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03x05 - Evolution of the Daleks

Posted: 04/30/07 06:46
by bunniefuu
Recap of 304 "Daleks in Manhattan".


DALEK SEC: These... humans will become like me.

The Doctor slips unnoticed behind some machinery.

DALEK SEC: Prepare them for hybridisation.

The pig slaves close in on Martha, Frank and the other prisoners.

MARTHA: Leave me alone! Don't you dare!

"Happy Days are Here Again" begins playing and everyone stops, wondering where it's coming from.

DALEK SEC: What is that sound?

The Doctor steps out, a radio in his hands.

DOCTOR: That would be me. (Sets radio down). Hello. Surprise. Boo. Et cetera.

DALEK SEC: Doctor.

DALEK 1: The enemy of the Daleks.

DALEK 2: Exterminate.


DOCTOR: Well, then. A new form of Dalek. (Walks forward). Fascinating and very clever.

DALEK SEC: The Cult of Skaro escaped your slaughter.

DOCTOR: How did you end up in 1930?

DALEK SEC: Emergency Temporal Shift.

DOCTOR (scoffs): Oh, that must have roasted up your power cells, yeah? (Strides away, looking about). Time was, four Daleks could have conquered the world but instead your skulking away, hidden in the dark, experimenting. (Deep breath). All of which results in you.

DALEK SEC: I am Dalek in human form.

DOCTOR: What does it feel like? You can talk to me, Dalek Sec. It is Dalek Sec, isn't it? That's your name? You've got a name and a mind of your own. Tell me what you're thinking right now.

DALEK SEC: I... feel... humanity.

DOCTOR: Good. That's good.

DALEK SEC: I... feel... everything we wanted from mankind, which is ambition, hatred, aggression and w*r. Such... a genius for w*r.

DOCTOR: No, that's not what humanity means.

DALEK SEC: I think it does. At heart, this species is so very... Dalek.

DOCTOR: All right, so what have you achieved hen? With this Final Experiment, eh? Nothing! 'Cause I can show you what you're missing with this thing. (Points at radio). Simple little radio. Pats it.

DALEK 2: What is the purpose of that device?

DOCTOR: Well, exactly. It plays music. What's the point of that? Oh, with music, you can dance to it, sing with it, fall in love to it. Unless you're a Dalek of course. Then it's just noise.

The Doctor aims the sonic screwdriver at the radio and a high pitch wail emanates from it. Sec holds his head in pain while the other Daleks act erratically. The Doctor turns to the prisoners.


The prisoners escape and the Doctor follows them.

DALEK 1: Protect the hybrid!

DALEKS: Protect. Protect. Protect.

Martha leads the prisoners running through the sewers, the Doctor last.

DALEK 1: Report status.

DALEK SEC: Pain. Pain... of the flesh like no other Dalek has felt for thousands of years.

DALEK 1: The Doctor has escaped.

DALEK SEC: Then find him. Find him.

DALEK 1 (to pig slaves): Find the Doctor. The prisoners must be recaptured.

Martha stops, unsure of which way to go. The Doctor rushes past.

DOCTOR: Come on! Move, move, move, move, move!

They run down a tunnel to find Tallulah.

DOCTOR: And you, Tallulah! Run!

TALLULAH (bewildered): What's happened to Laszlo?

The pig slaves and two Daleks are following. Laszlo slips away. The Doctor leads everyone to a ladder.

DOCTOR: C'mon! Everyone up!

Dalek Sec picks up the remains of the radio and runs his hand along the broken casing almost wistfully The Daleks find the ladder.

DALEK 1: They have ascended. (To pig slaves): Return to base.

The pig slaves leave and it turns to Dalek 2.

DALEK 1: Request information. What is your opinion of Dalek Sec?

DALEK 2: We were created to follow him.

DALEK 1: But you have... doubts.

Dalek 2 looks around as if to make sure they are alone.

DALEK 2: Affirmative.


An overhead shot shows the party of prisoners returning to Hooverville. They are then gathered around a fire, Martha and Tallulah sitting on crates.

SOLOMON: These Daleks, they sound like the stuff of nightmares. And they wanna breed?

DOCTOR: They're splicing themselves into human bodies. If I'm right, they've got a farm of breeding stock right here in Hooverville. We've got to get everyone out.

SOLOMON: Hooverville's the lowest place a man can fall. There's nowhere else to go.

DOCTOR: I'm sorry, Solomon. You've got to scatter. Go anywhere. Down to the railroads, travel across state, just get out of New York.

SOLOMON: There's got to be a way to reason with these things.

MARTHA: There's not a chance.

FRANK: You ain't seen 'em, boss.

DOCTOR: Daleks are bad enough at anytime, but right now they're vulnerable and that makes them more dangerous than ever.

The sentry posted on the edge of Hooverville sees the pig slaves coming and blows his whistle in warning as he runs to tell everyone.

SENTRY: They're coming! They're coming!

SOLOMON: A sentry. Must have seen something.

SENTRY: They're here! I seen 'em! Monsters! They're monsters!

DOCTOR: It's started.

SOLOMON: We're under attack! Everyone to arms!

