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01x04 - Detachment

Posted: 07/08/22 12:54
by bunniefuu
- I found one.
- What you got?

It's a buck.

How can you tell?


Very good.

All right,
so we know where they drink.

See a game trail?

- Mm-hmm.
- Let's follow it.

See, now we're getting
a pattern going.

You know where they drink,

then you know where they eat,
you know where they sleep.

Now we know the road
that they're gonna take,

so we just find the high ground.

Then we wait 'em out.

All right, keep marching.

There you go. Make your way.

My little gazelle.

Come on.

We can rest at the top, squirt.


I love you.

Encrypted phone.

What are you hiding, Marcus?

You know where they eat?


We know where they sleep.

Now we know the road
they're gonna take,

so we find the high ground,
then we wait 'em out.

If you're precise
in your tracking

and you know what to look for... buck will be able
to hide from you.

Come on, f*ckers.

We need
a stop. We need one stop.

Yes. Yes.

Yes. Oh, my God!

Oh, my God! Get it, get it!

Oh, yeah!


Damn right! Yes!

Roll Tide.


You missed a good one.

- Oh.
- Hi.


You ready for Mexico?

Yeah. Listen.

The level of shit
that's about to hit the fan,

even I couldn't tell you.

After you drop me,
you should bail.

What, so you can bogart Marco's
entire mescal collection?

Hell no.

I'm serious.

It's gonna get bad.

Lucy was my goddaughter, Reece.

There's, uh, no depth of shit,


that I won't wade through
to make those m*therf*ckers pay.

Welcome to Riley Air.

Did you bag that buck
in Wyoming?


f*cking guy posted
his whole life online.

You find anything worthwhile?

Just sent you
a Secret Santa gift.

Next lump of coal?

Well, you tell me.
I'll be in the air.

I'll have something
by the time you land.

Happy trails.

You ready?

What does it tell you?

Dude unloads his whole magazine.

I mean, that's overkill.

Medical indicates
an intracranial mass.

He's probably unstable.

He knows the glass
will throw the rounds.

Had to be sure
the guy went down.

It's not instability,
it's experience.

Yeah, he's experienced.

Eight combat deployments.

Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya.

Silver Star.

Multiple Bronze Stars.

Even an Army Commendation medal
with "V" Device.

Don't get too attached.

Vultures up north
are already circling.

Big cases always go up to L.A.


maybe Ramsay holds the line.

Name one time
he's held the line.

Boss, you're pissing
in the wind.

Relentless pursuit, Mac.
Relentless pursuit.

I understand that, Terry,

but I'm gonna need more
than a check-in on this one.

At least a spot at the presser.

- Put him on speaker.
- Hey,

I'm happy...
No, I'm happy to comply...

No. Hey,

I, uh...
I got Anthony Layun here.

He just, uh, took over as the
head of our Fugitive Task Force.

Oh, I know Tony.
How's it going?

Well, not good, sir,
I understand

you're trying to snake our case.

Look, no one's snaking anyone.

All right? We got a body.
We're more equipped.

When you were in Chicago,

you ever let Milwaukee
take a big one?

Difference is,
Milwaukee didn't know

what the hell they were doing.

- Oh, Tony...
- We've got five bodies.

It's our case on that alone.

Or we call headquarters,
see how D.C. feels about it.

Deptula, I want addresses

on all surviving family members
and known associates.

Twenty years in the service
means it's gonna be a long list.

- You got it.
- Junior, get me raw footage from CCTV.

Something I can run
through facial rec.

We already got
a positive I.D., though.

I don't care about James Reece.

I want to know who the hell
was in this car with him.

Somewhere within

the Capstone network is
a project called RD-4895.

Now, their network is huge.

It's something like
100-plus discrete investments.

I was able to narrow it down
to 27 companies tied directly

to Pentagon assets

or that overlap
with theaters of conflict.

I was able to get health records

for some of the platoon
families, but I need more.

