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02x02 - Tooth and Claw

Posted: 04/24/06 12:47
by bunniefuu

A horse and carriage makes its way across a windy field, bells ringing.


A procession of Monks walk into the yard of an old house. A man, the Steward, notices Father Angelo walking towards him, taking his hood off. He goes to meet him.

THE STEWARD: Come now, Father. You should know better. You're not welcome here, and especially not today. I've got no time to start old arguments.

FATHER ANGELO: We want only one thing.

THE STEWARD: And what would that be?

FATHER ANGELO (looking up at it): This house.

THE STEWARD (following his gaze): You want the house?

FATHER ANGELO: We will take the house.

THE STEWARD (sarcastically): Would you like my wife while you're at it?

FATHER ANGELO: If you won't stand aside, then we'll take it by force.

THE STEWARD (skeptically): By what power? The Hand of God?

FATHER ANGELO: No. The Fist of Man.

He suddenly thrusts a staff into the Steward's stomach, knocking him to the ground. He kicks him across the yard and then signals for his Monks to drop their cloaks. They are wearing bright red clothing beneath. They swing their own staffs and a fast martial arts sequence follows, Matrix style, as the Monks proceed to fight against the household staff. When they are done with the men in the yard, they run into the house and capture the maids in the kitchen. Some of the Monks run upstairs and into a bedroom, where Sir Robert is knocked out.


When the Steward comes around, he is in what appears to be a barn, chained up with all the household staff and the Lady of the House. The door is wrenched open by one of the Monks.

THE STEWARD: In the Name of Heaven...

He turns and spots Lady Isobel.

THE STEWARD (CONT'D) (surprised): My Lady?

Several of the Monks drag a cage covered in a tarpaulin. They leave it at the opposite end of the barn.

THE STEWARD (CONT'D): What's in there? What is it, what's under the canvas?

Father Angelo takes a few steps towards the cage, staring as if enchanted and does not answer.

THE STEWARD (CONT'D) (urgently): Father, answer me. What's in there?

Father Angelo turns to him, a haunted look in his eye.

FATHER ANGELO: May God forgive me.

He and the Monks rip the tarpaulin off the cage and the prisoners scream.



Inside the TARDIS, the Doctor appears holding a CD, whilst Rose finishes zipping her bag up and shoves it out of the way. She stands, showing the Doctor what she is wearing (a rather short dungaree skirt).

ROSE: What do you think of this? Will it do?

THE DOCTOR: In the late 1970s? You'd be better off in a bin bag. Hold on, listen to this.

He bungs the CD in the player and 'Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick' by Ian Dury and the Blockheads blares out.

THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) (wandering around the controls): Ian Dury and the Blockheads. Number One in 1979.

ROSE: You're a Punk!

THE DOCTOR (singing along): It's good to be a lunatic...

ROSE: That's what you are. A big old Punk with a bit of Rockabillly thrown in.

THE DOCTOR: Would you like to see him?

ROSE (mouth open): How'd you mean? In concert?

THE DOCTOR: What else is a TARDIS for?

They're doing a funky little dance around the console.

THE DOCTOR (CONT'D): I can take you to the Battle of Trafalgar... the first anti-gravity Olympics... Caesar crossing the Rubicon... or... Ian Dury at the Top Rank, Sheffield, England, Earth, 21st November, 1979. What do you think?

ROSE: Sheffield it is!

THE DOCTOR: Hold on tight.

He pulls a lever and they both lurch forward as the TARDIS shudders and spins through the Vortex. The Doctor whacks the console with a hammer to the beat of the music, shouting.

ROSE: Stop!

The movement stops and they both fall on the floor, laughing their heads off.

THE DOCTOR (standing up): 1979. Hell of a year!

He pulls Rose to her feet and they bound towards the doors.

THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) (grabbing his jacket): China invades Vietnam... The Muppet Movie! Love that film. Margaret Thatcher... urgh... Skylab falls to Earth... with a little help from me... nearly took off my thumb.


The Doctor steps out of the doors, Rose behind him.

THE DOCTOR (CONT'D): I like my thumb. I need my thumb. I'm very attached to...

He falters as he notices that they are surrounded by Scottish soldiers on all sides, g*ns raised. He puts his hands up and Rose follows suit.

THE DOCTOR (CONT'D): ... my thumb.

The g*ns click ominously.

THE DOCTOR (with realization): 1879. Same difference.

CAPTAIN REYNOLDS: You will explain your presence. And the nakedness of this girl.

Rose looks down at herself.

THE DOCTOR (Scottish accent): Are we in Scotland?

CAPTAIN REYNOLDS: How can you be ignorant of that?

THE DOCTOR: Oh, I'm... I'm dazed and confused. I've been chasing this... this wee naked child over hill and over dale. In't that right, ya... timorous beastie?

ROSE (with an absolutely hilariously terrible attempt at a Scottish accent): Ooch, aye! I've been oot and aboot.

THE DOCTOR: No, don't do that.

ROSE: Hoots mon!

THE DOCTOR: No, really don't. Really.

CAPTAIN REYNOLDS: Will you identify yourself, sir?

THE DOCTOR: I'm Doctor James McCrimmon. From the... Township of Balamory. Eh... I have my credentials, if I may...

He gestures towards his pocket and the Captain nods. They both lower their hands whilst he fumbles in his pocket and produces the psychic paper. He shows it to them.

THE DOCTOR (CONT'D): As you can see, a Doctorate from the University of Edinburgh. I trained under Doctor Bell himself.

A WOMAN (from the carriage): Let them approach.

CAPTAIN REYNOLDS (still suspicious): I don't think that's wise, ma'am.

THE WOMAN: Let them approach.

The Doctor gestures towards the carriage, the Captain has no choice but to let them approach.

CAPTAIN REYNOLDS: You will approach the carriage. And show all due deference.

The Doctor does an 'aye aye, Captain' sort of signal, and he and Rose approach the carriage. One of the footmen opens the door to reveal Queen Victoria.

THE DOCTOR: Rose... might I introduce her Majesty Queen Victoria. Empress of India and Defender of the Faith.

ROSE (curtseying): Rose Tyler, Ma'am. And my apologies... for being so naked.

She laughs nervously.

QUEEN VICTORIA: I've had five daughters. It's nothing to me. But you, Doctor... show me these credentials.

The Doctor obligingly hands the psychic paper over, and the Queen studies it for a moment.

