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05x19 - The Top 5 Ninja Battles

Posted: 07/13/22 08:54
by bunniefuu
Rock away your existence,

Shouting that you are here...

A new journey begins now.

As we survived through
the changing seasons,

we gained knowledge and strength,
(just looks like a survival game)

But the forgotten memories,

of the feelings abandoned within
the flows of time,

have also been lost.

When sinking down,
we learned loneliness.

But now we've met each other,
we are no longer alone.

Unveil your feelings,
Those high emotions

Those tears will change your fate.

Pound your heartbeat
against the darkness,

We're sure to meet,
Under the same flag of pain

All right, thanks for waiting!

"The Special Presentation Today!"

"The Top Famous
Sweat and Tears Ninja Battles!

"There Are Also Fun Extras"
has finally started!

Isn't this exciting, Sakura?!

Yes, from the next episode,

"Naruto" which you've all
been supporting

for the past four years
will enter its fifth year.

And so today,
we're changing our plans

to present you with
famous battle scenes

in the order determined by
votes from the guys in the Leaf!

Is that favorite battle you want
to see again included?

We've also invited
some special guests,

so don't miss it!

Then, we'll be moving on ahead.

First, check out fifth and
fourth place back to back!


All right, here we go,
here we go, here we go!

Just what you'd expect of me,
the hero!

To think I'd appear right at the start.

I've shrewdly got everyone's hearts!

You're right!

To be honest,

the coolness of Sasuke in motion
is unfathomable.

Outstanding destructive power.

Umm, Sakura?

Our comments aren't meshing
right off the bat.

Just keep quiet!


Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!

att*ck and defense with
no time to breathe.

This is gripping.

Throw in a kick there!

Give him a b*at down and thrash up!

Umm, Sakura. How about
a little support for the hero there...?

Shut up, Naruto!

Naruto Barrage!

Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!

Wh What's that Jutsu?!

You jerk!


Stop it... you two...

Stop it!

That's mean to punch me all
of a sudden, Sakura!

I couldn't help it.
I got excited.

Now, let's collect ourselves
and check out fourth place next!

It's too late whatever you do now!

Crushing Palm!

Man, this battle moves me to tears,
no matter how often I watch it.

That's right! As it happens,

I sat down on my knees in front of
the TV while blowing my nose.

It invoked tears in the living rooms
in the Land of Fire for sure.

Yeah, yeah... I really thought
Choji had d*ed in this episode.

That's for sure.

I was also totally fooled
by the producers.

Wh What's that... ?


Boulder Blow!

It's futile!

I'm a hundred times stronger
than before!

They say a grudge over food
is ferocious, right?

That one punch just now

was the grudge for you eating
the last bite of the snack.

No way! He's got so much Chakra
his build has changed!

And this is...

This is for insulting me by calling me
a sacrificial piece and fat!

But what's most unforgivable is
you insulting my best friend!

That's more unforgivable than
swiping the last bite of gourmet food

or insulting me by calling me fat!

All my Chakra...
to my left hand!

O Oh, no...!

This one punch is heavier than life!

W Wait...!
Don't be hasty...!

But seeing it again,
visually it's just fatso versus fatso.

No appealing parts at all
and the screen is stifling.

I mean, no way would I want
to see this during the summer

Excuse me for being stifling.

Yikes! Choji.

How long were you there?

I heard my famous battle made it
into the top five, you see...

Oh wait, Choji.

- You'll understand once I tell you!
- Calm down!

Human Boulder!

I won!

I actually...won!

We had a bit of an incident here,

but let's not worry about that
and move on.

Now before we present
third to first place,

we'll show the famous battles
left out of the top five.

Is the famous battle
you chose included?

Now then, here we go!




- Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!
- Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!

Sure enough, Kakashi Sensei's
Sharingan is super unfair!

Just what you'd expect from a Jonin.


- What?!
- You're late!

- This is a famous battle?!
- You're seventeen minutes

- Well, it's cool to have stuff like this
- and thirty two seconds late!

- Included once in a while, right?
- Let's forget about today...

We both have forty eight wins!

