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05x08 - The Hungry Earth

Posted: 05/24/10 20:20
by bunniefuu

The village is nestled in a small valley, a large drill dominating the landscape.

MAN: (V.O.) But who is this creature with terrible claws,

We close in on a group of row houses. In front, a father, MO, is reading a book with his son, ELLIOT. In the background, a woman, AMBROSE, is walking towards them.

MO: (continued)
terrible teeth in his terrible jaws? Go on, your bit... He, he has... Go on!

ELLIOT: I can't do it, Dad. (motions to headphones around his neck) I can listen to books, anyway.

MO: I know it doesn't come easy, son, but you've got to keep at it, all right? You're not on your own with this.

AMBROSE: Mo, you'll be late for your shift! (gives him a packaged meal)

MO: Oh, you're right! (takes meal and puts it in his pack) Sorry, El, got to go. Now, who loves you more than me?

ELLIOT: (smiles) No-one.

AMBROSE: Stop saying that!

MO laughs and kisses ELLIOT on the head before riding his bile through the valley to the drill.


Screens on a number of computers show the drill's progress through the earth. There are workers in safety vests but there are two—NASREEN and TONY—who are watching the screens intently and listening to a countdown.

MAN: (V.O.) Approaching stage four, target drilling depth. Stage four target drill depth scheduled in five, four, three, two, one. Stage four target drill depth achieved. Drill depth now 21 kilometres.

NASREEN and TONY hug in celebration.

NASREEN: (into phone)
Hi. Nasreen here, just to let you know we have just hit our new target!

TONY: (over intercom)
21 kilometres, folks!


TONY: (V.O.) Further than anyone's ever drilled into the Earth.

The workers congratulate each other at TONY'S words.


TONY looks out a window at the workers.

TONY: (continued)
Thanks for your amazing work. Have a great weekend! Onwards and downwards. (hangs up intercom)

Through the window, we see MO arrive.

NASREEN: How much further do you think we can we go, Mack?

TONY: Into the unknown! Exciting, isn't it?

NASREEN: (nods) Yeah.

NASREEN and TONY hug just as MO enters.

MO: Aye, aye! Stop that! The real worker's here now!

TONY: Evening, Mo!

MO: 21k? (hugs TONY) You wanted to grab all the glory before I come on shift! (hugs NASREEN) Right, off you go, get out, my gaff for the night.

NASREEN and TONY leave.


MO sits in front of the monitors and pulls out his meal. The book he was reading with ELLIOT was there too and he opens it and begins to read.

MO: Brilliant.

Everything begins to shake and vibrate. on screen, the drill seems to stutter. Just as quickly as it started, the shaking stops. The security cameras go down one by one. MO goes to investigate, using his torch as the electricity flickers on and off. There is a hole in the storeroom floor with steam rising from it.

MO: That is mad.

He reaches out with his hands but stops when the torch falls through the dirt. He digs for the torch and something pulls on his arm. He gets free and begins to crawl away but is pulled back by his legs. He is sucked through the dirt with a scream.

Matt Smith
Karen Gillan

"The Hungry Earth"
by Chris Chibnall

Peter Bennett

Ashley Way


We see a close up of the TARDIS doors and hear the DOCTOR'S voice.

DOCTOR: Behold... (the door opens and we see AMY, RORY and the DOCTOR) Rio!

The sight that greets them is a cemetery. AMY and RORY step out.

AMY: Nuh-uh.

RORY: Not really getting the sunshine carnival vibe.

DOCTOR: No. (walks forward) Ooh, feel that, though, what's that? (bounces in place) Ground feels strange... Just me. Wait... That's weird.

RORY: What's weird?

AMY: Doctor, stop trying to distract us. We're in the wrong place. (the DOCTOR runs around to the other side of the church as AMY keeps talking) Doctor, it's freezing and I've dressed for Rio. We are not stopping here. (the DOCTOR plucks some grass) Doctor! You listening to me? It's a graveyard! You promised me a beach.

DOCTOR: Blue grass. Patches of it all round the graveyard. (AMY and RORY join him) So, Earth, 2020-ish, ten years in your future, wrong continent for Rio, I'll admit, but it's not a massive overshoot.

AMY notices two people on the other side of the valley waving at them.

AMY: Why are those people waving at us?

DOCTOR: Can't be.

RORY starts to wave back but AMY stops him. The DOCTOR takes out binoculars and looks through them.

DOCTOR: (continued)
It is! It's you two.

RORY: No, we're here. How can we be up there?!

DOCTOR: Ten years in your future. Come to relive past glories, I'd imagine. Humans, you're so nostalgic.

AMY: We're still together in ten years?

RORY: No need to sound so surprised!

AMY: Hey, let's go and talk to them! We can say hi to Future Us! How cool is that? (takes RORY by the arm and starts to head off)

DOCTOR: No, best not, really best not. These things get complicated very quickly, and...oh, look! Big mining thing. Oh, I love a big mining thing. See, way better than Rio! Rio doesn't have a big mining thing.

