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02x11 - The Sorcery of Maltrochu

Posted: 07/16/22 07:28
by bunniefuu



fighting for justice in the name of the



adventure today


that's the way they

it again

i got it these chemicals are just what i

need for my show papa smurf


hi clumsy


hello peewee

are you sure you know what you're

smurfing kiwi

don't worry papa smurf i've become an

expert on alchemy allow me to


just take the herbs and go so long

thanks for everything goodbye

a pinch of sulfur a dram of antimony uh

make that a drama sulfur and a pinch of



how am i supposed to eat with all this

racket johann i'm sorry sire but

peewee's still locked up in the tower

and refuses to come out ever since he

found that old alchemy book he thinks of

just one thing


and i think of just one thing


hmm that gives me an idea

if peewee stops to eat maybe the king

can too

i need a hot fire for the fermentation


kiwi dinner

here pewi i thought you might like to

stop for a bite thanks johan

well that should keep him busy for a

while johan i'm done gotta get back to

my experiments

finally the soap sulfur and mercury

poured into the ethanol



it's solidifying let's hope that

i've done it i've succeeded

yippee i've done it hooray it's



that's peewee he's never up at this hour

where are you

oh there you are johan my experiment

i've succeeded what experiments come on

i'll tell you and the king all about it

tire sire awakens

why what's wrong are we being att*cked

is there a fire no

i found it sire it's never been done

before give me your crown my crown but

uh come now don't argue you're gonna see

something fantastic

you won't believe your eyes



but but my crown

you've turned it into land yes sire i

found what every alchemist has failed to

find the stone that turns gold

into length oh it's supposed to be led

into gold peewee

well why didn't someone tell me

and working at two gold coins a day in

783 days you would have reimbursed me

for my crown

anyone can make a mistake

782 more days of this


lisa have mercy don't hurt me oh well


you wouldn't really make peewee work two

years sire of course not i just want a

peaceful meal


at last

i'm telling you

it's intentional

calm yourself sire

i'll get to the bottom of this peewee

johan come quickly i saw a dog and he

spoke to me

this is another of your silly practical

jokes it happened right here

well i don't see any there he is come

back here heal

sit lie down what's going on around you

poor pee wee his arm is rusted you may

well be right sire i'm glad you're all

here to see this

now listen carefully

okay dog

talk don't be afraid now speak

come on you talked earlier say something

answer me what a fuss and my lunch is


i didn't dream it enough is enough

peewee you're not funny this dog seems

lost maybe he's hungry

a well-behaved dog does not say earth

earth he says yes i'm hungry and a

well-behaved princess doesn't pet stray

animals come sabana yes dean barbara

we'll get him something to eat from the

kitchen i agree on one condition first

he must be so there don't be silly


we're going to get you some food are you

happy come on

answer in english

well did the dog like his yum yum

now what do you say

you say thank you come on

leave that poor animal alone period

let's finish our chess game why won't

the dog speak to me now don't start that

boring story all over again all right

fine i won't say another word

yet i heard him speak i know it

now he won't say a word


oh my sweet one

oh my beloved

will i ever see your smiling face again

good grief he really does speak what did

i tell you you never want to believe me

hey wake up

sorry but that won't work anymore you

talked in your sleep we heard you

how is it that you a dog knows how to

speak it's because i'm not a dog i am a

handsome knight



my name is sir terry i was in love with

the beautiful daughter of lord washily

and he warned you to keep your paws off

her i should tell the king now

peewee control yourself alas my rival

baron moultra shoe also wanted to marry

the princess to get me out of the way he

used a magic potion to turn me into a

dog when the evil baron saw i could

still talk he tried to imprison me but i


excuse me i do believe i have a flea why

did you refuse to speak when peewee

asked you to yeah why you startled me in

the stable then when i saw all the

others i didn't know if you were friend

or foe i was afraid to speak well we are

friends and we'll find a way to return

you to normal that's true there's an

antidote to every spell

come to my laboratory

magic holds no secrets from me

now what's in the potion that turned you

into a dog i haven't the slightest idea

hmm too bad well i can try a potion

using some toad venom mugwort stop

peewee this is no time for experimenting

then nothing can be done

night you will have a dog's life not if

we go to barren multi-shoes and get the