The men start passing out the g*ns and other weapons they had collected.

FRANK: I'm ready, boss, but al o' you! Find a w*apon! Use anything!

Some of the residents run off.

SOLOMON: Come back! We gotta stick together! It's not safe out there! Come back!

The pig slaves invade Hooverville, attacking those who try to escape.

MARTHA: We need to get out of the park.

DOCTOR: We can't! They're on all sides. They're driving people back towards us.

TALLULAH: We're trapped.

SOLOMON: Then we stand together. Gather 'round. Everybody come to me. You there, Jethro, Harry, Seamus, stay together.

The pig slaves have forced everyone into a tight circle by the fire.

SOLOMON: They can't take all of us.

Starts firing.

MARTHA: If we can just hold them off till daylight.

DOCTOR (looks skywards): Oh, Martha, they're just the foot soldiers.

Everyone turns and looks up.

MARTHA: Oh, my God.

A Dalek is flying above, heading towards them.

SOLOMON: What in this world...

SENTRY: It's the devil. A devil in the sky. God save us all. It's damnation.

FRANK: Oh yeah? We'll see about that!

Frank fires at the Dalek but the b*ll*ts do no damage. The Doctor pushes his r*fle down.

DOCTOR: That's not gonna work.

DALEK SEC: Establish visual contact.

A screen appears showing the Dalek's view of Hooverville.

DALEK SEC: Commence the attack.

MARTHA: There's more than one of them.

The Daleks begin to attack, firing upon the settlement causing explosions and starting fires.

DALEK 1: The humans will surrender.

The Doctor appears on the screen.

DOCTOR: Leave them alone! They've done nothing to you!

DALEK 2: We have located the Doctor!

Solomon steps forward and the Doctor grabs him by the arm.

DOCTOR: No, Solomon. Stay back.

SOLOMON: I'm told that I'm addressin' the Daleks, is that right?

DALEK SEC: Observe humanity. For all their faults they have... such courage.

SOLOMON: From what I hear, you're outcasts, too.

DOCTOR: Solomon, don't.

SOLOMON: Doctor, this is my township, you will respect my authority.

Sec is watching the exchange with interest.

SOLOMON: Just let me try.

Solomon pushes the Doctor away. The Doctor steps back, shaking his head.

SOLOMON: Daleks... ain't we all the same? Underneath, ain't we all kin? (Sets r*fle on the ground). 'Cause, see, I've just discovered this past day God's universe is a thousand times the size I thought it was. And that scares me. Oh, yeah. Terrifies me. Right down to the bone. But it's got to give me hope... hope that maybe together we can make a better tomorrow. So I... I beg you now if you have any compassion in your hearts then you'll meet with us and stop this fight. Well... what do you say?

DALEK 2: Exterminate!

Dalek 2 fires upon Solomon, k*lling him.

FRANK: Oh, no!

The inhabitants of Hooverville scream. In the lab, Sec gasps at Solomon's death and the other Dalek looks at him Frank rushes to Solomon's side.

FRANK: No! Solomon!

MARTHA: They k*lled him. They just shot him on the spot.

DOCTOR (pissed off): Daleks!

The Doctor moves forward, arms out to his side, and confronts the Daleks.

DOCTOR: All right, so it's my turn! Then k*ll me! k*ll me if it'll stop you attacking these people!

DALEK 1: I will be the destroyer of our greatest enemy.

DOCTOR: Then do it! Do it! Just do it! (Beats on his chest). Do it!

DALEK 1: Extermin...

DALEK SEC: Stop! I command you. Stop.

DALEK 1: I do not understand. It is the Doctor.

DALEK SEC: But I want him alive.

DALEK 1: The urge to k*ll is too strong.

DALEK SEC: I have decided the Doctor must live and you will obey me.

DALEK 1: I... obey.

DOCTOR: What's going on?

DALEK SEC: Bring him to me.

DALEK 1: You will follow.

MARTHA: No! You can't go!

DOCTOR: I've got to go. The Daleks just changed their minds. Daleks never change their minds.

MARTHA: But what about us?

The Doctor looks back at the people of Hooverville before facing the Dalek.

DOCTOR: One condition! If I come with you, you spare the lives of everyone here! Do you hear me?

DALEK SEC: Obey the Doctor.

DALEK 1: The humans will be spared. Doctor... follow.

MARTHA: Then I'm coming with you.

DOCTOR: Martha, stay here. Do what you do best. People are hurt. You can help them. Let me go.

Martha looks at the Doctor as he looks at the Daleks before striding off to follow them. Martha looks hurt and alone. The Doctor pauses and looks back.

DOCTOR: Oh, and can I just say, thank you very much.

The Doctor grips her hand with both of his and winks. As he walks off, Martha sees he has given her the psychic paper.

DALEK 3: You saved the Doctor. Why?

DALEK SEC: He's... a genius and we can use him. The future of the Daleks might well depend on the Doctor.

Martha is applying a bandage to a man's arm when Tallulah walks in with a pot of water.

TALLULAH: Here you go. I got some more on the boil.

