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01x04 - Hooghandi

Posted: 07/08/22 17:17
by bunniefuu
Did you know they're reopening
the drill site?

We don't have anything
that you'd want!

Is it all there?

Every penny.

Did you bring a token?

You need to take a look.
Father Benjamin Tso.

Do you have any other family
that need to be notified?


I wanted to thank
Lieutenant Leaphorn

for burying my grandfather.

You are a blessing
to this community.

Tell me who's hurting you.

Frank Nakai...
It's the name she gave me.

She thinks she's encountered
a dark spirit.

I know I did.

Why'd we come here?

People who care
about me are worried.

They think I'm too close
to this case.

Uh, gentlemen.

Come on, have a seat.

You guys hungry?

We hear
that you're interested

in purchasing the oilfield.

News travels fast.

We're here to warn you
against that.

- Excuse me?
- Stay off our land.

I didn't catch
your names, fellas.

We're the Buffalo Society.

The what society?

You heard the man...

The Buffalo Society.

I never heard of you.

We're Diné,
Navajo to you white men.

We stand for the decolonization
and liberation of our lands.

We reject your imperialistic,

settlement culture.

Look, if you're looking
for jobs,

I can put you
in charge of security.

Where was the security

that day the drill site

We lost Diné lives...
Six brothers.

They said it was an accident.

And they blamed it on us.

You know what I think?

I don't, but I'm sure as sh*t
you're gonna tell me.

I think that
they found something

more valuable
than oil down there.

Well, that...
That's quite a story.

But I'm... I'm new to town.

I don't know anything
about that.

He's new to town.

We've been here
for six centuries.

What do you guys want?

I can make that happen.

We're part of the land.
We're not for sale.

Well, since you're part
of the land

that I just bought...

I guess that means
that you belong to me.

We'll be in touch.

I like your Navajo rug.

But it's made by Diné,

and we're gonna pull it out
from beneath you.

That's the rub, gentlemen.

You may make it.

But you ain't got
the money to buy it.

Drop it down here, Chip.

That is not the drop site.

Change of plans!
Drop it down here!

♪ When I look out
my window ♪

♪ Many sights to see

♪ And when I look
in my window ♪

♪ So many different
people to be ♪

♪ That it's strange

♪ So strange

♪ You've got to pick up
every stitch ♪

♪ You've got to pick up
every stitch ♪

♪ You've got to pick up
every stitch ♪

♪ Mm, mm

♪ Must be
the season of the witch ♪

♪ Must be
the season of the witch ♪

♪ Must be
the season of the witch ♪

♪ Must be the season
of the witch, yeah ♪

♪ Must be
the season of the witch ♪

♪ Where'd I look?

♪ Where'd I look?


Is he still sore?

He's fine. He's just
back to his old self again.

Oh, that's good.

- Oh, here, I'll give you that.
- Thanks.

Nice hat.

Before he left
New York City

for the West this morning...

President Nixon had breakfast
with his old rival,

Governor Nelson Rockefeller,

but according to White House
Press Secretary...

I wish you would use
that thermos I bought you

for Christmas.

You know I like this mug.

Sally should be
out of the hospital soon.

Have you thought
about what we talked about?

I think she'd be better off
in the shelter in Gallup.

It's late.

Have a good day
You too.

Got a name in the
Growing Thunder domestic case.

- Your deputy come through?
- Always.


Frank Nakai.

- Ring a bell?
- I've never heard of him.

- Uh-uh.
- Well, he's a vet.

Honorable discharge,
Purple Heart.

A w*r hero?

Yeah, who also roughs up
young women.

God knows what else.

- Let's pick him up.
- Where is he?

I was hoping that
you could find that out for me.

That man is Diné.

Sometimes we have
to sacrifice one

for the sake of others.

We've sacrificed
enough lives already.

Why can't we save them all?

we're not the creator.

And we're not naive.

Why wouldn't McGinn is' wife
send this letter?

- What's she trying to cover up?
- She was cagey, for sure.

The paintings, the guy who
came in, asking for her and it.

Did either her or Lester
give you a description?

Nothing to go on.

Wasn't there a white guy
in the armored-truck heist

- posing as a cop?
- Yeah.