formula go to about your shoes

it doesn't fall now i hope not i'm

starving there's the castle of the evil

baron monster shoe she sure is

spooky-looking sir terry you cannot

enter the castle with us so we'll have

to leave you at the inn maybe i should

stay with him too

don't worry sires i will take good care

of your dog see that you do and another

gold piece is yours upon our return

done now what would you like to eat um

first some sausage ham cheese pee wee we

don't have time

rash rash how do you intend to get the

formula from baron muldrachu i have a


good luck my friends

attack attack come on come ahead pretend

i'm the enemy

and you call yourselves knight


excuse me but two travelers seek shelter

for the night tell them to go away my

castle is not an inn they say they are

under orders from the king oh

the king

oh very well let them in

now don't forget your part baby all

right all right

my master bedroom ultra shoe will see

you now

who are you two

i am johan the king squire and this is

prince peewee the king's nephew my uncle

the king sends you his regards

so he sent you all this way to tell me

that oh no sir we're on our way to lord

washington's castle why are you going


i intend to marry genevieve lord

washily's daughter

not if i can help it

oh i see well wait right here it's

working it's working

no one is going to marry jen of even all

her gold but me

these two must be stopped i still have

some of the sorcerer's dog potion

excellent we'll wait until they're




and i'll charge extra for feeding them

the poor little dog may get hungry in

the night

my my beautiful genevieve

when will i hold you in my arms

a talking dog

this dog should be worth a great deal of

money to someone maybe baron shoe


are you sure they'll fall for this


are you all right i spilled a little but

i think we got what we came for then

let's go there they are get them destroy

them it'll take them a while to get

through this door johan johan


bailey what am i gonna do

break it in

johan i don't want to be a dog first

things first we must escape and the only

way out is the window oh no i may be a

dog but i'm not a fool it's either this

or maltresus kennels

out remind me to have your nails clipped

very funny there they are

oh yeah


whoa that was close yeah

well i'm still a dog


stop staring the cat

they can't escape there's only one way

out and this is it yeah

come on the kid

i mean

i'll go in and get sarteri you stay here

sure you don't think i'm going anywhere

looking like this


sire it's you why are you trembling has

something happened to my dog rest

assured your dog is fine

maltrichu if anything has happened to

that dog he's too valuable when

genevieve of washily learns her true

love is a dog she'll have to marry me or

he'll remain a dog forever

as for you

the dungeon

being a dog does have its advantages get

them get them

table for two coming right up

i'll get to myself

let's go let's go stupid dog

you heard him kiwi

let's go

we better get out of here

they're getting away

no matter let them go i have the dog

that's all that counts

i'm telling you johan i'm sure i can

find the antidote i'm a master of

alchemy sorry but i'd rather trust papa

smurf if we can find him oh johan what a

pleasant surprise this is most fortunate

papa smurf and where's peewee right here



funny huh oh yeah it's so funny it

wasn't pee-wee's doing the evil baron

moltres who is responsible and we need

you papa smurf to find an antidote i'll

smurf what i can now tell me the whole


first i will analyze the potion using

ferrite as a reagent i will i'll now pop

a smurf not there right quicksilver

gives much better results further i

believe i don't want to give you any

advice but if i were in your place first

i boiled flair mouse milk mandrake roots

and after that then i'd make it


so don't take our advice arf i mean yeah

where are you taking me montreso who

visit genevieve abuajili i'm curious to

know if she still wants to marry you now

that you're a dog


if i ever become human again you'll pay

for this here pee-wee i brought you

something to eat


maybe he wants to play

earth earth

good doggy eureka i think i've smurfed

the antidote earth earth

it's about time i was starting to feel

like a dog here goes


when does it start working

well actually you should have already

smurfed back to normal at least i think


think so thanks so if you don't find the

antidote i'm gonna


easy pee wee papa smurf's doing the best

he can

one ounce of towel dissolved into ten

smurfs of pine wood a clove of garlic

and a drop of lizard spit there i smurf

this will do the job it had better for

your sake




a better malta schiller i hope you

haven't come to ask for my daughter's

hand again she still loves the terry in

spite of this strange absence three

weeks now oh my how sad my dear lord

washily let me propose to your beautiful