QUEEN VICTORIA (CONT'D): Why didn't you say so immediately? It states clearly here that you have been appointed by the Lord Provost as my Protector.

THE DOCTOR: Does it? Yes, it does! Good! Good! Um.. then let me ask... Why is Your Majesty travelling by road when there's a train all the way to Aberdeen?

QUEEN VICTORIA: A tree on the line.

THE DOCTOR: An accident?

QUEEN VICTORIA: I am the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Everything around me tends to be planned.

THE DOCTOR: An assassination attempt?

ROSE: What, seriously? There's people out to k*ll ya?

QUEEN VICTORIA: I'm quite used to staring down the barrel of a g*n.

CAPTAIN REYNOLDS (on his horse, behind them): Sir Robert MacLeish lives but ten miles hence. We'll send word ahead, he'll shelter us for tonight, then we can reach Balmoral tomorrow.

QUEEN VICTORIA: This Doctor and his... timorous beastie will come with us.

CAPTAIN REYNOLDS: Yes, Ma'am. We'd better get moving, it's almost nightfall.

QUEEN VICTORIA: Indeed. And there are stories of wolves in these parts. Fanciful tales intended to scare the children. But good for the blood, I think. Drive on!

Rose grins at the Doctor and they go on their way. Rose and the Doctor walk behind the carriage.

ROSE: It's funny though, 'cos you say "assassination" and you just think of Kennedy and stuff. Not her.

THE DOCTOR: 1879... she's had... oo... six attempts on her life? And I'll tell you something else: we just met Queen Victoria!

ROSE (excitedly): I know!

THE DOCTOR: What a laugh!

ROSE: She was just sitting there!

THE DOCTOR: Like a stamp.

ROSE: I want her to say (She puts on an affected upper-classed accent): "We are not amused". I bet you five quid I can make her say it.

THE DOCTOR: Well, if I gambled on that, it'd be an abuse of my privileges of traveller in time.

ROSE: ... Ten quid?



The carriage pulls into Torchwood House.


Sir Robert watches the carriage approach from an upstairs window, looking extremely uneasy.

SIR ROBERT: I can't do this. It's treason.

FATHER ANGELO (appearing behind him): Then your wife will suffer the consequences. And believe me, Sir Robert... she will be devoured.

Sir Robert closes his eyes, helpless.


One of the footmen opens the door of the carriage and helps Queen Victoria down. Sir Robert emerges from a doorway and approaches her, Father Angelo behind him.

SIR ROBERT: Your Majesty.

He bows.

QUEEN VICTORIA: Sir Robert. My apologies for the emergency. And how is Lady Isobel?

SIR ROBERT: She's... indisposed, I'm afraid. She's gone to Edinburgh for the season. And she's taken the cook with her, the kitchens are barely stocked... I wouldn't blame Your Majesty if you wanted to ride on.

The Doctor cocks his head to one side, watching him, recognizing that Sir Robert would rather the Queen stayed away.

QUEEN VICTORIA (cheerfully): Oh, not at all! I've had quite enough carriage exercise. And this is... charming. If rustic. It's my first visit to this house. My late husband spoke of it often. The Torchwood Estate. Now, shall we go inside?

Sir Robert is evidently reluctant, but the Queen does not notice.

QUEEN VICTORIA (CONT'D): And please excuse the naked girl.

ROSE: Sorry.

THE DOCTOR: She's a feral child. I bought her for sixpence in old London Town. It was her or the Elephant Man, so...

ROSE: Thinks he's funny but I'm so not amused.

She looks pointedly at Queen Victoria.

ROSE (CONT'D): What do you think, Ma'am?

QUEEN VICTORIA: It hardly matters. Shall we proceed?

Sir Robert nods and they begin to make their way into the house.

ROSE (to the Doctor): So close.

CAPTAIN REYNOLDS: Makerson and Ramsey, you will escort the Property. Hurry up.

SOLDIER 1: Yes, sir.

SOLDIER 2: Yes, sir.

One of the soldiers takes a small wooden box from the carriage and carries it carefully to the house.

THE DOCTOR (interested): What's in there, then?

CAPTAIN REYNOLDS: Property of the Crown. You will dismiss any further thoughts, sir.

The Doctor pulls a face to Rose.

CAPTAIN REYNOLDS (CONT'D): The rest of you go to the rear of the house. Assume your designated positions.

SOLDIER: You heard the orders. Positions, sir.

The Doctor nods towards the house and he and Rose follow the others. The prisoners watch the shadows go past the door, fear in their eyes. The Host raises a finger to his lips and makes a "shushing" sound.


One of the soldiers places the wooden box carefully inside a safe.

CAPTAIN REYNOLDS: Guard it with your life.

The door is shut.


Sir Robert enters the Observatory, followed by the Queen, Rose, the Doctor, Father Angelo and two of the Monks (who are disguised as household staff). There is what looks like an enormous telescope in the middle of the room.

QUEEN VICTORIA: This, I take it, is the famous Endeavour.

SIR ROBERT: All my father's work. Built by hand in his final years. Became something of an obsession... he spent his money on this rather than caring for the house or himself.

THE DOCTOR (smiling): I wish I'd met him, I like him. That thing's beautiful. Can I um...?

He gestures towards it.

SIR ROBERT: Help yourself.

The Doctor and Rose move forward to examine the telescope and the wheel next to it.

THE DOCTOR: What did he model it on?

SIR ROBERT: I know nothing about it. To be honest, most of us thought him a little... shall we say, eccentric.

The Doctor gives a dopey laugh.

SIR ROBERT (CONT'D): I wish now I'd spent more time with him. And listened to his stories.

He glances at the Queen.

THE DOCTOR (peering through it): It's a bit rubbish.

Rose turns, grinning.

THE DOCTOR (CONT'D): How many prisms has it got? Way too many. The magnification's gone right over the top, that's stupid kind of a... (Quietly, to Rose): Am I being rude again?

ROSE: Yep.

THE DOCTOR (quickly): But it's pretty! It's very... pretty.

Rose pats him fondly on the arm.

QUEEN VICTORIA: And the imagination of it should be applauded.

ROSE: Mm! Thought you might disapprove, Your Majesty. Stargazing. Isn't that a bit fanciful?

Queen Victoria stares at her.

ROSE (CONT'D): You could easily... not be amused, or something...? No?

QUEEN VICTORIA: This device surveys the infinite work of God.

The Doctor shakes his head at Rose with a vague smile on his face.

