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04x20 - The Appearance of Strange Visitors

Posted: 07/12/22 19:33
by bunniefuu
I want to try and gather
the unrestrained winds

I'll run toward the horizon,
alongside the wave crests

I've made my decision,

even if there's a long way to go
on that road.

I'll continue towards the future I've planned

Time rushes us
The heartbeat speeds up

When I woke in the middle of a dream
I kept searching for that same light

Under the shining star lit sky with
countless constellations and shadows

There was something beyond that...
What were you gazing at?

What were you gazing at?

Our mission this time around
is a rough one.

Can you do it, Lee?

I'll be okay! I can go anytime.

Now that's my protégé!

Let's go, Lee!

Right, Guy Sensei!

They're off!

Those large bags no doubt mean
an overnight expedition mission.

To think we'd encounter the ideal pair
so quickly. We're lucky.

Then, it's settled.

Right. Starting operation.
To infilrtra... whoa!

H-Heavy! Get off, you idiot.

To... infiltrate... the super elite
hidden village...

the Village Hidden in Leaves!

The Appearance of Strange Visitors

Wow, we look just like those two!

Naturally. We refined
our Disguise Jutsu for this very day.

We're after the classified information
of the Leaf...


We'll be famous if this goes well!

The idea is to win distinction
for our village.

Then we'll get tons of missions
and we'll be the village heroes!

Village Heroes!
Mondai and Poccha!

All right. As of this moment,
my name's Guy.

The Leaf Ninja, "Mondai Guy"!

And I'm the protégé, "Poccha Lee"!

Let's go, Lee.

Yes, Guy Sensei!

Nothing like a large village,
sure enough!

Wow, everyone's like a Ninja.

Hey! Don't be looking all
about so much!


Listen up.

There's a chief in this village
called the "Hokage."

So there's no doubt classified information
is concentrated where that person is.

I see.

If I remember correctly,

that person's in a building easy to spot
with a " Fire mark on it or something...

- There it is!
- That's it!

What about the Lady Hokage's house?

- Yikes!
- Yikes!


N Nothing special! We're not after Leaf
classified information or any any any...

Are you an idiot?!

I It's nothing at all!

Is that so?

Look, we've got to act naturally here.


Hi. I'm Guy.

I'm Lee.

Guy and Lee..., eh...?

Don't you guys have
a different atmosphere than usual?

No. L-It's your imagination!

No, I feel like something's different...

Oh, there's a kite up there flying
while eating a pork cutlet rice bowl!

What? Where, where?

What? There's no kite anywhere.

Hey, what?

Jeez, that Ninja has to go and
stand behind us

without any sign of his presence.

But it seems we fooled him good.

Our Disguise Jutsu is perfect,
sure enough.

Say, infiltration is kind of easy, isn't it?!

The Leaf isn't worth fearing!

Guy and Lee imposters are
prowling around the village?

And to think they'd enter the village
in disguises

without even using Transformation Jutsu.

Are they really Ninja?

Weird people find their way
in when a village grows.

Well, it's nonsense, but I thought
I would at least report it for now.

Indeed, we can't just leave
intruders unchecked.

Shall we throw them out?

No, leave them be.


It sounds interesting, doesn't it?

They're going to the trouble of
calling themselves Ninja of this village.


We probably don't need to worry.

It's unlikely that anyone could be
fooled by such obvious imposters.

Come on, please.
Guy Sensei, Bushy Brow!

Pretty please with sugar on top!
Just the one day today would be fine!

Let me join your training!

Hey! What's with this guy
all of a sudden?

He's probably a real acquaintance
of theirs, but...

Does he think
we're going to do training?!

I'll do anything! I've always
been interested in Taijutsu.

I mean... okay?! It's okay, right?

Anyway, let's turn him away!


No. Take a pass.

What? Why?!

Because our training is very harsh,
rough and difficult.

Difficult training, huh?

Ahhh, I'm getting even
more fired up! Please!

I won't get in your way,
no matter what! Come on.

- Absolutely not!
- Absolutely not!

All right, since it's come to this!

Shadow Clone Jutsu!

Real body clones?!