daughter just one more time if she

refuses i'll never bother you again so

be it thank you the lord

oh my dear brave so terry what's become

of you you've left me here all alone

ah beautiful genevieve back again baron

i've already given you my answer no but

i have news of your love so terry truly

oh where is he tell me quickly he's

right here

baron this practical joke is in very bad

taste wait i'll prove it to you all

right knight speak

speak or iron

you don't scare easily baron i must

insist you leave it don't touch her you


at voice

it is him

so gallantry has loosened your tongue


who has done this to you this evil

rascal but johan and peewee will help

i'm assuming only i can return your

knight to normal but there is one

condition i would do anything to help

sir terry then you must marry me

at last i finally smurfed my error i

forgot to add the sugar level yeah


easy peewee third time's the charm


i'm not a dog anymore


thanks murph

we must rescue sir terry from

mountrishu's castle and restore him to

normal before the baron convinces

genevieve to marry him

oh true love has to win we'll help while

we probably spurn yes

i just hope we're not too late i'm

getting hungry oh shut up


goodbye my sweet genevieve

days all of this will be mine

you're really going to marry that barren


yes and what about soteri

only yesterday you were saying i don't

want to talk about it


i'll never understand women


i'm gonna starve before we can rescue

sir terry

someone's coming hide smurfs

how much are your cakes they are not for


says who they are for the wedding at the

beaujolais castle tomorrow wedding good

grief the beautiful genevieve and baron

ultra shoe if you please i must not

linger he could have at least let me

taste one we must double our pace peewee

sir terry is running out of time we'll

get a head start to multijew's castle

with feathers help we'll be able to

smurf what's happening good idea we'll

catch up as soon as we can

shall i run your bath

a baron

because i'm getting married tomorrow i

already took a bath three years ago now

give me my coat


one last stop before my

departure perhaps it's johan and pee wee

come to rescue me oh well my flavor

tonight i'm off to marry genevieve no

she'll never it can't be true

yes it is

all you get is a mangy phone


oh it's just too horrible my poor



that's because the distance we've

smurfed by air is longer than they

smurfed on land because the speed of

feathers is equal

anyway they're late

it is getting very lit where are johan

and peewee ah here they come we rode as

fast as we could what news papa smurf

ultra shoe left this afternoon with a

dozen men but he didn't smurf the dog

with him we must get into the castle but

without ladders i don't see how i have

an idea we'll use feathers to get us

into the castle

then we'll smurf away to get you inside

it's too dangerous papa smurf we'll be

all right but you try to get as close to

the castle walls as you can

good luck papa smith


a crane

those rotten bees stuff up the chimneys

with their nests shoo


well done feathers this is perfect

follow me my little smurfs

where are we

nice it's a storeroom

aha here's what we need help me smurf

this rope up to the roof talking cranes

wasn't a talking dog enough

now get back to your post

i heard it speak i know i did

let's smurf before he wakes up now smurf

the rope between the battlements give

the signal harmony


faster always faster strange things are

going on around here brother popper

smith guards we're under attack we're

being invaded


good work johan it's those two they've

returned get them men

hi let's go

anything you say

oh that's smashing him

now this is what i call an adventure

here i'm ready for you why you living

peewee look out come on

johan the guys have us outnumbered i

just hope there's enough

oh no we've turned into dogs a win is a

dog not a dog

when it's a guard dog you get it

come on pee wee we must get to the

dungeon and freeze our terry let's go

smurfs the coast is clear

well almost

no one frees my prisoners


blue rats

we're not rats we're smurfs

i can't believe it's you

we have the antidote let's get sir terry

back to normal


i'm finally myself again my friends i

don't know what to say there's no time

for thanks sir terry we must get to

bonjouri castle before the wedding i

just hope we're in time

genevieve abortion do you have your own

free will enter into marriage with

gontran baron of multrusho now stop

oh damn genevieve blast he may get the

girl but i'll get the gold not so fast

baron leave him to me johan ha that's a





my stone will stop him


it's turned lead

you're all through baron

would you begin the ceremony once more

father the wedding goes on even though

the groom has changed well sire i saved

your gold but but it's all led worthless

well look at it this way you lost a

fortune and gained a son

