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04x25 - When Time Stands Still

Posted: 07/12/22 19:36
by bunniefuu
I want to try and gather
the unrestrained winds

I'll run toward the horizon,
alongside the wave crests

I've made my decision,

even if there's a long way to go
on that road.

I'll continue towards the future I've planned

Time rushes us
The heartbeat speeds up

When I woke in the middle of a dream
I kept searching for that same light

Under the shining star lit sky with
countless constellations and shadows

There was something beyond that...
What were you gazing at?

What were you gazing at?

When Time Stands Still

As long as the score isn't settled,

the clock inside my heart will
remain stopped in the past!

Lord Sagi, if you live
for revenge,

your heart will sink
into darkness!

If it means that I am able
to carry out my revenge...

I don't care if my heart sinks
into darkness!

That's exactly right.

I hold a grudge against you,
I hate you...

My only purpose in living
has been to k*ll you...



I've survived!

I'm finished with messing around
with you Leaf Village guys.

I will go to Orochimaru!

I can't...let you go there...

I cannot allow...!

You to go there!

I wasn't able to stop a comrade
who was sinking into darkness...

However, I won't let you go there,
no matter what!

You pesky little...

If you get in my way,
I'll consider you an enemy too!

There's no way you guys...
could ever understand!

It's a trick device!

No one can hinder my desire!

What was that?!

It's no good!

We can't get out!

Farewell! Ninja of the Village Hidden
in the Leaves!

Lightning Blade!


How did you figure it out?!

Because I've seen your Jutsu
with these very eyes...

I remember now...
You are...

Hatake... Kakashi...

The Copy Ninja with
the Sharingan...

Your Jutsu doesn't even faintly mirr
that of Gaara's...

You've only scratched its surface...

All you're doing is leaving
your main body elsewhere

and using your Chakra to manipulate
the rocks and sand...

We are nomads...

ridiculed as lower ranked Shinobi
without a village...

That's why we travel around the country,
stealing Jutsu, sharpening our skills,

struggling to one day find our way
into a place in the sun.

But no matter how dedicated
our efforts are...

to think there are dimensions
that cannot be transgressed...

That's the direction of
the Feudal Lord's palace...

Hurry up! Lord Sagi's thought
to be buried beneath there!

Damn it!
We really got screwed...

That jerk!

What a jerk... Gimme a break!

What happened...


Kakashi Sensei!

Sagi totally squashed us just now
and went off somewhere!

Gimme a break...
that guy's some kind of jerk!

Please don't blame him for
the things he has done.


He is himself,
but not himself right now.

Huh? What do you mean?

He is obsessed with avenging

his father and
younger sister's deaths.

I believe he is possessed
by the ghost of the late Lord Owashi.

Oh come on... Stop joking...

That's not necessarily a joke.

Stop it! That kind of thing gives me
the creeps!

Get a grip! This isn't the time to be
squabbling over things like that!

What's important right now
is to find Sagi!

But we have no idea
where he went.

If he is possessed,

it is certain that
he will return to take revenge...

And moreover... very soon...

Elder Brother...lf I were to lose you too,
after having lost our father...

I could not go on living...

Father...Elder Brother...

I shall join with you...

Elder Brother!

Elder Brother...
I will avenge this without fail...

I will once more restart
the hands of time for you, Elder Brother,

whose time was brought to a standstill...

Until the day that wish is realized...

I will live as you, Elder Brother,
as Sagi!

Sagi's temperament is such that
he will undoubtedly come here for Moso.

It's actually quite convenient

that Lord Sagi comes
all the way here to see me...

Even if I can't get my hands
on Sagi, the Feudal Lord,

it's not a crime to k*ll him
as the Cursed Warrior.

Fire Style. Fire Ball Jutsu!

What a joke... A ghost appearing
in a child's toy...

You have some nerve appearing here
like this...

Cursed Warrior...

Lord Sagi...

Huh... who are you?

Aren't you the high and mighty Moso?

I won't answer to words like that

from the likes of a ghost.

Damn you!

That's right...

Moso is just a fictitious name
used to deceive the world...

My name is Hoki...

The Leader who heads
the Wandering Ninja...

