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01x07 - Majority Rule

Posted: 07/09/22 07:07
by bunniefuu
I guess what I'm having a little
bit of trouble with here

is how you could have done
something like this

in the first place.

I mean, please,
help me understand

what was going through
your minds at the time.

We weren't paying attention.

And I know I speak for us both
when I say that

if I had it to do over again,
i would absolutely

do things differently.

I would be much more aware.

Because you got caught,
or because you feel ashamed?

I feel ashamed.

I'm ashamed of my behavior,

and I am deeply,
deeply sorry.

Yeah, we were all gonna go
to kylynn's after work,

if you want to come.

Me, too.

I mean, you can invite her,
if you want.

I'm just kind of
over her right now.

Well, she's just been
kind of like

a really bad friend to all
our other friends, you know?

I mean, she got 15 downvotes
last week,

so that tells you something.

That's about all the time
we have for Lewis and tom,

so, please, don't forget
to cast your votes now.

You have the breakfast show on?

Yeah, but I missed the first
part-- what did they do?

-...or Sincere.

That one guy has
really weird eyes.

Mm, I don't know,
he just seems kind of shady.

Yeah, I was gonna wear
the blue one,

but then I totally forgot
i let jessala borrow it,

and now she's out of town.

I know, right? Bitch.

She is so getting a downvote
when she gets back.

Hey! Hey!

Final vote has begun.

man, it does look
a lot like earth.

In more ways than one.

With all the different planets
in the galaxy,

you're bound to have a few cases
of parallel species development.

Sargas four is an acute example
of this phenomenon.

Union cultural anthropologists
believe it bears

remarkable similarities
to your 21st century earth.

So, like, I could go down there

and get, like, a manwich?

Nobody's going down there
except the landing team.

How long have the researchers
been unaccounted for?

Over a month.

Their last report indicated
they'd had

some success integrating
into the culture.

They even sent back some really
interesting images.

And then, suddenly, nothing.

Radio silence.

Could just be equipment

-Communications failure.

I'm gonna go check
on the landing team.

-Bortus, you have the conn.
-Aye, sir.

This is ridiculous, man.

How the hell is anybody supposed
to walk around in these things?

I don't know, John, I think you
look good in skinny jeans.

If I wanted to scratch
my balls right now,

I would have to reach
in my back pocket.

Yeah, well, at least
your pants are whole.

Commander, I look ridiculous.

You want to go down there
with that forehead?

Well, no, but...

Okay, let's see what else
is in the file.

We don't have a lot of specific
information on this society.

Traditional sargas four
headwear, various styles.


There you go.
That's better.

John, what do you think?

I dig it.
I like the whole thing.

If Andy got a look at you
right now,

he'd be kickin' himself
for dumpin' you.

I dumped him, let's be clear
about that.

My god, you guys look like
unemployed backup dancers.

You want to lead this
landing party?

No, I'm too shy
to wear a crop top.

Don't forget this.

Sargas four
is a capitalist culture.

What is it?

-It's money.
-What do you do with it?

You give it to people,
and they give you stuff,

-or they do stuff.
-That's weird.

There's gonna be a lot of weird
surprises down there,

so everyone's gonna have
to stay alert.

Claire... I'm sure Lewis
is fine.

It's probably just faulty

I appreciate that, captain.

Lewis and I worked together
a long time ago,

but I always remember him being
very resourceful.

I know he's okay.

All right.

Now, remember, you go in,

you locate the anthropologists,
you bring 'em back.

You leave as tiny a footprint
as you can on that society.

No interference.

If, god forbid, something's
happened to our people,

you get out of there fast, you
report back here. Understood?

-All right, good luck.

Oh, and, alara,

do something about
that nose, will you?

Aye, sir.

Why are you sitting like that?

It's these friggin' jeans.

If I leaned back right now,
I'd give myself a vasectomy.

Engage cloak.

Engaging cloak.

Hey, jerris.
Good to see you back.

Oh, thanks, man.

I think that was probably
the worst flu I ever had.

Well, hey, looks like
you lost a few pounds.

