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02x01 - Model Employee

Posted: 07/13/22 12:44
by bunniefuu
[thumping music]

♪ ♪

-What do you think of this pose?


I'm going for the girl who gets picked out

of a fashion show audience
to become a supermodel.

-It looks more like

girl who isn't focused on buying the ticket

so she won't be in the audience.

-Don't worry, I have my
best people working on it.

-You mean me?

You're the best, girl.

-C'mon, we can't have a repeat of last year

when you got distracted by videos.

-It's not my fault. I
searched for catwalk videos,

and there were all these
videos of cats walking like people.

-Well, don't you think I remember that?

I love animals, especially
when they think they're people.

But now we gotta focus.

[bright harmonica tune]

-Stop everything.

I finally got a harmonica holder

so I can play and wave my arms at the same time.

♪ ♪

-Okay, stop. We're in the middle of something.

-We're doing something.

-Why aren't you letting me harmoniwave?

-Tell him, but we only have seconds.

-Tickets for the Altoonisburg fashion show

are about to go on sale
and we didn't go last year

because someone was distracted by cat videos,

doesn't matter who--these tickets sell out fast.

And this is our only chance to get them.

-And fashion influencer
Sophia Fugazi will be there

and I'll be able to show
her this necklace I designed.

And she'll see it and love it.

And that'll skyrocket my handmade craft website

Lex's Lexcessories.

And tickets go on sale in three, two, one.

-It's asking if I'm a robot. What do I do?

-Say no.

-Oh, man, I accidentally clicked yes.

Maybe I am a robot. How cool would that be?

-That would be cool, but we have no time.

-No, the tickets are almost gone. Do something!

♪ ♪

Anything but that!

The tickets are gone.

-I know.

Because I got the last three in my cart!

[all cheer]

-Now is the time to harmoniwave, Munchy.

♪ ♪

[upbeat music]

-Okay. The driveway looks perfect.

-We've been here for minutes.

Can I please sit down?

-Ooh. That chair is reserved for Tedward.

I repaved this driveway
myself and I want him to see it.

Then maybe he'll ask me to repave his driveway.

Next thing you know, we're building a tunnel

from his house to ours in the name of friendship.

-I don't think he's showing up, Dad.

-Okay. Fine.

Maybe when he hears

the ceremony's starting, he'll come over.

I've prepared a few words. [clears throat]

"Thank you all for being here.

"What is a driveway?

"For me, it's a gateway into our home.

And it just got a little smoother."

I declare this driveway open!

-[claps slowly]

Don't need this sign anymore
since the cement is dry.

-What's wrong?

-I might have accidentally cemented

this "Caution, wet cement"
sign into the driveway.

-Okay. This has been nice,

but I gotta go do anything else.

-You're not going anywhere.

We need to find a way

to get this sign off before Tedward sees it.

Cancel everything in life.

-I actually have a report due tomorrow

and it's worth % of my grades.

-I said everything!

♪ ♪

-Lex, hurry up and finish buying those tickets.

-I'm going as fast as I can.

They're asking for a lot of information.

Dog's mother's maiden name?


-Why is there a picture of a meteor

on the fashion show website?

-They're commemorating the th anniversary

of when that meteor destroyed
our town bridge, Ol' Bridgey.

-Oh, poor bridge never saw it coming.

-Oh, wait. Uncheck that box.

You're gonna be on our mailing list.

-What? No! She'll miss out on exclusive offers.

-Munchy's right. Keep it checked.

You can always unsubscribe later.

-Okay, stop helping.

[phone chiming]

-What's going on?

-Did you swallow a spider?

-We're getting hired to be in the fashion show.

-Explain now.

Quickly. Why aren't you explaining?

-We got a KidDING to be runway models.

-Oh, my gosh!

I get to show Sophia Fugazi my necklace!

-And I can become a famous model.

-And I can eat the tiny fancy
food they have backstage.

It's gonna make me feel like a fancy giant.

-Well, we don't need these tickets anymore.


-After we get paid,

I know exactly how I'm gonna
give the money to Tedward.

[thumping music]

♪ ♪

"Here's the money for exploding your boat."

♪ ♪

-Ooh, should we strut too?

In my mind I've been strutting the whole time.

♪ ♪

-Your models have arrived.


I'm so glad you're here.

-There must be some mistake.

We're here for the modeling job.

-That's right.

You're gonna help these kids make toy models.

-No, the KidDING was for runway models.

-Yep, that's the name of my store.

Runway Models.

We specialize in models of airplanes.

Get it?

All: Oh.

-It was all clearly spelled
out in my KidDING message.

-You don't say.

-Just to clarify, are there any tiny sandwiches

that will make me feel like a fancy giant?

-We actually don't allow eating.

-You don't say.

-♪ I got, you got me ♪

♪ We got this ♪

♪ I like the odds when we're side-by-side ♪

♪ I like the sound of that ♪

♪ Oh, we're taking off, gonna do this right ♪

♪ I like the sound of that ♪

♪ And when things go up in flames, we're on it ♪

♪ 'Cause I got you, got me, we got this ♪

[upbeat music]

-Okay, can you please stop glaring at me?

