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10x24 - Prophecy of the Great Lord Elder

Posted: 07/17/22 10:29
by bunniefuu
Before he died, Jiraiya said to me,

"go store yourself inside Naruto."

Are you crazy?!

The key that corresponds to Naruto's Eight-Signed Seal

is transcribed on my belly!

Each year, the Fourth Hokage's seal weakens!

The key remains in order to re-seal it

when it becomes necessary!

To place such a key right next to the safe is unheard of!

Still, Minato entrusted it to us.

It was always meant to be returned to Naruto.

It's too soon!

Once you talked me into loosening the Tetragram Seal…

You haven't forgotten what the results were, have you?!


However, the fact that Minato left me the jutsu for the key

convinces me that he intended for Naruto

to perfect that jutsu one day.

Great Lord Elder!

Are you sure this is the right thing?

Jiraiya claimed that Naruto could completely control

the power of the Nine-Tails,

but when we tested him, it didn't go well.

But Jiraiya refused to give in,

saying that it was for that purpose that Minato had sealed

half of the Nine-Tails' chakra inside of Naruto.

Great Lord Elder, Gerotora himself is the key to Naruto's Tetragram Seal.

Is it safe to hand him over to Naruto?

What do you think?

Have Naruto Uzumaki come here.

I shall do a reading on him.

We will then see what we must do.

Huh? Is that true?

It hasn't been officially announced yet, but it's clear,

judging from the activity in front of the hut where she was resting.

It seems that all of her attendants, who were all in such low spirits,

have been gathering there smiling!

I guess their prayers have all been heard.

Please eat more slowly!

This is not enough!

My chakra hasn't returned to normal!

Bring me more food!

If I'm not careful, I'll become an old hag!

Uh-oh, no, no!

The Hokage Quarters' supply stores have run out.

I'll go and requisition more provisions,

so please take a short break.

No! Don't do it! What are you thinking?!

This one is completely off limits!

What are you talking about?



I'm glad to see you so well.

This is nothing, I'm just getting started.

After all you've eaten, it doesn't make any sense.

I am relieved.

I was dangerously close to becoming the Hokage.

But well, I'm not really the Hokage type.

Considering the present situation, we need someone like you,

Lady Tsunade, with wide influence, to be the Hokage.

I must say I am amazed to hear about the Allied Shinobi Force.

And I'm surprised that

the Tsuchikage and the Raikage agreed to cooperate.

That just goes to prove

what an awful situation we are faced with.

Madara Uchiha…

He's really still alive?

We don't have absolute proof,

but considering what they are trying to do,

I'd say there's no doubt about it.

Another w*r, huh?

Who would have thought the karma of the Uchiha

would engulf all the shinobi in the world.

I will call a meeting immediately after this meal!

We must prepare for w*r!

Prophecy of the Great Lord Elder

You must rest for a while.

It takes some time to become accustomed to the Mangekyo.

Are you in pain?


It feels right. I can feel Itachi's visual powers.

I can feel myself getting stronger!

INTEL DIVISION And then, Orochimaru forced me into hard labor.

And then, Orochimaru forced me into hard labor.

And when Sasuke took over

he kept giving poor old me the most unreasonable demands.

In the end, he treated me like dirt.

I'm a victim too!

I see. It must have been hard on you!


We're not asking about your personal history.

We are asking for intel on the Akatsuki, Sasuke, and Kabuto.

And don't get emotionally involved!

What good will it do if you get swayed?

F-Forgive me.

All right. But only if you accept my conditions.


First of all… I'm starving!

If you interrogate someone,

you're supposed to give 'em a fried pork cutlet bowl, right?!

What do you mean "a fried pork cutlet bowl"?!

I didn't think there was a fried pork cutlet bowl shop in the village.

Even if there were,

would it still be in business under these circumstances?

I heard that Ichiraku has started up again in temporary quarters.

Would ramen do?

No way. It has to be a fried pork cutlet bowl.

Then, shall we see if we can get delivery

from outside the village?

You can get a fried pork cutlet bowl from a noodle shop too, can't you?

It would take about two days.

Cripes! What a pair!

– F-Forgive me. – F-Forgive me.

They're alike.

What is this?

This village is cheerful… and warm.

Just like him.

Hey, Naruto! Haven't seen you for a while.

Where were you?

Well…umm… You see…umm…

It gets lonely when you're not around.

Your liveliness gives the whole village the energy to recover.

Thank you, thank you.

Oh, man…

I saw that.


His head is getting big, I tell you.

Just look at him smiling away. It's unpleasant.

– This is a problem. – Thank you, thank you.

We, the mass media, have created a terrible monster.

If we don't take Naruto down a peg or two,

the village is going to suffer.


I wonder where he's trying to go.

Nowhere good, I'm sure.

I've got it! We'll focus in on the decisive moment!

– Yeah! – Yeah!

Wait for me, my love! I've been waiting to see you!

I was right!

It's them again. Do they think I haven't noticed them?

They're following me everywhere.


You're the village hero, Naruto, aren't you?


No, I'm no hero.

