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10x25 - Storage

Posted: 07/17/22 10:33
by bunniefuu
I'm adapting to the power.

It feels good. This isn't bad.

I think I'll stir things up a little.


What are you waiting for?

Press the Storing Square!

You’re unsure, right, Naruto?

I can’t say that I blame you.

What do you mean?

Lord Fukasaku…

The Nine Tails gets its power by merging its chakra with its will.

CHAKRA WILL To control this power,

CHAKRA WILL you must isolate only the Nine Tails' chakra,

CHAKRA WILL assimilate it into your own chakra and make it your own power.

But it's easier said than done.

If you pull out the Nine Tails' chakra, you also draw out its will.

The Nine Tails' will is a mass of hatred that binds itself tightly to chakra.

No matter how hard you try to shield yourself,

it will find some hatred that you have buried deep inside

and it will try to overtake you.

In other words,

CHAKRA WILL controlling the Nine Tails' power means taking its will and its chakra

and completely separating the two with your own strong will

which should harbor no hatred.

The Fourth Hokage made the Nine Tails' seal in a way

that allows a small amount of its chakra to leak out of the cage

in hopes that it would naturally become one with Naruto’s own chakra.

It is known as the Eight Trigram Sealing Formula and

it creates a double-interface Tetragram Seal.

But if this key is used to open the Tetragram Seal,

you could pull out all of the Nine Tails’ chakra!

And that means all of the Nine Tails' will

would tag along with all of its chakra!

And as soon as Naruto’s will loses to the Nine Tails’ will….

The Nine Tails will be completely resurrected!

How terrible.

And has the key ever been used?

A while ago, the Tetragram Seal was weakening.

So in order to control Naruto,

who was starting to transform into the Nine Tails during training,

Jiraiya used the key to tighten the seal on him.

This should hold for a while.

Just a while, huh?

What's the matter, Pervy Sage?

Jiraiya was greatly concerned.

If the Fourth Hokage's Sealing Formula was beginning to weaken,

there was no telling when Naruto would transform into the Nine Tails again.

I guess I'll try it.


A toad came out of your mouth!

Don't be so hard on me, Jiraiya!

You just summoned me a while ago.

I need a favor. Will you hear me out, Gerotora?

It's Naruto's Tetragram Seal.

Hey hey… You just tightened the seal.

Do you want it tighter?

No, the reverse.

I want to loosen it just a little bit.


Jiraiya wanted the seal to be opened deliberately for just a short while

in order to drill Naruto into developing the power to resist the Nine Tails' will.

But it didn't work.

I didn't mean to hurt Pervy Sage.

What? Giving up already.

This training…is impossible.

I'm disappointed in you. Calling it quits so soon.

Remember when I told you that you reminded me of the Fourth Hokage?

You are the shinobi who inherited the Rasengan,

the jutsu developed by the Fourth Hokage himself.

You need to shape up!

You don’t know how happy I was

when I learned the Rasengan, the Fourth Hokage's jutsu.

I had taken over the Fourth Hokage's jutsu,

which was my dream…my goal.


Compared to the time when I was learning the Rasengan,

this training means nothing.

I guess mastering the Rasengan was a miracle for you.

Maybe I was expecting too much.

Sure, I know what a great shinobi the Fourth Hokage was.

That’s for sure.

He's totally different than someone like you,

who gets so excited about mastering one measly jutsu.

Unlike you, my foolish apprentice, he was a true prodigy.

And the jutsu he developed was extraordinary.

Even I couldn't grasp the ninjutsu he developed.

Even you, Pervy Sage?

And not even the successive Hokage.

His jutsu was that extraordinary?

I knew it. Becoming the Hokage is impossible.

But there is just one shinobi

with the potential to master such an extraordinary jutsu.

That is you, Naruto!



You possess the Nine Tails' chakra and only you can master that jutsu.

A jutsu that only I can grasp?

Is that…

That's right.

The Fourth Hokage left it solely for your sake.

It is his legacy to you.

The Fourth Hokage's legacy?

And it's just for me?


Will you undergo training to gain mastery over your chakra control?


The harder I try to become strong,

the tighter the grip of the Nine Tails' will becomes.

He totally ignores my will and tries to hurt everyone in my path.

That was the result of opening Naruto's key just a tiny bit.

So that's the reason for the scar on Jiraiya-boy’s chest.

And then what happened?

Nothing good.

Long ago, when I fought Orochimaru,

I relied on the Nine Tails' power and relinquished my will.

Don’t talk about Sasuke, in front of me,

like he belongs to you!

Hearing about Sasuke made me angry.

Before I knew it, I lost myself.

Captain Yamato told me not to rely on the Nine Tails' chakra

and to use my own strength to fight.

Everything is fine during training with Captain Yamato,

since he can restrain Jinchuriki.

But during a fight, feelings of hate are bound to creep up.

So I figured, I’d forget about using the Nine Tails' power.