You know, I'll take it.

Oh, look at that.

How nice is your grandma, huh?

How much does she love you?

Thank you, grandma.

Oh, you are so welcome,
dear one.

What do you give to grandma?

-Thank you, honey.
-Aw, good girl.

That's it.

-Watch it, dude!

I'm really sorry.
I wasn't looking.

Look at this place.

My god, it's incredible how
similar it is to old earth.

Yeah, maybe there's
a "bustin jieber"

walkin' around somewhere.

Grayson to Orville.

Orville here.

-You reading me?
-Loud and clear.

Good. We'll stay on this
frequency and contact you

when we have an update.
Grayson out.

All right, here you go.

Have a good day.

-Kelly: Hi. Yeah, hi.
-Can I help you?

We were wondering,
if by any chance, you've seen

either of these two men.

What's this, a joke?

No, it's not.

Do you know them?

Yeah, I know who they are.

Do you know where
we can find them?

Well, they used to hang out
at the cafe up the street.

Hey, where are your badges?

We're not police officers,
if that's what you're asking.

Well, you sure as hell
are gonna get arrested

without your badges.

Mine broke,
so I figured I'd wait

for the new version to come out.

Actually, we lost them.

I can sell you a set of four,

all pre-loaded
with 200,000 upvotes.

That's... that's great, thanks.

They're all odd numbers, with
a couple of downvotes included,

so it doesn't seem fake.

40 lods.

-I'm sorry?
-Come on!

-The money.
-Oh. Oh, right. Sorry.


-Now, about the two men.
-Go on,

get the hell outta here--
you want to get me busted?

Come on, let's go check out
the cafe.

What are these things?

I don't know,
but everybody's wearing 'em.

Look around you.

Hey, alara,

maybe you can find
a guy here, huh?

Brand-new planet, nobody knows
your dating history.

What the hell does that mean?

Nothin'. It's just that
you've gone through

two guys in two months.

Well, I told you, it's just
really hard to find a guy

who doesn't get insecure
about my abilities.

Is that the only reason
you dumped Andy?

Mostly, but also...

He danced weird.

-Weird how?

Too grindy.

A little grindy can be good.

Yeah, but this was
really grindy.

Wait, what's-what's too grindy?

Right, like,
is-is this too grindy?

What the hell are you doing?

Is this too grindy

or not grindy enough?

-Lieutenant, stop it.
-This is it, right?

This is that goldilocks grind.

Where the grind is just right.

Lieutenant, knock it off
right now. That's an order.

All right, all right.
I was just trying to help out.

What part of inconspicuous
don't you understand?

There's the cafe, come on.

And there's great concern about
the level of contamination

due to industrial waste
in the south madaka reservoir.

But you can't deny facts.
74% of the population

has voted that assessment false.

I mean, facts are facts.

Have a nice day.

Hi, I'd just like a cup of tea,

Read the sign.

all I want is a cup of tea.

I've been to a dozen cafes
all over town...

No exceptions.

Most of these are from
my 20s.

I'm a completely
different person, and...

Look, if you don't
get out of here right now,

I'm going to call the police.

-Hi. Can I help you?
-I hope so.

We're looking for two men
who've been seen here.

Hi. I'm lysella.

Hey, I'm John.

How's it going?

Oh, god, that was too forward,
wasn't it?

Was that too forward?

Nah. No.

I was just saying

I wish somebody
would poke me today.

What happened to your nose?

It's a deviated septum.

She's a coke addict.

Ma'am, have you seen either
of these two men?

You're kidding me, right?

Everybody knows these guys.

Why does everyone know them?

They got corrected,
like a month ago.

What do you mean by corrected?

Man : Breaking news...

-Oh, my god.
-John, your badge.

Oh, my god, what did you do?

- Commander, look.
- Man : Again,

what you are seeing here
is a man

performing what appears to be

a lewd act on a statue
of mella giffenden.

This was recorded just a few
minutes ago and uploaded.

The feed is understandably

not happy about it,

and voting has already begun.

The badge code has been

so get out those mobile devices
and cast your vote now.