That means research. FOIAs.

Why us?

This is a story of a generation.

It deserves better
than a website with listicles

and video game reviews.

Send your leads over.
I'll take a look.

I already did. Check your inbox.

You're f*cking cocky, you know that?

Shit. I got to go.

- Tell Nathan I need those leads.
- Katie?


- Brian?
- Katie?

Hey, guys!


- Hey, Deb.
- Katie.

- Sorry. I couldn't get the deadbolt to lock.
- Uh...

What are you...
what are you doing here?

Oh, I...
You didn't get my email?

I'm back from Syria.

Uh, I-I just thought this would
be a really nice reentry point.

Right. Yeah. Um...

I thought
you meant next weekend.

Well, what a nice surprise.

We can catch up.

You can get some Teddy time.

When he finally wakes up.

Oh, no, I'm so gross.
I haven't showered.

I'm still in sweatpants. Just...

give me one second.
I'll be right back.


Look, I'm not gonna lie to you.

The situation's far from ideal.

Now, the Pentagon's new budget
reflects a, a paradigm shift,

with cuts or reallocation
in almost every sector.

Now, if it goes through,
our contract would terminate,

without renewal, in 18 months.

And given Elias Ryberg's
decision to postpone his visit,

I think it's safe to assume
that he now views us

as a risky investment.

Still, it is Capstone's advice

that Nubellum's board
remain patient

and pursue the sale.

Now, you know me.
You know my values.

If I tell you I have
something managed, it's managed.

Do you have any idea

how embarrassing
Santa Barbara was?

Watching your VP's naked corpse
wheeled away

by the police
with a needle in his arm.

Ryberg was there, Steve.

He saw it.

So you'll excuse us if our faith

in your judgment
is a bit shaken.

If Elias wanted out, he'd
say so. He's treading water.

Now, as for Washington,
it's a dynamic machine.

It's also a predictable one.

You just need to know
which dials to turn.

w*r was never meant to be
Nubellum's business.

I followed you down this path

because you held me up
when I needed it.

And I kept my mouth shut
when you wanted to sell because,


The return was high.

But I'm not going to sell
my business

for nickels on the dollar,

and I'm not going to keep
developing your projects

if there's no market.

There's always a market
for what we do.

Well, I guess we'll find out.

Hartley's new budget hits
subcommittee in a few days.

Until then,

good luck with the VP search.

Hey, buckle up, buttercup!

We're starting our descent.


Ya llegamos.

Hey, Carlos.


How are you, fellas?

I'll grab this first bag here.


It's good to have you back,

So good to be here.
Hello, Paola.

- Nice to see you, James.
- You, too.

- So, how was the trip?
- Glorious.

All clear skies and mai tais.

Don't let her fool you.
She's flying

like she's still in Najaf.


Let's go, party people.

Hey, I got dibs
on the pool house.

- Oh, then let's go.
- Vamos.

Your father came to Baja
when he was at a crossroads.

He had that same look
on his face.


He found
a renewed sense of purpose.

As will you.

Thank you.

The Los Angeles incident

was captured on traffic cameras.

And the NCIS agent who died?

Building's Realtor I.D.'d Reece.

Said he came in
under an assumed name.

If there was any doubt

about Reece and his family,

there's none now.

We were late on this, Rich.

Senator Pryor, ma'am.

We've got defectors
on committee.



Conviser as well.

Someone got to them?

Whoever it is,
they're trying to keep quiet.

Your new budget

turns off
an awful lot of spigots.


where does this leave us?

We have zero margin as is.

If you lose a single vote,

your cuts are D.O.A.

Markups, at the very least.

Is there a world
where we push a CR

and then fiddle-f*ck when
it comes back from the House?

James Reece was a good man.

He gave most
of his adult life to us,

and he came back compromised.

We won't find a resolution
in the margins.

We need a change,

not a reconciliation deal.

We need...

I want the hearing televised.

Ma'am, it's a...

closed-door committee.