Are we back to your "All these
crimes are connected" theory?

The helicopter lands
somewhere on the Rez, right?

Engine failure.
They're out of gas. Who knows?

Or the whole thing
was planned that way.

- Oh, God.
- Lester?

It's okay.
You can... you can tell me.

Tell you what?

Wanda. She didn't make it?

What are you talking about?

What are you talking about?

- You mean she isn't dead?
- Not that I know of.

We need to speak to her
about the letter, Lester.

Well... well, y-you can't, Joe.

I'm sorry, Lester,
but we have to.

I mean, you can't.
She is in a coma.

I just spoke
with her yesterday.

The doctors think
it was a spider bite.

I need to speak
to Sally for a second.

- You don't need to ask me.
- I know, but...

I thought I might run it
by you anyway.


Chee asked me about my clan.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

Did you tell him?

No. Not yet.

Don't tell Joe.

- Father.
- Thank you so much for coming.

Uh, no way
of getting a hold of you,

so I went ahead
and took care of things myself.

Hey, no need
to explain yourself.

I'm of the mind that no
good deed should go punished.

Yeah, well, I paced it off
just to be sure.

Right here.

May he journey well.

Do you have any family
we should notify, Father?

I have a brother.

I haven't heard from
him since we were children.

Sorry to hear that.

He was a wild horse
that could not be tamed.

Got kicked out of school.

They claimed that he set
the chapel on fire.

Which school was that?

St. Michael's.

And did he?

Burn down the chapel?

I believe it's something
that he would do.

He had authority issues.

Yeah, I know the type.

As do I.

They come to me
seeking salvation.

It's never too late for that.

If you'll excuse me,

I have some belongings
of my grandfather

that I'd like to send with him.

One more thing, Father...

You happen to know
Wanda McGinn is?

I've seen her at the trading
post... that's the extent of it.

- Why?
- Ah, she's ill.

Maybe you could check in
on her, huh?

I'll do my best.

Lord willing.

He told me he had no family.

I, uh, wouldn't eat
the Jell-O here.

I heard it could keep you here
an extra day.

I'm doing better.
They say I can go home soon.

Then, uh, let's keep this
away from you.

Listen, Sally, uh...

I need to ask you
a couple of questions

about Frank Nakai.

I thought his name
would be enough.

We need to find him.

Do you know where he is?

They only come to the house.


Frank and his friend.

I don't know
his name or his face.

He comes at night
and lies down with my mother.

You're scared of my mother,
aren't you?

She's not the one
you should be afraid of.

Beans again.

- Honey, don't complain.
- "Don't complain"?

It's food.

What do you want with us?
This is barbaric!

Hey, man.

You almost sh*t my ass.

Next time I will.

Officer Leaphorn.

You're dropping off
this young man.

He's a bit old for our school.

Sister Doris,
this is Jim Chee.

He's our new deputy.

It's nice
to meet you, Sister.

Can we trouble you
for some information?

Nothing wrong, I hope.

No, just a former student
trying to find his brother.

- How long ago?
- Within the past 20 years.

You'll be wanting
the archives, then.

Here you go.

All alphabetized
by a dyslexic priest,

but you're welcome to it.

Thank you, Sister.

Do you want to know the sex
of your baby?

He's gonna
have a wonderful mother.

I have a thought.

I feel you're really
comfortable at our place.

Would you want
to stay with Joe and I?

Well, that's all the Ts.
No Tso.

I think we should go
through the S's.

He might have alphabetized them

Yeah, this place
brings back memories.

What, you go to school here?

No, got married here.

It's a long story.

Attended assimilation school.

But I wasn't dragged
out of bed

like most of my classmates.

My parents thought it was
the best thing for me.


I always listened to them.

The second I arrived,
they cut my hair,

took my clothes.

But they could never crush
my spirit.

That took something else


This is crazy.

This is completely out of hand.

You need to calm yourself.
We're almost out of this.

Hey, what happened
to our plan?

We got a new plan.

Oh, another new plan.

I got one better for you.

Why don't you just give me
my cut, and I'll be on my way?

Not until we
finish what we started.

No, see, you can finish
what you started.

I couldn't care less
about any of this.

