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01x07 - Parasite

Posted: 07/15/22 07:14
by bunniefuu
♪ Come on, come on ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Come on ♪

♪ Yeah ♪



A shrimp curry burrito? Really?

That smell is never going away.


He can't hear you.



Clean up your mess.

In a minute.

I'll do it.


He has to learn.

The mind-machine interface is glitching.

- Oh, I'm sorry...
- Fix it.

Where are we
with the chest mount prototype?

You'll have it tomorrow.


Are those...

Are you listening to music?

Uh, um... No?

Pinky promise?

It... it won't happen again.

Albert Wesker!

This is unauthorized use
of Umbrella property!

Put your hands up! Do it now!

We know you're in there!

We have the facility surrounded!

- Albert, we have to get out of here!
- Come out! Now!


What are you doing?

Destroying the evidence.

sh*ts fired!
sh*ts fired! Move in!





Are you okay?

I, uh, I... I think so.

Y eah, we're clear.

What the f*ck are you?


- This can't be happening.
- Oh, it's happening.

So, what's it been?
Like, seven years?




You've been locked down here
this whole time?

I mean, not always, like,
exactly here in this spot, but locked up?

Yeah. It's for my own good.

Oh, you didn't know?

I thought you were dead.

Mom can't k*ll me. She needs me.


Don't call her that.


So where have they been keeping you?

Bert, I...

I haven't been locked up.

What do you mean?

I got out.

I made a life for myself.


Good for you, man.

I wish I could've
taken you with me. It's just...

No, I... Yeah, I get it.

My life...

It's not so great.

Ah, you get used to it.

Have you ever tried to escape?

No, why?

You think I should?

Bert, I need your help.

- My daughters...
- "Daughters"?

You've got... Holy cow.

What are their names?

Jade and Billie. They're just kids, 14.

And you know what Umbrella
will do to them if...

- Hands behind your back. Do it now!
- No. Wait.

- Hey, I...
- Leave him alone!

Hey! Stop!

Don't worry. I got you, bro!


Is Bea okay?

Yeah, she's... She's fine.

What were you thinking?

I don't know.

I'm sorry.

You were right.

I never should have left.
I should have stayed with you.

Look, it doesn't matter.

It does.

What do you want me to say, Jade?

Well, tell me I'm just stupid.

Tell me I'm selfish. Tell me that I...

That I got Amrita k*lled.

You did.

All those things, you did.

Right now, Umbrella's here, Jade.

What's happening?

They wanna have a meeting.

With Saqim.

It's a trap.

If we find out what they want,
maybe we can make a deal.

Umbrella doesn't make deals.


We have to press the button.


No, absolutely not. We're not there yet.

Then fine. I'll go.

- You just said it was a trap.
- Yes, exactly.

I'll go if it means that you
can get Bea and everybody else

on this ship somewhere safe.

Bea doesn't need a martyr, all right?
She needs her mother.

Who's asking for this meeting?

Evelyn Marcus.

- Thank you for meeting me.
- Your g*ns.

This is a diplomatic mission.

I am not armed,
it wouldn't be appropriate.

He's clean.

Follow me.

Saqim Salam!

Clear the tent.

It's a pleasure to finally meet you.

- Mrs. Marcus.
- Evelyn.

Ah, we met before, uh,
when you spoke in Riyadh in 2019.

Small world.

Can I offer you a glass of champagne?

Mm. I don't drink anymore.

I don't drink any less.

Feels like I'm meeting a celebrity.

The University hiding on a ship.


I want Jade Wesker.

She's a member of our community.

A valued member?

- All members have value.
- Of course. Let me rephrase.

Is Jade Wesker valuable enough
to put the lives of your people in danger?

Aw, Evelyn.

I understand you have, uh,
many troops with many g*ns,

and I understand you might see
my people as... academics.

Oxford dons in their tweeds and tassels.

I do love a good tassel.

But believe me when I say
we have weapons of our own.

We are also in possession of a hard drive

taken from an Umbrella facility
in Bali in 2022.

The contents of which I am sure
Umbrella would not want exposed.

Saqim, I... I'm gonna make this
very simple for you.

You can thr*aten me all you want,
but all those troops and all those g*ns,

they're still gonna board your ship.

Yes, but...

And I'm sure there's some
very nasty things on that hard drive,

and I'm sure you've got someone ready
to broadcast them to the world. So...

Go ahead. Maybe it'll ruin us.

But you and all your people?
You'll never know.

Because unless I get what I want,

I'm gonna turn your little f*cking
love boat into the Titanic.


So we've had some time to...

...calm down.

Take some...

cleansing breaths.


I know what you want, Evelyn.

This isn't the way to get it.

I'm afraid both our hands are tied.