In place of not having a village,
we the Wandering Ninja

steal Jutsu from every village
we pass through and make them our own!

But our family has tired of living
for so long as nomads.

And we have been searching
for a Land to call our home.

I see...

From the very start,

you came here to the Land of Bird
with the intention of taking it over!

There's no way that
somebody like you,

who was born destined to become
a feudal lord...

could understand
the suffering of Wandering Ninja

who do not have a homeland!

I don't see a problem...

with the Wandering Ninja
seeking a safe homeland.

After all, your father was someone
who easily trusted others...

He never even suspected anything

when I switched with the monk Moso,
highly reputed for his virtue,

and neared him...

He misinterpreted
my Genjutsu of deception

as being the holy power
of the virtuous Moso

and put me on the fast track...

The only person who suspected me
was Komei.

I assassinated Owashi
and drove Komei away...

Y You jerk...
so it was you, after all!

And the last step is to k*ll you, Sagi.

If I can do that, I will have accomplished
what I set out to do!

You jerk! I won't forgive you!

Revenge for my clan!

You are...?!

Yes, that's right!

My name is Toki!

Lady Toki!

I will avenge my father
and brother's death!

Shadow Possession Jutsu!

Look at that, Toki...
Our shadows are overlapping, right...

That's the Shadow Possession Jutsu!

With this, you won't be able
to move anymore!

But I wouldn't have imagined that
you would be the younger sister Toki...

The Wandering Ninja will be successful
in taking control of this land.

You will die as Sagi just
as you desire!

Lady Toki! Keep your composure!


So you were alive, huh...

I was unaware of your feelings, Lady Toki.

Chishima is most ashamed!

Take this and die!

I overheard everything just now.

Sagi, I mean, Toki!
Leave the rest to me!


That's not gonna happen!
You will die by your own shadow!

The shadow has nothing to do with it!

You're just under the influence
of his Genjutsu!


Lady Toki...

Shadow Possession is
Shikamaru's Clan's Secret Jutsu!

There's no way you could
even hope to imitate it!

Not only is your identity fake,
but your Ninjutsu is too!

Who the hell are you?!


The heavens are watching your villainy!

There is no way we will forgive you!

Why you Leaf Ninja...
But it's only a Clone Jutsu!

Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!

They have substances?!

Shadow Clone Jutsu!

Sasuke's Phoenix Flower Jutsu
is much more awesome!

It's my turn this time!

Damn you!

Kakashi Hatake...

So you're here too, huh...

Hoki, the leader who heads
the Wandering Shinobi... huh...

I've heard rumors about you...

So you're a Shinobi who wanders
from place to place like a bat...

Ninja from a rich village can't possibly
imagine circumstances like ours...

Like hell I'll understand it...

The Leaf are taught that the Way of Ninja
is to become a Ninja who can endure...

People like you who trick people
and wishfully try to seize land

have no right to call themselves Shinobi!


Summoning Jutsu!

Damn! That's a real dragon!

No way!



Over there, huh...

What's up with that?

So the Summoning Dragons
were fake too...

He fled off somewhere...

Inside the mansion!

I'm not letting him get away!

Shadow Clone Jutsu!

Hey you... wait!

Where did he vanish to?!

Hey, Leaf Ninja...


Wh What?!

If you want to have Toki back,
come over here...

H How?!

Take that boat to come over here...


Are you scared,
you Leaf apprentice Ninja?

I'm not an apprentice!

This place... don't tell me it's...

What's that?

The wind blows, Ah...

The pain,
The memories won't disappear

What should be brought along?

Assemble them into a piece.

There is no second chance, never

How foolish it is to throw away

Acting so innocently, Ah...

The images.

It probably will not end

It probably will not end

Burn that love filled heart,

Sail across a thousand dreams

Running freely

To take hold of the world in hand

The clouds scatter

The sun sets yet again

The solo parade begins to move.

Adventure, Lucky Day, Heart Beat, Rising,

Decisive, Encounter, Life, Mutual Love


believed in you
until the very end.

He truly loved this land...

and he worried about his friends
from the bottom of his heart!

And yet...

And yet...!

I won't forgive you, you bastard!

I'm gonna beat the hell outta you!

Next time:
"When Egrets Flap Their Wings"