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01x32 - Fuzzle Trouble

Posted: 07/11/22 16:10
by bunniefuu
my perfect smurf catcher

to try it out


it works my footprint finding potion




a bit too strong but this should fix it

after all there's nothing worse than

smurfs who are overdone









hey you're a cute little fella


it locked me

it's obviously a poor judge of character

hey what you got there clumsy uh gee i i

don't know can i hold it papa smurf

should see it first papa smur should

always be


look what i find papa smurf cannot keep


a fuzzle no clumsy abso smartly not now

put it back where you found it see i

told you papa smear should see it first

but oh no you wouldn't

oh but papa smurf be so little little

fuzzles are big trouble put it back yes

papa smurf all right smurfs load up the

logs we're heading home

huh sorry little fuzzle guess this is



you got to keep your smurf shut or

this'll never work


smurf prince

it won't be long now as well

where could that little wretch have gone


come down from there you little blue






we're still in business

head straight for the damn and we'll get

started on the repairs


well little puzzle i bet you're hungry

gotta get back to work




ready or not here i come


i've got problems sorry clumsy but it's

lunch time and lunch time is not for

problems it's for eating

like they're doing so


where did these puzzles come from

papa smurf was right puzzles mean


oh you sure will

what'll i do i don't know but you better

do it fast look yes bubba smurf slab


something wrong clumsy

no i uh uh just

more soup papa smurf

or maybe some dessert


better yet papa there's nothing like a

brisk walk after lunch but i haven't

eaten lunch yet now what's going on here



puzzles clumsy i warned you fuzzles were

trouble uh i know papa smurf and i'm

sure sorry


they're destroying my lab round up every

last puzzle and take them all back to

the forest now yes bob smurf we're

getting closer as we hell i can feel it

there what did i tell you smurfs were

here the sawdust is still fresh

it won't be long now




that's perfect the way to get rid of him

is to scare him away watch here

i'm crazy

well that's all of them brainy

it's about time let's smurf them out of

you like papa smurf said

ah peace and quiet at last call the

smart puppet smurf quick the puzzles are

heading for the dam what

keep your fingers smurfed



quickly gather all the fossils before

they wake up

hmm these little critters have that

right i


oh no papa smurf they're waking up

that's all of my sleeping potion and

there isn't time to smurf up another


success a genuine smurf path

those disgusting smurfs have to pass

here sooner or later and when they do

we'll be ready


it's no use smurfs there's nothing more

we can do

guess it's taps for us the end of smurf

them as we know it


it's all my fault


no harmony keep playing louder





where do i take them back to the woods

where they belong


listen here come the smurfs with all

their sickening disgusting happiness but

we'll soon put a stop to that


we have them

what's gonna happen to those poor little

puzzles i'm not sure clumsy let's find


at long last the smurfs are hours all



they've gone too far this time i'll get

those miserable rotten smurfs if it's

the last king i go