QUEEN VICTORIA (CONT'D): What could be finer? Sir Robert's father was an example to us all. A polymath. Steeped in astronomy and sciences, yet equally well versed in folklore and fairytales.

THE DOCTOR: Stars and magic. I like him more and more.

He wanders around the telescope to examine it some more.

QUEEN VICTORIA: Oh, my late husband enjoyed his company. (To Rose): Prince Albert himself was acquainted with many rural superstitions, coming as he did from Saxe Coburg.

THE DOCTOR (in Roses's ear): That's Bavaria.

QUEEN VICTORIA (turning to Sir Robert): When Albert was told about your local wolf, he was transported.

THE DOCTOR: So, what's this wolf, then?

SIR ROBERT: It's just a story.

THE DOCTOR: Then tell it.

Sir Robert glances around at Father Angelo very uncomfortably.

SIR ROBERT (haltingly): It's said that...

FATHER ANGELO: Excuse me, sir. Perhaps her Majesty's party could repair to their rooms. It's almost dark.

SIR ROBERT: Of course. Yes, of course.

QUEEN VICTORIA: And then supper. And... could we find some clothes for Miss Tyler? I'm tired of nakedness.

ROSE (pointedly): It's not amusing, is it?

Queen Victoria glances around at her and decides to ignore this comment and turns back to Sir Robert. The Doctor mutters something to Rose who pokes him in the chest.

QUEEN VICTORIA: Sir Robert, your wife must've left some clothes. See to it. We shall dine at seven. And talk some more of this wolf. After all... there is a full moon tonight.

SIR ROBERT: So there is, Ma'am.

He bows, and the Queen leaves the room followed by the others.


The sun is setting over the house.


Rose goes to one of the wardrobes and opens the door, finding a brown dress which she holds up to herself in the mirror. She almost immediately puts it back.


The Monks are carefully brewing some sort of drink with mistletoe.


Rose holds a frilly blouse up to herself, laughs, and puts it back in the wardrobe.


Father Angelo gives the mugs to the soldiers standing on guard.


Rose holds a pretty blue dress up to herself and twirls around a bit.


The guards sip the brew inside the mugs.


Rose places the dress down on the bed, crosses the room and opens another wardrobe door. She screams, a young maid, Flora, is crouched inside, breathing heavily with fear.


One by one, the guards keel over, unconscious. The Monks hurry over and take their g*ns.


Rose and Flora are sitting on the bed.

FLORA (scared): They came through the house. The incitements, they took the Steward and the Master. And my Lady.

Rose squeezes her hand comfortingly.

ROSE: Listen... I've got a friend, he's called the Doctor, he'll know what to do. You've gotta come with me.

FLORA: Oh, but I can't, Miss.

ROSE: What's your name?

FLORA: Flora.

ROSE (comfortingly): Flora, we'll be safe. There's more people arrived downstairs; soldiers and everything, and they can help us. I promise. Come on. Okay? Come on.

Rose peers cautiously out of the door and seeing that the coast is clear, takes Flora's hand and leads her down the corridor. Just around the corner lies one of the unconscious guards.

FLORA: Oh, Miss. I did warn you!

Rose kneels and feels for a pulse.

ROSE: He's not dead... I don't think, he must be drugged or something.

Flora is grabbed from behind by Father Angelo and his hand stifles a scream. She is dragged away, and before Rose can react, she is also grabbed and dragged away. One of the Monks drags the guard away. Father Angelo steps over his body and goes through a door into the dining room.


FATHER ANGELO (to the Doctor): Your companion begs an apology, Doctor. Her clothing has somewhat delayed her.

THE DOCTOR: Oh, that's all right. Save her a wee bit of ham.

QUEEN VICTORIA: The feral child could probably eat it raw.

CAPTAIN REYNOLDS (laughing): Very wise, Ma'am! Very witty!

QUEEN VICTORIA (staring at him appraisingly): Slightly witty, perhaps. I know you rarely get the chance to dine with me, Captain, but don't get too excited... I shall contain my wit in case I do you further injury.

CAPTAIN REYNOLDS (meekly): Yes, Ma'am. Sorry, Ma'am.

THE DOCTOR: Besides, we're all waiting on Sir Robert! Come, Sir! You promised us a tale of nightmares.

QUEEN VICTORIA: Indeed. Since my husband's death, I find myself with more of a taste for supernatural fiction.

THE DOCTOR: You must miss him.

QUEEN VICTORIA (looking at the Doctor): Very much.

She seems to be lost in her thoughts, very sad.

QUEEN VICTORIA (CONT'D): Oh, completely. And that's the charm of a ghost story, isn't it? Not the scares and chills, that's just for children, but the... hope of some contact with the great beyond.

The Doctor is looking at her intensely.

QUEEN VICTORIA (CONT'D): We all want some message from that place... it's the Creator's greatest mystery that we are allowed no such consolation. The dead stay silent. And we must wait.

She shrugs herself out of this line of though, but the Doctor remains solemn, looking down as he is probably remembering his own people.

QUEEN VICTORIA (CONT'D): Come! Begin your tale, Sir Robert. There's a chill in the air. The wind is howling through the eaves. Tell us of monsters!


The Host is sitting quietly in his cage.

LADY ISOBEL: Don't make a sound. They said if we scream or shout, then he will slaughter us.

ROSE: But... he's in a cage. He's a prisoner. He's the same as us.

LADY ISOBEL (voice full of fear): He's nothing like us. That creature is not mortal.

The Host raises his head slowly and opens his eyes... which are completely black. Lady Isobel and her household staff whimper, and Rose stares, scared.


SIR ROBERT: The story goes back three hundred years. Every full moon, the howling rings through the valley. The next morning, livestock is found ripped apart and... devoured.

CAPTAIN REYNOLDS (comfortably): Tales like this just disguise the work of thieves. Steal a sheep and blame a wolf, simple as that.

Queen Victoria looks mildly irritated at this.

SIR ROBERT: But sometimes a child goes missing. Once in a generation. A boy will vanish from his homestead.


Rose stands. She's going to approach the Host.

LADY ISOBEL: Don't, child.

Rose ignores her. She edges slowly towards the Host, chains rattling slightly. When she's as close as the chains will allow her, she kneels.

ROSE: Who are you?

THE STEWARD: Don't enrage him.

ROSE: Where are you from? You're not from Earth. What planet are you from?

THE HOST: Ohhh... intelligence...

