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06x02 - Sabrina's Date with Destiny

Posted: 07/10/22 13:53
by bunniefuu
Dear Josh, I can't wait
for you to come back from Europe,

so we can
make up for lost time.

we could have
romantic dinners,

spend the weekend
in the Berkshires,

maybe go see a game of
baseball. Go Red Sox!

And take this airship
in front of me!

Sabrina, The Teenage Witch
S E - Sabrina's Date With Destiny

Translation, Review and Sync:
Michael Lemos

I went through my closet
all morning.

Which of these two says
"Welcome back Josh"?

I can't believe you're obsessed with
what outfit will impress a guy.

Even more when treating
of these clothes.

The two are screaming:
"I hurt"!

- The one on the left is mine.
- As I said.

Great news! I got one
part-time job at school.

I was chosen to be a guinea pig
for research experiments.

Well, that would explain the taking of
phone sticking out of your neck.

Look, the line will be busy
for a while, the laboratory

organic computing
Is waiting

my activity
afternoon brain.

how do we
respond to such a thing?

Hey, nice clothes.

It's settled.
I will donate to the poor.

Aunt Hilda, what time is it?

time for you
stop annoying me.

Sabrina, Josh's plane just
lands in four hours.

I know. I just want to make sure that
I have enough time to take

bath, get your nails done, you know, yeah
I have an ingrown toenail...


And hello to you.
Good news!

I was chosen to have a party
for the Dean of Adams College.

I prefer to hear about nails
ingrown What were you saying...

Hilda! The school is sharing a
big donation and the department

of science chose me for
appeal to Dean Banning.

It won't be difficult.
God knows how I know how to appeal.

And now everyone
we know.

I just need to choose one
place for the party.

It has to be exotic yet intimate.
Casual yet elegant.

Where could it be? the coffee that
been idle all summer?

The sister with no money?

Do you want me to give
party here at the Café?

I don't see a Cafe.

Ready. It has its intimate place,
casual and elegant.

I'll make sure you miss
foul mouth have the night off.

Armando will replace her.

You convinced me.

She makes it too easy.

Aunt Hilda, I have coffee in everyone
the strands of my hair.

Do you mind if I take it off
the night off?

Go ahead, Sabrina. We do not have
no customers coming.

Just that guy.


I took an early flight.
I was looking forward to seeing you.

You look great and I look awful.
But it smells worse than I do.

Sabrina, I spent hours
on a flight from Istanbul

sharing a blanket with a
goat. You are fragrant.

I know you only
been out for months,

but there is something different
in your energy.

Yes, well I
feel different.

I have so many stories to
tell and pictures to show.

photos later,
kisses now.

I wish you were
with me in Prague.

Had to hang out with the editor-in-chief
from Prague Forward.

- You mean Voycek Tziksuki?
- Do you know him?

Well I think so. You
talked about him in every email.

Right. I couldn't have you
tell it.

Before leaving he said
that there may be a job

for me as a photo-journalist.
That's not cool?

Josh wants to go back to Prague?

That place is incredible.

five thousand czechs
protesting for

cause of a factory
of by-products and I...

He just arrived and is already
thinking about leaving.

And our
romantic dinners?

I bought tickets to the Red Sox.
I paid in advance!

Sabrina, are you listening?

Yup. Czechs, by-products of
meat. It looks like heaven.

The culture is so different,
but people

are nice
and welcoming...

This is serious. I need to make sure
let Josh stay in Boston.

Quick, think of something
exciting and original.

Want to have dinner at home?

I would love. But it can be
Tomorrow night?

I'm totally exhausted.

Also, I think
I caught fleas from the goat.


This one looks good.

It has eggs.

It's not for you.
It's for the romantic dinner that

I will do for
Josh tomorrow night.

he is thinking about
move to Prague!

I have to find reasons
positive for him to stay here.

Forget the positive.
If you want to influence

someone's decision, you have
that accentuate the negative.

But what is the downside?
Living in Prague is his dream.

So turn the dream
of him in... nightmare.

Josh is sleeping like a rock,
but wait until you reach Prague.

he is doing degrees
negatives here.

