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01x08 - The Great and Powerful Ozner

Posted: 07/15/22 08:06
by bunniefuu
[announcer] Coming to Farzar,

The Cluckinator!

The irresistible spicy chicken sandwich

that's caused riots, wars, and genocide!

Each patty is made by squashing

10,000 baby chicks together.

And because everything tastes better

when it dies happy,

we throw them a party first.

Man, I want to get me some of that.

I want to chap my lips raw

on that battered meat.

Oh my goodness, the lingerie is working!

I want to double fist

that hot, juicy morsel.

I want to bury my face

between those buns and go to town.


I want to stick a hot dog in that thing,

twist it around, pull it out,

and lick off the stanky grease.

You have the words of a poet.

Take me, Renzo!

[muffled speech]

Oh! Well, as much as I would love to sweep

the cobwebs out of your spider hole,

we can't, because

we have to go to church!

We'll do it after church then.

I just need to stay away from the candles

so I don't start

another stanky grease fire. [chuckles]

Ooh, that was close.

From now on, I'm gonna be more careful

with what I say about commercials.

Introducing the new Mercedes-Benz S-class.

Oh, look at that hard metal body!

I wanna get inside you!

I want to ride you

till your g*dd*mn bottom falls out.

It's not how I planned to spend my Sunday,

but you do have the words of a poet.


[adventure music playing]

Farzar ♪

[organ music plays]

You're not supposed to eat that.

Why is it on a damn plate then?

- [farts]

- [coins clinking]

Uh-oh, Flobby. I got dime-arrhea.

That was a pretty good diarrhea joke.

[upbeat music plays]

Welcome, brothers and sisters! Ha!

It's so wonderful

to see you all in church.

- Nobody really wants to be here! ♪

- Be here! ♪

Praise our Lord, Ozner,

the all powerful! Ha!

He's completely made up, you idiots ♪

Praise Ozner!


Oh, stanky grease! Ah!

Uh, brothers and sisters,

Ozner spoke to me last night,

and he has a holy message

for his children.

No more f*cking.

No more f*cking?

That doesn't sound very godlike.

I'm paraphrasing.

He actually said, "No human

may layeth down with another human,

for f*cking."

And sadly, that includes me

and my smoking hot wife.

Ugh! Every f*cking Sunday!

I know it's a sacrifice,

but Ozner has spoken.

No humping, no pumping,

no dookie chest-dumping!

What are we supposed to do

if we can't have sex?

The all-seeing Ozner, bless his name,

anticipated this problem

and told me to tell you all

to wait in those long-ass lines

for the Cluckinator

irresistible spicy chicken sandwich,

bring them back here, and feed them to me.

I was like, "Why, Ozner?"

And he was like, "No licking, no sticking,

just eat that damn chicken."

And I was like,

"Oh man, did you just come up with that?"

And he was like, "Yeah."

How long is this sex ban going to last?

That is up to Ozner.

Might be a day, might be a week.

Might be six to eight months.

But I urge you all to stay calm.


It's been 20 seconds!

I've gotta f*ck something!

- So horny! So horny!

- [grunting]

You're not human.

We can have sex with you. We'll pay!

That cash does look delicious,

but no can do you.

If an Intellectoid orgasms,

we explode and die.

Basically, if we-–

Come, we go!

Flobby, if you keep stealing my jokes,

I'm gonna jack you off to death!

This Cluckinator line

is taking way too long.

How about instead we go for some In-N-Out.

Uh, I'd rather have Five Guys.

I'm talking about sex, Mal.

So am I.

Where the hell did they come from?

This is a cartoon, assh*le.

Just roll with it.

Fichael, having sex would be a sin!

You heard the word of Ozner.

Got to admit, it's a little convenient

that all the things Ozner decrees

benefit my dad.

[gasps] That is blasphemy!


Ooh, can you hold our place in line?

Ozner commands that it's time for every

woman in town with at least a B-cup

to jump rope topless

outside your dad's window.

This is wrong on so many levels, yeah! ♪

I'm starving, man. I wish we could

cash in on all these horny humans.

Hmm, if only we knew

another non-human that could

Bust a load, but not explode!

g*dd*mn it, Flobby, I warned you!


Hold on, what's that?

Billy wonder what wacky C story

he going to be in this episode.

Hey, you ain't human.

Can we be your pimps?

Here we go.

Billy have to ask father if okay.