That reporter, we ran his blood.

Turns out, you gave him a dose of Joy
that's three times the lethal limit.

- Do you want to tell me why?
- You can't do this.

- And I won't help you.
- Sure you will.

If it wasn't for me,
you'd still be playing grab-ass

with Tweedledee and Tweedledum
in that rathole.

I didn't ask for your help.

But you took it, didn't you?

You begged me to get out of that cell,
and I'm just a big softie, I guess,

because I took pity on you.

The deal was, you do what I ask,
and, in exchange, I let you have a life.

And I let you create life.

So why are you making my life
so difficult?

And Bert?

What kind of a deal did you make with him?

Is he the one
who's been changing Joy's formula?

Jesus, Evelyn. He's unstable.

Is it Dad?


- Ignore him.
- I am.

What about you? Anything?

When do we start to worry?


I trusted you.

I convinced myself you were different.


That it would be interesting
to see if a clone could acclimate

to the real world.

You fooled a lot of people, Al.

- But if we can get Joy...
- That's all you care about?

The next product juicing the stock price?

People have died!

And more people could be saved!
Just f*cking think about it!

Depression, anxiety, su1c1de. Just...



f*ck the bottom line.

That's changing the world. Come on, Al.

Don't you want to change
the world with me?

Like you care.

I bet everything on this.

My job, my reputation, my marriage.


I care.

So even if you don't,
you're gonna help me.

Bert's notes. Get to work.

Hey, sweetie. Yeah, just here with Albert.

He says hi.




I snuck out.

What's happening? Amrita.

- She's...
- I know.

- You said it would be okay.
- I know.

I need you to be strong, okay?

Bea, I need you to go to our cabin.

Okay? I need you to go to my bed.

Look under it. There's a green duffel bag.


It has everything you'll need.

I need you and Dad to get off the ship.


Because the people out there
are bad people.

They want to hurt you.

- Dad says...
- Yeah, look, I know what Dad says.

But he doesn't know them like I do.

Bea, you have to believe me.

And if Dad won't go with you,
I need you to go on your own.


What about you?

I'll be right behind you.


I'm so sorry for all of this.

I never wanted any of this for you.
I just wanted you to be safe and happy.

But I need you to do this for me, okay?

You promise me.

I promise.


Still no.

I mean, what if we never hear from him?

Then we call the police.

- The Umbrella police?
- Jade.

Hey, I've been texting you.

That's our dad.

- But can we just talk...
- I'm sorry.

Who's car is this?

Uh-oh, I... decided to upgrade my wheels.

But only the best for...

my girls.

What happened?

At Umbrella?

You know, work, work, work.

How was school?

Did you see "him"?

Oh, yeah, I saw him.

Okay, and what happened?

Um, we'll, we'll talk about it later.

Hey, mate!
You're blocking the pick-up lane!

Come on! Move it!

What's their problem?

You're blocking the pick-up lane.

You can't just leave
your car parked there!

Move it already! Come on!

I'm hungry. Are you hungry?


This puppy's got some oomph, huh?

Billie, put your seatbelt on.

You ever get tired
of taking orders from her?

Nah, I'm a masochist.

- How is he?
- So far, so good.

You need your medicine.

I can get it for you.

How long can you go without?

Right now, you're being the strong hero,

because that's
what you think you are, but...

...I'm guessing that in about an hour,
maybe less,

the pain will become unbearable,
and you'll give in.

You don't know me.

I've known every version of you, Al.

And you Weskers,
you're all about one thing.


I mean, why clone yourself
unless you want to live forever?

It's starting, isn't it?

This is exactly why we abandoned
the cloning program years ago.

After a certain point,
the maintenance is too damn high.

Hell, Bert needs dialysis most nights,
a drug cocktail, just to wake up,

and even then, for every good day,
he's got ten bad ones.

Your cells are breaking down.

You're falling apart from the inside out.


Welcome to Olive Garden.
When you're here, you're family.

Right this way, please.

So much pasta.

No olives, though. Weird.

Did they bug the car?

What? Who?

Umbrella. Were they listening?

Oh, my God.

Unlimited breadsticks.
Are you seeing this?

- Do they know about me?
- This is the best day.


Put the f*cking menu down.

Dad, your finger.

Everything's fine.

Let's just order.

We have to go to the bathroom.


- Something's wrong.
- You think?

What if Umbrella did something to him?

Like what? Cut off his f*cking finger?

And drugged him
or hooked him up to electrodes

and shocked the shit out of him?

- Gave him a brain transplant?
- Right.


Let's think.

Dinner's in 15.

Let me guess, is it salmon again?
Can you cook something with legs, maybe?

You're in a mood. What's wrong?

Nothing's wrong.