Oh, my god,
you're already above 500,000.

You need to
get out of here, now.

-Wait, what does that mean?
-Get out of here. Now! Go!

Come on, let's go.


Hey, that's the guy!

-What's going on here?

Grayson to Orville.

-Mercer here, go ahead.
-Captain, there's something

going on down here.
Some kind of social hysteria

surrounding lieutenant lamarr.

Show some respect
for your country, jerk.

Hey, chill out.

Kelly, what's happening?

John dry-humped a statue.


Get out of the way!

We got to get out of here now.

I'll contact you
from the shuttle.

Grayson out.

Get out of the way.

We got to move, guys. Come on.

-Come on, let's move.
-Get out of the way.


Come on, we gotta move.

Hold it right there!

You're under arrest.

Exactly what did your navigator
do down there?

I'm told he dry-humped a statue.

Oh, my god.

What kind of ship are you
running out there, captain?

Look, admiral,
he's an impulsive guy, yes,

but he's fantastic at his job.

Part of his job
is to maintain a low profile

when observing lesser-developed
alien cultures.

I-i know that, and I promise
it will not happen again.

I will personally order him..

Not to hump things,
but in the meantime,

request clearance
to extract him.

Absolutely not.

Look, sir,
just hear me out on this, okay?

Let's say we reveal ourselves.

We go in there,
we tell them what happened.

This is a culture at the 21st
century level of development.

of extraterrestrial life

could unify them
in a profound way.

Or it could plunge them
into a panic,

or some worse degree
of upheaval.

I'm sorry, captain.

Your man screwed up.

He's going to have to play
by their rules.

Tucker out.

Sorry to keep you waiting, John.

Is it "John"?

Yeah. That's-that's right.

That's an unusual name.

Is it kelvic?

Yeah. Sure.



You've gotten yourself in a bit
of a situation, haven't you?

I don't know. You tell me.

Last time I checked,

you only arrest someone
if they've committed a crime.

Uh-huh. And what would you call
a million downvotes?

Look man, I just danced
with a statue, that's all.

Why don't you start
by telling me

your version of what happened,

-from the beginning. -If I told
it from the beginning,

you'd crap your pants
and pass out.

Trust me, I've heard it all.

There's nothing you can say
that will shock me.

Want to bet?

Look, I'm just here to help you.

Are you supposed to be
my lawyer or something?

-Your what?
-My lawyer.

I'm not familiar with that term.

You know, with everything
I've seen today,

I'm not the least bit surprised.

I'm your publicity officer.

I'm here to help guide you
through your apology tour.

Okay, wait. Now I'm really lost.

What the hell is that?

You-you don't know
what an apology tour is?

John, they happen every day.

How can you not be aware of...

Let's say I'm not aware, okay?

Let's say, right,

I'm the dumbest
son of a bitch you've ever met.

Now with that in mind,

why don't you explain
my situation to me?


You performed
a disrespectful act

on a statue commemorating
frontier hero mella giffenden.

It was caught on video and
uploaded to the master feed.

You received over one million
downvotes from the public,

which makes what you did
a crime against the state.

You will now begin
an apology tour,

during which the people
will vote on whether or not

they believe your sincerity.

If your downvotes remain
under ten million,

you'll be free to go.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Wait. I'm sorry...

All that crap you just said,

that-that's real?

Aw, you got to be kidding me.

That's how
the justice system works.

Which I think you know.

Okay, wait, so...

Uh, what happens
if they don't believe me?

You will undergo
social correction

to prevent future

What's that,
social correction?

You will receive

a series of neurological

to pacify any and all
potentially negative impulses.

Okay, now I ain't laughing.

Mercer to Grayson.

What's the latest?

No change, captain.

We're waiting for them
to bring him out.

Ed: I still want to know
how the hell

a member of my crew
let this happen.

It was my fault.

I take full responsibility.

Do you have any idea
how bad this is?

Ed, I'll fix it. I promise.

No surprise,

the admiral denied us clearance
to extract him.

So, what are we up against?

This whole society
seems to operate

on some kind of points system.