ROSE: Where were you born?

THE HOST: This body... ten miles away... a weakling, heartsick boy. Stolen away at night by the brethren from my cultivation. I carved out his soul and sat in his heart.


THE DOCTOR: Are there descriptions of the creature?

SIR ROBERT: Oh yes, Doctor. Drawings and woodcarvings. And it's not merely a wolf. It's more than that. This is a man who becomes an animal.

THE DOCTOR (leaning forward, intrigued): A werewolf?


ROSE: All right... so the body's human... but what about you? The thing inside?

THE HOST: So far from home.

ROSE: If you wanna get back home, we can help.

THE HOST: Why would I leave this place? A world of industry, of workforce and warfare. I could turn it to such purpose.

ROSE: How would you do that?

THE HOST: I would migrate to the Holy Monarch.

ROSE: You mean Queen Victoria?

THE HOST: With one bite, I would pass into her blood. And then it begins. The Empire of the Wolf! So many questions...

He suddenly lunges forward, making the prisoners, including Rose, jump and gasp.

THE HOST (CONT'D): Look! Inside your eyes! You've seen it too!

ROSE: Seen what?

THE HOST: The Wolf! There is something of the Wolf about you!

Rose stares at him, breathing heavily.

ROSE: I don't know what you mean.

THE HOST: You burnt like the sun, but all I require is the moon.


The moon has risen over the estate.


SIR ROBERT: My father didn't treat it as a story. He said it was fact. He even claimed to have communed with the beast, to have learned its purpose.

Father Angelo's attention is caught by something outside the window.

SIR ROBERT (CONT'D) (regretfully): I should've listened.

He glances around at Father Angelo.

SIR ROBERT (CONT'D) (speaking quickly): His work was hindered... he made enemies. There's a Monastery in the Glen of Saint Catherine. The Brethren opposed my father's investigations.

QUEEN VICTORIA: Perhaps they thought his work ungodly.

SIR ROBERT: That's what I thought. But now I wonder... what if they had a different reason for wanting the story kept quiet?

It comes to the Doctor's attention that Father Angelo is stood by the window, chanting in Latin under his breath, the same phrase, over and over again: "lupus deus est".

SIR ROBERT (CONT'D): What if they turned from God and worshipped the wolf?

THE DOCTOR (watching Father Angelo, the penny dropping...): And what if they were with us right now?


The doors of the cellar are thrown open and the moonlight floods in, over the Host's cage. He presses his face against the bars with a blissful smile.

THE HOST: Moonlight...

The prisoners shift around uncomfortably, not knowing what to make of this. The Host sheds his cloak. A wind blows through the cellar. The Host grasps the bars of the cage.

ROSE (urgently): All of you! Stop looking at it! Flora, don't look. Listen to me. Grab hold of the chain and pull!

Rose pulls on the chain.

ROSE (CONT'D): Come on! With me! Pull!

There are growling sounds emitting from the cage, and Lady Isobel is just staring at it in horror.

ROSE (CONT'D): I said pull! Stop your whining and listen to me! All of you! And that means you, your Ladyship! Now come on, pull!

They all stand and help Rose pull on the chain, trying to free it from the wall.


Father Angelo is still stood by the window, chanting. The room is chaos.

QUEEN VICTORIA: What is the meaning of this?

CAPTAIN REYNOLDS (pointing a g*n at Sir Robert): Explain yourself, Sir Robert!

QUEEN VICTORIA: What's happening...

SIR ROBERT: I'm sorry, Your Majesty, they've got my wife.

THE DOCTOR (shouting at Father Angelo, and in his concern, losing his Scottish accent): Rose! Where's Rose? Where is she?!

Father Angelo ignores him and carries on chanting.

THE DOCTOR (CONT'D): Sir Robert, come on!

They both run from the room. Captain Reynolds' g*n is pointed directly at Father Angelo.


The Host is slowly transforming into a wolf. He screams in pain as his skin bulges horribly. His screams turn into growls as he begins to look more and more like a wolf.

ROSE: .... three... Pull!

They all tug on the chain, desperately trying to free themselves. The transformation is all but complete.

ROSE (CONT'D): One... two... three... pull!


CAPTAIN REYNOLDS (to Father Angelo): Tell me, sir. I demand to know your intention!

FATHER ANGELO: Lupus deus est. Lupus deus est. Lu...

CAPTAIN REYNOLDS: What is it that you want?

Father Angelo stops chanting. He turns to Captain Reynolds, who has his g*n pointed directly at him.

FATHER ANGELO: The throne.

He very suddenly wrenches Captain Reynolds' g*n aside and hits him. The Queen's eyes widen.


The Doctor and Sir Robert run down a corridor.


The werewolf's transformation is complete. It growls and flexes its claws as the prisoners scream.

ROSE: One, two, three, pull!

And finally, the chain comes free. The Doctor kicks down the door to the cellar.

ROSE (CONT'D): Where the hell have you been??

The Doctor turns and stares at the werewolf with wide-eyed awe as it grabs hold of the bars of the cage.

THE DOCTOR: Oh, that's beautiful!

SIR ROBERT (to his wife): Get out!

The wolf begins the bend and break the bars, throwing the cage off. The household staff are all clamoring to get out of the room. The Doctor suddenly remembers the urgency of the situation and turns back to them.

THE DOCTOR (ushering everyone): Out! Out! Out! Out! Out! Out! Out! Out! Out! Out!

ROSE: Come on...

The werewolf stands tall, free of the cage. He throws the top of it across the room, narrowly missing the Doctor who finally stops staring and makes a run for it. He slams the door behind him and locks it with his sonic screwdriver. The wolf stretches up and howls at the moon.


The Queen and Father Angelo remain in the dining room, standing facing each other across the table.

QUEEN VICTORIA: I take it, sir, that you halted my train to bring me here?

FATHER ANGELO: We have waited so long for one of your journeys to coincide with the moon.

QUEEN VICTORIA: Then you have waited in vain. After six attempts on my life...

She produces a small g*n from her bag and points it at him, hands shaking.

QUEEN VICTORIA (CONT'D): ... I am hardly unprepared.

FATHER ANGELO (smiling slightly): Oh, I don't think so, woman.

QUEEN VICTORIA: The correct form of address is "Your Majesty".

She pulls the trigger.


The Steward hands g*ns to all the men.

THE STEWARD: Arms... and your strife... ready everyone? (To Lady Isobel): Take the girls. Get them out through the kitchen.