- I don't know.
- You don't know what?

It's just, I have these friends and...

I'm actually quite worried about them,
but they're just ghosting me,

and I don't know what to do.

I can tell you what you don't do.

You don't get mad,
and you don't give up on them.

When they need your help,
they'll ask for it.

And if they don't,
you'll offer it to them anyway.


I'm home.

Dinner's almost ready.

- It's your favorite.
- Mm. I'll open the wine, then.

- Hi, Mom.
- Hey, kid.

What you doing?


- What is it?
- It's this new filter.

You put up to your face, and it shows you
what type of breakfast food you are,

and Mark got cottage cheese
and apple sauce, and he's super pissed.

Do it to me.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

- What?
- Hilarious.

- What? What am I? Show me.
- Beans on toast.

No. I'm a carb? No!

You and Mom, you're just...

You seem different.


Well, it's just...

she was so mad when you were gone.

Thought I'd start getting
two Christmases, you know?

Well, I'm back now.

She says that you work too much.

She's right.

So stop.

I can't.

Not right now.

Just a second.

- Here.
- Thank you.

- Do you have him?
- He didn't come home.

Should I initiate tracking protocols?

- How long will that take?
- Twenty. Thirty minutes, tops.

I'll call you back.

- Simon?
- Hmm?

Can you text your friend, Jade?

Uh, why?

I need to know where she is.
I'm afraid she may be in trouble.

These are legit.

Excuse me. More breadsticks.

- Looks like you still have a few left.
- Oh, no.

This is my unlimited basket.
They need their unlimited baskets.

I'm sorry, sir. It's one per table.

- But that's a limit.
- Dad, it's no big deal.

It is a big deal
because it's not unlimited.

As soon as you finish your basket, I can...

You know what? Fine.

There. Finished.

You girls want one of my sticks
while we wait?

What is wrong with you?

What? Nothing.

- We'll talk about it when we get home.
- No.


I'm not your dad.

I'm your uncle.


Wait, he, he... he never mentioned me?

So you're like, what?

His twin?

Sort of. We're clones.


There was a third one of us, Alby,

but he was k*lled
by the original Albert Wesker.

Our creator.


We were part of, like,
a research and development team

he put together to help him.

He died in a volcano.

It's okay, though. He wasn't very nice.

Didn't like me much.

But don't worry.

Me and your dad, we're nothing like him.

I mean, genetically,
were exactly like him.

But everything else, totally different.

I mean, he was a monster.
He liked hurting people.

But I think we've all got
these feelings inside us, right?

Happy feelings, sad feelings, and...

...feelings like sometimes you just want
to punch someone in the face so hard.

Well, anyways,
I think we all have a choice.

We can choose who we are. Who we wanna be.

And I choose... breadsticks.

Stay the f*ck away from us.


If you don't, we'll scream.

But... But I...

- Jade, what?
- I don't know.

- Umbrella.
- Oh, shit.

In the back.

Okay. Come on. Go. Come on.

- Girls! Get behind me!
- Oh, my God.



Go, go, go, go, go, go. Come on.


Don't worry. Everything's A-okay.


Come to papa.

Playtime's over, Bert.

I don't like you!

You're not nice to me!

- Let me go!
- Hey! Don't touch us!

Let them go.

It's all right. I work with your dad.

That wasn't him.

Don't worry! Everything's gonna be fine.

We know.

Where is he?

Waiting for you. Just come with me.


This isn't really a "no" situation.

Okay. As soon as you
hand me over, get back to the ship

and spin up the engines.

And press that f*cking button, okay?


Oh, no, no.
You are not taking her anywhere!

Look. I know you feel like...


It's okay.

I love you.

But I've got to do this.

Wait, Jade. Jade!


Thank God.

That's Simon's mom.

And, Billie, you must be terrified.

That horrible man.

He said he was a clone.

- Is that true?
- Because if it is...

that's f*cking insane.

Yeah. Well, f*cking insane
is kind of what we do, so...


I know you girls have questions.

That wave of fear and confusion
you're feeling right now, I've felt that.

Never really knew my father.

He... he was a very brilliant,
very private man.

To protect me,
I was kept in the dark about things.

Things he thought I couldn't handle.


us girls, we're tougher and smarter
than people give us credit for.

Aren't we? Hmm? Hmm?

Now, let's go see your dad.

Al, you've got company.


What's wrong? What did you do to him?

- Hey, hey!
- Get off! Hey

- Get off!
- Don't touch her!

- Hey, stop! Stop!
- Hey, don't touch her!

Stop, please!


I wish there was a more elegant way
to do this, too, girls.

Take your medicine, Albert.

What's happening?

Do you want
to tell them or should I?

Okay, I'll do it.