AMY: We're not going to have a look, are we?

DOCTOR: Let's go and have a look! (heads down into the valley) Come on, let's see what they're doing.

RORY: If he can't get us to Rio, how's he ever going to get us back home?

AMY: Did you not see, over there? It all works out fine.

RORY: After everything we've seen, we just drop back into our old lives, the nurse and the kissogram?

AMY: I guess. He's getting away. (takes RORY by the arm)

RORY: Hang on. What are you doing with that? (points at her ring finger)

AMY: Engagement ring! I thought you liked me wearing it.

RORY: Amy! You could lose it! Cost...a lot of money, that!

AMY: Hm. (takes off the ring and gives it to him) Spoilsport.

RORY: Go on. I'll catch you both up. (heads back to the TARDIS)

AMY: (runs to catch up to the DOCTOR) Doctor!


NASREEN is kneeling by a patch of dirt in the floor, hooking up some machinery. TONY comes back from checking the station.

TONY: The drill's shut down! There's no sign of Mo. Nobody's been in or out of the perimeter between last What's that? That wasn't there last night. How the hell did that get there?

NASREEN: I don't know.


RORY puts AMY'S engagement ring back in its box and leaves it on the console before stepping outside.


AMBROSE is waiting outside the TARDIS.

AMBROSE: Well, that was quick!

RORY: Was it?

AMBROSE: It's great that you came.

ELLIOT: Bit retro. What is it, portable crime lab?

RORY: Oh. Er, sort of.

AMBROSE: Ambrose Northover. (shakes RORY'S hand) I was the one who called. I run the meals on wheels for the whole valley. This is my son, Elliot.

ELLIOT: Where's your uniform?

AMBROSE: Don't be cheeky, Elliot, he's plain clothes. CID, is it? Anyway, it's over here. (walks off)

RORY, a little unsure of what to do, follows


The DOCTOR and AMY arrive at the drill site and the locked gate.

DOCTOR: Restricted access. No unauthorised personnel. Mm. (uses sonic screwdriver on the lock and it opens)

AMY: That is breaking and entering.

DOCTOR: What did I break?! Sonicing and entering, totally different. (opens the gate)

AMY: (goes through) Come on, then.

DOCTOR: (looks back the way they came) You're sure Rory'll catch us up?


AMBROSE, RORY and ELLIOT are looking into an open grave.

AMBROSE: It's a family plot, see. My aunt Gladys died six years ago. Her husband, Alun, died a few weeks back. He lived in the house two doors down. There's not many of us left up here now.

ELLIOT: Mum, he doesn't care about that! He wants to know about the dead bodies.

AMBROSE: Yes. Sorry. Well, they always wanted to be buried in the same plot, together. But when we went to bury Uncle Alun, Gladys wasn't there. Gone. Body, coffin, everything.

RORY: What?

AMBROSE: The mad thing is, on the surface, the grave was untouched. No signs of it having been messed with.

RORY: I'm sorry, I don't understand.

AMBROSE: Nobody has touched the grave since my aunt was buried. But when they dug it open, the body was gone. How is that possible?


The DOCTOR and AMY are walking through the halls.

DOCTOR: What about now, can you feel it now?

AMY: Honestly, I've got no idea what you're on about.

DOCTOR: The ground doesn't feel like it should.

AMY: It's ten years in the future, maybe how this ground feels is how it always feels.

DOCTOR: Good thought! But no. It doesn't. (a whirring sound begins) Hear that, drill in start-up mode. Afterwaves of a recent seismological shift and blue grass. (puts the blue grass in his mouth and makes a face as he pulls it from his tongue)

AMY: Oh, please! Have you always been this disgusting?

DOCTOR: No, that's recent. What's in... (enters the room with NASREEN) here? Hello!

NASREEN: Who are you? What're you doing here? And what're you wearing?

AMY: I dressed for Rio!

DOCTOR: (takes out psychic paper) Ministry of Drills, Earth and Science! New Ministry, quite big, just merged, lot of responsibility on our shoulders, don't like to talk about it. What're you doing?

NASREEN: None of your business.

The DOCTOR walks to the monitors.

DOCTOR: Where are you getting these readings from?

NASREEN: (removes equipment from the hole) Under the soil.

TONY enters the room.

TONY: The drill's up and running again. What's going on? Who are these people?

The DOCTOR kneels by the hole and tests the soil, letting it fall from his fingers to the ground.

AMY: Amy, the Doctor. We're not staying, are we, Doctor?!

DOCTOR: Why's there a big patch of earth in the middle of your floor?

NASREEN: We don't know, it just appeared overnight.

AMY walks closer to the hole and peers at it.

DOCTOR: (stands quickly) Good, right, you all need to get out of here very fast. (goes over to monitor)


DOCTOR: What's your name?