Tomorrow we need you
to meet us

at the original drop site.

And don't be surprised
if we pull up in a squad car.

Here we go.

Benjamin Tso...

Benjamin Tso...

and his twin brother, James.

What do you notice
about Benjamin, our priest?

- No glasses.
- Yeah.

How about this one?

- Glasses.
- James Tso.

We just spent
the morning with him.

Son of a bitch.

Oh, Jesus, a brother...
A twin brother.

Impersonating a priest
isn't a crime,

but no doubt he's lying
about everything else.

You think people go to hell
for impersonating a priest?

Indian who contemplates
heaven and hell...

- Been there.
- Yeah.

We got enough
for a warrant, right?

After we bring him in
for questioning, we will.

Hey, why don't
you drive for once?


You got plans for dinner?

I haven't had plans
for dinner in years.

Now you do.

They're gonna roll up
to take me in.

Wait for one to enter
and take the other one out.

Two more Diné
to be sacrificed.

You got a better way?

Take the car to the cave,
load it up with money,

and we'll roll out
like a pair of cops.

What about the Mormons?

They'll pay for the lives
lost at the drill site.

An eye for an eye,
the Bible says.

Are you serious
about that D.C. promotion?

Oh, man, I'm liking
the sound of this already.

You were right.

It was the Buffalo Society that
pulled that heist in Gallup.

You remember
that guy we brought in

from the Stockton
credit union heist?

- Frank Nakai who cannot die?
- So he claims.

So he is a person of interest,

identified by a witness
in a domestic-v*olence case.

So he's on the Rez, and so is
Pete Samuels, I think.

And are you ready for this?

I have a real name
for our guy, Hoski.

I think we should get a room,

'cause I don't want to kiss you

in front
of all these people.

Please don't.

His name is James Tso.

He's been posing as
his twin brother, a priest.

g*dd*mn, son.

I knew you were a champ,
but damn.

Right on.

All right, let's call the boys
and grab him.

A bunch of feds on the Rez?

Word will be out,
and they'll be gone.

What makes you think
they're not gone already?

Well, I was just
with him this morning.


And don't bring in the boys.

Let me and Leaphorn
handle this.

And once we have him
in custody,

you get your federal warrant,
and you pick him up.

Otherwise Leaphorn's gonna try
and make his m*rder case,

and we'll have to wait
for the bank-heist charges.

You played Leaphorn
like a fiddle.

I'm proud of you, Chee.


On the third day...

Can you get that, sweetie?

- Yes.
- Thanks.

- Mr. Chee.
- Mrs. Leaphorn.


Diné tea.

Look, honey, at least
someone's bringing me gifts.

Hey, Chee.

- Help yourself to an RC.
- Thanks.

We should just
throw out that old TV.


You know, foil works.

- TV at my motel needed it.
- Mm.

We could have bought a new TV

with all the money
we spent on foil.

- Yeah, I know.
- Can you open this?

Thank you.

- Thank you. Wow. Cheers.
- Mm-hmm.


Hey, those were
the last two bottles.

I guess
you're drinking water.

Chee, what's your clan?

Uh, One-walks-around.

Hmm. I never see
any around these parts.

Well, that's probably 'cause
they're always walking around

so much.

Ah, here you go.


- Thank you.
- Yes.


Tastes just like my mom's.

I'm sorry about your son.

Didn't Bernadette
look beautiful the other night?

Would you stop?

Emma's always
trying to play matchmaker.

Believe me, honey,
those two are not a match.


I don't have
to play matchmaker.

Come on.

You're joking, right?
Chee, she's joking, right?


- You could have fooled me.
- I think they did.

Yeah, I guess so.

It's good to hear laughter
in this house.

Yeah. It is.

Next time,
we should ask Bern to join us.

Only if she brings foil
for the TV.

Sally will be coming back
tomorrow night.


She's scared
and has nowhere to go,

so I invited her to stay.

- Oh. For how long?
- As long as she wants.

Is that what we discussed?

It wasn't,
but it's what I decided.

It's the right thing to do.

Now's not a good time.

- It's never a good time.
- She should be in Gallup.

She doesn't want to be
in Gallup.