MARTHA: Thanks. (To man): You'll be all right. It's just a cut. Try and keep it clean.

MAN: Thanks.

The man leaves and Tallulah leans against the wall.

TALLULAH: So what about us? What do we do now?

MARTHA: The Doctor gave me this. He must have had a reason.

Martha pulls out the psychic paper and shows Tallulah.

TALLULAH: What's that for?

MARTHA: Gets you into places, buildings and things. But where? He must want me to go somewhere but what am I supposed to do?

The Doctor arrives in the Dalek lab and immediately starts in on Dalek Sec.

DOCTOR: Those people were defenceless! You only wanted me, but no, that wasn't enough for you! You had to start k*lling 'cause that's the only thing a Dalek's good for!

DALEK SEC: The deaths... were wrong.

DOCTOR: I'm sorry?

DALEK SEC: That man, their leader Solomon, he showed courage.

DOCTOR: And that's good?

DALEK SEC: That's excellent.

DOCTOR: Is it me or are you just becoming a little bit more human?

DALEK SEC: You are the last of your kind and now I am the first of mine.

DOCTOR: What do you want me for?

DALEK SEC: We tried everything to survive when we found ourselves stranded in this ignorant age. First we tried growing new Dalek embryos but their flesh was too weak.

DOCTOR: Yeah, I found one of your experiments. Just left to die out there in the dark.

DALEK SEC: It forced us to conclude what is the greatest resource of this planet, its people.

Dalek Sec lifts a giant switch on the wall and the ceiling above them lights up to show hundreds of human bodies lying suspended. Dalek Sec lifts another switch and one of the bodies is lowered. We see it is shrouded.

DALEK SEC: We stole them. We stole human beings for our purpose. Look... inside.

The Doctor opens the shroud to reveal the foreman seen in "Daleks in Manhattan".

DALEK SEC: This... is the extent of the Final Experiment.

DOCTOR: Is he dead?

DALEK SEC: Near death with his mind wiped ready to be filled with new ideas.

DOCTOR: Dalek ideas.

DALEK SEC: The Human-Dalek race.

DOCTOR: All of these people. How many?

DALEK SEC: We have caverns beyond this storing more than a thousand.

DOCTOR: Is there any way to restore them? Make them human again?

DALEK SEC: Everything they were has been lost.

DOCTOR: So they're like shells. You've got empty human beings ready to be converted. That's going to take a hell of a lot of power. This planet hasn't even split the atom yet. How're you gonna do it?

DALEK SEC: Open the conductor plan.

Inside Solomon's tent Tallulah is searching through papers. Martha is pacing, tapping the psychic paper in her hand.

MARTHA: Wait a minute. Down in the sewers the Daleks mentioned this... energy conductor.

TALLULAH: What does that mean?

MARTHA: I don't know. Maybe like a... lightening conductor or... Dalekanium!


MARTHA: They said the Dalekanium was in place.

TALLULAH: In place where?

MARTHA: Frank might know.

Martha and Tallulah leave Solomon's tent and find Frank grieving.

MARTHA: Frank?


MARTHA: That Mr. Diagoras, he was like some sort of fixer, yeah? Get you jobs all over town?

FRANK: Yeah. He could find a profit anywhere.

MARTHA: But where, though? What sort of things?

FRANK: You name it. We're all so desperate for work, you just hoped Diagoras would pick you for something good. Building work. That pays the best.

MARTHA: But what sort of building work?

FRANK: Mainly building that.

Frank points to the Empire State Building. Dalek Sec is showing the Doctor an animated graphic of their plan.

DOCTOR: Yeah, yeah, yeah. The Empire State Building. We're right underneath that. I worked that out already, thanks. But what, you h*jacked the whole building?

DALEK SEC: We needed an energy conductor.

DOCTOR: What for?

DALEK SEC: I... am the genetic template. My altered DNA was to be administered to each human body. A strong enough blast of gamma radiation can splice the Dalek and human genetic codes and wake each body from its sleep.

DOCTOR: Gamma radiation? What are... Oh, the sun. You're using the sun.

DALEK SEC: Soon... the greatest solar flare for a thousand years will hit the Earth. Gamma radiation will be drawn to the energy conductor and when it strikes...

DOCTOR: The army wakes. I still don't know what you need me for.

DALEK SEC: Your genius. Consider a pure Dalek, intelligent but emotionless.

DOCTOR: Removing the emotions makes you stronger. That's what your creator thought all those years ago.

DALEK SEC: He was wrong.

DOCTOR: He was what?

DALEK SEC: It makes us lesser than our enemies. We must return to the flesh.

The other Daleks seem concerned at this statement.

DALEK SEC: And also... the heart.

DOCTOR: You wouldn't be the supreme beings anymore.

DALEK SEC: And that is good.

DALEK 1: That is incorrect.

DALEK 2: Daleks are supreme.

DALEK SEC: No, not anymore.

DALEK 2: But that is our purpose.

DALEK SEC: Then our purpose is wrong! Where has our quest for supremacy led us? To this. Hiding in the sewers on a primitive world. Just four of us left. If we do not change now then we deserve extinction.