I mean, these badges
everyone wears,

the feed on every wall,

-John's arrest...
-Okay. Your guy's here.

You got five minutes.

Okay, they just brought him out.
I got to go.

I'll contact you when I can.
Grayson out.

Lieutenant, are you okay?

Yeah, I'm all right.
But, commander, t-this is crazy.

They want me to do
some kind of apology tour

that's supposed to decide
if I'm guilty or not.

Well, that fits right in
with everything else

about this place.

I don't suppose the Orville
could send down an armed party

and we just blast
our way out of here.

The captain couldn't get
clearance from the union.

We're gonna have to work
within the laws of this society.

Is the captain mad?

Well, he's more mad at me.


Listen, uh,
they said I could take

one person with me on the tour.

I'd like it to be you.

Of course. I'll do
everything I can to help.

We're gonna get you
out of this, don't worry.


Did they tell you
what happens if you lose?

It doesn't sound good.

They put you through
some kind of brain fry

that's supposed to get rid
of all the bad stuff.

This is a 21st century level

They don't have
the medical sophistication

to do that safely.

Commander, he could end up
a mental vegetable.

-Hey, I'm a spaceman! You got
to let me out of here! -Shh!

-I'm a spaceman! Hey! -Don't
make this worse for yourself.

Come on.

Okay, let's say...

Let's say he loses.

Would you be able to reverse
any damage to his brain?

I don't know.

I'd have to examine someone
who's had the procedure.

The question is, who?

The missing anthropologists.

Remember the girl from the cafe
said that they'd been corrected.

-They must've done something.
-That makes sense.

Everyone we talked to
seemed to recognize them.

What in the hell
could they have done?

Lewis isn't exactly the type
to hump a statue.

We've got to locate those men.

I'm sorry, John,
i got to pull you away.

The chat needs you on set
in 20 minutes.

The chat?

Yep. Put your game face on.

Here we go.

Now remember,
humility is the key.

You're extremely ashamed
of your lack of judgment,

and you're prepared
to accept society's verdict

with wholehearted respect.

And don't forget
to mention the donation.

I got it, all right?

Believe me, I'm gonna just

go out there and kiss ass.

Yeah, but not too much.

If they think you're pandering,

they'll smell it.

Just be yourself, but be humble.

- Woman: Okay, welcome back
to the chat. -

It is voting time,
and today we've got one

I'm sure you're all aware of.

Have you guys seen this video
of the guy with the statue?

It's pretty disgraceful.

This man was caught on video

simulating a sexual act

with a statue
of mella giffenden,

and it has justifiably
angered a lot of people.

We have the video here.

Let's take a look.

Is it too grindy
or not grindy enough?


And that's not even how I do
sex. I was-i was just dancing.

Um... humility.

Oh, wow,

that is just horrible.

Totally agree.
Look at the master feed.

Everybody's talking about it.

"He has no respect for
his nation," says one person.

"We don't need people like that
in our society," says another.

"Correct him now."

Obviously, people are

very passionate about this,
so let's bring him out.

Ladies and gentlemen,
John lamarr.

Okay, go.

-I just had to do that.
-Good girl.

Okay, so let's
get straight to it,

because everybody wants to know

why would you do something
so blatantly

demeaning to the image
of someone who is

so universally respected
by our country?

Well, I deeply regret
my actions,

and I'm very, very sorry
and it will not happen again.


I don't know.

Does he sound sorry?

-I don't think so.
-John: No, i-i am.

I-i really am.

I had a momentary lapse
in judgment,

and I'm aware
that I caused offense

to a great many people
and I sincerely apologize.

I'm not even that kind of guy.

Grayson to Orville.
Are you watching?

We're seeing it.

I like soda.

I'm a good driver.

Who would need such a large cup?

Ed: Kelly, what the hell
kind of circus is this?

You're telling me
this is their legal process?

We haven't seen evidence
of any codified legal framework.

I mean, it all
seems subject to public vote

at any given time.

Captain, what she is describing

is an absolute,
unstructured democracy.

There is no record of any
previously discovered society

operating in such a fashion.