Then we will open it up
for the final vote.

Let's get these senators
on record making the case

that special interests
are more important

than special operators.

I would like to see them
make that case.

- Amén.
- Amén.

- Amen.
- Amen.

Marco, Paola, gracias.

You really outdid yourselves
with this one.

And tomorrow we have barbacoa.

When you have a sh**t
like Reece on the ranch,

you put him to work.

You don't need me
to sh**t a ram.

My old man used to tell me
he learned more

about judging distances
from Marco

than he did any sn*per school.

Tomás was always too generous
with his praise.

Ha! I'm not sure we're talking
about the same Tom Reece.

You know, doesn't matter
how many times I-I come here,

I seem to always forget
just how beautiful it is.

My gosh.

Last time I was here was...

my anniversary, I think.

I remember the girls
caught that big jar of fireflies

down by the trees.


The hacienda is, uh,

sacred to us.

A sanctuary away
from the chaos outside.

Pásame el aguachile, ¿sí?


Mr. Reece,

I told my mom I wanted
to go to the funeral.


I didn't know Lucy was sick,

or I would have sent her
a letter.

She'd have loved that,

She'd have loved that very much.

James, I... I'm sorry.


To the host.

You provide the drink

and the land
that provides the food.

Por la familia.

Por la familia.

Salud, mi amor.

So, here's the question.

What do I have to do to
poach you from Paul's ranch?

When it comes
to taste in bosses,

the quality I value most
is absenteeism.

Oh, wow, they're so beautiful.

Aren't they?

Come on, show it to Daddy. business
craving as much as I do.

But besides that,
you got 'em beat, hands down.

So it's done.


Hey, oh, I can help clean up.

I was just, uh, I was trying
to catch the sunset.

How much trouble are you in?

I'm not. Brian, come on.

I saw your research upstairs.

It's a story, that's all.

I just need a couple days.

Thought you might want a drink.

You always were a mind reader.

- Salud.
- Salud.

Ben called.

He traced a payment
from your man's phone

to a bank in Ensenada.

My men are looking into it.

I keep asking myself...

...what is his purpose?

What is his plan?

What vision could he
possibly have for you... do this?

I think of the story of Job...

...and I wonder if perhaps

this is some kind
of bet with the devil...

to see if they can break you.

They never broke Job.

But they're getting
pretty damn close with me.

Lucy, come back here!

I figured you'd have
business in mescal.

I mean,
once you got that account,

it was just a matter of time.

- James.
- Hola, sunshine.

Wow. You just go right ahead
and kick the shit out

of yourself last night?

- Man, when'd you get in?
- Thirty minutes ago.

Got two days' clearance.

What, you think
I'm gonna let you just

finish this guy off on your own?


Marco was just filling us in.

Es verdad.

The leader
of my security team believes

he's found
Lauren and Lucy's k*ller.

- Morning.
- Morning.

Uh, you mind
if I borrow your car?

I want to make a coffee run.

Oh, I'll do it. Brian and Teddy
are down by the beach.

- You should go join them.
- No. It's your vacation.

Just tell me what you want.
My treat.

We'll take two flat whites.

- Keys are by the front door.
- Thanks.

Katie Buranek?

I read up on you, Ms. Buranek.

Portland, Kenosha,
Hubei province.

You have a history
of getting in over your head.

Well, it's the best way
to see beneath the surface.

That's cute.

Where's James Reece?

I don't know.

- I don't believe you.
- Okay.

Based on your work up there,
you seem like a smart person.

So why make yourself
an accessory to m*rder?

What I witnessed wasn't m*rder.
It was self-defense.

I'm not talking
about Los Angeles.

James Reece didn't
k*ll his family.

Why don't you talk
to Saul Agnon?

Ask him how
Capstone Industries gave

an entire platoon
of Navy SEALs brain tumors.

That's the real story.

I'd love to talk to Saul Agnon,
I would.

But he's dead.