Even the mice are gone.
Where is the lady here? Which is!

What now, her pig?

I want heating!

Wait until August you
will sweat non-stop.

I came to Prague to live
like a prisoner of w*r!

So maybe I shouldn't have come.
You ungrateful American pig!

yes i'm thinking
the same thing!

I think it worked.
I have to go.

the research group
att*cked you?

Went to the feasibility study
for exotic pets.

Unfortunately squirrels will never be
trusted friends.

Miles, you are officially the person
most desperate person I know.

I need an ouguento
right now.

are you doing these
experiences too?

Hey, twenty dollars is
twenty dollars.

We better clean up if
let's go to the insolation project.

Sabrina making dinner
romantic for your boyfriend.

How provincial!

Did I feel a touch of jealousy?

I? Jealous? just because you
decided to catch Josh when

he finally decided to
to arrange...

God he's so
nice now that...

I'm still here.

Boy, if I knew he was going
stay like this, I would never have left him.

Excuse me, it wasn't.
he who left you?

So what are you
making for dinner?

Hello... Nice to see you...
Thank you for coming...

Live long and prosper.

Hilda, you really did it.

Looks like Dean Banning
is having so much fun.

looks like he is
going into a coma.

I can tell you that your
smile is charming?

Thanks. if you want to see more
of these white pearls,

spend good money on

I was actually talking to
the enchanting sight beside you.

I mean you.
I'm Wayne Banning.

And I'm Hilda Spellman. Pleasure
to meet you, Wayne Banning.

And now back to Wayne
Banning, private detective.

You are very funny, Hilda.

You know, sometimes I do
live comedy here.

Hilda, I don't think the president
Banning wants to talk about comedy.

No, I love comedy

Those Wayans brothers,
they are amazing.

I heard that they turned
comedy into a science.

Speaking of science, have you heard
talk about that new station

jewish space
"The Schimiri".

Excuse me, I need
cool off a little.

I just told you
"You look beautiful" in German.

nice language to be
say that.


Thank you, Josh.
Are beautiful.

It is a European style bouquet. These
flowers are all handpicked.

From where?

From other people's gardens.
What a good smell!

well i hope that
you are hungry.

By the way, how do you
did you sleep last night?

Not so good. I had a dream
horrible about Prague. What a nightmare.

I'm very sorry
in hearing this.

It was wonderful, Hilda.

Certainly Wayne Banning.

Hey lady!

Hey Dean!

What a great dean.

Hilda, you occupied
every minute of his time.

Dean Banning and I neither
we didn't even arrive

to discuss the
science department.

Relax. I will make sure
to mention it to

Wayne when we leave
at our meeting.

On your date?

That's right, our date.
I'm going out with his boss.

Which means if he and I
we get married, I will be his boss.

I'm starting to
see a hierarchy.

I'm on top and
you underneath.

These photos are great.

you really got it
capture the atmosphere

dark and hellish
which is Prague.

Sabrina, what
you are talking?

It's sunny and all
world is smiling.


a message from
voice mail.

You know, I left some resumes
around town today.

Maybe someone called me back.
Do you mind?

No, go ahead.

Hey, and while you
is doing this,

I'll get your dessert
favorite american.

Excellent! how did you remember
do I like apple pie?

Sabrina, you're not going to believe this.
I got a job at the newspaper!

- Speaks seriously!
- Starts in a week.

- Out of town!
- That's right!

Like this?

The message was from the editor
from The Prague Forward.

work is
in the Czech Republic.

In the Czech Republic?
Is this so... Pie?

I don't believe they
offered this job.

Me neither.

And I also don't believe
I will leave you again.

Hey, could you go from there,
do a semester abroad?

want me
move to Prague?

And as for your
horrible nightmare?

Sabrina, it was just a dream.
The night before I dreamed

who was playing poker with
a bunch of German shepherds.

I can't give up
such opportunity

because of
a bad dream.

well you have to do
what have to do.

Sabrina, you really
don't want me to go, do you?

I? I do not want you to go?
Why do you think that?