- And furthermore...
- And furthermore...

- Harem Jutsu!
- Harem Jutsu!

Wh What?!

- What?!
- What?!

- Pl-ea -se.
- Pl-ea -se.

- Okay!
- Okay!



- No way.
- No way.

Brother, why'd you say okay?

What's done is done,
so it can't be helped, right?!

Hey, Guy Sensei, Lee!

What's the deal, you two?

We're going to the farm today, right?


What're you doing letting
your mind wander?

The person's waiting.
Come on, hurry!

- Huh? Oh...
- H-Hey!

Hey, wait!

- What...?
- Huh?

I promised to plant rice for
the sake of training?

Not only that, all of this...

It's totally huge.

Gee, thanks. It's a big help,
you guys giving me a hand.

Please don't worry about it.

They accepted this on
their own accord, so. Bye.

Why is this training?

I get it!

Indeed, I will use my body quite
a bit if I do this training.

So I can get in shape
while helping out, huh?

Guy Sensei, Bushy Brow!

I'll do my best!

Why's he that motivated?

Why should we have
to do this manual labor?

Damn it.
Anyway, let's get this over with!

You're right.

Th That's mean, brother!

Oh, sorry about that.



Come to think of it, there are
flying leeches in the rice fields,

so be careful.

F-Flying leeches?!

Worst case scenario, it could be deadly.


Hey Poccha!

Hang in there!

Just what I'd expect of Taijutsu training!

That was some intense rice planting!

Phew, that was a good workout!

W We're done...

Th That was life or death...

Then, shall we move on?

- A manure receptacle?!
- A manure receptacle?!

Spread this in that field over there.

Th This is also training...?

H-Heavy... Smelly...

Why should I have to do
something like this...?

Hey, you guys,
why don't you walk straight?

Y-You can walk twice
the forward progress distance

if you move ahead while
walking left and right like this!

Oh, so that was it?

Then I'll also...

Like this?

I It's really hard to balance like this!

D-Damn it!

Gee, I didn't realize at all that
there was a method of training like this...

Hey! Watch it.
Walk more over there...

What'd you say?

What a nightmare.

Forget about it.
Anyway, let's lose the kid right now.

As for you guys,
you still kind of smell bad.

- Shut up!
- Shut up!

There you are, Guy Sensei, Lee.

Oh, Sakura.

Oh, Naruto. You're here, too?

As for me,
I'm training together with these two today.


More importantly, is something up?

Yeah... Actually, I really wanted
your help with something, Guy Sensei, Lee.

- What?
- What?

- Your laundry blew away in the wind?
- Your laundry blew away in the wind?

That's right.
It got caught in a bit of a high spot.

No. No way, no way.
We've got lots of work to do, so.

Come on!

Here I'm asking precisely
because it's you guys.

Please don't say no!

Sakura, if you're in that much trouble,
I could get it for you!

Okay, Guy Sensei?



What a sheer cliff.

That's for sure. We'd be beyond help
if we were to fall from up there.

Right? I don't quite have the confidence...

That means...

Yup! It's right above here.

Gee, as one would expect,
I don't think we could...

Isn't that great, Sakura?

For Guy Sensei, a cliff like this is
no different than a flat path.

That's encouraging.

It's a big help having an awesome Ninja
like you close by, Guy Sensei.

What? Uhh... Umm...

Now, please.


Damn it. Why is this happening

I I don't want to die.

D-Damn it!

Hey, as for you guys,
why aren't you using the Chakra suction?

Th This is training for building up
muscular strength!

So that's what it was?!

Just what I'd expect of a Taijutsu user.

I never came up with deliberately
draining physical strength!

I really do learn a lot from
being with you, Sensei.

Th This jerk...

I'm... I'm going to die...

Alley oop!


Th That was close...!

Gee, sorry about that.

This jerk...

All right, we made it.

Don't look down!

Anyway, if we can just take
this back with us...

Alley oop...

Damn it...

All right, I got it.

It won't come loose...
Hey, help me out here.


You little...!

Sensei, use suction with your Chakra!

This is nothing to me!

Look out!

For real? What?!

Guy Sensei! Bushy Brow!