Can Billy have wacky C story

where he become whore?

I can't answer you now.

I'm concentrating on standing in line.

So it okay that strange men

sell Billy's body for sex making, Daddy?

Do whatever you want.

I can't parent you and stand in line

for a chicken sandwich at the same time!

If I start thinking about your welfare,

I'll lose focus,

and next thing I know, I'll

g*dd*mn it!

Where the hell am I?

Okay, microdosing chaos is the only way

to keep my demons at bay.

The old bucket of water over the door.

A small, 100% totally harmless prank.




[gasps, coughs]

You put me in a bag of rice?

How'd you know this would save my life?

I didn't. I was trying to hide the body.

That's it. You need to replace

your chaos addiction with something safer,

like a drug addiction.

Now, someone my size

does a whole Snuffle Snart.

Because you're a little guy

[Zobo sniffs]

Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay!


[laughs maniacally]

Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay!


This shit is even better than chaos!

You got another Snart?

Sorry, that was my last one.

You think I'm f*cking around?

I'm all out of rice, m*therf*cker.

[ominous music plays]

Hmm. Whose lunch am I gonna steal today?

Ooh, this must be Clitaris's.

Ugh, I hate egg salad,

but I've got to show my dominance!

What are you doing?

Eating your f*cking lunch!

Question. If your wife

put your lunch in this bag,

what is she wearing on her head

to keep the dogs from vomiting?

That's not my lunch.

[chokes] Oh shit! Harold!

I'm eating a psycho serial k*ller's lunch.

[groans] The oatmeal raisin cookie

should have tipped me off.

Are, uh, you eating my lunch?

What? No. Clitaris is eating it.

He makes me chew it for him,

like a baby bird!

Hey, it's no big deal.

Don't worry about it.

Accidents happen.

Oh shit, he's gonna k*ll me!

Relax. He said, "Accidents happen."

No, he didn't

f*cking say, "Accidents happen."

He said, "Accidents happen!"

Big f*cking diff!

We got a real problem!

No, I have a real problem.

How dare you make me eat kibble

out of a dog bowl?

I am a scientist, damn it!

Who the hell are you?

You dare narrow your gaze at me?

I command you to submit

and let me smell your assh*le at once!

Zobo, you little pink shit!

My dealer said you bought

every last Snuffle Snart on the planet.

Hold on, I'm doing a line.

Now, do it!

[sniffs deeply]

f*ck, yeah!

Great, now they're extinct.

Why'd I give you a taste of the good shit?

You ruined my life!

Now, how am I supposed to ruin my life?


Hands off my last Snart,

you waste of rice!

He's going up my nose!

I'll kick your adorable ass!

Wait, wait, wait! If you let me live,

I'll take you to the hidden Snart village.

- What now?

- Yeah! We're not extinct.

There are thousands of Snarts

living there.


I'm so happy, I could cry!




Looks like he just had Best Buy-arrhea.

That was a pretty good diarrhea joke.

And the award

for best diarrhea joke goes to

Marvelous Mrs. Maisel!

You're never gonna make it

as a stand-up comedian.

Oh yeah, Dad? Well


Okay, that was pretty smart.

[organ music plays]

Bless you. Praise Ozner!

The power of spice compels me.

Hallelujah, me tummy!

Oh, no thanks, Fichael, I'm full.


I stood in line nine hours for that!

And Ozner thanks you.

In fact, he has chosen you

for the holiest of tasks.

He wants me to give you a dutch oven.

Now, get up under the Shroud of Tootin',

and eat God's farts!

[groans, farts]

I'm getting sick

of doing this every Sunday.

How does Ozner talk to you exactly anyway?

I simply visit him in his inner sanctum.

You mean the janitor's closet?

I'm starting to think

Ozner isn't even real.


- He's right!

- The fart eater has a point.

Fine! I'll prove it.

I asked Ozner if he's real,

and he said, "Yes."

Praise Ozner!

- I knew it!

- k*ll the fart eater!

Don't you see what's going on here?

My dad is the only person

who ever sees Ozner,

all the rules benefit him,

and come on,

"Ozner" is just Renzo spelled backwards!

You think I'm so lazy that I'd make up

a name by just flipping letters?

That would be like changing

the first letter of Michael

to make it sound futuristic, Fichael.

If Ozner wants us to believe in him,

then tell him to show himself!