I mean just because
finally it's all right between

we finally you are not
dating no one and I'm

finally, seeing no one,
I mean, big deal,

if we are finally together
in the same place after me

have wasted a whole
summer thinking about you and

waiting for you to,
finally come home,

and what does it matter if I
thought maybe, just maybe

we had some kind
of the future together, but,

you know of course i want
you go, right? So go.


No, Josh.
Please just go.

Nine o'clock, no boyfriend.

It's never a good sign for
a romantic dinner.

Josh has an offer
job in prague

and he is really
thinking about accepting.

I'm so sorry, Sabrina.
Now, if it's any consolation,

some of my best
relationships were at a distance.

There are no bickering and you save
a fortune in hair removal.

I don't even know if he will stay
for six months, one year

or the rest of your life!
What if he meets someone?

Sabrina, I've been to Prague and seen your
competitors. He will come back.

He has been a worthy adversary...
yet. The end is near.

Check Mate.

it's your word
against mine, lady!

You are a rotten cat!
Hilda, you look stunning.

Thank you, Zelda. By the way,
I took your bag

your shoes and a
little of your perfume.

four hundred dollars each grams
and designed specifically for

my body chemistry.
Nothing else.

Just remember,
please mention the

Department of Science
to Dean Banning,

and know why his eyes stay
glasses when I talk about it.

Maybe it's because you're a
unbearable boredom.


Wait, Zelda. The beast
black here is right.

Wayne is under a huge
amount of stress, you know,

driving a
college and all.

he prefers people
with a sense of humour.

and you are saying
that I don't have one?

I take the last b*llet,
this is yours.

Maybe Josh and I just don't
are we meant to be together?

Maybe not, but the good news is that
you are only years old.

you have plenty of time
to find "The Chosen One".

However, I only have
minutes to find the

chimpanzee in the laboratory.

I will finish the puzzle first
of the Fool even if he kills me.

I think you liked one
little too much affection.

Is it wrong to be a man?

Don't ask me, I'm not
exactly the authority

about men

And your suggestion to give
to Josh a nightmare

about Prague was
completely useless!

Sometimes I like
to hear me speak.

I just want to know how the
things are going to come between me and Josh.

Sabrina, if you want
know your destiny

why don't you go straight
to the source and question?

A date with fate.

Yes, they always say that.

- Are you destiny?
- Yea.

I thought you were old
like the time. You know, with...

With, long white beard and robes
wings and winged chariot?

No, most of
women prefer it that way

but if you want
let me change...

That's fine with me.

Everything is fine. I brought the carriage,
if that will help.

- Nice.
- We will.

Even the horse is beautiful.

Well that was the best meal
I've ever eaten and what a view!

Yup. I bet that
you didn't know there was

a bar and grill on top
from Mount Everest?

or that the swordfish
it would be so cool.

Can we talk about Josh now?

Have you ever been to the opera?

No, but I always wanted to go.

So Mikado is what you
did you think it would be?

It's amazing. I'm so worried
with Nanki-Poo and Yum-Yum,

and I'm so happy for
Katisha and Ko-Ko.

Yup. And all thanks to Pitti-Sing
and Pooh-Bah, I like them.

Look, about Josh...

Hey, after the opera,
wanna Dance?

- You dance?
- Yea.

This is a date with fate
or dance with death?

We were roommates at
college, we made some exchanges.

listen i hate
spoil the weather.

So don't spoil it.

But I have to make you one
question about my boyfriend.

I want to know what's going on
happen between me and Josh.

I mean he's moving to
Prague, love it and never come back?

Or will he
hate and come back soon?

Or should I rethink
my life and go with him?

If you're asking me about your
fate, so the answer is...

I have no idea.

But you are destiny.
You decide these things.

Used to decide.

I don't make a decision
important since King Arthur.

It's all been a decay
from the sword in the stone,

but I kept the name.
You know, for dates.

What happened to you?

Not with me!
With the world.

things got more
complicated, problems arose.

Free will,
rational thought.

So what you're saying is that
create my own destiny?

there is nothing you
can you do for me?

