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01x17 - Make-a-Mutt

Posted: 07/13/22 12:39
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music]

-Live from Presley's basement,

it's open mic night!

[both cheering]

If I pick your name,

that means you get five minutes

to perform on this stage.

-Okay, pick somebody.

It's a receipt from when
we bought the fishbowl.

Hm. "Prees-ly."

Is there a "Prees-ly" anywhere?

-You know it's me and that
I just have sloppy handwriting.

-Hey, what are you gonna do
with that popcorn?

-Quiet, this is my time.

Now I bet you're wondering,

what am I gonna do
with this popcorn?

I am going to attempt

to catch ten pieces of popcorn

in my mouth...

in a row.

[both gasp]

-It can't be done.


I need complete and total


Oh, come on!

-Hey, we got a KidDING.


The job is from Make-A-Mutt.

-What's Make-A-Mutt?

-What's Make-A-Mutt?

What's Make-A-Mutt!?

-Get ready, Munchy.

Lex is about to go off
on a rant.

-Make-A-Mutt is
a magical store

where you design a stuffed dog

and then a super cool machine,

the Mutt-O-Matic, builds it.

-Told you a rant was coming.

She hasn't even gotten to
Nicholas the Ridiculous.

-Who's Nicholas
the Ridiculous?

-He's the amazing man
who runs the store

with his sidekick, Waggles.

-Who is Waggles?

-You did this to yourself.

-Waggles the dog
is the mascot of Make-A-Mutt.

He was a stuffed animal
that Nicholas the Ridiculous

brought to life.

-You can't bring
a stuffed animal to life.

That's ridicul--

Oh, now I get the name!

-Presley, did you just eat
floor popcorn?

-Quiet, this is my time.

[upbeat music]

[engine revving]

[lively rock music]

♪ ♪

[motor shuts off]

-Wow, you finally bought
a riding lawn mower.

-Yeah, your mom
fought me hard,

but I put my foot down.

And waited for her to go
out of town to buy it.

-Can I take it for a spin?

Oh, Fisher.

This is a serious
piece of machinery.

It's for men with beards.

Do you have a beard, son?

-No, but I'm confident I can--
-That's right, no beard.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I have to walk back
to get my car.

-Wait, where's your car?

-Couldn't wait to
ride this baby,

so I drove it home
and left my car

at the lawnmower shop.

Also, I forgot to pay,

so they definitely want me
to come back.

Now, while I'm gone,

hands off.

-I can totally drive this.

-Fisher, are you old enough
to drive that?

-Of course I am.


[engine revving]

Ah, this kitten can purr.

[lively rock music]

♪ ♪

Woo-hoo! This is awesome!

-Okay, Fisher, slow down.

-No way.



Oh, no.

-You are in so much trouble.

-I know, and Dad just told me
not to drive it.

What do I do?

-You fix stuff all the time.

Why don't you just fix it?

-I fix electronics,
not garages.

-Then my advice is for you to

hop back on that lawn mower

and ride it to Mexico.

-So dead, I'm so dead,
I'm so dead!

-You want this
taken care of quickly?

-Call this number.

[phones beep]

-Who is this, a handyman?


Someone who fixes problems.

They call her...

the Wombat.

-The Wombat?


The Wombat.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

-I love this place so much.

There's the Mutt-O-Matic
that makes the stuffed dogs,

and there's the Mutt Maker

where you customize
your friend.

-Oh, look,
it's Waggles the dog.

-Oh, but it's on a mannequin.

There was always someone

in the costume
when we were kids.

So you admit that

Waggles was never a real dog.

-Okay, honey, hit the button.

[triumphant horns]

-That means
Nicholas the Ridiculous

is coming.

[goofy music playing]

-Greetings, friend!

I'm Nicholas the Ridiculous.

Walk with me to the Mutt Maker.

Remember, the sillier the walk,

the more magical the creation.

Let's make a mutt!

-Watch, you can make your dog
any way you want.

I want to make my dog a cat.

-That's not how it works.

[Mutt-O-Matic powers up]

-And now the Mutt-O-Matic
makes your new friend.

[magical music playing]

♪ ♪

[trumpet fanfare]
[dog barks]

-I love it!
-And she loves you!

$ . plus tax.
Please pay here.


-Um, excuse me,
Mr. Ridiculous.

I don't know if you
remember me but--

-Of course I remember you.

You had your birthday here
three years in a row.

One of your friends
always had too much licorice

and threw up.

-That was me.

-Well, we're here for
the KidDING.

-Yes, of course!

Follow me to the back
where the mutts are made.

-Oh, my gosh, we're gonna see
the inside of the Mutt-O-Matic!

This is gonna be amazing.

-Wow, so amazing.

-What is this place?

-Yeah, I thought we were gonna

see the inside of
the magical machine.

-You're looking at
the magical machine.


She looks so lifelike.

-Marilyn isn't a machine.

She's the person who puts
together the stuffed dogs.

-No, but I thought
the Mutt-O-Matic made them.

-I know.