Okay, I'll ask,

but he's very shy.

I am your all-powerful God, Ozner!

Uh, you honestly think

anybody's gonna buy this?

Praise Ozner!

Well, if you're all-powerful,

then this won't hurt you.


Fichael, no!

Relax. It's my dad with a mop on his head.

Still a weird thing to do

to own dad, yeah?

Not as weird as this!

Let's see who's the fart eater now, huh?


Get in there and eat that fart!


- What the hell are you doing to God?

- Whoops.


You dare provoke the mighty Ozner?

After I blessed with you no licking,

no sticking, and all that damn chicken,

this is how your son treats me?

Ozner, please, have mercy.


Ten years of plagues upon you all!

Great job, Fichael!

Well, he seemed fake. I wonder

what the first plague is gonna be.

I don't know.

Okay, Snart, time to lead us

to your hidden Snart village.

I must warn you that the journey

to the village will be perilous.

We must traverse jungles



frozen wastelands.

Hey, guys! It's Barry from work.

[Snart] And beyond!

Okay, this one isn't so bad.

I don't know why we need a SodaStream.

Do we really spend that much on La Croix?

It's about convenience.

We can make our own soda at home.

But you have to use their syrups.

I'll bet they don't even have blackberry

cucumber. But you know who does?

La Croix?

f*cking La Croix.

Shit, it's the guys from the cave.

I gotta go chase them.

Oh, come on.

You're really gonna go do work stuff now?

Well, f*ck me

for trying to put food on the table!

Food on the table! Pah!

You've never actually

caught anyone, Arachnis!

Oh, I should have married Andy Billman.

I hear he's a lawyer now!

I can't do this right now, Carol!

Carol, is that you?

Andy Billman?

Been a long time.

You look good. SodaStream, huh?

- Oh, Andy.

- Carol!

Oh, Andy!

I found three more vaginas.

And I found four Peters,

three twats, and a cloaca!

That's a cooter and a pooter all in one!

We gonna get extra for that.

This is some wacky C story!

We should auction off his parts

so we get more buck for our bang.

Good idea. We'd better clean him up first.

Jackpot! Found two more dicks!

And I found another p*ssy.

Uh-huh, that's right.

I'm in both shows now.

Let's say I got froze or some shit.

God ribbit, Fichael!

You had to provoke Ozner

and bring those plagues upon us.

I'm craving flies like a m*therf*cker.

You know every fly was just sitting

on some shit. I'm basically eating shit!

We all are. This is a Panera.

And look outside. It's raining lions!

And chainsaws.

Plus all the floors are covered in mouths.

I'm gonna eat your feet!

Hey, guys! It's Barry from work.

Look at him out there,

plotting all the ways he's gonna k*ll me.

Oh shit, he saw us!

We can't get any work done like this.

Why don't you just fire Harold?

If you fire a regular white guy,

he kills everybody.

What the hell

do you think Harold's gonna do?

No, no, I have an actually good idea.

We abandon this whole

take over the human city thing,

leave the lair forever,

then find something equally meaningful

to do with the rest of our lives.

Here you go.

Enjoy your Tuscan Turkey BazaWrap.

We got a tip, boys!

He'll be tipping round the tip jar

When he tips ♪

He'll be tipping round the tip jar

When he tips ♪

Yes, he tips! He'll be ♪

Wait a minute.

A quarter? This is not a tip.

This is a "f*ck you!"

I'm glad I came in your sandwich!


Don't worry, I only come

in every other sandwich.

It's an OCD thing.

[ominous music plays]

I'll never get to the front of the line.

There's nothing people want more

than this chicken sandwich.

Hey, everyone!

They're auctioning off the chance

to f*ck a freakish mutant

with the mind of a child.

- Come on!

- Yes!

Thanks for angering God, Fichael.

What are you mad about? You don't seem

to be affected by any plagues.

Then explain why our hoo-ha

now sings opera?

[singing in Italian]

That sounds great to me. My mom's

sounds like a waterlogged accordion.

There's the heretic. Get him!

Oh no. Don't k*ll me!

[suspenseful music plays]

Come with me, ribbit,

if you want to, ribbit, live!

Thanks, Dad. You think I'll be safe

from the angry mob up here?

From the mob? Yes.

Please, Ozner, remove these,

ribbit, accursed plagues.

I brought you a sacrifice.

The one who angered you.

[in Kermit's voice]

Mr. Prince Fichael, yay!


