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11x07 - Fight! Rock Lee!

Posted: 07/18/22 14:29
by bunniefuu




FOOL Master!

Who did this?



I'm telling you to get out!

As if I'd let you!

You're Madara, the leader of the Akatsuki!

You are right, Rock Lee, ultimate w*apon of the Hidden Leaf!

That man was just bait to lure you here.

You are unforgivable!

MEDICINE This is the time for Sensei's secret medicine!

MADARA What's with those moves?

You look like a drunk.

This will be an easy match.

With my Teleportation Ninjutsu, there's no way you can touch me.


The more I drink, the stronger I get.

This is the Drunken Fist!

You won't be able to see my punch coming!





Too easy!


I'm just getting started!

Sensei, can I have another?

That was the last one!

Well, you heard that too.

So until I get more medicine, let's take a breather.

Okay, fine.

No way!

Like I'd agree to that!

It was just a dream.

Falling asleep during training.

It just shows that I lack vigilance!

w*r is coming!

I have to become much stronger like Naruto.


I must put in more effort!


But⦠if I can become strong without the medicine, like in that dream⦠Guy Sensei, I think the time has come to attempt that training again!


Rock Lee!

Just lie down and stay still.

Don't be ridiculous.

If I can't overcome something as minor as seasickness through guts and effort, I don't deserve to be the Leaf's Blue Beast!

All right, all right already!

Speaking of which, during that time⦠It was the day after we took Lee out to celebrate, for learning the Hidden Lotus.

I feel rotten.

I must've had too much to drink last night.


Why is Lee in my room?

The thing is⦠I don't remember.

Although I remember going to dinner with you, Sensei, I can't remember anything beyond that.

Same here.

But I have this feeling that something important happened.

I'm sorry, Sensei!

W-What did you do, Lee?

You took me out to dinner, and I had the audacity to forget all about it.

I have this feeling that I listened to you give me many hints on training as well.

I am a failure as your student!

No wait, Lee.


What was that just now?

Wait a minute.

That's right.

BAR-B-Q U-Ummâ¦I'm sorry!

I-I, Might Guy, am responsible for everything!


What is the matter, Sensei?

Oh no, it's nothing!

I think I've gone and done it.

Oh, did you perhaps remember something?

What did you remember?

No, no.

It's nothing important.

B-By the way, Lee⦠Why'd you bring something like this back?

I feel bad about taking it from the restaurant, MENU but I used this menu to take notes on your training hints!

Training hints?


Please take a look!


And what about it?

Sensei, you told me that one could train at any time.

For example, even with this menu.

You circled the yakitori!

You said to visualize.

Visualize with yakitori?


Hey, now that you mention it⦠MAKE-OUT PARADISE Kakashi!


Time for a match with my lifelong rival!

Let's do it.

We have to!


I can't.

I'm training right now.



How can reading such indecent books be considered training?

This is my way of training.

I think it's called visualization training.

Whether it's a real battle or training, visualizing it and not visualizing it makes a huge difference.

You should read books too and learn to visualize.

See you!

Learn to visualize?

What's he talking about?

Developing a new jutsu?

That's called visualization training.

Visualization training?

What kind of training is it?

W-Well, it's an important type of training⦠I think.

That's it, Sensei!

Yesterday, you were probably telling me about this visualization training!

If we do that training, maybe we'll remember something about yesterday!

Let's try it, Sensei!

If I can train and remember what happened yesterday, it will be k*lling two birds with one stone.

Better yet, if you get your memory back, we'll get three birds with one stone!

Th-This isn't good.

Especially if it makes him remember yesterday.

If he remembers my pitiful appearance, I'll lose face as his master.

I am Might Guy, the Leaf's Blue Beast.

I will not let him remember!

And I'll do everything in my power to prevent it!

Sensei⦠W-What kind of training is this anyway?

You don't know, Lee?

This is what is known as visualization training!

So this is visualization training?


Yakitori is associated with chicken!

When you think of bird-style self-defense⦠You think of the White Crane Fist!


I can see it, Master.

It is definitely a crane!

When becoming one with the crane, you get closer to mastering the White Crane Fist!

And this is visualization training for the White Crane Fist!

N-Now that you mention it⦠it's quite difficult to balance on one leg in the mud.

I see!

This also combines strength training for your legs and torso!


You're not visualizing enough!


This is more than just a skewer of yakitori chicken.

Visualize a sword plunging through great lands and call it the "Yakitori" technique!

I see!

Visualize yakitori!

This is deep stuff!


I will become a yakitori!



Visualize yakitori!

For some reason, Sensei, the birds seem quite upset.

I think you're right.

Oh boy⦠Having yakitori in front of the birds wasn't such a good idea.

But there won't be any problems this time!

Kabayaki eel?

Is there such a self-defense technique?

You're not visualizing hard enough.

The movements of an eel mirror those of a snake.

And when we speak of snake⦠We have the Snake Fist!

Oh, the Snake Fist?


Lee, continue!

Yes, sir!

Visualize a snake slithering silently on the ground hunting its prey!

Sensei, look.

What is this?


Well, this is, you know, the stuff they call quicksand!

Th-That was a close call.

Just the opposite.

Because I was in that situation, we were able to overcome it.


But Sensei, where are we headed now?

Next on the menu is mabo tofu.

Right, but⦠Mabo tofu contains hawk claw chili pepper.

And when one talks about hawk claws⦠It brings to mind Eagle Claw Fist!

Then⦠Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

To visualize an eagle, go to an eagle's nest!