Lady Isobel approaches her husband.

LADY ISOBEL: I can't leave you. What will you do?

SIR ROBERT: I must defend her Majesty. Now, don't think of me, just go.

Lady Isobel kisses him and then gathers her maids.

LADY ISOBEL: All of you at my side, come on!

She pulls them through to the kitchen. The Doctor is using the sonic screwdriver to relieve Rose of the handcuffs.

THE DOCTOR (very fast): It could be any form of light modulated species triggered by specific wavelengths. Did it say what it wanted?

ROSE: The Queen, the Crown, the throne... you name it.

There is a thumping sound from the direction of the cellar and they both look around. The Doctor ventures out into the corridor to investigate. The wolf has managed to knock down the door and is stood at the other end of the corridor. He and the Doctor stare at one another for a few moments before the werewolf growls and the Doctor runs back into the room. He grabs Rose's hand and pulls her behind the line of men with g*ns poised and ready.


They sh**t at the wolf, who stumbles back a few steps.


Rose flinches as they fire again.


Lady Isobel and her maids run through to the kitchen. Lady Isobel crosses the room and tries the door, but it won't open.

LADY ISOBEL: It won't open, they've sealed us in.

FLORA: Oh, my Lady, look!

Lady Isobel follows Flora's gaze out of the window where she sees the Monks have surrounded the house, g*ns poised.

FLORA (CONT'D) (hysterically): They'll never let us out. They mean for us to die!

LADY ISOBEL: Don't say that, Flora!


The room with the firing squad is full of smoke. There is no sign of the wolf.

THE DOCTOR: All right, you men, we should retreat upstairs, come with me.

THE STEWARD: I'll not retreat. The battle's done. There's no creature on God's Earth that could survive such an as*ault.

THE DOCTOR (angrily): I'm telling you, come upstairs!

THE STEWARD: And I'm telling you, sir, that I will sleep well tonight with that thing's hide upon my wall.

He strides across the room to look down the corridor, checking of the wolf. The Doctor watches him, looking extremely angry and concerned. Apparently seeing nothing, he strides back looking mildly triumphant.

THE STEWARD (CONT'D): Must've crawled away to die...

And he is lifted clean through the ceiling by the wolf and we hear him being devoured.

THE DOCTOR: There's nothing we can do!

He grabs hold of Rose and pushes her from the room with him. Some of the firing squad stand frozen, and through the wolf's eyes we see them being att*cked.


Lady Isobel and her maids listen to the commotion with fear in their eyes.

FLORA: Did they k*ll it?

Lady Isobel and the others slowly back into the corner of the room, she wraps her arms around them protectively as they crouch down, her eyes fixed on the door. The wolf appears in the doorway and Lady Isobel screws up her eyes tightly and looks away. The wolf sniffs the air and then just leaves. Lady Isobel opens her eyes and looks around at the empty room, confused.


Queen Victoria opens the safe and removes the small wooden box. She stows it away in her handbag.


The Doctor, Rose and Sir Robert hurry into a room. The Doctor slams the door behind them and locks it with his sonic screwdriver.

SIR ROBERT: Your Majesty! Your Majesty!

QUEEN VICTORIA (coming down the stairs): Sir Robert! What's happening?

The Doctor dashes off somewhere.

QUEEN VICTORIA (CONT'D): I heard such terrible noises.

SIR ROBERT: Your Majesty, we've got to get out. But what of Father Angelo? Is he still here?

QUEEN VICTORIA: Captain Reynolds disposed of him.

THE DOCTOR (coming back): The front door's no good, it's been boarded shut. Pardon me, Your Majesty, you'll have to leg it out of a window.

He gestures through a door and Queen Victoria obliges with her head held high. Sir Robert follows and they find themselves in another upstairs room.

SIR ROBERT: Excuse my manners, Ma'am, but I shall go first, the better to assist Her Majesty's egress.

QUEEN VICTORIA: A noble sentiment, my Sir Walter Raleigh.

THE DOCTOR (impatiently): Yeah, any chance you could hurry up?

Sir Robert climbs onto the window sill and has to immediately dodge out of the way as he is shot at by the Monks standing outside. The Doctor stares out of the window, eyes wide.

THE DOCTOR (CONT'D): I reckon the monkey boys want us to stay inside.

QUEEN VICTORIA: Do they know who I am??

ROSE: Yeah, that's why they want ya. The wolf's lined you up for a... a biting.

QUEEN VICTORIA: Now, stop this talk. There can't be an actual wolf.

The words are no sooner out of her mouth than a howling rings through the house. The company spin around, alarmed, and leave the room hurriedly. They run into a hallway and the wolf is battering on the door.

ROSE: What do we do?

THE DOCTOR: We... run!

ROSE: Is that it?!

THE DOCTOR: You got any silver b*ll*ts?

ROSE: Not on me, no!

THE DOCTOR: There we are then, we run. Your Majesty, as a Doctor, I recommend a vigourous jog.

He jogs on the spot to demonstrate.

THE DOCTOR (CONT'D): Good for the health. Come on!

He grabs the Queen's hand and leads her from the room. They run as fast as they can up the staircase. From the wolf's point of view, we see that it finally manages to break the door down. It then bounds up the staircase after them.

THE DOCTOR (CONT'D): Come on! Come on!

Having reached the top of the stairs, they run through the corridors, the wolf close on their tails. It is nearly upon them, ready to pounce when Captain Reynolds appears holding a g*n. He sh**t and the wolf reels backwards down the corridor. The Captain ducks behind the corridor where they others are standing, out of breath.

CAPTAIN REYNOLDS: I'll take this position and hold it. You keep moving, for God's sake! Your Majesty, I went to look for the property, it was taken. The chest was empty.

QUEEN VICTORIA: I have it. It's safe.

CAPTAIN REYNOLDS: Then remove yourself, Ma'am. Doctor, you stand as Her Majesty's Protector. And you, Sir Robert, you're a traitor to the crown.

He cocks his g*n.

THE DOCTOR: b*ll*ts can't stop it!

CAPTAIN REYNOLDS: They'll buy you time. Now, run!

He positions himself at the end of the corridor, g*n held ready. Queen Victoria and Sir Robert have already started running in the opposite direction, followed by the Doctor, and finally by Rose who stares at Captain Reynolds in dismay for a few seconds. The Doctor, Sir Robert and Queen Victoria run into the library. Rose stops outside the door and watches as Captain Reynolds sh**t at the werewolf as it bounds down the corridor towards him, pounces upon him and then rips him apart. Rose is frozen in horror and cannot move.