-No, we cannot.

If anything, we're gonna glare harder.

I had the tickets to the fashion show in my cart.

All I had to do was click purchase.

-Look at these hands, Presley.

There should be seven or
eight tiny sandwiches in them

right now.

-Hey, I'm not the one who
slammed the computer shut

and gave away the tickets.

-Well, I only did that

because you said we got
jobs as models in the show.

-In my defense, I saw the
words model, job, and runway

and just started screaming.

That's not my fault. That's the words' fault.

-Oh, good, you're done glaring at your friend.

Let me tell you about the job.

You'll be in charge of our builders.

Make sure they all follow the rules.

For example, Jerome here

is supposed to be wearing
gloves when using the glue.

-I tried to, but I glued my glove to my arm.

-Well, gotta go or I'll be late.

-Where are you going?

-The big fashion show.

I got the last three tickets.

-You don't say.

-Wish me luck.

I'm hoping to be picked out of the audience

to become a supermodel.

I hear they do that sometimes.

-Now, where was I?
-Glaring at me.

-Oh, yes. Thank you.

♪ ♪

-Thanks for helping me get this sign loose.

I tried everything I could think of.

I pulled.

I guess that's it.

-Don't worry, I've combined enough

unstable chemicals to blow this thing sky high.

-That's my boy.

-Okay. Let's light this candle.


[gasps] Ooh! A blowey-uppy box!

Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I?

-Okay, this one time.

Get off my lawn.


-What? It's still there.

-Don't worry. I bet we loosened it.



Somehow it's worse!

♪ ♪

-Okay, Holly.

One thing you need to know about building models

is to read the instructions.

All of the instructions, unlike some people.

-Well, Jerome, it's important to remember

that getting excited over a
modeling job isn't a crime.

-Excuse me? I'm out of glue.

-I'll get you some.
-No, no, I'll get it.

You'll probably misread the box
and give him something wrong.

-That glue has a seal. You have to break it.

-You hear that, Lex? You're doing it wrong.

Allow me.
-No, I got it.

-Okay, I can do it. You're doing it wrong.

-I can do it by myself.

You really should be wearing gloves.

-Not now, Munchy. We're in
the middle fighting over glue.

-Give it.
-I've got this.

[both scream]

-Get your hand off me.
-Get your hand off me!

-I can't. It's stuck.

-That's what I was trying to tell you.

That's industrial-strength glue.

It's very powerful and it bonds instantly.

-You really should have been wearing gloves.

Both: Not now, Jerome.

♪ ♪


We need to get this sign off

before Tedward gets here and sees my shame.

-Dad, if my chemical blast
didn't work, nothing will.

-I heard there's a sign not following the rules.

-We should warn you, it's really stuck.

We've tried everything.

-Have you tried pulling?

-Yes. And exploding.

-Sounds like this sign's a worthy opponent.

Prepare to be destroyed by Jag Jitsu.

[metallic clanking]

[grunts] Jag Jitsu.


You blocked all my moves.

I guess I'll just give up and...

sneak attack!


Your master has taught you well.

♪ ♪


Stupid industrial-strength glue.

-Okay. I have an idea to get our hands unstuck.

You crawl up on my back.

-All right.

Now what?

-Now you say an idea, and I'll say another idea

and then we'll keep going until we're free.

And go.

-I'm getting back down.

-Okay, I have good glues and bad glues.

The good glues is I found a spray

that will free your hands.

-Wait, what's the bad glues?

-You can only get it in Nova Scotia

and it'll take hours to get here.

-I don't wanna be stuck together for two days.

We wouldn't even be here

if you would've actually read the KidDING.

-I did read it, just not all of it.

[phone chimes]

-Hey. A KidDING.

Okay, I have good glues and bad glues.

-Just tell us.

-It's the real fashion show.

Three of their models came down with model pox.

It's like chicken pox,
but it only affects models.

So they want us to fill in.

-Yes! I can't believe it!
We're really gonna be models.

And no, dang it, we're still stuck together.

-This is a disaster. We
can't be models like this.

-You know, in a way,

this means I was right about
us getting modeling jobs.

-In what way?


-Okay, listen, here's the plan.

Munchy, go down to the fashion show and stall

until we can figure out how to free ourselves.

-Okay, on it.

-C'mon, let's figure out how to get unstuck.

-Let's do it.

♪ ♪

-Look alive, people.

This is the Altoonisburg
fashion show, the big time.

-Hi, I'm one of the kids you
hired from the KidDING app.

-Oh, great. You're just in time.

Things are pretty crazy.

This show is commemorating

when the meteor hit Ol' Bridgey.

And where are the models?

-Actually, if you could just pause your show

for a little bit?

My two co-models are running fashionably late.


-Not happening. You're up next.

-What? My tiny fancy food!

[thumping music]

♪ ♪

-I never do this, but I'm a huge fan.