Here we are.

I will now reveal the hidden entrance

to the secret Snart village.

Ooh, watch this!

He's gonna do some magic shit.

I guess you're not coming in.

More Snarts for me! Yay.

Oh, I'm coming in!

[screaming] Oh God, this shit hurts!

This shit hurts!

[magical music plays]

Oh my God, it's beautiful!

We're about to get high as f*ck!

[both] Hey!

What the hell?

Oh shit!


You both walked right into my trap.

King Snart, you've returned

from your mission.

You bastard. How dare you betray us

before we could betray you?

Everyone, we just captured

the two murderers

who have k*lled thousands of our kind!

For your atrocities

against Snuffle Snarts,

I sentence you both to


What are we going to do?

I don't know. I keep trying to call

my lawyer, but he's not picking up.

- Carol! Carol!

- Oh, Andy!

This is what you do when I'm at work?

Oh my. Well, you caught me.

Congratulations on finally

catching someone!

That's low, Carol. That's f*cking low.

The Schwater-rama has tahini sauce.

That's tzatziki sauce!

Why can't you tell the difference?

I'm color-blind, you purple f*ck!

Welcome to BazaWra [screams]

Harold, you found me!

Why did I let you talk me

into all those bus shelter ads?

Wait, are you doing all this because

of the whole eating my lunch thing?

Well, yes, that,

and because I stayed up all night doing

cocaine and writing snappy tip songs.

Please don't k*ll me!

Bazarack, I'm a serial k*ller.

I don't k*ll for revenge.

I k*ll to quiet the screaming in my head.

I feel so silly. Everyone!

We're going home!

Chet, you're fired.

What? Fired?

I'll k*ll all you m*therf*ckers!

What did I tell you about white guys?


[wailing] No!

I loved you.

Welcome, everybody!

Today, and today only,

we are auctioning off

animal parts for you to f*ck

so you don't piss off God.

First item up for bid,

and we're starting big,

is a genuine whale p*ssy!

We'll start the bidding at $10.

I'm at $10, not 20. Need 30

for the whale p*ssy. Somebody give me 30?

I got 40 for the whale p*ssy.

Fat, juicy whale p*ssy!

Stop the auction. This is madness!

And a stupid C story.

Billy only here

because you not care about Billy.

Barry can kiss Billy's ass!

Not unless he bids!

I'm sorry I blew you off, son.

Next time I have to choose

between parenting

and standing in line for chicken,

I will choose you.

No one's having sex

with any of my son's pussies today!

But that's the only reason we're here!

Well, why would you have sex with that

when you can have sex with this?

- [dance music plays]

- [crowd cheers]

I made a few genetic modifications.

I already sold the recipe.


Introducing the Cluckinator Fuckinator!

The only spicy chicken sandwich

you can f*ck!

Coming soon to Carl's Jr.

[ominous music plays]

Fichael, son of Renzo,

prepare to feel my wrath!


Instead of k*lling me,

why don't you use your powers for good?


Well, I never thought about that.

You know what?

On the count of three,

there will be no more cancer.

One, two, thr

Ribbit, ribbit, m*therf*cker!

Looks like there's a frog in your throat!

[mystical music plays]

[birds chirping]


That was your plan the whole time!

To use me as bait so you could k*ll God.

Oh, hey, Fichael.

I didn't realize you were still alive.

[uneasy music plays]

Uh, hi, I'm Public Defender Snart.

I found some case law

that should help us get a stay of exec

- Worth it.

- Let the execution begin!

Oh, all of our execution gear

is destroyed.

And we still have so many criminal Snarts

on death row.

You do? Well, maybe we can make a deal.

Let us go, and I'll only snort

the criminals you would execute anyway.

That may actually work.

We do have a lot of pedophiles!

You can sleep in my sleeping bag

because you don't have one.

I have one right here.

[both sniffing]

Everyone, Ozner is dead.

We don't have to worry

about following his silly rules anymore.

Ooh, for the first time, I feel freed

from the shackles of religion!

I want to celebrate with hours

of the craziest sex imaginable!

I know a guy.

Tell me I'm good at my job!

- What does that mean?

- Just do it! I'm close!

And the award for best

human-on-spider sex scene goes to

Marvelous Mrs. Maisel!

This is the best sex I've ever [screams]

What? I gotta watch this show.

[adventurous music playing]