Government by American idol.

What is American idol?

That was a form of entertainment
from old earth.

People competed to see who had
the best singing voice.


I don't know.

It was a dark time.

I sing.

Okay, I just want
to jump in here.

You know, we talk to a lot of
different people on this show

and I got to say, your apology
sounds very rehearsed.

Yeah, it does.

Do something.

I can't. It's up to him.

N-no, no, i-i swear to god.

I-I'm so, so completely sorry.

N-no bs.

I-i even donated

to the mella giffendon
foundation for jacked-up kids.

The foundation
for disadvantaged children.

Right. That's-that's the one.

Uh, I gave a whole bunch
of money.


How many lods?

-Oh, so many lods.
-How many?

I just walked in there
and I made it rain lods.

I was like, boom.

-Lods for ev...
-Carris: I have a question.

Can you tell us
what mella giffendon did

that made her such a hero?

-Oh, no.

We didn't cover this.

She was... she did
a lot of things,

a lot of good things.

Th-that's why there's a statue.

Y-y-y-you don't get
a statue just sitting around.

She got up, she got out,

and she did what's what

and that's why there's a statue.

Name one thing she did.

She saved the whale forests.

He can't even name one thing.

Oh, my god.
How about leading

an entire settlement
of pioneers, for one.

Carris : Okay,
i think we've heard enough.

-Let's vote. Shall we vote?

Yeah. Let's vote.

Hoshel : All
right, let's get his badge info

up there on the screen.

Okay. There it is.

Studio audience and you folks
at home, cast your votes.

Dude, I got to say,
this is creepy.

I mean it.
This is creepy as hell.

All right.

Let's see where we're at.

It's okay.

He's got more shows to do.

You think she'll help us?

Alara: They had to have a base
of operations somewhere.

She's the only one who might
be able to give us a lead.

There you go.

Oh, hey, guys.

I am so, so sorry
about what happened.

Well, thank you.

We're optimistic
that he'll be okay.


John. Our friend
who got arrested.

You're kidding me, right?

Oh, my...

No, screw that guy.

Why would you ever want
to talk to him again?

I mean, he got
a million downvotes.

Right, yes, and that's bad.

I-i mean, it's like

-you never really know somebody,
you know? -Alara: Mm.

I actually thought he was cute
when he first came in here.

Ugh, god, that makes
my skin crawl.

Mine, too.
Really, really gross guy.

Listen, lysella, about our
friends who got corrected...

Oh, my god, that's right.

Holy crap, you guys have had
a really bad month, huh?

We were wondering if you might
know where they were based,

like if they had
a residence nearby?

Hey. Why are you wearing that?

-Yeah, you.

Take that neffolo off.

I'm sorry, the what?

You're not kelvic.

That's traditional
kelvic headwear.

It's not a hat.

Oh, no.

Uh, I...

-I can't.

I have the deepest respect
for your place of origin,

but I can't take this off.

You're literally pissing
on my heritage by wearing that.

I have a really bad rash
under here.

It's disgusting.
You'd throw up, so...

I think you're lying.

Prove it

or they're all gonna upload.

Uh, you know what?

You are absolutely right.

We're gonna go
and take it off right now.

Come on, alara.
We're very sorry.

Claire, what am I gonna do?

-Go on, take it off.

Take it off.

The seamstress is in the house.

-What are you doing?
-I'm making you a wrap.

Not super fashionable,
but it'll cover

that washboard forehead
of yours.

-Wow, full-service doctor.
-You know it.

Hey, um, that guy's gone

if you guys want to...

New problem.

-Alara: No!
-Claire: No!

-No, no, no, no! It's okay.
-Come on. It's okay.

-It's okay. You're fine.
-All right?

You're okay.

We're not gonna hurt you.

What are you?

We are two very nice people

who are gonna buy you a drink.

Feeling better?

I-i just can't believe

that this is actually happening.

I mean, you guys really are
from another planet?

Well, two different planets,

Claire is from a place
called earth

and I'm from a planet
called xelayan.

So, can you guys,
like, do stuff?