He rushes out into the corridor, grabs her round the waist and pulls her into the room just in time to slam the door shut.

Sir Robert and Rose help the Doctor barricade the doors with chairs and bits of wood.

THE DOCTOR: Wait a minute, shh, shh, wait a minute...

The wolf howls into the silence.

THE DOCTOR (CONT'D): It's stopped.

He stands on the chair and presses his ear against the door. Right on the other side, the wolf sniffs against the door and growls. Then, it turns and leaves.

THE DOCTOR (CONT'D): It's gone.

Footsteps can be heard padding around the outside of the room.

ROSE: Listen...

The Doctor climbs quietly down from the chair and there is dead silence in the library as they follow the wolf's progress around the room, absolutely terrified. The Queen is shaking violently.

THE DOCTOR (whispers): Is this the only door?


And he dashes to the other door with the Doctor and they barricade it shut.

ROSE: Shh!

Rose silences them. They look around uneasily as they hear the sounds the werewolf is making, and then it stops. Footsteps pad away into the distance.

ROSE (CONT'D): I don't understand. What's stopping it?

THE DOCTOR: Something inside this room.

Sir Robert sits on one of the chairs barricading his door and puts his head in his hands.

THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) (confused): What is it? Why can't it get in?

ROSE: I'll tell you what, though...


ROSE: Werewolf...!


Rose half laughs and they throw their arms around each other.

THE DOCTOR (CONT'D): You all right?

ROSE: I'm okay, yeah!

Queen Victoria stares at them, eyes wide.

SIR ROBERT (from behind them): I'm sorry, Ma'am. It's all my fault. I should've sent you away. I tried to suggest something was wrong, I... thought you might notice. Did you think there was nothing strange about my household staff?

THE DOCTOR: Well, they were bald, athletic... your wife's away, I just thought you were happy.

ROSE: I'll tell you what though, Ma'am, I bet you're not amused now.

QUEEN VICTORIA (angrily): Do you think this is funny?

ROSE (meekly): No, Ma'am, I'm sorry.

QUEEN VICTORIA: What, exactly, I pray someone please, what exactly is that creature?

THE DOCTOR (scratching his head): You'd call it a werewolf, but technically it's a more of a lupine wavelength haemovariform.

QUEEN VICTORIA: And should I trust you, sir? You who change your voice so easily? What happened to your accent?

For the Doctor has accidentally dropped his Scottish accent.

THE DOCTOR (realising): Oh... right, sorry...

QUEEN VICTORIA: I'll not have it. No, sir, not you... not that thing... none of it. This is not my world.


The moon is high in the sky. The Monks outside with their g*ns poised have garlands of mistletoe looped around their necks.


Lady Isobel, from the kitchen, notices this.

LADY ISOBEL: Mistletoe... they're all garlanded in mistletoe and the wolf doesn't attack them. Who brought this into the kitchen?

FLORA: It must've been the Brethren.

LADY ISOBEL: Gather it up. Quickly. Every last scrap!

They all begin to gather the mistletoe on the floor up.

LADY ISOBEL (CONT'D): Quick, now!

They throw the scraps of mistletoe onto the table.


The Doctor touches the woodwork. There is a carving of mistletoe on the door.

THE DOCTOR: Mistletoe... Sir Robert, did you father put that there?

SIR ROBERT: I don't know, I suppose...

THE DOCTOR (thinking out loud): On the other door, too... a carving wouldn't be enough... I wonder...

He licks the woodwork.

THE DOCTOR (CONT'D): Viscum album, the oil of the mistletoe, it's been worked into the wood like a varnish! How clever was your dad?? I love him! (To Rose): Powerful stuff, mistletoe. Bursting with lectins and viscotoxins.

ROSE: And the wolf's allergic to it?

THE DOCTOR: Well, it thinks it is. The monkey monk monks need a way of controlling the wolf, maybe they trained it to react against certain things.

SIR ROBERT: Nevertheless, that creature won't give up, Doctor, and we still don't possess an actual w*apon.

THE DOCTOR: Oh, your father got all the brains, didn't he?

ROSE: Being rude again.

THE DOCTOR: Good. I meant that one.

He strides towards the book shelves.

THE DOCTOR (CONT'D): You want weapons? We're in a library. Books! Best weapons in the world.

He puts his glasses on.

THE DOCTOR (CONT'D): This room's the greatest arsenal we could have.

He pulls some books off the shelf and chucks some to Rose.

THE DOCTOR (CONT'D): Arm yourself.


The maids and Lady Isobel are working hard in the kitchen, chopping up the mistletoe.

FLORA: No sound of the wolf, my Lady. Perhaps it's gone.

LADY ISOBEL: Perhaps it's toying with us. But my husband's up there. And if there's any chance he's still alive, then by God, I'll assist him.

Flora throws the mistletoe into the boiling water.


Rose, the Doctor and Sir Robert are frantically flicking through the books, talking over one another.

ROSE: Biology, zoology... there might be something on wolves in here...

THE DOCTOR (chucks a book to Rose): Hold on, what about this?

SIR ROBERT (flicking through): ... some form of expl*sive...

THE DOCTOR: Hmm, that's the sort of thing. Ooh...

He jumps down from the ladder, holding a book which he puts down on the table.

THE DOCTOR (CONT'D): Look what your old dad found. Something fell to Earth.

On the open page there is an illustration of a rock falling to Earth from the sky. Rose and Sir Robert gather around.

ROSE: A spaceship?

SIR ROBERT: A sh**ting star. (Reading): "In the year of our Lord, 1540, under the reign of King James the Fifth, an almighty fire did burn in the pit." That's the Glen of Saint Catherine just by the Monastery.

ROSE: But that's over three hundred years ago. What's it been waiting for?

THE DOCTOR: Maybe just a single cell survived. Adapting slowly down the generations. It survived through the humans. Host after host after host.

SIR ROBERT: But why does it want the throne?

ROSE: That's what it wants. It said so, the... the Empire of the Wolf.

THE DOCTOR (with foreboding): Imagine it... the Victorian Age accelerated... starships and missiles fueled by coal and driven by steam... leaving history devastated in its wake...

QUEEN VICTORIA (standing): Sir Robert!

Sir Robert goes to her.

QUEEN VICTORIA (CONT'D): If I am to die here...