I'm not entirely useless.
I may not be able to tell you

your fate, but I can
give you a preview

of the different scenarios.

Well, I don't need to see Josh happy without
me, and I don't want to see him fail.

maybe you can show me
what would it be like if i made a

semester abroad and
move to Prague?

Everything is fine.

- Sabrina, I'm home.
- Hey dear. How was your day?

Unbelievable. One of
my photos will come out on

tomorrow's front page,
Also, I'm going to do some

photos with the Pope!
How was your day?

I can not complain.
I went to class,

didn't understand a word
what they said.

And on the way home
I bought a potato.

Fantastic! We are on the list for
buy a potato months ago.

And I bought tickets to the
Prague Film Festival

for the next weekend.

Opening night is a
tribute to Kevin Bacon...

Man, I miss bacon.

Next week? The newspaper will
send me to Paris.


I'm the guy! Let's go now
put that potato in the oven

and eat.
I love our life.

Losing to that monkey from
lab was bad enough,

but now i spent more money
in tetanus vaccines

and cortisone ointments than
I gained from these experiences.

We should give up.

No way, Roxie. this no longer
it's more a question of money.

What else can it be?

be accepted in the community

Now the medicine is gone.

sir, need
something more?


American! pig, coarse
and without culture.

I'll walk around.

Sabrina, I left you a thousand messages,
where have you been?

At the opera, on Mount Everest,
buying potato.

I don't blame you for yet
be mad at me.

I was an idiot yesterday.
I had my head until

now in Prague and not
been thinking about you.

well i came
thinking of you.

I can't do this, Josh.

Gotta take this job
and follow your destiny.

well and why
won't you come with me?

Prague is your dream,
not mine.

I'm going to miss you, Sabrina.

I'm coming too, Yankee-doodle...
I mean, Josh.

And so, due to the effect
Yankelman, the Department

of Economy deserves % of the
funds. Thanks.

Who is next?

%. Please.

Good afternoon, Rector
Banning and friends.

Science has always had a place
provisional in the social order.

In, Sir Isaac Newton,
the founder of modern science,

reported, that...

Nutty Professor!

Hi Dean!

How many of you hate to fly?

And what about those people?
that push those

huge suitcases in the trunks?

Just because it has a handle, no
means it's hand luggage.

And what about those
movies on planes?

I don't want to watch "Gladiator" in
a screen the size of a cookie.

A screen the size
of a cookie!

It's on?

A better question, Professor
Spellman, the Department

of Science leads to the distribution
of money seriously?

Of course yes.

So why send a
comedian to plead your case?

You can't fool me,
I know you love a good laugh.

I like it when she's good.

Yes well. Speaking of which, I'll pass
things for the talented and

fabulous boss of
Department of Asian Studies.

I'm here all week.
Try the veal.

Hey, when are you going to take the
Josh to the airport?

In two hours.

I'm sorry, Sabrina.

Thank you, Morgan.

the traffic goes
be horrible.

you listen to yourself
when do you speak?

Depends on what I say.

That's disgusting!

Jurassic milk.

You really know how to be punctual.

It couldn't wait.
Sabrina, I'm not going to Prague.

What you mean? I mean,
you already told the editor you were going.

He will understand when I
say I have one

opportunity still
better here in Boston.

got another one
job offer?

Not. Sabrina, the opportunity that
I have here is to be with you.

There will be other opportunities.
You are my destiny.

Nobody be scared,
I am fine.

I am highly allergic to a
genetically variety

wasp modified.
That's the bad news.

Is there good news?


Lunch is on me.

- I had a great week, Wayne.
- Me too.

I may not know
play jokes,

but i'm a genius
with physical comedy.

I know. I saw you
stuffing a turkey.

Well I guess I have to say thank you
your sister for introducing us.

Speaking of Zelda. she is very
upset for spoiling

everything in this meeting
the next day.

She's feeling responsible
by the Department of

science no
have achieved
no funding.

Of course they will get
funding, Hilda.

All departments will...

But if your sister tries to do more
comedy, I might change my mind.

Zelda! I had no idea,
you really are funny.