Like sh**t lasers
out of your eyes or anything?

I can do this.

Oh, whoa.

Lysella, we need your help.

The two men you saw in the
pictures that we showed you,

they're like us-- they came here
to study your planet.

We need to find them.

Wait, those guys
were aliens, too?

Yes. Do you know
what happened to them?

Uh, they were on a subtrain

and there was a pregnant woman
standing behind them

because all the seats
were taken.

Somebody took a picture. Here.

I'll show you.

They didn't get up
and offer the seat.

The picture was uploaded
to the master feed

and then they got downvoted.

It looks like
they just didn't see her.

Doesn't matter.
The people decided.

That was always Lewis.

Nose buried so deep in his work,

he never had a clue
what was going on around him.

Lysella: But, uh,
there is something else.

One of them tried to escape
before he was corrected.

He got k*lled.

-Which one?
-I don't remember.

Lysella, where do they send
people who have been corrected?

They send them home.

I think your friends once told
me they lived on kappala street.

These are Lewis's
research notes.



Lewis, thank god.
Are you all right?

I am well.

Don't you recognize me?

It's Claire.

Of course. Claire.

You look healthy and happy.

Lewis, I need to know.

What did they do to you?

I did something terrible
and then I was corrected.

I'm better now.

I'm healthier and happier.

I have to get him
back to the ship.

-John, do you have any talents
i should know about? -What?

Can you dance
or play an instrument?

What the hell does that
have to do with anything?

Um, look, we're not doing
too well here.

We should have a lot fewer
downvotes and we don't.

But people tend
to be more sympathetic,

more forgiving of a crime,
if the perpetrator has talent.

That makes them more likable,
more relatable.

Hmm. Uh, I can drink
an entire bottle of Tequila

and say the alphabet.

Just go out there with a lot
of positive energy.

Get the audience on your side.

All right, ladies and gentlemen.

My next guest is a guy

you've all seen or heard about
on the feed.

His actions speak
for themselves.

Here's John lamarr.

Hey, hey, hey.

All right. Okay.

You know, I got to say,
I'm surprised by that entrance.

You liked it?

You're in a lot of trouble

for doing something
extremely disrespectful

and not only did you
dance out here

acting like it's nothing,

but you struck several members
of the audience.

For god's sake, willks, what
the hell are you trying to do?

Hey, I'm giving
this my best shot here.

Now, this job entails
a lot of guesswork.

Lewis, is there anything you can
tell us about that planet

that might help us repair
the damage they did to you?

There is no damage.

I am healthy and happy.

But what about tom?

Lewis, they k*lled him.

My god, his family.

Please tell tom's family

I wish them great happiness
and good health.

Captain, it's like
he's been lobotomized.

There's nothing I can do.

The brain damage is too severe.

Sir, we can't let them
do this to John.

Host : Okay,
it is voting time, audience,

and you folks at home.

Here we go.

Do you believe John's apology?

Sound off now.

Damn it.

Now what?

Well, that's it.

Now he goes back to detention to
wait for the final summary vote.

And then?

Well, if he stays
below ten million downvotes

before the tour window elapses,

he's fine.

But, honestly, I've never seen
anyone above nine million

at this stage
who came out uncorrected.

I'm sorry, Kelly.

Grayson to Orville.

Mercer here. Go ahead.

Captain, what's the latest
from Claire?

She can't repair the damage.

Then John is in big trouble.

We need some kind
of an inside advantage.

What can we do?

The admiral said that

we couldn't send anyone in,

but he never said
we couldn't pull someone out.

Claire, what's the name of your
little friend down there?


We're gonna bring her
aboard the Orville.

Oh, my... god.

It's incredible.

It's so big.

The Orville's only midsize.

You should see
the heavy cruisers.

I'll just hang onto that
until we take you home.

But nobody's gonna believe me
if I don't have pictures.


We're sorry to turn your world
upside down like this,

but we need your help.

Believe me,
this is the coolest thing

that has ever happened to me.

What are they again?

Commander bortus is a member
of a species called moclan.