DOCTOR: So you want to change everything that makes a Dalek a Dalek.

DALEK SEC: If... you can help me.

Martha, Tallulah and Frank are in a service lift of the Empire State Building.

MARTHA: I always wanted to go to the Empire State. Never imagined it quite like this, though.

FRANK: Where are we headed anyway?

MARTHA: To the top where they're still building.

TALLULAH: How come those guys just let us through? How's that thing work?

MARTHA: Psychic paper. Shows them whatever I want them to think. According to this, we're two engineers and an architect.

Frank takes the psychic paper and flips the empty paper over in his hands.

DALEK SEC: Your knowledge of genetic engineering is even greater than ours. The new race must be ready by the time the solar flare erupts.

DOCTOR: But you're the template. I thought they were getting a dose of you.

DALEK SEC: I want to change the gene sequence.

DOCTOR: To make them even more human?

DALEK SEC: Humans are the great survivors. We need that ability.

DOCTOR: Hold on a minute. There's no way this lot are gonna let you do it.

DALEK SEC: I am their leader.

DOCTOR (turns to other Daleks): Oh, and that's enough for you, is it?

DALEK 2: Daleks must follow orders.

DALEK 1: Dalek Sec commands, we obey.

DALEK SEC: If you don't help me... nothing will change.

DOCTOR: There's no room on Earth for another race of people.

DALEK SEC: You have your TARDIS. Take us across the stars. Find us a new home and allow the new Daleks to start again.

DOCTOR: When's that solar flare?

DALEK SEC: Eleven minutes.

DOCTOR: Right then. Better get to work.

Frank, Martha and Tallulah enter the top floor, the room that Diagoras had been using as an office.

TALLULAH: Look at this pace. Top of the world.

Martha spots the architectural plans.

MARTHA: Okay, now this looks good.

Frank joins her.

FRANK: Hey, look at the date. These designs were issued today. They must've changed something last minute.

MARTHA: You mean the Daleks changed something?

FRANK: Yeah, could be.

MARTHA: The ones underneath, they're from before. That means that whatever they changed must be on this top sheet but not this one. We need to check one against the other.

TALLULAH: The height of this place! This is amazing!

MARTHA: Careful, we're a hundred floors up. Don't go wandering off.

TALLULAH: I just wanna see.

Tallulah walks to the open area overlooking the city.

TALLULAH: New York City. If aliens had to come to Earth, no wonder they came here.

In the lab, the Doctor is checking the equipment and readouts.

DOCTOR: There's no point in chromosomal grafting. It's too erratic. You need to split the genome and force the Dalek-human sequence right into the cortex.

DALEK SEC: We need more chromatin solution.

DALEK 1: The pig slaves have it.

The pig slaves walk into the room carrying a large crate. Laszlo is one of them.

DOCTOR: These pig slaves, what happens to them in the grand plan?

DALEK SEC: Nothing. They're just simple beasts. Their lifespan is limited. None survive beyond a few weeks. Power up the engine feeds.

The Doctor spots Laszlo and walks over.

DOCTOR: Laszlo, I can't undo what they've done to you, but they won't do it to anyone else.

LASZLO: Do you trust him?

DOCTOR: I know that one man can change the course of history.

One of the Daleks spots them talking.

DOCTOR: Right idea in the right place at the right time is all it takes. I've got to believe it's possible.

Martha has the plans spread out on the floor and is kneeling, studying them. Frank and Tallulah are standing nearby.

FRANK: I'll go and keep an eye out, make sure we're safe up here. Don't want nobody buttin' in.

Frank walks out a side door.

TALLULAH: There's a hell of a storm movin' in.

MARTHA: I wish the Doctor was here. He'd know what we're looking for.

TALLULAH: So tell me, where did you and him first hook up?

MARTHA: It was in a hospital, sort of.

TALLULAH: 'Course, him bein' a doctor.

Tallulah kneels beside Martha.

MARTHA: Actually, I'm a doctor. Well, kind of.

TALLULAH: You're a physician?

Martha nods.


MARTHA: I was training. Still am, if I ever get back home.

TALLULAH: You could be doctors together. (gasps). What a partnership. Oh, it's such a shame. If only he wasn't so... different. You know what I mean?

MARTHA: Oh, you have no idea how different he really is.

TALLULAH: Yeah, he's a man, sweetheart. That's different enough.

MARTHA: He had this... companion a while back. This friend. And ever since then he's been on his own. But you know, sometimes I say something or do something and he looks at me, and I just sort of think... that he's not seeing me. He's just remembering.

TALLULAH: Aw, listen sweetheart. You wanna get all sad? You wanna have a contest with me and Laszlo?

MARTHA: No. But listen, if the Doctor's with Laszlo now, there's every chance that he could get him out.

TALLULAH: And then what? Don't talk crazy. There's no future for me and him. Those Dalek things took that away. The one good thing I had in my life and they destroyed it.

Tallulah stands and walks back to the open area.

DALEK 1: The line feeds are ready.

The Doctor rushes up to a bunch of tubes and extracts the solution inside with a syringe.

DOCTOR: Then it's all systems go.