I made some calls.

Agnon suffered
an overdose in Santa Barbara

a day after you
and Reece were in L.A.

Found him with a needle
in his arm.

No history of opioid use.
That's curious, don't you think?

And NCIS Agent Josh Holder?

He ate a b*llet
from someone else's g*n

the night before
Reece went on the run.

So, you know, it's...

it's also unusual.

Look, you got a scoop.
I get it.

But I don't think you want
to see anyone else dead.

And I'm sure you don't want
to get hit with a felony charge.

I... I don't know where he is,
I don't.


if I find out,
I will let you know.

There you go, Ms. Buranek.

Enjoy your family time.

Can I help you?

What's all this?

Let's talk.

You familiar with
the Battle of Messines?

- No.
- World w*r I.

Brits and the Germans
reach a stalemate at Flanders.

There's this General Plumer
on the English side.

Super patient guy.

He spends five months
building 8,000 meters

of tunnels
under the enemy position.

Packs 'em with 600 pounds
of expl*sives,

and one day...

Blast kills 10,000 Germans.
Stalemate over.

f*cking Boche
didn't even know what hit him.

Well, that's fascinating.

What the hell
are we doing, Steve?

I've worked really hard
to get under enemy lines.

- You have.
- Look, we both know,

within a year, Hartley's
gonna be out to pasture.

No one's gonna miss her.

So right now you need to decide

if you want to be
a little red link

on her Wikipedia page
or the heir apparent.

Our deal was for information.

That's right.

And I'm changing the deal

to protect my investment.
You understand?

This new budget
threatens my business.

- The votes are locked.
- Not Pryor.

Pryor. Pryor is the one calling
for this type of dwell reform.

I'm not asking you to turn him.

Just get him to me.

This is gonna be
really good for you, Richard.

You just don't know it yet.

Navajas and his g*ng
contract to multiple cartels.

He's violent, ambitious.

He'll k*ll anyone
for the right price.

We're sure that he's the one?

According to our sources,
three weeks ago,

Navajas and a lieutenant
left their compound.

Only Navajas returned.

Carrying a wound
to his left forearm.

It's him.

Navajas and his men
train young sicarios

in an old factory
outside of Ensenada.

- How many?
- Sometimes 12, sometimes more.

That's not counting the boys he
trains. There's a storm coming.

It should provide us
the cover we need.

The hills here offer
a view from 200 meters.

You stalk.
You wait.

It's maybe one of the easier
sh*ts you'll ever take.



No. A shot's no good.

It's a clear line of sight.

Aarón is former
Fuerzas Especiales.

His tactics are sound.

I-I don't question
your tactics, Aarón,

it's not a tactical issue.

We need to go in,

make contact, hit 'em head-on.

That's the only way this works.

Hey, can I talk to you a second?

Listen, I f*cking get it.

I want to bleed
this m*therf*cker out

just as much as you do.

But this guy...

he does not lead us
to the big picture, brother.

Steve Horn does.

Take the f*cking shot.
Head north.

When he came for them,
Lauren put her body

over Lucy to shield her.
I ever tell you that?

So, Lucy's last moments were
her mom screaming and crying,

covering her
as Navajas looked down on them.

I want him to know
who's come for him.

It doesn't work any other way.


Okay. Let's go.

We can't ask your men
to put their lives at risk.

We got this.
Me and Ben.


This is a chance to wipe
this entire evil off the map.

It's the right thing to do.

We'll be doing
the world a favor.

All right.

We use high ground
for over watch.

North and south.


No, no, it's okay.

The others approach on foot.


It's nothing. I'm good.

Based on your timeline,

it appears
the tumor is fast-growing.

If it's a glioblastoma,
that's bad news. Also rare.

I won't be certain without...

Without a biopsy. I know.

There are excellent surgeons
in Mexico City.

With the right plan,
six to nine months,

you can have your life back.

What are my other options?

Death, I suppose.