-Of course you are. I'm Sophia Fugazi.

-Can I get a selfie?
-Of course you can.

Just not with me.

♪ ♪

[camera shutters clicking]

Ooh, seems we've stumbled upon a train wreck.

[camera shutters clicking]

-Hello, fashion world.

Oh, you have tiny fancy food out here too.

[all gasp and murmur]


All: Ooh.

-Do you guys like that?


♪ ♪

-Oh, he's good.

When he eats those tiny sandwiches,

he looks like a fancy giant.

-Strut, strut. Munch, munch.

And pose.

All: Ooh.

-This kind of magic

is why I keep coming back to Altoonisburg.

-Okay. On the count of three,

you kids pull as hard as
you can and rip us apart.


Holly, what are you doing? We need everyone.

-I'm finishing my bridge model.

I just put on the glue.

-We're gonna need you to focus, Holly.



One, two, three. Go!

-Pull harder!

Put your tiny backs into it!

[both scream]

-My bridge!


Oh, no. This had glue all over it.

It's stuck to us.

How are we gonna be in the fashion show now?


Remember when it was
just our hands stuck together?

I miss that.

[upbeat music]

-Bye, Holly. Thanks for coming.

-Sorry again for gluing your bridge to us.

-Bye. Thanks for coming.

-Have a good rest of your day.
-Bye. Bye, guys.

-This is all your fault.

Our hands are glued together

and I have a bridge stuck to me.

-Well, since you never pay attention to details,

you might not have noticed

that I have a bridge stuck to me, too.






-You wouldn't dare.

You did dare.

-Oh, I am just getting started.

-Hey. Those pipe cleaners are poky.

-Well, deal with it.

-Okay, all right. You asked for it.

Let's go. [both grunting]

Eat googly eyes.


-What is so funny?

-You got a googly eye stuck to your face.

It looks like it's looking at me.

-Okay, yeah, that's pretty funny.

-Oh, wait. I need to even you out.

-How's this?

-It's perfect.

I'm really sorry, Lex. This is all my fault.

If I had just read the
KidDING, we wouldn't be here.

-No, this is my fault.

I got glue all over us.

-Well, if I had to be stuck
to a bridge with someone,

I'm glad it's you.

-Bring it in.

How about high five?

Okay, come on.


-Okay, come on.

We have to get to that
fashion show before it's over.

-Why? They're never gonna
let us on stage looking like this.

-Hey, don't give up.

You wanted Sophia Fugazi to see that necklace.

So that's what we're gonna do.

-I have no idea.

But you're brilliant and creative.

And I know you can figure this out.

-Wait, I have an idea.
-Man, I love being right.

-We use more glue.

-Uh, what?

-No, listen, I think I can give us a cool look

that'll be perfect for the fashion show.

I mean, the theme is about
when that meteor hit the bridge.

Well, let's work with what we got. Follow me.

-Well, I have no choice
since we're stuck together,

so lead the way.

♪ ♪

[engine chugging]

-Okay. We're all hooked up.

Ready, set, mow.

[lawnmower revs]

[tires screech]

-This sign has beaten me.

-You know who might be able to fix this?

My dad.

Daddy! Daddy!

-Coming, son!


Tedward can't see I cemented
the sign into our driveway.

He won't want me to repave his driveway,

and then we'll never go parasailing.

-I think we're out of options, Dad.

-You ever hear about parents
getting superhuman strength

to save their children?

Well, this driveway is like a child to me,

and I'm gonna save it.

[soft dramatic music]



[dramatic music building]

♪ ♪


-Dad, you did it.

-I can't believe it.

You're the chosen one.

-My arms are full of pain!


Alan, nice job repaving your driveway.


[strained] Thanks. It was nothing.

-You know, I was looking for
someone to repave my driveway,

and the--why is there a hole?


-Because it helps the pavement breathe.

It's good for the environment.

-Well, I do like the environment.

You're hired. [laughs]

-[strained] Sounds good.

-I'm gonna keep your secret, Chosen One.

-Nice work, Dad.

I'm so happy.

Call an ambulance.

♪ ♪

-He's breaking all the rules. And I love it.

-Are you sure this is a good idea?

-Yes. You did an amazing
job designing our outfits.

We got this.


-You guys made it.

Do you want some tiny fancy food?

-No. Here, read this.

♪ ♪

-[clears throat] Ladies and gentlemen,

to honor the day the meteor struck Ol' Bridgey,

please welcome Lex and Presley.

♪ ♪

[oohs and ahhs]

You'll notice the necklace

designed by Lex of Lex's Lexcessories

serves as the meteor hurdling towards the bridge

as everyone runs for their lives

just as they did on that fateful day.

[thumping music]

♪ ♪

[cheers and applause]

♪ ♪

-I love everything about
this, especially that necklace.

It's everything right about
local history-based fashion.

[cheers and applause]

-Yes, Lex's Lexcessories is going to happen!

-Should we keep struttin'?

-Not without Munchy. Get in here.

♪ ♪