NASREEN: Nasreen Chaudhry.

DOCTOR: Look at the screens, Nasreen, your readings. It's moving.

AMY kneels by the hole.

TONY: (walks to the DOCTOR and NASREEN) Hey, that's specialised equipment! Get away from it.

NASREEN: What is?

There is steam rising from the dirt in the hole.

AMY: Doctor, this steam, is that a good thing?

DOCTOR: (looks over his shoulder) Shouldn't think so. (walks over) It's shifting when it shouldn't be shifting.

NASREEN: What shouldn't?

The ground begins to shake.

DOCTOR: The ground, the soil, the earth, moving, but how? (runs back to monitor) Why?

AMY: Earthquake?

TONY: What's going on?

DOCTOR: Doubt it. Cos it's only happening under this room.

More holes form as the ground subsides underneath.

DOCTOR: It knows we're here. The ground's attacking us.

NASREEN: No, that's not possible!

DOCTOR: Under the circumstances, I suggest... RUN!

The DOCTOR grabs NASREEN by the hand and they run for the door. TONY follows but becomes trapped. AMY pauses.


DOCTOR: Stay back, Amy! Stay away from the earth!

AMY leaps over to help TONY

AMY: It's OK.

The ground underneath AMY opens and she is trapped by both feet.

AMY: It's pulling me down!

DOCTOR: Amy! (runs to her)

AMY: Doctor, help me, something's got me!

The DOCTOR stretches out on his stomach and reaches for her.

AMY: Doctor, the ground's got my legs. (she sinks to her waist)

DOCTOR: (grips both of AMY'S hands) I've got you.


NASREEN helps TONY out of the hole he was in.

AMY: Don't let go.

DOCTOR: Never.

AMY: Doctor, what is it, why is it doing this?

DOCTOR: Stay calm, keep hold of my hand, don't let go. Your drill, shut it down! Go! Now!

NASREEN and TONY run to the control room

AMY: Can you get me out?

DOCTOR: Amy, try and stay calm. If you struggle, it'll make things worse. Keep hold of my hand.


NASREEN and TONY try to stop the drill.

NASREEN: Shut down all drilling activity as quick as you can.

TONY: Reducing main unit power.


DOCTOR: I'm not going to let you go.

AMY'S arm slips from his grip and she sinks lower.

AMY: Doctor, it's pulling me down, something's pulling me!

DOCTOR: (grips her wrist with both hands) Stay calm. Hold on, if they can just shut down the drill...

AMY: I can't hold on!


NASREEN: Tony, we have got to be faster!

TONY: I'm doing my best! Come on, shut down!


All that is showing of AMY is her head and arms. The DOCTOR is straining to hold onto her.

AMY: What's pulling me? What is under the earth? I don't want to suffocate under there.

DOCTOR: Amy, concentrate. Don't you give up!

AMY: Tell Rory...

DOCTOR: No. Amy! (AMY sinks lower) Amy, no! (AMY is swallowed by the earth) No! No! (digs through the dirt) No! No! No! No. No! No. No. (slaps the ground and stands up) No. No! (uses the sonic screwdriver on the ground)

NASREEN and TONY rush back in.

NASREEN: Where is she?

DOCTOR: She's gone. The ground took her.


RORY is in the muddy grave, jumping up and down like the DOCTOR. He puts his hand on the side.

ELLIOT: Do you want sugar?

RORY: Sorry?

ELLIOT: In your tea. Mum's asking.

RORY: No. Just white, thanks.

ELLIOT: There's only one explanation, as far as I can see.

RORY: What's that, then?

ELLIOT: The graves eat people. Devour them whole, leaving no trace.

RORY: Not sure about that.

ELLIOT: They didn't steal the body from above. They couldn't have got in from the sides. Only other thing is, they get in from underneath.

RORY: Not very likely, though.

ELLIOT: When you've eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

RORY: Sorry?

ELLIOT: Sherlock Holmes. Got the audiobook. The graves round here eat people. (leaves)

In the grave, RORY shudders.


TONY: Is that what happened to Mo? Are they dead?

DOCTOR: (pacing) It's not quicksand. She didn't just sink – something pulled her in, it wanted her.

NASREEN: The ground wanted her?

DOCTOR: You said the ground was dormant, just a patch of earth, when you first saw it this morning. And the drill had been stopped.

TONY: That's right.

DOCTOR: But when you re-started the drill, the ground fought back.

NASREEN: So what, the ground wants to stop us drilling?! Doctor, that is ridiculous.

The DOCTOR uses the sonic screwdriver on the hole through which AMY was taken. The ground begins to vibrate.

DOCTOR: I'm not saying that, and it's not ridiculous, I just don't think it's right. Oh! Of course! It's bio-programming!