SIR ROBERT: Don't say that, Your Majesty.

QUEEN VICTORIA: I would destroy myself rather than let that creature infect me. But that's no matter. I ask only that you find some place of safekeeping for something far older and more precious than myself.

She opens her bag.

THE DOCTOR (from the table): Hardly the time to worry about your valuables.

QUEEN VICTORIA: Thank you for your opinion. But there is nothing more valuable than this.

And she takes the Koh-I-Noor from her bag and holds it in the palm of her hand.

ROSE (amazed): Is that the Koh-I-Noor?

THE DOCTOR: Oh, yes... the greatest diamond in the world.

The Doctor and Rose shuffle forward for a closer look.

QUEEN VICTORIA: Given to me as the spoils of w*r. Perhaps its legend is now coming true. It is said that whoever owns it must surely die.

THE DOCTOR: Well, that's true of anything if you own it long enough. Can I...?

He holds out his hand for the diamond. Queen Victoria gives it to him. He pushes his glasses down his nose to look at it closely. Rose prods it, eyes wide.

THE DOCTOR (CONT'D): That is so beautiful.

ROSE: How much is that worth?

THE DOCTOR: They say... the wages of the entire planet for a whole week.

ROSE (peering at it): Good job my mum's not here. She'd be fighting the wolf off with her bare hands for that thing.

THE DOCTOR: And she'd win.

Rose laughs.

SIR ROBERT: Where is the wolf? (He walks away). I don't trust this silence.

THE DOCTOR (of the diamond): Why do you travel with it?

QUEEN VICTORIA: My annual pilgrimage. I'm taking it to Helier and Carew. The Royal Jewellers at Hazelhead. The stone needs recutting.

ROSE: Oh, but it's perfect.

QUEEN VICTORIA: My late husband never thought so.

THE DOCTOR (removing his glasses): Now, there's a fact, Prince Albert kept on having the Koh-I-Noor cut down. It used to be forty percent bigger than this. But he was never happy. Kept on cutting and cutting.

QUEEN VICTORIA: He always said... the shine was not quite right. But he died with it still unfinished.

THE DOCTOR (with realization): Unfinished... oh, yes!

He tosses the Koh-I-Noor back to Queen Victoria, who catches it.

THE DOCTOR (CONT'D) (very fast, working it out): There's a lot of unfinished business in this house. His father's research, your husband, Ma'am, he came here and he sought the perfect diamond, hold on, hold on... (He ruffles his hair violently in his eagerness to work it out). All these separate things, they're not separate at all, they're connected! Oh, my head, my head! What if, this house, it's a trap for you, is that right, Ma'am?


THE DOCTOR: At least, that's what the wolf intended. But! What if there's a trap inside the trap?

QUEEN VICTORIA: Explain yourself, Doctor.

THE DOCTOR: What if his father and your husband weren't just telling each other stories. They dared to imagine all this was true. And they planned against it. Laying the real trap not for you... but for the wolf.

A fine sprinkling of plaster falls from the ceiling. They all look up, and the werewolf is walking over the glass dome above their heads, looking down at them and growling.

THE DOCTOR (CONT'D): That wolf there...

The glass of the dome starts to crack, the Doctor and Rose throw down their books and together with Queen Victoria run to the door.

THE DOCTOR (CONT'D): Out! Out! Out!

As the Werewolf crashes through, smashing the desk, the Doctor, Rose and Sir Robert destroy their barricade and run out into the corridor.

SIR ROBERT: Your Majesty!

The Doctor takes one last look at the roaring wolf before slamming the doors closed.


The four of them run down the corridor.

THE DOCTOR: Gotta get to the observatory!

They careen around a corner, the werewolf close behind. Rose turns around and is transfixed by the wolf. Just as the wolf is on her, she screams and Lady Isobel throws the pan of mistletoe water onto the wolf. Rose screams again, but the werewolf bounds back down the corridor away from them.

THE DOCTOR (CONT'D): Good shot!

LADY ISOBEL: It was mistletoe!

The Doctor follows the wolf a way down the corridor.


He and Isobel kiss as the Doctor and Rose make sure the wolf has gone.

SIR ROBERT (CONT'D): Get back downstairs.

LADY ISOBEL: Keep yourself safe.

He nods and they kiss again.


Lady Isobel and the maids go past Sir Robert and make their way back to the kitchen.

LADY ISOBEL: Girls, come with me. Down the Back stairs, back to the kitchen. Quickly!

As they run off, Sir Robert stares after his wife, a look in his eyes that suggests he's wondering if he'll ever see her again.

THE DOCTOR: Come on!

They set off at run again down the corridor.

SIR ROBERT: The observatory's this way!

They reach the central staircase and hurry up it as fast as they can but the werewolf is recovering and soon returns to the chase. They finally arrive at the observatory, the Doctor in the lead.


THE DOCTOR: No mistletoe on these doors, your father wanted the wolf to get inside! Get inside I just need time! Is there any way of barricading this?!

SIR ROBERT: Just do your work and I'll defend it.

THE DOCTOR (seeming to ignore Sir Robert): If we could bind them shut with rope or something!

SIR ROBERT (determinedly): I said I'd find you time, sir.

Rose and Queen Victoria stare at him, aghast.

SIR ROBERT (CONT'D): Now get inside.

The Doctor looks at him for a second.

THE DOCTOR: Good man.

Sir Robert closes the door and the Doctor runs to the Queen.

THE DOCTOR (CONT'D): Your Majesty, the diamond.

QUEEN VICTORIA: For what purpose?

THE DOCTOR: The purpose it was designed for.


Meanwhile, Sir Robert locks the door from the outside. The howls of the werewolf can be heard coming down the corridor. He arms himself with a sword from the display on the wall as the werewolf bounds up the stairs.


In the observatory, Queen Victoria hands over the diamond form her bag. The Doctor runs over to the mechanism for the telescope.


Rose runs to the Doctor.

THE DOCTOR (CONT'D): Lift it! Come on!

The Rose and Doctor struggle to turn the wheel, but the cogs start to shift and the telescope to rise.

ROSE (sarcastic despite straining against the wheel): Is this the right time for stargazing?

THE DOCTOR: Yes, it is.


Outside the observatory, the werewolf has found Sir Robert, guarding the door. As it approaches slowly, Sir Robert glares at it, disgusted.

SIR ROBERT: I committed treason for you. And now my wife will remember me with honour!