DALEK SEC: The solar flare is imminent. The radiation will reach Earth in a matter of minutes.

DOCTOR: We'll be ready for it.

The Doctor inserts the syringe into one of the main feeding tubes and injects the solution.

DOCTOR: That compound will allow the gene bonds to reconfigure in a brand new pattern. Power up!

One of the pig slaves turns on a power switch as does Laszlo.

DALEK SEC: Start... the line feeds.

One of the Daleks starts the machinery and we see the solution start moving through the tubes.

DOCTOR: There goes the gene solution.

DALEK SEC: The life blood.

The solution starts coursing up to the bodies.

MARTHA: Gotcha! Look!

Tallulah joins her looking at the plans.

MARTHA: There, on the mast. Those little lines? They're new. They've added something, see?

TALLULAH: Added what?

They look at each other.

BOTH: Dalekanium!

Martha laughs A klaxon sounds and red warning lights flash.

DOCTOR: What's that?

DALEK SEC: What's happening? Is there a malfunction? Answer me!

DOCTOR: No, no, no. The gene feed! They're overriding the gene feed!

The Doctor rushes to the controls in an attempt to fix it.

DALEK SEC: Impossible. They cannot disobey orders.

DALEK 2: The Doctor will step away from the controls.

The Doctor backs away.

DALEK SEC: Stop! You will not fire.

DALEK 1: He is an enemy of the Daleks.

DALEK 2: And so are you.

The Daleks have their weapons aimed at the Doctor and Dalek Sec.

DALEK SEC: I am your commander. I am Dalek Sec.

DALEK 3: You have lost your authority.

DALEK 2: You are no longer a Dalek.

DOCTOR: What have you done with the gene feed?

DALEK 3: The new bodies will be 100% Dalek.

DALEK SEC: No. You can't do this!

DALEK 2: Pig slaves, restrain Dalek Sec and the Doctor.

Two pig slaves grab Dalek Sec and one of the pig slaves that grabs the Doctor is Laszlo.

DALEK SEC: Release me. I created you. I am your master.

DALEK 2: Solar flare approaching.

DALEK 3: Prepare to intercept.

The Daleks turn towards the machinery. The lift bell pings.

LASZLO: There's the lift.

DOCTOR: After you.

The Doctor and Laszlo push their way clear and head for the lift.

DALEK 2: The Doctor is escaping! Stop him! Stop him!

The pig slaves follow but the lift doors are already closing. Inside the lift, Laszlo is leaning against the side, panting heavily.

DOCTOR: We've only got minutes before the gamma radiation reaches the Earth. We need to get to the top of the building. Laszlo, what's wrong?

LASZLO: Out of breath. It's nothing. We've escaped them, Doctor. That's all that matters.

The pig slaves force Dalek Sec to his knees in front of the other Daleks.

DALEK SEC: You have betrayed me.

DALEK 2: You told us to imagine.

DALEK 3: And we imagined your irrelevance.

DALEK SEC: I was your leader. I am Dalek Sec. Obey me!

Dalek Sec gets to his feet The lift doors open and Martha turns to see the Doctor and Laszlo.

MARTHA: Doctor!

DOCTOR: First floor, perfumery.

TALLULAH: I never thought I'd see you again.

Tallulah rushes over to Laszlo and he meets her halfway where they hug.

LASZLO: No stopping me.

Martha leads the Doctor over to the plans.

MARTHA: We worked it out. We know what they've done. There's Dalekanium on the mast. And it's good to see you too, by thy way.

DOCTOR: Oh, come here.

The Doctor grabs Martha in a big hug and twirls her about. He drops her abruptly as the bell dings and the lift doors close. He runs to try and stop it.

DOCTOR: No, no, no. See, never waste time with a hug.

He uses the sonic screwdriver on the panel.

DOCTOR: It's a deadlock seal. I can't stop it.

MARTHA: Where's it going?

DOCTOR: Right down to the Daleks. And they're not going to leave us alone up here. What's the time?

FRANK: 11:15.

DOCTOR: Six minutes to go. I've got to remove the Dalekanium before the gamma radiation hits.

TALLULAH: Gammon radiation? What the heck is that?

Martha leads he Doctor outside, Tallulah and Laszlo following. The Doctor looks out on the city.

DOCTOR: Oh, that's high. That's very... Blimey, that's high.

MARTHA: And we've got to go even higher. That's the mast up there, look. There's three pieces of Dalekanium at the base. We've got to get 'em off.

DOCTOR: That's not "we". That's just me.

MARTHA: I won't just stand here and watch you.

DOCTOR: No, you're gonna have your hands full, anyway. I'm sorry, Martha, but you've got to fight.

Dalek Sec is sitting on the floor, chained to the wall.

DALEK 2: Confirm time until solar intercept.

DALEK 1: Gamma strike, four minutes and counting.

The Doctor climbs higher up the scaffolding, hanging on as high winds and rain blow around him. He reaches the base of the mast, takes out his sonic screwdriver and uses it on the bolts holding the Dalekanium in place The lift arrives at the lab.

DALEK 2: Pig slaves will take the lift. Find the Doctor. k*ll him.