DOCTOR: (stands) Bio-programming! (claps) Oh, clever. You use bio-signals to resonate the internal molecular structure of natural objects! It's mainly used in engineering and construction, mostly jungle planets, but that's way in the future, and not here. What's it doing here?

NASREEN: Sorry, did you just say jungle planets?

TONY: You're not making any sense, man!

DOCTOR: 'Scuse me, I'm making perfect sense, you're just not keeping up. The earth, the ground beneath our feet, was bio-programmed to attack.

NASREEN: Yeah, even if that were possible, which, by the way, it's not, why?

DOCTOR: Stop you drilling! We find what's doing the bio-programming, find Amy, get her back. Ssh ssh ssh! Have I gone mad?! I've gone mad!

NASREEN: Doctor.

DOCTOR: Ssh ssh! Silence! Absolute silence! You stopped the drill, right?


DOCTOR: And you've only got the one drill?


DOCTOR: You're sure about that?

TONY: Yes!

The DOCTOR lies down on his stomach next to the hole, listening, as a whirring sound can be heard.

DOCTOR: So, if you shut the drill down... why can I still hear drilling? It's under the ground.

TONY: That's not possible.

The DOCTOR stands and rushes over to the machinery, using the sonic screwdriver on them.

NASREEN: Oh, no, what, what are you doing?

DOCTOR: Hacking into your records. Reports, samples, sensors, good, just unite the data, make it all one big conversation, let's have a look. So. We are here and this is your drill hole. 21.009 kilometres. Well done!

NASREEN: Thank you. It's taken us a long time.

DOCTOR: Why here, though? Why drill on this site?

NASREEN: We found patches of grass in this area, containing trace minerals unseen in this country for 20 million years.

DOCTOR: The blue grass? Oh, Nasreen, those trace minerals weren't X marking the spot, saying dig here. They were a warning. Stay away. Cos while you've been drilling down... somebody else has been drilling up.

The DOCTOR pulls up a screen on one of the monitors showing a vertical network of tunnels.

DOCTOR: Oh, beautiful. Network of tunnels all the way down.

TONY: No, no, we've surveyed that area.

DOCTOR: You only saw what you went looking for.

NASREEN: (points to the bottom of the screen where something is registering) What are they?

DOCTOR: Heat signals. Wait, dual readings, hot and cold, doesn't make sense. And now they're moving. Fast. How many people live nearby?

TONY: Just my daughter and her family. The rest of the staff travel in.

DOCTOR: Grab this equipment and follow me. (heads for the door)

NASREEN: Why? What're we doing?!

DOCTOR: (stops and turns around) That noise isn't a drill. It's transport. Three of them, 30km down, rate of speed looks about 150km an hour. Should be here in...ooh, quite soon, 12 minutes. (picks up one of the computers) Whatever bio-programmed the Earth is on its way up, now. (leaves)

NASREEN and TONY pack up the other computer.


The DOCTOR and TONY are carrying the computers while NASREEN follows them pushing a wheelbarrow full of equipment.

TONY: How can something be coming up when there's only the Earth's crust down there?

DOCTOR: You saw the readings!

NASREEN: Who are you, anyway?! How can you know all this?

There is a whirring sound and red lights streak across the sky.

NASREEN: Whoa, did you see that?

DOCTOR: No, no, no!

The DOCTOR takes out a slingshot, picks up a rock and fires it at the sky. It hits a force field, red lights streak out from the impact. He then takes out his sonic screwdriver, and aims it at the sky, revealing the field surrounds the village and the drill site.

DOCTOR: Energy signal originating from under the Earth. We're trapped.

RORY joins them, followed by ELLIOT and AMBROSE.

RORY: Doctor! Something weird's going on here, the graves are eating people.

DOCTOR: Not now, Rory! Energy barricade. Invisible to the naked eye. We can't get out and no-one from the outside world can get in.

RORY: What?! OK, what about the TARDIS?

NASREEN: The what?!

DOCTOR: No, those energy patterns would play havoc with the circuits. With a bit of time, maybe, but we've only got nine and a half minutes.

RORY: Nine and a half minutes to what?

NASREEN: We're trapped. And something's burrowing towards the surface.

RORY: (looks around) Where's Amy?

DOCTOR: Get everyone inside the church! (picks up the computer) Rory, I'll get her back.

RORY: What d'you mean, get her back? Where's she gone?

DOCTOR: She was taken. Into the Earth.

RORY: How?! Why didn't you stop it?!

DOCTOR: (puts down case) I tried. I promise, I tried.

RORY: Well, you should've tried harder!

DOCTOR: I'll find Amy. I'll keep you all safe. I promise. Come on, please. I need you alongside me. (picks up case and heads for the church)


AMY'S prone body is being scanned by advanced technology. She is alive.


They carry the equipment to the church. TONY tried to open the door.

AMBROSE: Where's Mo? Is he with you?

TONY: This flaming' door! Always sticking! I thought you were having it fixed!