He manages one slash at the werewolf with his blade before he is devoured.


Inside the observatory, Rose looks hopelessly terrified at his final screams. Queen Victoria holds up her crucifix. The werewolf can be heard battering the door. The gears continue to grind while Queen Victoria murmurs a prayer under her breath.

ROSE: You said this thing doesn't work!

THE DOCTOR: It doesn't work as a telescope because that's not what it is! It's a light chamber! It magnifies the light rays like a w*apon. We've just got to power it up!

ROSE: But there's no electricity!

The Doctor grunts and turns to the light chamber.

ROSE (she works it out): Moonlight! But it needs moonlight! It's made by moonlight!

THE DOCTOR: You're seventy percent water but you can still drown. Come on!

The Light Chamber finally starts to align with the moon.


At last it is properly aligned. Rose and the Doctor step away from the gears as the moonlight bounces off the prisms. Just as the Werewolf breaks through the door, the light spews forth from the end of the light chamber onto the floor far short of the werewolf. The werewolf advances on the Queen but the doctor dives across the floor and throws the Koh-I-Noor into the beam of light. A fantastic, prismatic beam of light hits the werewolf. He is lifted off the floor and hangs there, caught in the wash of moonlight. As they look on, the werewolf retakes human form.

THE HOST (quietly): Make it brighter. Let me go.

The Doctor slowly walks across to the light chamber and flicks a switch. With a final howl from the wolf form, the creature vanishes and the light shuts off. Rose breathes a huge sigh of relief. The Queen, however, is staring intently at some wound on her wrist. The Doctor notices her.

THE DOCTOR: Your Majesty? Did it bite you?

QUEEN VICTORIA: No, it's... it's a cut.

THE DOCTOR: If that thing bit you...

QUEEN VICTORIA: It was a splinter of wood when the door came apart.

THE DOCTOR: Let me see.

QUEEN VICTORIA (pulling her hand away sharply): It is nothing.

The Doctor stares at her, obviously not believing her.


It is dawn and the sun rises over a serenely misty valley.


The Doctor and Rose step forward and kneel before Queen Victoria. Everyone is present including Lady Isobel and the maids.

QUEEN VICTORIA: By the power invested in me by the Church and the State, I dub the: Sir Doctor of TARDIS.

She taps him on each shoulder with a sword.

QUEEN VICTORIA (CONT'D): By the power invested in me by the Church and the State, I dub the: Dame Rose of the Powell Estate.

She taps her on each shoulder with the sword.

QUEEN VICTORIA (CONT'D): You may stand.

The Doctor and Rose rise.

THE DOCTOR: Many thanks, Ma'am.

ROSE (grinning): Thanks! They're never going to believe this back home.

Flora smiles.

THE DOCTOR: Your Majesty, you said last night about receiving a message from the great beyond; I think your husband cut that diamond to save your life. He's protecting you even now Ma'am, even from beyond the grave.

QUEEN VICTORIA: Indeed. Then you may think on this, also: that I am not amused.

The Doctor groans whilst Rose looks jubilant.

ROSE: Yes!

QUEEN VICTORIA: Not remotely amused.

Rose makes an effort to wipe the smirk off her face.

QUEEN VICTORIA (CONT'D): And henceforth... I banish you.

The Doctor and Rose look stunned.

THE DOCTOR: I'm sorry...?

QUEEN VICTORIA (angrily): I rewarded you, Sir Doctor. And now you are exiled from this empire, never to return. I don't know what you are, the two of you, or where you're from, but I know that you consort with stars, and magic, and think it fun. But your world is steeped in terror and blasphemy and death and I will not allow it! You will leave this shores and you will reflect, I hope, on how you managed to stray so far from all that is good. And how much longer you will survive this... terrible life.

Queen Victoria steps away from them angrily.

QUEEN VICTORIA (CONT'D) (commandingly): Now leave my world. And never return.


Rose and the Doctor have hitched a lift on the back of a farmer's cart. It comes to a halt.


They jump off the back of a farmer's cart back in the highlands near the TARDIS.

THE DOCTOR: Cheers, Dougal!

The Doctor waves as they walk away and the farmer drives off.

THE DOCTOR: You know, the funny thing is, Queen Victoria did actually suffer a mutation of the blood! It's historical record haemophiliac. It used to be called the Royal Disease! But it's always been a mystery because she didn't inherit it. Her mum didn't have it her dad didn't have it, it came from nowhere!

ROSE: What, and you're saying that's a wolf bite?

THE DOCTOR: Well, maybe Haemophilia is just a Victorian euphemism.

ROSE: For werewolf?

THE DOCTOR: Could be!

ROSE: Queen Victoria's a werewolf?

THE DOCTOR: Could be! And, her children had the Royal Disease. Maybe she gave them a quick nip.

ROSE (disbelievingly): So, the Royal Family are werewolves?

THE DOCTOR: Well... maybe not yet. I mean, a single wolf cell could take... a hundred years to mature... might be ready by... oooh... early 21st century...?

ROSE: Nah! That's just ridiculous! Mind you... Princess Anne...!

THE DOCTOR: I'll say no more.

ROSE: And if you think about it... they're very private. They plan everything in advance. They, they could schedule themselves around the moon, we'd never know!

The Doctor sniggers as they reach the TARDIS and he opens the door. They bundle in.

ROSE (CONT'D): They like hunting! They love blood sports!

The Doctor laughs, the TARDIS starts to dematerialize but they can still be heard.

ROSE (CONT'D): Oh my God, they're werewolves!

The two of them howl and cackle over the sound of the TARDIS engines until it has completely vanished.


Night has fallen over the Torchwood House as the Queen and Lady Isobel walk slowly from the house, both wearing black.

QUEEN VICTORIA: What will you do? Will you stay here?

LADY ISOBEL (tears on her cheeks): I don't think I could. I'd sell it. Or I'd pull this place down.

Queen Victoria glances at the sign on the wall saying "Torchwood House", and then away again with a look of grim resolution in her eyes.

QUEEN VICTORIA: Although we may not speak of these events in public, they'll not be forgotten. I promise you that. Your husband's sacrifice... the ingenuity of his father... they will live on.


QUEEN VICTORIA: I saw last night, that Great Britain has enemies beyond imagination, and we must defend our borders on all sides. I propose an institute to investigate these strange happenings and to fight them. I would call it: Torchwood. The Torchwood Institute. And if this Doctor should return, he should beware, because Torchwood will be waiting.