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02x11 - Clownderella

Posted: 07/13/22 13:47
by bunniefuu
-So I got the DNA results back

and it turns out I'm related to the king of--

-Quiet, clowns!

-What's the matter?
-Lex is terrified of clowns.

-Why? Clowns deliver joy and laughter.

They're the best possible version of mankind.

-Are you kidding me?

They haunt my dreams. They haunt my nightmares.

And now they're haunting my Mooery.

-You know what? I'm finally gonna help you

get over your fear of clowns
because it's a problem.

-It's not a problem.

-Could I borrow that ketchup?

If she bites me, I become a clown!

-I'm gonna make sure
she doesn't run into traffic.

-Hi. I can't help but notice that you're a clown.

-Why would you say that?

-Well, it's your clown nose and your makeup and--

-I'm messing with you. Of course, I'm a clown!

[horn honks]

-My friends and I just finished a show

and we came here to celebrate.

-I have so many clown-related questions.

Would you like sit down?

-Thanks, sure!
[horn honks]

-[laughs] You're good.

-I'm a professional clown.

-Look, Horrigan, our hair
growth accelerator is working.

-It looks just like real hair.

-Time to test it out on a human.

Horrigan, are you ready?
-Are you sure it's safe?

-Of course. Look at the watermelon.

-Let's do it.
-Great, but let's hurry.

My dad hurt his foot trying to click his heels

like a leprechaun.

-Is it serious?
-Seriously annoying.

He's stuck at home and won't leave me alone for--

-Top of the morning.

Okay, taking snack orders.

Who wants popcorn shrimp? Show of hands.

-Ten fingers up!

-Well, you got ten popcorn
shrimps coming your way, buddy.

Beep, beep, beep, beep!

-Okay, now that he's gone, I'm gonna apply this

and then you have to
sit perfectly still for just--

-Forgot to ask about what sauce you want.

-Dad, we're in the middle of something.

-You're right. I'll just bring 'em all.

-Okay, let's get started.

-Hey, guys!

-I just remembered we're out of popcorn shrimp.

Who likes quesadillas? Show of hands.


Just gotta figure out how to
get this baby down the stairs.

-That's it!

We have a new project:

To distract my dad so he stops distracting us.

-Um, is my lip supposed to be burning?

-The watermelon never complained.

-Then neither will I, sir.

-And that's why my uncle is on a mountain

raising a family of hawks.

-You know,

non-clowns are usually so boring

but you're different.

-Oh, you haven't seen anything yet.

Check out my didgeridoo impression.

[clears throat]

[mimicing digeridoo]

-I didgeri-do-not believe how good that was!


[slide whistle] No, that's my alarm!

I'm sorry, I need to go.

-But wait! I didn't even get your name!

I hope it's something hilarious!

She's gone.

But she lost her shoe.


[gasps] It honks.

Clowns truly are the best
possible version of mankind.

-Okay, to distract my father,

I've turned this thing into a smart fridge.

-Sure, it's smart

but does it have one of these?

-It's a good start to the mustache project,

but we need to focus so we can keep my dad

from interrupting us. Let's power it up.

[fridge whirring]
-Hello, Fisher.

My name is Fridgrick. What is my purpose?

-Your purpose is to be friends with my dad

so he stops interrupting us.

-♪ And that's how Allan shops for groceries ♪

Oh, good, you're here.

Turns out we were out of quesadilla bread,

which a person at the store
told me is called a "tortilla."

-Dad, there's someone I want you to meet.

-If it's Horrigan, I know him

and love that little 'stache.

Lookin' good.
-Feelin' good.

-No, there's someone else. Meet Fridgrick.

-Hello, Alan. I'm Fridgrick. Nice to meet you.


The fridge talked!

-Horrigan and I installed an
advanced AI operating system.

Think of the fridge as your new friend.

-Mm, I don't know about this, Fisher.

The last time I tried to become
friends with an appliance,

I got burned.

It was a toaster.

-Those guys are the worst.

-They are the worst.

I like you. You get me.

-So as your unlicensed therapist, tell me,

why you have such strong
negative feelings about clowns?

-Well, first off, they look like monsters.

What are they hiding under all that makeup?

-If I had to guess, I'd say their faces.

-Guys, you'll never guess what happened.

I met a girl!

-Forget about clowns! Tell us everything.

-Okay, so she's a clown.

-Are you crazy?

-Okay. Don't listen to Lex.

What's her name?
-I don't know.

-Where does she go to school?
-I'm not sure.

-Did you get any info at all?
-None whatsoever.

-So how are we supposed to find her?

-Well I do have her shoe.

-Oh, this is so romantic.

If we find who fits the shoe, we find the girl.

Just like Cinderella.

But she's a clown and I hate those.

But I love romance. But this is clown romance!

I'm gonna need another therapy session.

-This is perfect. We're gonna help Munchy

find his Clownderella

and in the process, we're gonna help you

overcome your fear of clowns.

-Or, and hear me out,

you guys go do all of that stuff

and I stay here safely hidden in your basement.