It's a little white lie we tell

to help sell
the magic of the store.

-I can't believe this.

What else isn't real?

-Yeah, I mean,

are you even really ridiculous?

-You tell me.

Picnic table, picnic table,
picnic table!

-Okay, you check out.

-♪ I got, you got me ♪
♪ We got this ♪

♪ I like the odds when
we're side-by-side ♪

♪ I like the sound of that ♪

♪ Oh, we're taking off,
gonna do this right ♪

♪ I like the sound of that ♪

♪ And when things go up
in flames, we're on it ♪

♪ 'Cause I got you, got me,
we got this ♪

-I can't believe
this whole time

there was a woman back here
making the stuffed dogs.

My whole childhood is a lie.

-In our defense,
we tried to make a machine

that could make stuffed dogs,

but it became self-aware
and tried to destroy us.

-Been there.

-Marilyn is retiring.

I hired you kids
to take her place

until we can find
a permanent replacement.

[alarm buzzes]

That light means
there's a customer.

Two in one day?
We are k*lling it!

-Let me show you
how this works.

When a kid
customizes their doggy,

it pops up on this screen

and you hear a ding.

[alert dings]

the machine sends out
the stuffed dog body.

Just attach the head,
arms, and legs

like it looks on the screen.

Put it all together,
blah, blah, blah.

Magic, magic, magic,
and off it goes.

[magical music playing]

[trumpet fanfare]
[dog barks]

-It's perfect!

-And he will love you forever!

That's $ . plus tax.
Please pay here.

-Well good luck taking over.

Nothing but palm trees,
fruity drinks,

and luaus for me.

I'm off to Rhode Island.



I don't know if
I feel good working here

and lying to kids.

-This place may have
lied to you,

but it made you happy.

Now it's your turn to lie

and make other kids happy.

It's the cycle of
lying and happiness.

-Nice 'sault.


-Did Marilyn show you

-Yep, we're ready to
get to work.


There probably won't be
any more work today.

Kids just aren't interested
in stuffed animals

like they used to be.

-That is so sad.

-Kids stink.

-I'm not sure how much longer
I can keep this place going.

-Hey, maybe we can help
get the word out.

-Yeah, we can hit the streets

and tell people
to come to the store.

-Are you sure people
will pay attention to you?

-Oh, I'm sure.
I can be quite loud.


Mutts! Mutts! Mutts!

Mutts! Mutts! Mutts!
-Okay, we get it.

-Hey, I know how
to get their attention.


I'll put on
the Waggles costume.

-Then we can make signs
for Make-A-Mutt

and spin them around.

-Let's go lie
to some children!

all: Yeah!

[upbeat music]


Maybe Dad won't notice.

-You're not gonna fix this
problem with a houseplant.

-Are you the Wombat?

I'm...the Wombat.

I solve problems.

-Why are you wearing a tuxedo?

-I'm not here to chit chat.

Let's see your mess.




-My dad's gonna be back soon.

If he sees that I crashed
his new lawn mower,

he'll never forgive me.

-If you do what I say,
when I say it,

I'll get you out of this mess.

Now, first thing I need
is some lemonade.

Lots of lemons, lots of sugar.

-I guess I could get you--
-I'll also need a blender,

an inflatable palm tree,
and a bear trap.

-How is that gonna help?
-The answers will come

at the end of this journey.

Still waiting on my lemonade.

Go, go, go!

-Right, right away, sir.

I mean, ma'am.

I mean, Wombat!

[upbeat music]

[car horn honking]

[funky music]

-Come to Make-A-Mutt!

Tell 'em Waggles sent you!

-I'm Waggles!

♪ ♪

-Attention, shoppers.

-Looking for a place to strut?

-Well, come on down
to Make-A-Mutt!

♪ ♪

-Now the whole town can
see our signs!

-I'm a flying dog!

-Hey, wait.

Aren't you afraid of heights?

-Oh, yeah.


-Oh, no, my sign!

Look out below!

-♪ I'm stopping for
a milkshake ♪

♪ On my way to the
lawn mower store ♪

♪ Where I left my car
in the parking lot--♪


[upbeat music]

-All right, I got
all the stuff you asked for.

Now can we fix my garage?

My dad will be here soon.

-That's why I'm here.

All I need now is
electrical tape, a whisk,

and a rocking horse.

-A "please" would be nice.

-Listen, pal.

Time is a factor.

I think fast, I talk fast,

and I need you to act fast

if you want to
get out of this jam.


-I also drink fast.

So get me some more lemonade.

-Go, go, go, go, go!

[upbeat music]

-And that's how
you get out of jury duty.

-Nicholas the Ridiculous,
it worked.

We got you a ton of customers.

-And I got over
my fear of heights.

-This is stupendous!

It's time for the Mutt-O-Matic

to make a dog for everyone!

all: Yeah!

-No, I mean get in the back
and make some stuffed dogs.

-Oh, right.

-All right, kids.
Who wants to see some juggling?

-I do!

Follow-up question,
does anyone here

know how to juggle?

[alert dings]

-Oh, that's cute.