Yes, I understand that,
but for her...

You're the one
who brought her here.

Yeah, for a few nights,
not forever, Emma.

Why? Because she
can't help you anymore?

- That is not true!
- Okay, I think I should go.

Sit down, Joe!

Thank you for dinner.

Yeah, you're welcome.

♪ Knocking down
the hard times that I know ♪

♪ Searching
for the good times ♪

♪ Let it flow

Hey, Roderick.

Did you by any chance
leave the gate open yesterday?

I can't find Taco.

Ah, don't worry.
She's escaped before.

- I'll find her.
- See you.

♪ Sitting at the table

♪ And I'm looking at
the cover of a magazine ♪

Hey, uh, nice helmet.

I'm Jim Plunkett.

Where did you get it?

Flea market.
Ms. Nez gave it to me.


How about...

I give you a dollar for it, and
I'll throw in a bag of carrots?

All right.


Too hot for you?

I think it was the
green chili from last night.

Yeah, I warned you.

Ah, I'm sorry about last night.

It's okay.

We just got a lot going on.

I understand.

You know, I think Bernadette
ought to know about you,

if what Emma is saying is true.

Yeah, I'm just trying to find
the right time.

Hmm. I find there's
never a right time.

I wanted to tell her
the night of the ceremony,

but I don't know how
much longer I'll be here.

As soon as this case
is closed,

they'll probably find me
some other post.

Big case lands you
a big job in the city, huh?

Something like that.


We'll miss you around here.

Hello. Ms. Nez?

- Where did you find this?
- From that Be gay guy.

Raymond Be gay?


Someone galloped in.

See the stride?


Maybe we should call
for backup, too?

What backup?

Go up on the ridge, make sure
we're not sitting ducks.

We're clear.

Go around back.

Brother Tso?

Tribal police.

Need to ask you
a few questions.

Brother Tso?


It's clear.


Get down!

Chee! You good?

I'm out!

You move, you're dead!

I've got him!

Get down. Sit!

Well, if it ain't
my favorite FBI agent.

I thought you said
you didn't know him.

We go way back.

You're FBI?


And you didn't tell me?

Let's get him
to the hospital.

- Come on, let's go.
- Hey.


I'd pour you one, too,
but this is very old,

and I don't share my good
stuff with people I don't know.

That's okay.

I'm here on business.

Come on out with it.

I know who's buying up
the surface land

surrounding your mine.

I was unaware of that.

I'm making you aware of it.

Well, I'll just buy it back.

You can't.

See, you can own
all the mineral rights

from here to the end
of the territory,

but only Navajo can own
what's above the land,

and they're choking you off.

Who are they?

You heard
of the Buffalo Society?

- The Buffalo Society?
- Mm-hmm.

You mean
those two Injun vets?

That'd be them.

Why should I believe you?

I'm an intermediary
of sorts.

For 5K, I'll tell you
where you can find them

and the money they stole.

I'll think about it.

You have till tomorrow.

I'll be receiving a warrant

for the man you have
in custody.

Frank Nakai is considered
a federal prisoner,

and I'll be overseeing
his transfer to the FBI.

I need your badge and g*n.

I checked them
at the station.

You knew all along
about them?

Why didn't you tell me?

I was sent here
to solve the bank heist.

Oh, a couple murders get
in the way

of your career
and you can't risk that?

I can still help you
with Big Rock

now that everything's
in the clear.

There's nothing in the clear
between you and me.

- Joe.
- It's Lieutenant Leaphorn...

and I never want
to see you again.

Do you understand me?


Maybe they were right.

Maybe you are too close
to this case.

Come on!

Get the hell off me!

♪ Can you see
a mountaintop? ♪

♪ Or can you hear a bird?

♪ Look beyond
the mind you know ♪

♪ People, they don't know

- ♪ Can you see?
- ♪ People, they don't see

- ♪ Can you hear?
- ♪ People, they don't hear

♪ People!

On the next episode of
"Dark Winds"...

Why didn't you tell me
Chief was FBI?

Every good gift is a gift from
the heavens above.

Navajo Police!
I have a warrant!

Be happy for once, man.

You caught
the bad guy.

Where are you going? To do my job.