-You're coming.
-I know.

-♪ I got, you got me ♪

♪ We got this ♪

♪ I like the odds when we're side-by-side ♪

♪ I like the sound of that ♪

♪ Oh, we're taking off, gonna do this right ♪

♪ I like the sound of that ♪

♪ And when things go up in flames, we're on it ♪

♪ 'Cause I got you, got me, we got this ♪

-Step right up and try on the shoe.

-If it fits, you win a boat!

-We don't have a boat to give to someone.

-Uh, technically,

we still have the burnt remains of Tedward's boat

and I never said what condition the boat was in

so it's like lying-not-lying.

-Uh, it sounds like lying-actually-lying.

-I know but we need girls to try it on

so we know whose shoe it is.

Any of these girls could
be Munchy's mystery clown.

-I never thought about that.

Anyone could be an undercover clown.

Even you!

-It doesn't fit.

-Okay, I have something that's gonna help you

with your fear of clowns.

-What is it? Knives?

-No, but they're just as powerful.


-I'd prefer a knife.

-Whenever you're feeling scared about clowns,

I want you to say to yourself,
"Most clowns aren't evil."

-Most clowns? So some clowns are evil?

-Okay, not that.

How about, "Inside every clown is a person."

-What, because the clown ate them?

-Okay. How about,

"Clowns are more afraid of
you than you are of them."

Say it.

-Clowns are more afraid of me than I am of them.

-Doesn't fit.

-Stupid feet.

They never win me a boat.

And why are you having people
try on a clown shoe anyway?

-I'm looking for the clown who fits it.

See, I met this girl the other day.

It started with this hilarious misunder--

-Okay, okay, I was just here for the boat.

But if you're looking for clowns,

a lot of them hang out at Scoochy's Clown Café.

-That sounds like the perfect place to look.

-Yeah. Yeah, that's why I said it.

But don't try to go looking normal.

They only let clowns in.

-Got it.

Although part of me wonders

if she even wants to be found.

[sighs] See, after she ran away--

-If I had a boat,

I'd use it to sail away from this conversation.

-Rude but thank you!

Okay, guys, I found a
place where clowns hang out.

We need to go see if my Clownderella's there.

-That's great!
-Yeah, let's go right now!

-One small thing.

To get in, we need to dress like clowns.

-[shouts] No!

-Well, your 'stache is right on schedule.

And the best part is

my dad didn't interrupt us with snacks once.

Our plan to keep him distracted totally worked.

-Speaking of snacks,

me and my mustache are hungry.
-Me too.

Let's go grab something to eat.

-Be right there.

Horrigan, you devil.

[ballpark organ music]

-And here's the pitch!

-Steeee-rike three! The crowd goes wild!

-Um, what's going on?

-Oh, hey, Fish.

Just playing catch with my new BFF,

best fridge forever.

-Ha. Ha. Ha.

Alan, you are so clever.

-Uh, okay.

I'm glad to see that you and
Fridgrick are getting along.

Oh, hey, look at this!

Our mustache experiment is working.


-Oh, that's great.

Hey, bud, we're just kind of
in the middle of something.

-Yes, we're going into the ninth inning

of the Ice Ball World Series.

-But we'll look at your hair thing later.

Right now, I'm having fun
playing with my new friend.

-Well, I guess we'll be upstairs.

I think he likes the fridge better than me.

-Don't worry, sir.

With this mustache, I can be your new dad.

-Come on, Lex. You can do this.

-Clowns are more afraid of me than I am of them.

Clowns are more afraid of me than I am of them.

-[creepy cackling]

[hard rock music]

♪ ♪

-Yup, this is officially my worst nightmare.

I can't believe you guys
made me dress up like this.

-But we need to find my clown girl.

-And it's the only way
that they'll let us in here.

It's clowns only.

-Well, what happens if they
find out we're not real clowns?

-I told ya, Scoochy's is for clowns only!

And mimes are not clowns!

Too slow, mime!

-Okay, I know you're scared, Lex,

but think about Munchy and romance.

We have to help him find his clown.

-All right. For romance.

-Can you believe that guy?

The next fake clown I catch in here

is gonna get twisted like a balloon animal.

-Good day.

-Hey, I haven't seen you
clowns around here before.

You guys are clowns, right?

-Of course, we are.

-What's your name?


-Hmm. Solid clown name, kid.

What about you?

You're more afraid of me than I am of you!

-Hey, that's a weird thing to say.

Hey, any of you guys know these clowns?

-Nah, Bungo, they don't look familiar.

-If Chuffa don't know ya,

I don't know ya.
-We're visiting.

See, we're trying to find the owner of this shoe.

She's a clown.
-Hey, I recognize that shoe.

-You do?

-Tell us where she is and we'll leave!

-Yeah, she's a nice girl.

If you want I can-- -Whoa, whoa, whoa.

We're not telling you a thing

'cause I don't think you clowns

are clowns at all.

-That's crazy.

We're so clowns.
-[nose honking]

-Well if you're clowns, show us your act.

Make us laugh.