ELLIOT: Something's happened to him, hasn't it?


The church is in a severe state of disrepair and disuse with boxes, crates and junk everywhere. The DOCTOR, NASREEN and TONY are setting up the equipment.

AMBROSE: So we can't get out, we can't contact anyone. And something, the something that took my husband, is coming up through the Earth.

DOCTOR: Yes. If we move quickly enough, we can be ready.

AMBROSE: No, stop. This has gone far enough. What is this?

TONY: He's telling the truth, love.

AMBROSE: Come on! It's not the first time we've had no mobile or phone signals. Reception's always rubbish.

NASREEN: Look, Ambrose, we saw the Doctor's friend get taken, OK? You saw the lightning in the sky. I have seen the impossible today, and the only person who's made any sense of it, for me, is the Doctor.



ELLIOT: Can you get my dad back?

Everyone looks at the DOCTOR.

DOCTOR: Yes. (walks to AMBROSE) But I need you to trust me and do exactly as I say from this second onwards because we're running out of time.

AMBROSE: So tell us what to do.

DOCTOR: Thank you. We have eight minutes to set up a line of defence. Bring me every phone, camera, every piece of recording or transmitting equipment you can find.


RORY is going through all the small electronics he can collect.

DOCTOR: (continued)
Every burglar alarm, every movement sensor, every security light. I want the whole area covered with sensors.

AMBROSE and RORY hook up cameras at idea positions. The DOCTOR uses the sonic on them.


The monitor is showing that whatever it is that is coming up is getting closer.

DOCTOR: Right, we need to be ready for whatever's coming up. (to ELLIOT) I need a map of the village, marking where the cameras are going.

ELLIOT: I can't do the words. I'm dyslexic.

DOCTOR: Oh, that's all right, I can't make a decent meringue. Draw like your life depends on it, Elliot.

ELLIOT runs off.

DOCTOR: (checks the time) 6 minutes 40.


ELLIOT draws his map as RORY and AMBROSE continue to put up cameras.


NASREEN watches as the time counts down. TONY pulls up an overlay of the village.

TONY: Works in quadrants, every movement sensor and triplight we've got. If anything moves, we'll know.

DOCTOR: (slaps TONY on the back) Good lad!


The DOCTOR is looking through AMBROSE'S van. She walks by with her arms full of gardening implements and anything else that could be used as a w*apon.

AMBROSE: Oi! What're you doing?!

DOCTOR: Resources! Every little helps! Meals on wheels. What've you got here then, warmer in the front, refrigerated in the back.

AMBROSE: Bit chilly for a hideout, mind. (she sets the items in the front of the van)

DOCTOR: What are those?

AMBROSE: Like you say, every little helps.

DOCTOR: No! No weapons. It's not the way I do things.

AMBROSE: You said we're supposed to defend ourselves.

DOCTOR: Oh, Ambrose, you're better than this. I'm asking nicely. Put them away.

The DOCTOR walks away and AMBROSE gives a last look into the cab of the vehicle.

The countdown shows 3:23. ELLIOT runs in with his map and gives it to the DOCTOR.

DOCTOR: Look at that! Perfect! Dyslexia never stopped Da Vinci or Einstein, it's not stopping you.

ELLIOT: I don't understand what you're going to do.

DOCTOR: Two phase plan. First, the sensors and cameras will tell us when something arrives. Second, if something does arrive, I use this to send a sonic pulse through that network of devices, a pulse which would temporarily incapacitate most things in the universe.

ELLIOT: Knock 'em out. Cool.

DOCTOR: Lovely place to grow up, round here.

ELLIOT: Suppose. I want to live in a city one day. Soon as I'm old enough, I'll be off.

DOCTOR: I was the same, where I grew up.

ELLIOT: Did you get away?


ELLIOT: Do you ever miss it?

DOCTOR: So much.

ELLIOT: Is it monsters coming? Have you met monsters before?


ELLIOT: You scared of them?

DOCTOR: No! They're scared of me.

ELLIOT: Will you really get my dad back?

DOCTOR: No question. (gets back to work on the computer)

ELLIOT: I left my headphones at home. (leaves)

The countdown shows just over a minute.


RORY is setting up a camera on one of the gravestones.

DOCTOR: How're you doing?

RORY: It's getting darker. (looks up at the sky to see the light being blocked) How can it be getting dark so quickly?

DOCTOR: Shutting out light from within the barricade. Trying to isolate us in the dark. Which means... (they hear a rumbling) It's here.


TONY turns on one of the lights and joins NASREEN by the computers.

NASREEN: They're close to the surface now.

NASREEN puts her hand on TONY'S. He grips her tightly and kisses her. NASREEN pulls back, surprised.


TONY: Like you didn't know.

NASREEN kisses him again. The countdown reaches zero.


