
our audio record.

To clarify, that is your belief

that an SDF trooper panicked

and detonated an IED,
not SO2 Mitchell?

Yes. Yes, sir.

I... I stand by my statement.

And if I'm right,

we cannot let our men operate
in that theater.

Not until we figure out
who has that technology,

who has the capability
to do such a thing

and who would set us up.

Tell me, uh...

what happened
at Petty Officer Vickers'.

According to NCIS,

you question the timeline

of Vickers' death.

I questioned, sir,

why Boozer would sh**t himself.

But, yes,
my timeline is a little fuzzy.

The commander suffered
a significant concussion

on mission. He's...

He's dealing
with some repercussions.

And might these repercussions

be affecting your memory
of the operation?

You don't forget
an op like that, sir.

No, sir.

Look, Reece,

I admire your commitment.

Moving up from enlisted sn*per
to troop commander

is no small feat, and at 40,

you're still the tip
of the spear.

But you need
to get yourself right.

Lose the five-o'clock shadow
when you're in garrison.

People look to us to set a tone.

Especially now.

Yes, sir.

That's it!

- Follow his lead!
- We've been informed

every SEAL in the platoon

will receive
a posthumous Silver Star,

- including Vickers.
- Come on, ladies...

Secretary of defense herself
is flying out for the funerals.

Sure the families
will appreciate it.

Was it confirmed, sir?

- What, the medals?
- Boozer's cause of death.

I double-checked
with the coroner.

They confirmed
a self-inflicted wound.

Nine millimeter.

Sir. Sorry, sir.

He shot himself
with his team p*stol?

It was his own SIG.

I believe it was a platoon gift.

Reece, are you sure you're okay
to go to these funerals?

We could generate a reason

- for your absence.
- I'll be there, sir.

Storm's rolling in.

If you don't want to chat,
you can,

you know, just sit there
and watch me set the sail.

That's cool, too.

See anything wrong
with this b*llet?

Like what?

The caliber.

I love my SIG.


his favorite p*stol
was his custom 1911.45.

He hated
the team nine millimeters.

Hated 'em.

We would always debate
the virtues.

Nine millimeter versus 45.

Want a higher capacity magazine,

or you want more lead
to throw down field?

he always wanted the .45.

He said if you're gonna
destroy something, destroy it.

Don't poke a bunch of holes
in it. Don't bring a penknife

to a sword fight.

I don't buy it, man.

There's no f*cking way
Boozer offs himself

with this SIG. No way.

Whoever set us up...

They might be able
to fake evidence.

They can't fake Boozer.

Quds have assets k*lling SEALs

in Coronado?

That's what you're telling me?

Someone does.

May I?

Long live the brotherhood.

f*cking A.

I miss the teams, man.

Maybe Boozer chose the team g*n
to send a message.

His way to say goodbye.


You know,
why don't you, Laur and Luce

take the boat for a weekend.

Head for the horizon.
Kon-f*cking-Tiki style.

Sail down to Marco's ranch.

Take a breath.

You think I'm losing my mind?


I think you got your deck

shuffled pretty f*cking good,

That being said,
I am your brother.

And if you feel

anything is off, anything,

call me.

I know that.


All right. One more beer.

I know it's unfair
what we ask of you,

and I appreciate

the sacrifice you all have made.

Today, a nation mourns with you

and thanks you

as we honor a cherished member
of this community,

Silver Star recipient

Petty Officer First Class
Victor Ramirez.

Ready? Face.

Port arms.

Ready. Aim.


Back. Rack.


Aim. Fire.

Today, a nation

mourns with you and thanks you

as we honor a cherished member
of this community,

Silver Star recipient

Special Warfare Operator
Second Class

- Donald Mitchell.
- Ready.

Aim. Fire.

I know it's unfair
what we ask of you,

and I appreciate
the sacrifice you all have made.


we honor the loss
of Silver Star recipient

Petty Officer
Ernest "Boozer" Vickers.

- Commander Reece?
- Ma'am?

Mrs. Reece,
the admiral's wife

told me all about you.

Said you beat most of these boys
in the local races.

I'd pay good money to see that.

Thank you, Madam Secretary.

May I borrow your husband?

Of course.

I'm not much of a politician.

I speak my mind,
and I do what I want,

- press and public be damned.
- Yes, ma'am.

So you know when I say

that whatever you
and these families need

to get back on your feet,
it will be provided.