I've had it...

Sensei, Bushy Brow!

That was awesome!

To do something like not
using Chakra suction. Awesome!

- Look you...!
- Look you...!

Perfect timing, you guys.

Old Lady Tsunade.

Actually, I've got something
I want to ask you guys to do.

My companion suddenly started
not feeling well, you see.

- Yikes! It's huge!
- It's huge!

It seems she's caught a cold.

It's a huge slug. Oh, as for this,
is it something like Chief Toad?

Well, that sounds about right.

However, as you can see,
we can't carelessly move her.

Sorry, but could you guys look
after her for a while?

I'm very sorry.

Jeez. What a ridiculous guy.

Brother, at this rate we won't be able
to look for the confidential information.

Oh, that's right.

Shut up.

What're you moaning about?

You guys.

It couldn't be that you guys

can't listen to the words of me,
the Hokage, could it?

- This is the Hokage?
- This is the Hokage?

This is bad. To think the Hokage
was that fierce a person.

We're taking care of
her precious companion.

We might be able to get into
the Hokage estate surprisingly easily.

I wonder.

So even Summoning animals
get sick, too...

It seems to be a light cold.

My nose itches, I have a sore throat
and I feel weak or something...

Hey, I'm going to chill your forehead!

Thank you so much.

All right, here we go.

Oh... Oh no. The itching...


- Wha!
- What?!

It's... It's melting...

Watch it, you!

I'm very sorry. I'll be more caref

Guy Sensei! Bushy Brow!

You'll be in danger if you don't
move away from there!

My... My lower back...

Y You idiot!

I'm developing my dynamic vision
for narrowly evading danger!


That Sensei,

he was training, putting his life
at risk even at times like this...?

Even though that Bushy Brow guy's
training properly, as for me!

I've woken up,
Guy Sensei, I'll train with you!

Let's do this!

Ohh, the joints in my body hurt...
I feel like I'm going to fall apart...

Hey! Aren't you a slug?
What're you doing talking about joints?!

- S Save us.
- S Save us!

I've had it.
What's going on with this village...?

I'll die if I stay in a place like this
any longer.



Who're you guys?

Why are you dressed like
my protégé Lee...?

Damn it!

Since it's come to this,
I don't give a damn anymore!

- Super Excellent Great Hyper Attack!
- Super Excellent Great Hyper Attack!

I don't really get it, but it seems
we just have to fight, huh?

So it seems.

Let's go, Lee!

Now, knockout technique!

- Double Dynamic Entry!
- Double Dynamic Entry!

Damn it. What did we go there for
in the end?!

I really hate, I really hate...

- the likes of the Leaf!
- The likes of the Leaf!


Lord knows where they came from,

but now they'll probably never
want to try that again.

You sure looked like
you were having fun, Lady Tsunade,

going so far as to summon Katsuyu.

Well, my adorable Genin
helped out as well, so.

Now, we've had our breather.
So please be getting back to work.

Oh yes, ma'am.

But still...
What was with that Naruto?

To think he seriously believed
those two were for real.

What was that all about?

Who knows...?



- Someone who looked just like me now...
- Man, you guys got separated.

I didn't know what to do.

As for me, I was impressed!

- You guys were really cool earlier!
- Huh?

I've learned of the intricacies of Taijutsu
or something...

Alot happened, but I'll continue
training right away!

Continue training?

So come on, let's continue
the Taijutsu training!

Moron, moron, moron.

So many things happen
on this endless road, huh?

Although you're strong willed,
your voice wavered on the phone today

What dreams did you chase to get here?

Even I have times when
I just don't understand, baby

When you're sad, I'll be close to you

Even on nights when we're apart,
I'll be close to you

I'll be close to you

Damn it! Why should a Ninja have
to do something like get rid of a ghost?!

We have no choice, right?
After all, a commission is a comission!

The ghost of a feudal lord, my butt?!
Th That's ridiculous!

But they say it comes out at night!

A ghost warrior clad in a white armor!

N -No, I'm not afraid of it at all!

H-Hey! Behind you!


I knew it! You ARE afraid!

Next time: "The Cursed Warrior"