The pig slaves enter the lift Martha, Laszlo, Frank and Tallulah have picked up makeshift weapons and are facing the lift.

MARTHA: The lift's coming up.

FRANK: I shoulda brought that g*n.

LASZLO: Tallulah, stay back. You too, Martha. If they send pig slaves, they're trained to k*ll.

MARTHA: The Doctor needs me to fight. I'm not going anywhere!

LASZLO: They're savages. I should know. They're trained to slit your throat with their bare teeth.

Laszlo collapses to the floor.

TALLULAH: Laszlo? What is it?

Laszlo struggles to stand.

LASZLO: No, it's nothing. I'm fine. Just leave me.

Laszlo falls back to the floor and leans against the wall. Tallulah kneels beside him and puts her hand to his forehead.

TALLULAH: Oh, honey, you're burnin' up. What's wrong with you? Tell me.

FRANK (to Martha): One man down and we ain't even started yet.
Shot of the pig slaves in the elevator as it climbs to the top floor.

MARTHA: It's not looking good, Frank.

FRANK: Nope.

Hearing the storm through the open end of the room gives Martha an idea.

MARTHA: Wait a minutes. Lightening.

She runs to the other end of the room. The Doctor is still struggling with the Dalekanium. He pulls off one panel and moves to the second. Martha and Frank are arranging long metal rods from the outside across the room to the lift, making sure they don't touch the floor. Tallulah is with Laszlo.

TALLULAH (sweetly): Aw, you'll be all right, sweetheart. Don't you worry. (To Martha and Frank): What the hell are you two clowns doin'?

MARTHA: Even if the Doctor stops the Dalekanium, this place is still gonna get hit. Great big bolt of lightening, electricity all down this building. Connect this to the lift and they get zapped.

TALLULAH: Oh my God, that could work.

FRANK: Then give us a hand.

DALEK 2: Gamma strike imminent.

DALEK 3: In 40 rels. 39... 38... 37...

The Doctor is still working on the second panel when the sonic screwdriver slips from his fingers and over the edge. The Doctor leans over and sees that it's gone. Martha and Frank have finished their handiwork.

TALLULAH: Is that gonna work?

MARTHA: It's got to.

FRANK: I've got it all piped up to the scaffolding outside.

MARTHA: Come here, Frank and sit in the middle and don't touch anything metal.

The Doctor tries to pull off the panel with his bare hands, grunting with effort.

DALEK 3: 12... 11... 10...

The Doctor, knowing there's no way he can get the panels off in time, stands and looks up to the sky. Martha, Frank, Tallulah and Laszlo huddle in the corner of the room. The lift with the pig slaves passes the 95th floor. The Doctor climbs the mast and wraps his arms about it, clinging tight. The lift arrives and the doors slide open.

DALEK 3: Zero. Gamma strike!

A bolt of lightening strikes the mast coursing down it and through the Doctor who screams. The lightening passes along the pipes to the lift, striking the pig slaves. The Doctor clings to the mast, still screaming. The pig slaves begin to fall Energy charges down the whole of the Empire State Building and into the lab.

DALEK 2: The army awakes.

The bodies begin to lower and as they revive, they push off the shrouds. Martha, Frank, Tallulah and Laszlo open their eyes and see the dead pig slaves in the lift. Martha is the first to run over. Frank puts his arm over her shoulders.

TALLULAH: You did it, Martha.

MARTHA: They used to be like Laszlo. They were people and I k*lled 'em.

LASZLO: No, the Daleks k*lled them. Long ago.

MARTHA: What about the Doctor?

Martha rushes outside. A line of human Daleks impassively faces their creators. Dalek 2 questions the man who used to be foreman.

DALEK 2: You will identify.

FOREMAN: I... am... a Dalek.

DALEK 3: Excellent.

DALEK 1: Begin the invasion of Manhattan. The population will be converted to Daleks.

DALEK 2: And from this island we will conquer the world.

DALEK 3: Assume battle positions. Take arms.

The human-form Daleks march past a rack containing g*ns and each takes one. Up by the mast, the Doctor is lying on his back unconscious when Martha and Frank find him.

MARTHA: Doctor! Doctor! (Kneels beside him). Look what we found halfway down. (She has the sonic screwdriver). You're getting careless.

DOCTOR (groans): Oh my head.

MARTHA (relieved): Hiya.

DOCTOR: Hi. You survived then.

MARTHA: So did you. Just about. I can't help noticing... There's Dalekanium still attached.

The Doctor gets up. The human Daleks march through the sewers.

DALEK 2: w*r demands strategy. I am designated controller.

DALEK SEC: That was to be my position.

DALEK 1: You are unfit.

DALEK 2: Connect me to the military computer. I will coordinate all units.

DOCTOR: The Daleks will have gone straight to a w*r footing. They'll be using the sewers, spreading their soldiers out underneath Manhattan.

LASZLO: How do we stop them?

DOCTOR: There's only one chance. I got in the way. That gamma strike went zapping though me first.

MARTHA: But what does that mean?

DOCTOR: We need to draw fire. Before they can attack New York, I need to face them. Think, think, think, think. We need some sort of space, somewhere safe, somewhere out of the way. Tallulah!