[all chanting] Make us laugh!

Make us laugh, make us laugh!

Make us laugh, make us laugh, make us laugh!

-It's almost showtime, you so-called clowns.

-Okay, what's the plan?

-Well, I think if we can knock over the big one,

we can make it to the door
before the others catch us.

-No! We need to prove to
these clowns that we're clowns,

even though we're not clowns.

-Yeah, it's the only way they'll tell us

who Munchy's Clownderella is.

-All right!

If you're clowns, make us laugh.

If you're not clowns...

[balloon snaps, deflates]

Hit the music.

[goofy music]

♪ ♪

-Munchy, do something clowny.

Where did you get those?

-They came with the pants.

-Can you even juggle?
-You tell me.

-This clown can't even juggle.

-Hey, it's not my fault.
Those pins are defective.

-Let me see those.

They seem fine to me.

Try again.

-Dude, you could at least
throw them in my direction--ow!


[clowns laughing]

-C'mon, Bungo, they're pretty funny.

-They like seeing us in pain.

Lex, this might hurt.

[glass shatters]

[clowns laughing]

Oh, so you wanna throw things?

-Hey, hey. Hey, hey, be reasonable!

-I'm not reasonable, I'm a clown!

[clowns laughing]

[clowns laughing hysterically]

-These are definitely clowns.

I'm laughing so much I'm crying!

-Oh, you need a hanky? Here.

Guys, help me out!

-I guess we had you clowns all wrong.

You guys are all right.

Hey, Chuffa, did you say you know

the girl they're looking for?
-Yeah, sure.


-"Murray's Clown Costume Rental?"

[all gasp]


-If they're renting their outfits,

they're not real clowns!

Hit the "get 'em" music!

["Yakety Sax" playing]

♪ ♪

-Socket wrench.

Horrigan, stop combing your mustache and help.

My dad's gonna be back any minute

and we have to get this done.

-What are you doing, Fisher?

-I'm uninstalling your logic-board.

-But, Fisher, that will turn me back

into a normal refrigerator.

-That's the point.

-I can't let you do that, Fisher.

[Fridgrick whirring]

-Horrigan, help!

[ice clattering]

[electrical zapping]

Horrigan, you were so brave.

-It wasn't me, sir.

It was the mustache.

-Fridgrick, I got you magnets for your door!

What happened to Fridgrick?

-Dad, I gotta be honest.

I made Fridgrick to get you to stop bothering me

but now I miss you.

-Fish, Fridgrick is a kitchen appliance.

But you're my son.

I'm always gonna be around to bother you.


I still have to press the button

before he shuts off completely.

-Let me.

I'd like to say goodbye.

-Alan, is that you?

I feel so cold.

-Well, that's 'cause you're a fridge.

-Did we--did we win the Ice Ball World Series?

-Yeah we did, Fridgrick.

Everyone's cheering.

-I can hear them, Alan.

It sounds beautiful.

-Goodbye, old friend.

It was ice knowing you.

-Ha, ha, ha...
[powers down]


-That was pretty sad, wasn't it?

-[sobbing] No, sir.

I'm crying about this.

I guess the mustache was only temporary.

-Well, sounds like we have work to do.

Back to the lab.

-Hey, buddy. How ya doing?

-I'm good.

Totally fine and not devastated at all.

-We're not giving up.

Your Clownderella is still out there

and we're going to find her.

Even if it gives me nightmares forever.

-Forget it.

It was fate that we met
and fate that she ran away.

I've accepted the fact that
I'm never gonna see her again.

-Excuse me.

-I can't talk to you right now.

A clown broke my heart.

-I was just gonna--
-I met her once

and all I got was this shoe.
-I know.

That's my shoe.

-Wait a minute, is it you?

It is you!

I didn't recognize you without your clown makeup.

-Hi, I'm Clara.

-Solid clown name.

-Uh, maybe we should--

-Stay and see how this goes?

-No, give them some privacy
so romance can blossom.


-I've been looking for you
ever since you ran away.

-I've been looking for you too.

Luckily, my clown friend

said a weird non-clown and his friends

were at Scoochy's asking for me.

-That was me! I'm the weird non-clown!

I gotta know, why did you run away?

I thought we were really hitting it off.

-We were.

But I'm a clown

in a traveling troupe with my family.

My alarm went off because
I was late for our show.

-You're in a traveling circus?

You literally could not be cooler.

-You're pretty cool too,

which is why this is so hard.

Our circus is leaving town tonight.

-[shouts] No!

-But we just met. You can't leave.

-Well, my circus comes
through a couple of times a year

so I'll be back.

Until then,

hang on to this to remember me by.

-I'll see ya soon.

-Do you know this person?

-I know her. She's cool.

-Sorry, I tried to stop her

but romance gives her freaky strength.

-I'm just so happy you found each other.

-It's nice to meet you guys.

Hey, I gotta go.

[nose honks]

-Wow, that's some clown.

-Well, everything we went through

was totally worth it to get you her number.

-You--you did get her number, right?

-Clara! Come back!

-He's really bad at this.