I am an artificial

from a planet called kaylon.


Bortus, can you make a note?

We should have, like,
pretzels and water and stuff

on the table
when people come in here.

-Noted, captain.
I will not fail you. -Great.

Lysella, what can you tell us
about your planet that might

help us figure out
a way to save John?

Your world is...

Hard to get a handle on.

How so?

Well, the voting and rating.

Those badges--
you all wear them?

Yeah. You get one
when you turn 18,

and then, you wear it
for the rest of your life.

It's how we can tell
who's good and who's bad.

So this is
an absolute democracy?

Yeah. How does your world work?

We select representatives
who discuss issues

and enact laws.

But what about everybody else?

Everybody deserves a voice.

That's what we're taught.

A voice should be earned,

not given away.

How do you know...

What foods are healthiest
for your children,

or what medicine to take
if you're sick?

-We vote.
-Isaac: I believe

you are confusing opinion
with knowledge.

I think what he's asking is,
with so many voices at once,

how do you filter out the truth?

Well, my dad always says,
"the majority are the truth."

I mean, you always know
what the majority wants.

That's what matters.

Well, you always know
what the mob wants, too.

And right now, the mob wants
to lobotomize my navigator.

Now, there must be
some way to...

Influence the mass perception
before it's too late.

Well... everybody reads
the master feed.

What's the master feed?

It's a continuously streaming
opinion feed.

We saw them everywhere.

Could this... feed turn
the public tide in John's favor?

Well, yeah,
but everybody uses the feed.

I mean, how are you gonna get
millions of people

to change their minds?

I believe I have a suggestion.

Oh, hell, no. Hell, no.

-Y'all not putting me in that
thing! Get off me! -Hey.

-Hey, take it easy!
-Hey! Hey!

Um, tell me they got this!

-How much time?
-Final vote begins

in... seven minutes.

Grayson to Orville.
We're running out of time.

Stand by.
Isaac, what's your status?

I have gained access

-to the master feed.
-Ed: All right, lysella,

what kind of stuff would
endear him to your people?

Um,... you could say he supports
his grandmother financially.

-Do it. -But make sure
you word it right.

Like say,
"oh, my god, I just found out

John lamarr supports
his 90-year-old grandmother."

Flooding the feed
with 20 million entries.

How can you do that?

-Babe. Spaceship.
-All right, what else?

If he was an overweight kid,
that would help.

Access childhood image of John.

Ugh. Crap, that's no good.
Isaac, can you make him fatter?

That's better.

People will like him now.

Flooding the feed
with the image.

The entries are spreading
and multiplying.

People are sharing them.

What if people try
to corroborate

all this information?

Don't worry. They won't.

Final vote has begun.

Ed, we're out of time.

-What else?
We need something else! -Um...

No, no, no, no, no, no. No!

No. Come on! No!

Tell them he has slain
many enemies in battle.

Or you could just say
he's a veteran.

What if he has a dog
named chuckles?

Yes, that's great.
People love those videos

of soldiers reuniting
with their pets.

Access military attire for the
planet and simulate the video.

--Oh, chuckles.
Oh, chuckles, come here!

Yeah. Yeah!

Oh, my god, chuckles,

I missed you so much!
I'm so happy

to be reunited with you.

Oh, chuckles, I missed you
when I was at w*r.

That's tuggin'
at these heartstrings.

Flood the feed with that.

I don't believe it.

John, you won!

You're damn right I won!

Now get this crap off of me,
you crazy sons of b*tches!

According to the feed,

lieutenant lamarr
has escaped punishment.

Come on, John.
Let's get you out of here.

-Real quick,

I just want to say,
all y'all can suck ass,

and I'm a spaceman.


Lysella, thank you.

No. Thank you for...

Letting me see all of this.

I just wish
i could tell somebody.

Well, maybe all you need
to tell them is that

their world can do better.

Man : I think I speak for
all of our viewers when I say

that what you have done is
shocking to say the least.

But, of course,
that's for the people to decide.

That's all the time
we have for today.

Don't forget to cast your votes,
and we'll see you tomorrow.