TALLULAH: That's me. Three L's and an H.

DOCTOR: The theatre! It's right above them, and, what, it's gone midnight? Can you get us inside?

TALLULAH: Don't see why not.

DOCTOR: Is there another lift?

MARTHA: We came up in the service elevator.

DOCTOR: That'll do. Allons-y!

Dalek 2 is hooked up to the battle computer, wires connected to its casing.

DALEK 1: Report status.

DALEK 2: Maximum efficiency. I am now ready for full-scale w*r.

DALEK 1: Control over Dalek-humans?

DALEK 2: Connection confirmed. All soldiers will take heed.

In the sewers, the Dalek-humans stand to attention.

DALEK 2: All weapons will be primed.

All the soldiers prime their weapons. The Doctor, Martha, Frank, Tallulah and Laszlo arrive at the darkened theatre.

DOCTOR: This should do it. Here we go.

The Doctor switches on the sonic screwdriver.

TALLULAH: There ain't nothin' more creepy than a theatre in the dark. Listen, Doctor, I know you got a thing for showtunes, but there's a time and place, hunh?

Laszlo falls into one of the chairs beside her.

TALLULAH: Laszlo, what's wrong?

She sits next to him.

LASZLO: Nothing. It's just so hot.

TALLULAH: But... it's freezing in here. Doctor, what's happening to him?

The Doctor is listening to the sonic screwdriver, checking its frequency.

DOCTOR: Not now, Tallulah. Sorry.

MARTHA: What are you doing?

DOCTOR: If the Daleks are going to w*r, they'll wanna find their number one enemy. I'm just telling them where I am.

The Doctor holds up the sonic screwdriver and turns it on.

DALEK 2: Sonic device detected!

DALEK 1: The Doctor survived.

DALEK 3: Find him and exterminate!

DOCTOR: I'm telling you to go. Frank can take you back to Hooverville.

MARTHA: And I'm telling you I'm not going.

DOCTOR: Martha, that's an order.

MARTHA: Who are you, then? Some sort of Dalek?

The doors to the theatre burst open and the human Daleks arrive, flanking them.

TALLULAH: Oh, my God! Well I guess that's them then, hunh?

MARTHA: Humans... with Dalek DNA.

Frank moves to attack them but the Doctor pulls him back.

DOCTOR: It's all right. Just stay calm. Don't antagonize them.

LASZLO: But what about the Dalek masters? Where are they?

DALEK 2: Doctor located. Advance. Advance.

There is an expl*si*n on stage and the Doctor and the others duck behind the seats for cover. The Doctor peers over the seats, and, as the smoke clears, we see Daleks 1 and 3 with Dalek Sec chained and walking on all fours. The Doctor stands slowly and the others peek over the chairs.

DALEK 1: The Doctor will stand before the Daleks.

The Doctor steps over a chair and walks forward on the backs of the rows until he reaches the front row.

DALEK 1: You will die, Doctor. It is the beginning of a new age.

DALEK 3: Planet Earth will become New Skaro.

DOCTOR: Oh, and what a world. With anything just the slightest bit different ground into the dirt. That's Dalek Sec. Don't you remember? The cleverest Dalek ever and look what you've done to him. Is that your new empire? Hmm? Is that the foundation for a whole new civilization?

DALEK SEC: My Daleks... just understand this. If you choose death and destruction, then death and destruction will choose you.

DALEK 1: Incorrect. We will always survive.

DALEK 3: Now we will destroy our greatest enemy, the Doctor.

DALEK SEC: But he can help you.

DALEK 1: The Doctor must die.

DALEK SEC: No, I beg you, don't.

Dalek Sec crawls in front of Dalek 1.

DALEK 3: Exterminate!

Dalek Sec stands just as Dalek 1 fires. He dies instantly.

DOCTOR (disgusted): Your own leader. The only creature who might have led you out of the darkness and you destroyed him. (Turns to human Daleks). Do you see what they did? Huh? You see what a Dalek really is?

DALEK 2: Warning. Dalek-Humans show increased levels of seratonin.

DOCTOR: If I'm gonna die, let's give the new boys a shot. What do you think, eh? The Dalek-Humans. Their first blood. Go on, baptize them.

The Doctor holds his arms out to his sides.

DALEK 1: Dalek-Humans, take aim.

The Dalek-Humans cock their weapons and aim them at the Doctor.

DOCTOR: What are you waiting for? Give the command!

DALEK 3: Exterminate!

The Doctor closes his eyes and Martha ducks her head against Frank's chest. Nothing happens.

DALEK 3: Exterminate!

Still nothing happens.

DALEK 1: Obey. Dalek-Humans will obey.

MARTHA: Not firing. (To Doctor): What have you done?

DALEK 3: You will obey. Exterminate.


The Doctor looks at the former foreman.

DALEK 1: Daleks do not question orders.

FOREMAN: But why?

DALEK 1: You will stop this.

FOREMAN: But... why?

DALEK 1: You must not question.

FOREMAN: But you are not our master. And we... we are not Daleks.