Thank you, ma'am.

I'm putting you in
for the Navy Cross.

- No, I don't deserve that.
- Yeah, you do.

Rangers said they couldn't
drag you out of those tunnels.

You insisted
on helping your men.

And it shows the SEALs

who are heading back out
into the theater

that we stand by our operators
no matter what.

Ma'am, SEALs are deploying?

See, I was told
operations were on hold

while we chase
the intelligence failure.

We found your man Moussa.
He had a hole in his head

and Quds Force money
in his pocket.


I've been focusing my research
on Kahani's

next move.
I'd like to be there when...

when we find him.

When Kahani's dead,
you'll be the first to know.

Do you have any 20s on you?


Do you have any cash
for the babysitter?

I guess we could...

- We could just Venmo her.
- That funeral was empty.

Mallory's wife
didn't even show up. I mean...

Boozer deserved more than that.

Did you call the clinic

to schedule the MRI?


I feel better.


We're gonna get through this,

- I promise.
- I'm fine, honey.

I'm all right. I'm okay.

I'm okay.

- What? What?
- You see that gray car right there?

Right there. Just parked.

It was at the funeral.
It followed us here.

- Are you sure?
- I'm sure.

Go inside. Get Lucy.

- Hands!
- Jesus Christ.

I'm sorry, Commander.

I just needed to meet you
away from the teams.

Can I get you a tea

- or something?
- Uh...

You got anything stronger?

- I think we-we have a bottle open.
- It's okay.

- This'll be quick.
- Yeah. You know what?

I'm okay. Um, thank you.

And I-I'm sorry about earlier.

- I'm gonna put Lucy to bed.
- Yeah.

Well, that was something.

I've spent the last 18 months
between bases and outposts,

but I never had a g*n
in my face.

Still, I'm-I'm glad
you reached out to me.

So, for the past two years,

your troop has alternated
between six months of deployment

and six months of training.

That's 67% less downtime
than a normal...

I didn't reach out to you
to talk OPTEMPO ratios.

I asked you who I was with
when we met in Incirlik.

No, that's not what
you asked me, though, is it?

I mean, not exactly.

I looked into
your friend's death.

PO1 Vickers. "Boozer," right?

Tracked down a copy
of the police report.

This is his death certificate.

Look at the date.

He was already dead
here in Coronado the day

I met you in Incirlik.

I brought up
your troops' deployment pattern

because if overwork
and exhaustion played a part

in your men's death,
I don't think that's your fault.

But there are people
who need to be held responsible

- for that.
- Okay, it's time for you to go.

I know you think I'm the enemy,

but all I care about
is the truth.

And if a broken system

put you and your men
into shitty situations...

Thank you for your time,
Ms. Buranek.

I appreciate you stopping by.

All right. Well...

I'm in town for the next week,

so if you change your mind...


We're gonna find Kahani.

When we do,
we're gonna scalp him.

Long live the brotherhood.

Long live the brotherhood.

I think something happened to me
on that op.

I need to call the clinic.

- You know what an engram is?
- No, I don't.

It's kind of the
Holy Grail of brain research.

A physical pathway
for the encoding of memories.

This is a visualization

of healthy recall.
Each memory a distinct map.

But when our memory pathways
get disrupted,

it can lead
to things like conflation.

Old memories overlap
with new ones.

So a memory from a year ago

feels like
it happened yesterday.

Your brain
can't tell the difference.

- That can be caused by a concussion?
- It could.

With your permission,
we'll take a closer look.

The scan gives us
a detailed map of your brain.

Whole thing
takes less than an hour.

We'll come get you
once it's over.

Almost ready to begin, James.


You're doing great, James.

Just relax. The next
and longest phase of the scan

is about to begin.

Ramirez, Mitchell needs help.

It's too f*cking loud!



We good, Doc?

Is this how you k*lled Boozer?

Coward's way?

Hi, you've reached Lauren Reece.

Please leave a message
after the beep.

Laur, it's-it's me. It's real.

They just tried to k*ll me.
They had my g*n.

Take Lucy and get her out
of the house now.

Call me when you're safe.

Come on, move!

911. What's the
address of your emergency?

This is Lieutenant Commander
James Reece.

You need to send patrol units

to 423 Cayman Street.

Repeat, 423 Cayman Street.

No, no, no.

I'm sorry.