By the way, where are you headed, ey?


You're Konohamaru, aren't you?!

I am not Konohamaru, ey!

Don't lie!

Why you—!

What's the big idea?!

In that case, I'll do this!

Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!

You can't get away, ey!

Harem Jutsu!

– What?! – What?!

I want a word with the village hero, ey!

We got a tip that you have a sweetheart, ey!

– Cripes! – Who is it, ey?

Aren't you going on a date now, ey?

The village hero, huh?


Where are you going, ey?!

That time, when Naruto stood up to Pain in order to protect me…

the Nine-Tails appeared in Naruto's body.


Do you hate me?

I could feel its intense anger,

but I couldn't feel any of Naruto's will.

It was like his anger had taken over his heart.

All because of that Nine-Tails.

Now that the First Hokage's necklace

that Naruto received from Lady Tsunade is lost,

if the Nine-Tails should ever run loose…

even I couldn't stop it.

True, it would be tremendously risky

to take on the Akatsuki with the Nine-Tails inside him.


– O-Oh no! – Wait up! Naruto, ey!

He is Naruto.

He's not the Nine-Tails.

For this battle, we don't need the Nine-Tails.

We need Naruto's strength.

If it looks like the Nine-Tails is going to take over,

we have to stop it.

That's right.

This is also a battle in which

we must protect Naruto from the Akatsuki and the Nine-Tails.

That's how I…no…

I'm sure this is how all of my classmates feel.

We will protect Naruto, and we will fight with Naruto.

I wonder what Lady Tsunade thinks.

Is everyone here?

We shall now start our w*r council to discuss strategy!

First, assemble reserves of ninja tools and foodstuffs.

We must divide our shinobi into main battle units and support forces,

and consider how we should build the platoons

within the fighting forces!

Bring me the complete list of all our shinobi!

So it's w*r. So it's finally come to that.

You were invited to this w*r council, but you're still young.

Keep your ears open and don't miss a thing.

Yeah. I know that.

I will make full use of my head and hammer everything in!

I guess I finally lost them.

Now, finally, I can enjoy my love to the fullest!

Old man! One large tonkotsu miso with BBQ pork!



So Grandma Tsunade is fine now?


All right!

Is that right? I'm happy about Lady Tsunade.

Okay! Since this is good news, the ramen is on me!

Huh?! Are you sure?!

Why don't you have some too, Sakura?

No thanks. I still have more people to notify.

Well, I'll see you later, Naruto!

Now that that's off my mind, I feel hungrier than ever!

Okay! I'm eating my fill today.

One bowl, two bowls, three bowls!

Here you go!

It's a special tonkotsu miso with BBQ pork slices

to celebrate the Hokage's recovery!


Thank you for the…

Oh? He disappeared.


I'm surprised he dug right into the food.

Looks like he really loves my bug cooking!

What am I doing here again?

I did a Reverse Summoning on you.

The Great Lord Elder will divine your future, Naruto-boy.


Follow me.

Don't throw it up!

I have brought him.

Hey! Long time no see, Giant Gramps Sage!

It was indeed I who summoned you…er…umm…

Who're you again?

Naruto Uzumaki!

I wish you'd hurry up and learn my name, Giant Gramps Sage!

Oh, that's right, that's right. It's Naruto.

Do we have to go through this every time?

Listen, Naruto.

I have seen a prophecy involving you.

A prophecy? Okay, I'm ready for it.

In that case, listen carefully.

You will soon be meeting an octopus.

An octopus?

Why an octopus?

Well, I couldn't see too clearly,

but I'm sure they were octopus arms.

And then, it will come to pass that

you will fight a young man whose power lies in his eyes.


Yeah… I know.

What do you mean, "you know"?

I don't plan on changing.

Nor am I interested in understanding you.

And I don't plan on dying!

You're the one who's going to die!

If I die, we both die, Sasuke.

Fine then!

I'll k*ll you first.

It's clear you still haven't acknowledged me yet.

Enough, Naruto.

I'll take Sasuke on.

You have your precious dream of becoming the Hokage.

I can't let Sasuke take you down with him.

How can I become the Hokage if I can't even save one friend?!

I'll fight…


So you saw it?


That young man whose power lies in his eyes…

Do you know who that is?!

Yeah, and I've already made up my mind.


I also saw a dream where you stored yourself inside Naruto.


Give him the Fourth Hokage's seal.

I have no choice but to do as you say, Great Lord Elder.

What is this?

It is the key left by the Fourth Hokage

that locks and unlocks the sealing jutsu on your belly!

With this you can let the Nine-Tails run free,

if that's what you want.

Press on that square area with your hand.

With this, you will have the means to perfect that jutsu

that Jiraiya was talking about.

The key to release…

the Nine-Tails' seal.

Are you unsure, Naruto?

In battle, feelings of hatred can come out.

So I thought I didn't want the Nine-Tails' power anymore.

But I need the Nine-Tails' chakra to fight Sasuke.

I can't hide from that forever.

No use getting depressed!

Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "Storage"

I'm going to conquer this thing, Dad!

Tune in again!