A dog with an orange head,
blue arms,

and a green tail.

-Oh, that wasn't so bad.

[alert dings]

-Oh, looks like
we got another order.

[alert dings]
-Oh, looks like we got

two new orders.
-On it.

-Head, tail.
-Arm, arm.

-Head, tail.
-Arm, arm.

-Looks like
we found our rhythm.

Easy peasy.

[trumpet fanfare]
[dog barks]

-Oh, isn't the
Mutt-O-Matic amazing?

This is a perfect time to
order more mutts.

-I want one.

[alert dings]
-Yay, another order.

[alert dings]
And another order.

[alert dings]

[alert dinging]
-Uh, that's a lot of mutts.

[alert dinging]

[alert dinging repeatedly]
-Oh, come on.


Okay, yeah, you're right.

-Moving fast.

[alert dinging repeatedly]

-Green, pink.

Come on.

-Is this right?


Things are moving so fast.
-Whoa, whoa, whoa, okay!

-No, no. No tail!

[trumpet fanfare]
[dogs barking]

[alert dinging repeatedly]
[both screaming]

-Okay, come on!


[alert dinging repeatedly]

Okay, this isn't easy or peasy!

[upbeat music]

-Work faster, Lex!

[alert dinging repeatedly]

So many!

-Too many dogs
coming too fast!

-Now I see why Marilyn retired

to the tropical beaches
of Rhode Island!

[alert dinging]
Can you hand me a blue head?

-Okay, hand me a purple tail,

-I don't have any
purple tails!

[alert dinging repeatedly]
Are you serious right now?

-Okay, it's got to
slow down soon, right?

There weren't that many kids
out there.

-Nicholas, check it out.

A birthday party.

We should crank the
Mutt-O-Matic up to go faster.

-Great idea, Waggles!

[alert dinging repeatedly]

-Kay, Presley, hurry up.

-What is going on out there?

[trumpet fanfare]
[dogs barking]

-Okay, I know this is hard,

but we have to make sure
each dog is perfect

for the kids out there
in the store.

[alert dinging]


[alert dinging]

-This isn't the stuffed animal
I ordered.

It has an arm for a tail.

-Mine is wrong, too.

It's all tails.

-Mine doesn't have a head.

-Mine has a head
coming out of its butt.

-Fix it!
-This isn't fair.

all: Fix it!

[alert dinging repeatedly]


-Everyone, I assure you

the Mutt-O-Matic
is working just fine.

-Okay, we gotta catch up!

We can't send out
anymore wrong dogs.

-That dog has two heads!


-Lex, I have your shoes.
I'll keep them safe!

-I'm your new doggy!


[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

-Hurry it up, Fisher.


Here's your stupid alpaca.

-Can you believe
this guy called you stupid?

[as alpaca]
I know, Wombat.

But at least I know how to
drive a lawn mower.

-You're supposed to be
helping me fix my garage.

Instead you have me
running around,

getting random things.

It would have just been easier

to tell my dad the truth.

-[claps slowly]

And now you've reached
the end of your journey.

-What happened to my garage?

And why is there an alpaca
in the driveway?

-I messed up, Dad.

I drove your mower
into the garage

and I didn't know
how to tell you.

-Fish, you know you can
talk to me about anything.

Even when you make mistakes.

-I know.

I should have been honest.


Lesson learned.

My work here is done.

You can keep all this stuff.

Except this.

It's coming with me.

-So that's it?
I'm off the hook?

Oh, no.

You are going to fix this
garage door.

And when you're done,

I'm gonna give you some
riding lawn mower lessons.

-Sounds good.

-But first...

I'm going to need
some lemonade.

Go, go, go!

I know, I know,

I should be more firm
with Fisher,

but it's hard
to stay mad at him.

You have any kids?

[upbeat music]

-Is this really magical?

Because it looks like that girl

was working in that machine.


No, there is no one
working in the machine.

That is crazy.

Lex, Lex!


I have your shoes.

Hey, why is everyone
staring at us?

-We want a refund.

all: Refund, refund, refund!

-Okay, everyone.

May I please
have your attention.

Okay, I know that
you're upset that

the Mutt-O-Matic isn't
magical like you thought.

But the real magic
comes from the joy

of making a friend that
will be with you guys forever.

-I want a dog with a head.

[children agreeing]

[magical music playing]

♪ ♪

-Wait, how is
the machine running?

No one's back there.

-Maybe it is magical.

[magical music stirs]

[dog barks]

-This is the dog I wanted!

-It's a Make-A-Mutt miracle!

[all cheering]

That's $ . .
Please pay over there.

-I gotta see this.


I thought you retired to
Rhode Island.

-Turns out it was
more road than island.

-Well, thanks for
bringing all the magic

back to the store.

-You've made
a lot of kids happy.

-Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Warms my heart.

[upbeat music]

-Thank you for getting
Marilyn to come back, Wombat.

-It's my thing, Nicholas.

I fix problems.

I'm taking this dog.

I like it.

It has a head on its butt.

[upbeat music]