The DOCTOR, RORY and AMBROSE are heading back into the church. AMBROSE is having trouble with the door.

AMBROSE: I can't open it! It keeps sticking! The wood's warped.

DOCTOR: (trying to open the door)(to RORY) Any time you want to help!

RORY: Can't you sonic it?

DOCTOR: It doesn't do wood!

RORY: That is rubbish!

DOCTOR: Oi! Don't diss the sonic!

RORY joins them and the three open the door.


The DOCTOR, RORY and AMBROSE join TONY and NASREEN as the church door slams shut behind them. The ground is shaking due to the imminent arrival.

DOCTOR: See if we can get a fix.

The DOCTOR runs to the computer. Items begin falling off shelves. The DOCTOR narrows down the area with the program TONY set up. The computers spark as the power goes out.

TONY: No power.

DOCTOR: It's deliberate.

RORY: What do we do now?

TONY turns on a bright torch.

DOCTOR: Nothing. We've got nothing! They sent an energy surge to wreck our systems.

RORY: Is everyone OK? Is anyone hurt?

NASREEN: I'm fine.

TONY: I'm good.

AMBROSE: Me too.

There is a loud rumbling.

RORY: Doctor, what was that?

TONY: It's like the holes at the drill station.

NASREEN: Is this how they happened?

The DOCTOR kneels then bends over to listen to the ground.

DOCTOR: It's coming through the final layer of Earth.

NASREEN: What is?!

The DOCTOR stands quickly. There is silence.

TONY: The banging's stopped.

AMBROSE looks around the room.

AMBROSE: Where's Elliot? Has anyone seen Elliot? Did he come in? Was he in when the door was shut? Who counted him back in? Who saw him last?

DOCTOR: I did.

AMBROSE: Where is he?

DOCTOR: He said he was going to get headphones.

AMBROSE: And you let him go? He was out there on his own?

TONY puts a hand on her shoulder.


ELLIOT runs towards the church. Behind him, we see a shadow rush by. ELLIOT stops and turns around. Not seeing anything, he continues on. We see a dark figure behind him.


ELLIOT pounds on the church door.

ELLIOT: Mum! Grandpa Tony! Let me in!


AMBROSE hears her son's cries.

AMBROSE: Elliot! (rushes to the door)

ELLIOT: (V.O.) Let me in.

AMBROSE: He's out there! Help me.


ELLIOT pounds on the church door.

ELLIOT: Open the door! (looks back to the graveyard) Mum! There's something out here!


Everyone is working on opening the door.

AMBROSE: Push, Elliot, push, Elliot!


Something runs past ELLIOT.



AMBROSE: Hurry up!


As if sensing something is behind him, ELLIOT stops and slowly turns around. We see him from the creature's POV. It scans him.

ELLIOT: Mummy.


TONY: Come on! (gets door open)

AMBROSE: Elliot!


They rush outside but ELLIOT is gone.

AMBROSE: Where is he? (runs out) He was here. He was here! Elliot. (runs into graveyard)

DOCTOR: Ambrose, don't go running off.

TONY: Ambrose! (runs after her)


AMBROSE: Elliot! It's Mum! (sees ELLIOT'S headphones) No-o-o-o-o-o!

A creature knocks her down on the ground. We see from the creature's POV and then from AMBROSE'S. It looks reptilian.

AMBROSE: Get off me!

The creature scans her as it did ELLIOT. TONY comes and knocks the thing away from his daughter. It lashes out with its tongue, getting TONY in the neck before running away. TONY is in pain.


The DOCTOR and RORY come running up.

DOCTOR: What happened?

AMBROSE: My dad's hurt.

DOCTOR: Get him into the church now!

AMBROSE: Elliot's gone. They've k*lled him, haven't they?

DOCTOR: I don't think so. They've taken three people, when they could've just k*lled them up here. There's still hope, Ambrose. There is always hope.

AMBROSE: (crying) Then why've they taken him?

DOCTOR: I don't know. I'll find Elliot, I promise. But first I've gotta stop this attack. Please, get inside the church.

AMBROSE: (helps TONY) Come on, Dad. (heads back to church)

RORY: So, what now?


The DOCTOR is walking down the street wearing sunglasses. From his POV, we see they can pick up heat signatures. He stares at his hand and smiles. He sees something move in the bushes, something that doesn't give off any heat.

DOCTOR: Cold blood. (sing-song) I know who they are.

The DOCTOR stands by the meals on wheels van, whistling. He takes the fire extinguisher from the front seat and shuts the door. In the window, he sees the reflection of the creature approaching. He spins out of the way as it att*cks and uses the fire extinguisher. The creature screams and RORY jumps out of the back, yelling. They push the creature in the refrigerated back and lock the door.

RORY: We got it!

DOCTOR: Defending the planet with meals on wheels!

They raise their hands to "high five" but are distracted by a rumbling.

RORY: What was that?

DOCTOR: Sounds like they're leaving.