Your father's dying.

Like good ol' Bert told you,
he's a clone, which... Weird, sure.

But really, it's a very simple process
involving a little DNA,

a few empty cells,
and a very unfortunate woman.

But being a clone
isn't your father's problem.

The rapid aging is.

See, Wesker,
OG Wesker was an impatient man.

He's cloned himself
a little army of geniuses,

and he wasn't gonna wait
for them to grow up.

So, with our good friend science,
your father went from born to 20 years old

in less than six months.

But accelerating the cells
that way leads to...


Cancer, mitochondrial expl*si*n,
all sorts of nasty things.

Your father's sick. So he invented a cure.



He engineered your blood
to fix his problem,

which, like I said, he's a genius.

That's not true.

Isn't it?


I, I didn't... I, I can explain.


That's why you were taking our blood.

- Billie, please.
- Stop. Just stop!

I don't know what you are.

But everything you say is a lie.

And all that stuff about making us strong
and protecting us...

It was all bullshit!

I hope...

you f*cking die.

Evelyn, if you do anything to hurt them...

Al, I'm not that person.

But you did say you'd do anything.

Time to prove it.

You brought a g*n this time.

Good for you.


Who's there?


♪ Did a full 180, crazy ♪

♪ Thinking 'bout the way I was ♪

♪ Did the heartbreak change me? ♪

♪ Maybe, but look at where I ended up ♪

♪ If you wanna believe
That anything could stop ♪

She's good, huh?

Yeah, this thing controls
the electrodes in her brain

and pumps her full of 87 different dr*gs.

- Wanna see her do a backflip?
- No.

Come on.
That whole show and that's all I get?

Just an angry, little, "No"?

I knew you set me up
the second I found that tracker.

You got me to lead you here
because I am f*cking stupid.

You're Jade. You did the Jade thing.

You go after what you want
and everything else, it's noise.

So what? You're controlling Evelyn?

Which means you're running Umbrella.

Little bit. But I've made
a few enemies over the years.

So, uh, best to keep the bitch around.
Right, E?

I know what you're thinking.

I look good.

So, in France,
when you said you were sick,

you were doing the Billie thing.



No, my blood's bad.
But turns out, yours is still good.

Yeah, fixed me right up.
Just like it did Dad.

Oh, come on.

We're Weskers.
Self-preservation is what we do.

What do you want, Billie?

- I just want my sister.
- Oh, f*ck off of that shit.

Baby, you already f*cked me.
I'm just f*cking you back.

You left.

So much for "together forever." Right?

I didn't have a choice.

Someone once told us,
we all get to choose.

Who we are, who we want to be.

You chose.

Okay, fine. Fine.

You got me. Here I am.
Just let everyone else go.

You think this is all about you?
Wow, narcissist.

Oh, my...

No, I want everything.

Every artifact, every painting, all of it.

The University's made it their mission
to preserve the past,

and that is a problem.

Bad things happened in the past.
You know, you were there.

You don't have to do this, Billie.

Do you like your memories, Jade?

'Cause I don't.

That is why
I'm building a better future.

Making the world a better place.

You hear yourself?

I mean, you even sound like her.
Who's controlling who?


Take the ship.

No. Wait, wait! Hey! Ow!

- I won't let you do this.
- Really?


Well, that was dramatic.

What's that?


- It's happening.
- Don't move.


Let go of the f*cking lines!
Quick! Untie them! Get on it!

Let go of the lines! Now!

Move it!

Hurry up! Hurry up! Quick!

No, no, no, no.

Stop this.

♪ You've never met someone like me ♪

♪ My heart has teeth ♪

♪ My heart has teeth ♪

♪ And it's looking for something to eat ♪

♪ My heart has teeth ♪

In a fast-changing world,
don't you deserve some Joy?

Brought to you
by the Umbrella Corporation.

♪ You've never met someone like me ♪

♪ My heart has teeth ♪

♪ My heart has teeth ♪

♪ And it's looking for something to eat ♪

♪ My heart has teeth ♪

♪ My heart has teeth ♪

♪ Oh, isn't it so bittersweet? ♪

♪ Better left to watch you breathe ♪

♪ You've never met someone like me ♪

♪ My heart has ♪

♪ My heart has ♪

♪ Because my heart has teeth ♪

♪ You've never met someone like me ♪

♪ My heart has teeth ♪

♪ My heart has teeth ♪

♪ And it's looking for something to eat ♪

♪ My heart has teeth ♪

♪ My heart has teeth ♪

♪ Oh, isn't it so bittersweet? ♪

♪ Better left to watch you breathe ♪

♪ You've never met someone like me ♪

♪ My heart has ♪

♪ My heart has ♪

♪ Because my heart has teeth ♪