DOCTOR: No, you're not, and you never will be. (To Daleks): Sorry, I got in the way of the lightening strike. Time Lord DNA got all mixed up. Just that little bit of freedom.

DALEK 3: If they will not obey, then they must die.

Dalek 3 sh**t the foreman.

DOCTOR: Get down!

They all duck behind the seats and both factions fire on each other.

DALEKS: Exterminate! Exterminate!

DALEK 2: Destroy the hybrids. Destroy.

DALEKS: Exterminate!

Dalek 3 is blown up.

DALEK 1: Extermin...

Dalek 1 is blown up. The human Daleks stop firing. Frank, Martha, Tallulah and Laszlo stand. The Doctor goes over to one of the hybrids.

DOCTOR: It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. You did it. You're free.

DALEK 2: The Dalek-Humans are failures. Destruct! Destruct! Destruct!

All the hybrids grip their heads and scream in pain.


The human Daleks crumble to the ground.

DOCTOR: They can't! They can't! They can't!

Martha joins him beside one of the bodies.

MARTHA: What happened? What was that?

DOCTOR: They k*lled 'em. Rather than let them live. An entire species. Genocide.

LASZLO: Only two of the Daleks have been destroyed. One of the Dalek masters must still be alive.

The Doctor stands.

DOCTOR: Oh, yes. In the whole universe, just one.

The Dalek is still connected to the battle computer. The Doctor enters at the other end of the room.

DOCTOR: Now what?

DALEK: You will be exterminated.

DOCTOR: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Just think about it, Dalek... What was your name?

DALEK CAAN: Dalek Caan.

DOCTOR (walks forward): Dalek Caan. Your entire species has been wiped out. And now the Cult of Skaro has been eradicated. Leaving only you. Right now you're facing the only man in the universe who might show you some compassion. 'Cause I've just seen one genocide. I won't cause another. Caan... let me help you. What do you say?

DALEK CAAN: Emergency Temporal Shift!

Dalek Caan disappears leaving wires hanging and a very angry Doctor who charges too late. Martha and Tallulah enter helping to support Laszlo.

MARTHA: Doctor! Doctor! He's sick.

Laszlo is breathing heavily, wheezing. They lower him to the floor, Tallulah cradling him on her lap.

MARTHA: It's okay. You're all right.

The Doctor approaches them and kneels.

MARTHA: It's his heart. It's racing like mad. I've never seen anything like it.

TALLULAH: What is it, Doctor? What's the matter with him? He says he can't breathe? What is it?

LASZLO: It's time, sweetheart.

TALLULAH: What do you mean "time"? What are you talking about?

LASZLO: None of the slaves... survive for long. Most of them only live a few weeks. I was lucky. I held on 'cause I had you. But now... I'm dyin', Tallulah.

TALLULAH: No you're not. Not now, after all this. Doctor, can't you do somethin'?

DOCTOR: Oh, Tallulah with three Ls and an H... just you watch me. (The Doctor stands and takes off his coat). What do I need? Oh, I don't know. How about a great big genetic laboratory? Oh look, I've got one. Laszlo, just you hold on. (The Doctor runs about the lab, mixing up a solution, talking all the while). There's been too many deaths today. Way too many people have died. Brand new creatures and wise old men and age-old enemies. And I'm tellin' you, I'm tellin' you right now, I am not having one more death! Got that? Not one! Tallulah, out of the way. (The Doctor takes a stethoscope out of his pock and puts it on). The Doctor is in.


An arial shot of Central Park. The Doctor, Martha, Tallulah, and Laszlo, bundled in an overcoat and hat, are waiting by a park bench. Frank joins them.

FRANK: Well I talked to 'em and I told 'em what Solomon would've said and I reckon I shamed one or two of 'em.

DOCTOR: What did they say?

FRANK: They said yes.

Tallulah hugs Laszlo.

FRANK: They'll give you a home, Laszlo. I mean, uh, don't imagine people ain't gonna stare. I can't promise you'll be at peace but, in the end, that is what Hooverville is for, people who ain't got nowhere else.

LASZLO: Thank you. I... I can't thank you enough.


Back on Liberty Island, Martha and the Doctor are looking out at the Manhattan skyline.

MARTHA: Do you reckon it's gonna work, those two?

DOCTOR: I don't know. Anywhere else in the universe, I might worry about them, but New York, that's what this city's good at. Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, and maybe the odd pig-sl*ve-Dalek-mutant-hybrid too.

MARTHA (laughs): The pig and the showgirl.

DOCTOR (smiles): The pig and the showgirl.

MARTHA: Just proves it, I suppose. There's someone for everyone.

The Doctor's smile disappears.

DOCTOR: Maybe.

The Doctor walks to the TARDIS and Martha follows.

MARTHA (sighs): Meant to say... sorry.

DOCTOR: What for?

MARTHA: Just 'cause that Dalek got away. I know what that means to you. Think you'll ever see it again?

The Doctor unlocks the TARDIS.

DOCTOR: Oh yes.

Martha enter and the Doctor pauses in the doorway.

DOCTOR: One day.

The Doctor goes inside and closes the door.