If I can't suppress the Nine Tails' will with my own…

I don't need a power that hurts people

like the Pervy Sage and Sakura.

I had my mind made up.


When Hinata got hurt by Pain…

I was so mad and bitter.

Rather than not using it…

My heart latched onto the Nine Tails' will on its own.

Right now, I feel safe, since Fourth Hokage's seal has been tightened.

But it might act up again at anytime.

Yet in order to fight Sasuke,

I have to use the Nine Tails' chakra.

I'm the Nine Tails' Jinchuriki, after all.

I can't hide from that forever.

I sealed half of the Nine Tails' chakra inside of you,

because I believed you could control its power.

Right, Dad?

Hurting my friends…

Giving in to hatred…

It's no use getting hesitant.

I understand now just how dangerous it is to release the Nine Tails' chakra.

But he has the Fourth Hokage's love

and that sheer gutsiness that Jiraiya instilled in him.

Contract complete. I'm going into storage!

Huh? Going into storage?

You don't need to do a thing. Just keep your mouth open.


Yes. Now say “ahh.”


Here I go…into storage.

Hey! Open wider!

Are you going to let me go into storage?!

Why through my mouth?!

It's slimy and feels awful.

Okay, storage complete!

I'm taking you back to Hidden Leaf Village!

After that, we'll have to look for the octopus.

Oh, right… You prophesied that I would encounter an octopus.

Where is this octopus? Can't you give more clues?

It’s not clear, but it's a solitary island.

People don't go near it.

It's like a paradise for creatures.

To me, it seems it would be a fun resort.

And there, the octopus should be of help to you.

In any case, you will find your way.


There’s no mistake, it’s Kabuto’s doing.

This method of k*lling…

Kabuto is becoming more like Orochimaru.

But why would he leave a trail like this?

He would…

Is this deliberate?

What does he intend to do?

No doubt Kabuto is carrying on Orochimaru's will.

Now, is he going after the Hidden Leaf or the Akatsuki?

Let’s start with the greetings, shall we, Tobi?


You call yourself Madara now.

You did well to find this place.

I roamed from country to country as a spy

and I once belonged to the Akatsuki.

Don't underestimate my intel network.

You were once one of Sasori's spies.

You are a traitor to the Akatsuki.

This is…

Reanimation Jutsu.

The Forbidden Jutsu known only to the Second Hokage and Lord Orochimaru.

Now, I'm the third one.

And I have surpassed the previous two.

This performance is dedicated to you.

So that you would believe in my power and trust in me.

Rest assured.

I did not come here to fight.

What do you want?

I want us to join forces.

Join forces?

How will that benefit me?

I understand you intend to start a w*r soon.

I'm offering to provide more military might.

With these here…





And Nagato.

They each have formidable strength.

And I have even more up my sleeve.

And in exchange?

Sasuke Uchiha.

What are you plotting?

Nothing really.

I am only interested in the pure truth behind ninjutsu.

And I need Sasuke to pursue this.

I need a young, live, sensitive Uchiha.

And if I refuse?

Summoning Jutsu: Reanimation.

Th-This is…

Surely, you didn't think that I would come unprepared.

Yes. You can’t refuse.

Why you…

Where did you get that?

I have my means.

Don't worry. I haven't told anyone about this.

What's so funny?

Kabuto Yakushi.

Never did I imagine that you would come this far.

Arguing with you now will only weaken our side.

You came here, waiting for the perfect opportunity.

You are very careful indeed.

What do you mean?

So be it. We will join forces with you.

But only on the condition that I hand Sasuke over to you

after victory in this w*r is assured.

You will not be allowed to see Sasuke until then.

You understand things clearly.

I expected no less from Madara Uchiha.

Your vessel is unique.

And you are insolent.

I’ll reformulate my strategy after I confirm your battle strength.

Follow me.

He brought corpses all the way to this desolate place?

Judging from the way the shinobi's bodies are strewn about,

I'll bet there's something up ahead.

I originally thought we'd pursue him by way of Hidden Waterfall,

and back to Hidden Leaf Village.

But it's like he wants us to follow him.

I don't get it.

Is it a trap then?

What do we do?

Tokuma! Use your Byakugan towards two o'clock!



Captain Mitarashi! This is…

What's the matter?

It's not just Kabuto!

He's with a masked member of the Akatsuki!

The two of them are going through some kind of underground entrance!


A masked man?

Is it the one who calls himself Madara?

Does this mean we found his hideout?

What is he doing with Kabuto?

Have they joined forces?

Did Kabuto purposely lure us here?

In order to show us Madara's hideout?

But why? If they’ve joined forces…

I don't know yet.

But we need to send word to the village immediately!

Hide them? Naruto and Bee can lend much strength to this battle.

Why hide them away?

The Five Great Nations joined together and

our aim in this w*r is to protect those two.

Your sole dissent as Hokage is not sufficient.

We will decide this with majority rule.

You child! Naruto is—

I know him quite well.

Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "The Five Kage's Decision"

It’s fine!

Tune in again!