Oh sorry, sorry!

We are friends.


You're late, Lee!

Sensei, will I find the essential point of the Eagle Claw Fist here?

'We meant no harm!

'I'm sorry!

Sensei, have you been able to remember anything?


What about you?

Not really.

I-I see.

All right!

I think I'll be able to fool him somehow with this visualization training nonsense.

I feel rejuvenated!


What's this?

I think I remember something.

I-I'm sure Lee has seen me at my worst.

I must prevent him from recalling anything about how I was yesterday!

Sensei, there's one more menu item that's been circled.

I-I see.

So that's the last one?

If we still can't remember after this, it can't be helped!


What is it?

MENU I know this one too.

After all, the thing that is circled is sake.

I'm visualizing a defense technique like Drun⦠It's the Drifter Fist!

The Drifter Fist!

The sea!

Is there such a technique?

Yes, there is!

That was close.

I have to avoid bringing up any images of sake.

Drunken Fist is out of the question.

Sensei, let's start training now!

Lee, what are you doing?


Since it's called the Drifter Fist, I figured we would train on a boat.

Oh, right!

You are becoming very sharp.

The visualization training is paying off.

Oh boy⦠A boat, huh?

Let's begin, Sensei.

This training involves more than visualization.

There's no sense in even beginning unless you can maintain balance on a swaying boat.

Yes, Guy Sensei!

If this is the extent of the swaying, it's quite easy.



To remain still on the water's surface!

That is the essence of the Drifter Fist.

Don't rock the boat so much!

B-But I'm not rocking the boat.

Th-This training is definitely intense!

S-Sensei, I'm not feeling too well.

Oh no!

Those moves look just like the Drunken Fist.

I must stop him!

Lee, you can't master the Drifter Fist with such moves.

Stand firm!

L-Like this?

I-I am standing firm.


What kind of movement is that?

Yes, but if I'm to keep my balance⦠I naturally take⦠This boy⦠The Drunken Fist comes naturally to him.

That's right!

What's the big idea, you jerk!

So fast!

And such nice movement.

But why?

Pickles made with sake lees?

Sake lees, as in the by-product of sake making.

So that's it!

No wonder you're the boy wonder of the Drunken Fist technique, Lee!

Go for it!

Teach him a lesson!

No mercy for a drunkard who tries to eat and run!

Hit to your heart's content!

So that's it.

You were the one.

Guy Sensei, I'm sorry.

What are you apologizing for, Lee?

Did I do something terrible yesterday?

Maybe you tried to defend me and were forced to bow your knees to apologize for my shameful deed?

You remember that?

I don't remember what took place.

But when I came to, the shop was in tatters.

And you were apologizing.

When you saw that, didn't you find me clumsy and uncouth?

No such thing!

Your words at that time⦠This day commemorates my pupil's hard work and effort.

I admit, he's a foolish student who only knows how to work hard.

But he endeavors in a way no ordinary man can and he will continue to persevere because he is a genius at working hard!

He will become a fine shinobi who will guide the Hidden Leaf into the future.

He is the treasure to whom I have dedicated my life!

If anyone is to take responsibility, it will be me, his teacher!

So⦠You asked them not to spoil this day for me, which stands for my past endeavors as well as my future efforts.

That's all I can remember.

That's all, but⦠But I felt the passion in your words!

That's why I was trying so hard to get you to remember yesterday.

Because I wanted you to scold me for messing up.

But this is the last training hint.

The final one that might unlock the memories I seek.

What am I to do?

Lift your head up, Lee!


Lee, you've done nothing wrong!

All you did was try to learn the Drunken Fist!

Sensei, you regained your memory of yesterday?

Never mind that.

Now I am going to pass on to you the art of the Drunken Fist!

B-But don't you need sake for the Drunken Fist?

The drunker you get, the stronger you become.

That is the essence of the Drunken Fist.

But you already have an innate affinity for the Drunken Fist!

Get sick!

Feel the nausea!

Through seasickness, perfect your own unique Drunken Fist!

This is for real?


After this, you'll have to put this training into actual use!

Let's go!


Too easy, Lee!

Severe Leaf Hurricanes!

All right then!

Leaf Whirlwind!

This nausea is getting worse by the second!

But your Seasick Fist is looking better and better!


This is my own version of the Drunken Fist.

The Seasick Fist.


It's the Seasick Fist!

Here I come!

He disappeared?


I feel really sick!

Guy Sensei!

Guy Sensei!

Are you all right, Sensei?


You got me good.

You did it!

The Seasick Fist.

That single hit was awesome.

Sensei⦠Th-Thank you very⦠Yes.

And after undergoing intense training through seasickness, Lee perfected his Seasick Fist!

He can't use it though.

Well, certainly unless he overcomes seasickness, he cannot use it in real battle.

So Lee⦠I swear that through hard work and sheer guts, I will conquer seasickness and master the true Seasick Fist!

That's not what I meant.

As it is now, he gets seasick so he can't use it.

But if he gets over being seasick, he won't get that drunken feeling and won't be able to produce the Drunken Fist.

What the heck?


What's this?


Our food has been infested with these mushrooms!

It's not just the food, but our water is gone too.

Then we just have to turn the ship around We can't.

Once we're on this course, turning back is impossible.

We still have two weeks until we can get off this course.

We are just going to have to endure without eating or drinking!

Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "Eat or Die!

Mushrooms from Hell!

" Something to eat.

Give me something to eat!

Tune in again!