One of us will move ahead
with this battle!

It seems it won't work
even if I say no...

This time it's my turn to determine
the battle category...

What will it be?
A Taijutsu fight?

A meter dash?

Skin diving? I wouldn't mind
an eating contest...

Listen, you...

Well then...

Wh What?!


I accept the challenge.
No way will I lose!

If I lose, I'll do five hundred laps

around the Leaf Village
standing on my head!

Absurdity again...

It's a promise!

Here we go again...
His favorite own rules.

Okay, everyone together now.



After the commercial,
we'll present third to first place.

Don't miss it.

Now at last for the presentation
of third to first place.

First up is third place!

Now then, which battle has worked
its way up to the higher ranks?

Here we go! T he appearance of
the famous team of Kiba and Akamaru!

- Heh!
- Damn it...

- It's the appearance of
- Is it all over... ?

A team that's just loud.

You're saying to do that?!

No, Akamaru!

It's too dangerous to do that
without any comrades around!

You understand that, don't you?!

We'll die like dogs here if we miss...



To think I'd get bitten by you.
I'm a pathetic owner...

Okay, Akamaru...
As you say, we just have to do that...

Wolf Fang Over Fang!

Now, Akamaru!


Show him the fruits of our training!

Dynamic Marking!

That's a dirty trick!

Now we're ready!

Inuzuka Style! Man Beast
Transformation Combo!

Two Headed Wolf!

Eat this!

Sakon, what're you doing! To the right!

Uh oh...!

Wolf Fang Over Fang!

Though he sometimes bites
his owner's hand,

he presses for a decision.

It seems Akamaru's stock sh*t up
in the Leaf after this.

What a man!

Man, my butt! Just a puppy
whose evil eyes got worse!

Who has evil eyes?!

Yikes, Kiba!

H-How long were you there?

Knock it off!

Here I was invited as a guest

with my battle
having been ranked high.

What's the deal of
finishing in third place

on top of being told mean things?!

It's Kiba and Akamaru
who finished in third.

Please face the camera

and say a few words to everyone
in their living rooms.

Oh, umm, thanks for your support.

Well, we came in third this time.

But we'll kick the butts of some enemies,

so please look forward
to our success!

Considering you're talking
all big or whatever,

didn't you have a rough time
with it after this?

The best is yet to come,
I tell you!

That's the last straw.
Get him, Akamaru!

Now for the presentation
of second place.

He's like a completely different person...

His Chakra activity is overwhelming...

And those markings...

The movements earlier...

He dodged the att*ck from behind

and saw me hiding in the shadows...

In other words, he's combining
wide vision and x ray vision.

And in addition, that Jutsu...


Summoning Jutsu!

I'll find a perfect...
way to att*ck that power of yours.

If he defends physical att*cks
with rotation

and a large emission of Chakra...

then I should stop that Chakra rotation!

- This is the second place battle?
- Scatter!

That's right! It's a battle of brains while
assessing the opponent's weak point!

Hmm. But as for me...

I'm not a big fan of sluggish battles!

- Oh, why?
- Hmm.

How can I put it?
If you're talking about battle

I want to see a collision of fist
on fist, and body on body.

Oh, but a Ninja isn't just
about Taijutsu.

Oh. That's being rude to Bushy Brow.

Oh, sorry.

I mean, yeah, I want to see

something fiery, like Bushy Brow!

There just isn't anything fiery
in Neji's battles.


He's argumentative or something.

Unexciting or something.

I'd like him to just take on the enemy
without regard to appearances!

Heh! Missions with you are
a chore because you think like that.

Yikes, Neji!

Now then, a few words from
the second place Neji.

Humph! How silly.

You're free to evaluate my battles,
but it's unthinkable

for me to be forced to appear
in a place like this.

Heh! You're sure making
an exhibition of yourself, considering!

Oh! Could it be you're after
an appearance fee?!

Too bad.

This is a program for everyone
in their living rooms,

so we asked you to do this for free!

No problem.
I asked the Fifth Hokage

and she's treating this appearance
as a mission.