RORY: Without this one?

The darkness goes away as the sun is allowed to shine through again.

RORY: Looks like we scared them off!

DOCTOR: I don't think so. Now both sides have hostages.


AMY'S wakes to find herself encased in what looks like a clear coffin. She pounds on the lid.

AMY: Let me out! Can anybody hear me?! I'm alive in here! Let me out! I know you're out there! My name is Amy Pond and you'd better get me the hell out of here or so help me I am going to kick your backside! (she sees a distorted figure leaning over her) Please?


AMY: Did you just shush me? (louder) Did you just shush me? (a gas begins to fill the coffin) No no no, don't do that. No gas! No gas! (she coughs then falls unconscious)


RORY is sitting on a toppled grave marker as the DOCTOR comes around from the front of the church.

DOCTOR: I've met these creatures before, different branch of the species, but all the same...(enters basement door)

Let's see if our friend's thawed out!


RORY: Are you sure? By yourself?

The creature is sitting on the floor in the shadows

DOCTOR: Very sure.

RORY: But the sting...

DOCTOR: Venom gland takes at least 24 hours to recharge. (to creature) Am I right? (to RORY) I know what I'm doing. I'll be fine.

RORY leaves and the DOCTOR walks down the remaining steps to the floor. We can our first clear glimpse of the creature and it is definitely reptilian with large dark eyes. It is wearing some sort of chainmail. With bound hands, it moves forward along the floor towards the DOCTOR.

DOCTOR: (hands up) I'm the Doctor. I've come to talk. I'm going to remove your mask.

The DOCTOR squats down and gently removes the creature's mask, revealing a humanoid face.

DOCTOR: You are beautiful. Remnant of a bygone age on planet Earth. And by the way, lovely mode of travel! Geothermal currents, projecting you up through a network of tunnels. Gorgeous! Mind if I sit? (stands) Now. (places a folding chair in front of the creature and sits) Your people have a friend of mine. I want her back. Why did you come to the surface? What do you want? Oh, I do hate a monologue. Give us a bit back. How many are you?

CREATURE: I'm the last of my species.

DOCTOR: Really? No. "Last of the species", the Klempari Defence. As an interrogation defence, it's a bit old hat, I'm afraid.

CREATURE: I'm the last of my species.

DOCTOR: No. You're really not. Because I'm the last of my species and I know how it sits in a heart. So don't insult me. Let's start again. Tell me your name.


DOCTOR: How long has your tribe been sleeping under the Earth, Alaya? It's not difficult to work out. You're 300 million years out of your comfort zone. Question is, what woke you now?

ALAYA: We were att*cked.

DOCTOR: The drill.

ALAYA: Our sensors detected a threat to our life support systems. The warrior class was activated to prevent the as*ault. We will wipe the vermin from the surface and reclaim our planet.

DOCTOR: Do we have to say vermin? They're really very nice.

ALAYA: Primitive apes.

DOCTOR: Extraordinary species. You attack them, they'll fight back. But, there's a peace to be brokered here. I can help you with that.

ALAYA: This land is ours. We lived here long before the apes.

DOCTOR: Doesn't give you a*t*matic rights to it now, I'm afraid. Humans won't give up the planet.

ALAYA: So we destroy them.

DOCTOR: You underestimate them.

ALAYA: You underestimate us.

DOCTOR: One tribe of h*m* reptilia against six billion humans, you've got your work cut out.

ALAYA: (stands) We did not initiate combat. But we can still win.

DOCTOR: Tell me where my friend is. Give us back the people who were taken.


DOCTOR: (sighs and stands) I'm not going let you provoke a w*r, Alaya. (folds up chair and puts it away) There'll be no battle here today. (heads for the door)

ALAYA: The fire of w*r is already lit. A m*ssacre is due.

DOCTOR: (stops) Not while I'm here.

ALAYA: I'll gladly die for my cause. What will you sacrifice for yours?

Without a word, the DOCTOR turns and leaves.


The DOCTOR, RORY and TONY are sitting. AMBROSE and NASREEN are leaning or standing.

RORY: You're going to what?!

DOCTOR: I'm going to go down below the surface, to find the rest of the tribe. To talk to them.

AMBROSE: You're going to negotiate with these aliens?

DOCTOR: They're not aliens! They're Earth...liens! Once known as the Silurian race, or, some would argue, Eocenes, or h*m* reptilia. Not monsters, not evil. (stands) Well, only as evil as you are. The previous owners of the planet, that's all. Look, from their point of view, you're the invaders. Your drill was threatening their settlement. Now, the creature in the crypt. Her name's Alaya. She's one of their warriors and she's my best bargaining chip. I need her alive. If she lives, so do Elliot and Mo and Amy. Because I will find them. While I'm gone, you four people, in this church, in this corner of planet Earth, you have to be the best of humanity.