What about something
to control the symptoms?

Corticosteroids will reduce
the swelling.

Propranolol, topiramate,

they can help with the tremors
and the migraines.

But dr*gs won't save you.

You should've told us, Reece.

- He couldn't have known.
- Bullshit.

Ask him.

Look, brother, what you do
with your body,

that's your business.

I can't blame you
for playing it close.

I get it.
Who the f*ck am I to judge?

I just have one question.

Can you operate?

Aarón and his men
can finish the job, James.

They'll bring Navajas home
in pieces if you ask it.

What would you do

if it were Paola and Antonia?

Wouldn't you want
to look him in the eyes?

I have nothing.

Nothing left to lose but this.

He took everything from me.

All right.

I'll let Aarón know.

I don't know
how you're still standing.

If it was me,
I would be down a dark hole.

There are people that deserve
that hole more than me.

You know, uh, you, Lauren, Lucy,

you're family to us.

Well, after tomorrow,
if you survive,

please don't come back.

You're happy to die
for her vengeance,

but you should have never
brought your friends into this.



Hey, Manuel, Gerardo.

You have four sicarios
heading to the k*ll box.

Forty feet.

Twenty feet.

Ten feet.

Ready. Move.

Crash it.


Wall! Wall!


Give me suppressing fire

on building two now!

Check him.
Is that our man?

- Reloading.
- No.

- How much time you need?
- Ten seconds.

- Ready.
- Moving.

¡Voy a matar! ¡Voy a matar!

¡No, cálmate, cálmate!


¿Donde está El Navajas?

No sé.

I have the children. Go.

Vámonos, niños, vámonos.

That's Navajas.
He's mine. Contain him.

Blue pickup, light it up!

- Move it.
- Moving.

My foot.

Bro, you good?

f*ck yeah! Clean hit! Move!

f*ck you!

Put it down. Put it down!

You know who I am?

f*ck you, navy man.

Is she gonna be okay, Daddy?


I'm sorry, Bri.


I am.

I really didn't think
you guys would be here.

I... didn't know
they would be here.

You know, when you were 17,
Mom said to me,

"Don't give her
any of your energy.

She'll just suck you dry."

I promised myself
a long time ago

that I'd be done worrying
about you.

Yeah, well, you also promised me

you wouldn't marry a blonde,

so I guess we're just, you know,
disappointing each other.

Yeah, we're gonna head back

but if you want to stay,
you can.

I don't deserve you.

I know.

You're such a d*ck.

You are.

But I love you.

This looks amazing.

Oh, my God.


Nubellum Pharmaceuticals.

Steve Horn bought a controlling
share six years ago,

shifted the entire slate
into military nootropics.

Major DoD contractor.

Their meds are issued to
all six branches. Best part?

Rumor is, Nubellum's days away
from being acquired

outright for $70+ billion.


- Thanks.
- Thank me with 10,000 words.

Everything good?

Oh, that was a telemarketer.

Hey, you guys want
some more margaritas?

I'm good, thanks.

- I'll take one. Yeah.
- All right.

- Thanks.
- I'll be back.

- Thanks.
- Yeah.

Guess you were right.

I'm always right, Junior.

Hey, Mac.

Yep, she's on the move.

Reecer, this is everything
I could find on Steve Horn.

I want to know
exactly what he did to you.

- You sure you can't come?
- I wish, brother, but my S.O.

is already asking me questions
about my "irregular work hours."

Well, I would've fired
your ass years ago.

But seriously, keep an eye
on this guy's six up there.

I'll be back.

There's some spending money
on the plane.

My contribution to the hunt.

Marco, you've already
done plenty. Thank you.

She did her best hunting
right here on this ranch.

I think this is
where she belongs.

This was your father's.

I can't accept.

How about you hold
onto her till I'm back?



- Paola.
- James.

- Take care of them.
- You bet.

Que dios te acompañe, mijo.

A ti también, tío.

There you go.
One more.