Since it's a mission,
I have no choice but to appear.

And of course, a mission fee
will be incurred.

Whoa, always the realist.

Neji, it's not fair that
you get paid for this!

My brain is built differently than yours!

Gentle Fist!

It seems the ranking board is busted,

so we'll go right on ahead
and present first place.

Which battle has finished in first?


Oh ho! Sure enough, it's pointless

if the number one battle
isn't one of my battles!

That's right!
This is the battle that

anyone would
acknowledge as number one.


- Rasengan!
- Chidori!

And so, did you all guess right?

The glorious best battle has been
determined to be "Sasuke's Battle!"

Hey, hey, Sakura.
It's the "Battle in the Final Valley"!

What? Was it?

Forget it.

Well, let's collect ourselves
and check out

some special footage of myself,
who came in a glorious first place!

Y You... idiot!

Hold it!
What's up with this recording?!

- This is different from what I prepared!
- What're you doing?!

- No, no, don't watch!
- Don't be peeping!

I demand a do over as the hero!

Someone not involved is
making a ruckus.

And now, thanks for waiting!

Now for the appearance of
a special guest.

Let's go live to the site.
Master Jiraiya!

What? What?

Master Jiraiya, can you hear me?

Yes... Loud and clear.


Master Jiraiya,
where are you right now?

Mm, I'm in kind of a dubious place.

I hope you'll excuse me from
divulging my location.

Well, if I have to say something,

I'd say I'm in a certain person's
hideout, I guess.

Hey! Pervy Sage!
What're you doing there?!

What happened to you
watching my training?!

Now, now.
Today's a special program,

so don't be such a stick in the mud.

More importantly,
I've met up with someone special...

None other than Orochimaru.


What the hell is this...?!

It sure has been a long time,

Oh, same here...

Here you could have invited me
to the studio.

Who would invite the likes of you?!

Well, I have been busy collecting Jutsu
and conducting experiments.

And more importantly,
I need him to get stronger quickly, so.

- If he's there, bring him out!
- What...?!

Actually, I tried talking him into it
many times saying today's special...

But in the end,
he didn't give me a good answer.

- I see...
- Hey.


Are you going to go
on and on forever?

If you've got that kind of time,
then continue the training, Orochimaru.

S Sasuke...

Is that you, Sasuke?!

I'll be going on ahead to the dojo.
Get a move on.

Oh, wait...!

Oh, it seems I've angered Sasuke.

I shall also be leaving now.

Wait! Orochimaru!
Put Sasuke on one more time...

He can't hear you anymore.

I know...

- Sakura...
- Yeah. Right!

That's right!

Now then,
it's about time to say goodbye.

Did you all enjoy our special:

"The Special Presentation Today!"

The Top Famous
Sweat and Tears Ninja Battles!

There Are Also Fun Extras"?

Hey, what're you wrapping things
up on your own for?

What about my do over
special footage?

You're annoying.

We don't have any time left,
so wrap things up now!

What?! Fine!

Unfortunately, my special footage will
have to wait for the next time.

But everyone in the village,
including me,

will keep showing
awesome fights one after another!

Everyone, please continue to support us...

- and keep watching "Naruto"!
- And keep watching "Naruto"!

- See you later!
- See you later!

On a checkerboard night

when the stardust's are rapidly dancing

I just can't come out and say,
"Ah, I don't want to go home yet."


Spat at that beloved face!!
Mister Cricket

The Trombone gradually going off key

While on the sweaty center stage
does bug me.

But more importantly, the fuzziness I feel
in my undeveloped chest,

I wonder if it's from
that coke I just drank?

I never thought that
you were so stubborn!

Even if you make a fuss,
nothing's going to change.

But, at this rate,
she's going to abandon us.

It's her choice.
There's nothing we can do.

Hey, Hinata!
What do you think?

We still don't know
what her situation is...

Does that mean that you're with Shino?!

It's not like that!

Hey, what are you fighting about?

Naruto, Sensei is...

Kurenai Sensei is going to quit!

Next time: "Kurenai's Decision"
Squad Left Behind