TONY: What if they come back? Shouldn't we be examining this creature, dissecting it, finding its weak points?

DOCTOR: No dissecting! No examining! We return their hostage, they return ours. Nobody gets harmed. We can land this, together. If you are the best you can be. You are decent, brilliant people. Nobody dies today. Understand?

Everyone nods quietly. NASREEN applauds but stops nervously when no one else joins in.


The DOCTOR heads for the TARDIS and NASREEN runs up behind him.

DOCTOR: No, sorry, no, what're you doing?

NASREEN: Coming with you, of course! What is it, some kind of transport pod?

DOCTOR: Sort of, but you're not...coming with me! (TONY joins them)

TONY: He's right, you're not.

NASREEN: I have spent all my life excavating the layers of this planet. And now you want me to stand back while you head down into it? I don't think so!

DOCTOR: (checks watch) I don't have time to argue!

NASREEN: I thought we were in a rush.

DOCTOR: It'll be dangerous.

NASREEN: Oh, so's crossing the road.

DOCTOR: Oh, for goodness' sake, all right, then! Come on! (unlocks TARDIS and goes in)

TONY: (stops NASREEN) Come back safe.

NASREEN: Of course. (enters TARDIS)


NASREEN does a double take upon entering the TARDIS. The DOCTOR is at the console.

DOCTOR: Welcome aboard the TARDIS. Now don't touch anything! Very precious.

NASREEN: (walks over from doorway) No way! But that's... this is...(slaps him on the arm) fantastic! What does it do?

DOCTOR: Everything! I'm hoping, if we're going down, that barricade won't interfere.

The TARDIS pitches drastically. The DOCTOR and NASREEN cling to the console.

DOCTOR: Did you touch something?!

NASREEN: No! Isn't this what it does?!

DOCTOR: I'm not doing anything! We've been h*jacked! I can't stop it! They must've sensed the electro-magnetic field! (looks on monitor) They're pulling the TARDIS down into the Earth!


RORY, TONY and AMBROSE have come to look at ALAYA.

ALAYA: (stands) You had to come and see me.

RORY: We are going to keep you safe.

AMBROSE: Your tribe are going to give us back our people, in exchange for you.

ALAYA: No. (walks forward as far as her chains allow) Shall I tell you what's really going to happen, apes? One of you will k*ll me. My death shall ignite a w*r. And every stinking ape shall be wiped from the surface of my beloved planet.

TONY: We won't allow that to happen.

ALAYA: I know apes better than you know yourselves. I know which one of you will k*ll me. Do you?


TONY finds a small mirror and checks his wound from ALAYA'S tongue. The venom is spreading through his blood, turning it green.


The DOCTOR and NASREEN hold onto the console and yell. The TARDIS lands and the two fall to the floor. NASREEN snaps the DOCTOR'S braces.


NASREEN: Where are we?

The DOCTOR gets up and runs for the door. NASREEN follows.


The DOCTOR holds a hand outside the door before stepping out. There are roots and fungus covering the walls. NASREEN steps out and water drips on her. The DOCTOR whistles in amazement as he looks up the way they fell.

DOCTOR: Looks like we fell through the bottom of their tunnel system. Don't suppose it was designed for handling something like this.

NASREEN: How far down are we?

DOCTOR: A lot more than 21km.

NASREEN: So why aren't we burning alive?

DOCTOR: Don't know. Interesting, isn't it?

NASREEN: It's like this is everyday to you!

DOCTOR: Not every day. Every other day.

The DOCTOR heads down one of the tunnels, and, after a slight delay, NASREEN follows.


AMY is upright against an examining board, he arms and legs clasped down. She struggles against them. MO is in a similar predicament next to her.

MO: Don't struggle. (whisper) Close your eyes and don't struggle.

AMY: : (whisper) What? Where am I? Why can't I move my body?

MO: (whisper) Decontamination, they call it. They did it to me. While I was conscious.

AMY: : OK, you're freaking me out now. Did what? Who did?

MO: (whispers) Dissected me. (looks down at his torso where there is a long vertical healing scar)

AMY: : (whisper) No.

MO: (whisper) He's coming. I'm sorry. (normal voice) I wish I could help you.

One of the Silurians approaches AMY, a surgeon's mask over his nose and mouth. He is wearing an apron and holding up a syringe. AMY struggles furiously.


The DOCTOR walks past an opening but NASREEN stops to look as he talks.

DOCTOR: We're looking for a small tribal settlement. Probably housing around a dozen h*m* reptilia. Maybe less.

NASREEN looks out at something bathed in a golden light.

NASREEN: (slowly) One small tribe.

The Doctor makes his way back.


NASREEN: Maybe a dozen?

The DOCTOR joins her and sees the same thing.


Below them is a large community, verging on a city with buildings and monuments.

DOCTOR: Maybe more than a dozen. Maybe more like an entire civilization living beneath the Earth.