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11x09 - Revenge of the Shadow Clones

Posted: 07/18/22 14:30
by bunniefuu
Ship's log, supplemental entry.

This is the fifth consecutive day of the storm.

Every man on deck is working hard to keep the ship from capsizing.

And I had friends I could count on.

Go, clones!


This is the last of it!

It's over!

Good work!

I'll release the jutsu now.

We can finally rest!


We're about to lose the mast to the wind!

Can you go and support the rope with your clones?

Got it!

We'll get on it right away!





You're going to make us work some more?


Right now, we need every hand that's available.

So come on, get to work!

Do your best, me!

Even if we're clones, this is too much!

That looks dangerous.

Someone go up there and check it out.

Hey, you go.

I'm tired.

We're all tired!

The fatigue I feel is different from what you clones feel.

I've never heard that before.

My burden as the leader is heavier.

Who made you our leader?

What did you say?


It's not fair.

You kept us up on numerous all-night watches and when the storm finally passes, you refuse to release the Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu?

What's up with that?

If there's another storm, we'll need your help again.

Hey wait⦠Hey you⦠That's enough!

Just who do you think we are anyway?

Clones of me!

You just have to do exactly as I say!



Forget him!

Don't bother with someone like that.

He doesn't even have the trust of his own clones.

Well, I'm not foolish enough to take you clones seriously.

Damn it.

Who the hell do you think you are?


You owe everything to your clones.

Remember, you learned your Wind Style thanks to us.

You've got to be kidding!

That power is my very own!



You guys⦠It kind of seems like you guys changed a bit from a while ago.

It just goes to show that you haven't had a one-on-one relationship with your clones.

In other words, we're your clones.

But you have this bias, this prejudice towards us.

It's not bias.

It's just hard to accept that some of you guys are inside me.

Oh dear.

Are you criticizing yourself?

There's no way a softie like you or a gloomy one like you are a part of me!

I guess you don't recognize yourself in your clones.

If you didn't have this personality inside you, you wouldn't need a jutsu like the Sexy Jutsu.

To be honest, that jutsu is really embarrassing.

But I was lonely and wanted someone to pay attention to me.

Don't cry!

It's all in the past.

Now, everyone in the village makes such a fuss over us.

Be happy!

Be happy!

Cut it out!

You guys are irritating me!


If that's what you want, I'll release the jutsu.

Stop joking.

You'll probably work us to the bone anyway.

Like it or not, we're staying!

You need to cool your head and repent!



We're fading.

How come you guys aren't disappearing?












It's not working.

Didn't you know?

Summoning and releasing clones all depend on the willingness of the clones themselves.

Y-You guys⦠Capture him!




Let go of me!

We're not gonna let you hit us and extinguish us!

Tie him up!



'What are you doing, Naruto?


That hurts!

Come on guys!

Get away from me!

Hey, this is great!

Passionate, hot-blooded men fighting, colliding, releasing pent-up energy!

That doesn't seem like that's the case here.

Help, Captain Yamato!

We, the Naruto g*ng, are taking control of this ship!

He's our hostage!

If you want Naruto to live, you must agree to our demands unconditionally!

W-What's going on?


Hey everyone, I can see the silhouette of an island at one o'clock.

Let's see.

This fits perfectly into our plans.

All right!

Sail to that island!

What'll we do?

I can't believe the clones would actually take Naruto's life!

Still, I could use some rest on dry land.

Straight ahead!

'Straight ahead.

'Straight ahead.

Revenge of the Shadow Clones MEET OUR DEMANDS We clones seek improvements in our work environment!

We demand compensation and security for the risks we take!

And until these demands are met, we, the clone workforce, will go on strike!

Oh, don't forget about improving our meals.

We want ramen too, you idiot!

Miso-flavored pork stock with roast pork!

Now you're talking, Real Naruto!

Until we get a satisfactory settlement, you guys can wait on that island!

What a disturbing turn of events.

If the strike drags on and our schedule gets pushed back any further, the Lady Hokage will have our hides.

Yeah, I want lots of meat in there!

And you two, eat up!

You can't wage w*r on an empty stomach.

Don't bother listening to these guys' demands!

Just hurry up and beat 'em!

No one's listening.

They're eating curry.

Do you think Captain Yamato and the rest will come to rescue you?

Of course!

And in the face of a jonin's superior ninjutsu, simple-minded clones like you will be easily destroyed!

I wonder what kind of tactic he'll use?

Did someone just dive in?

That's⦠W-Why is he swimming?

He's a shinobi.

Why doesn't he run across the surface of the water?


Guy Sensei is also a jonin.

They have something up their sleeves.

Hey, Naruto my boy!

You'd better watch out.

Something might appear from a blind spot.

Don't you get it?

What this naked body of mine is telling you?

I have neither weapons nor tricks up my sleeve!

He seriously came here without a strategy?

I hope you're gonna agree to our demands?

That's so pretentious!

The sound of flesh hitting flesh.

Feeling it resonate through your bones and hearing it deep in your inner ear.

That's the best way to understand one another!

So come at me and let me feel your thoughts!

Why'd they have to send a guy like this?

Come on!

Way to go, Bushy Brow Sensei!

Hurry and untie me!




If even one blow hits us, we'll be extinguished!

Damn it!

Hold it!













Looking good.

That's the way.

This time, I'm serious!

Take this!

That was dangerous!

I thought I was going to die!

So you're safe.

Returning to the ship was smart.

I can't fight seriously on board a ship either.

Did you think we were simply running away?

If we could induce Guy Sensei to unleash a big attack at sea, and somehow we counter it and get back to the ship⦠Naturally, Guy Sensei would follow us.

And just about then, the waves from the after-shock of your attack would⦠This swaying⦠Make it stop!

My inner ear!

Just when I ate my curry.

After going on that rampage, the end result is that he put us at a disadvantage.

Does he even know the purpose of our strategy?

Maybe he just wanted to release some pent-up stress of being at sea.

Oh, he's been caught.

Looks like I've been caught.

All you did was give them another hostage.

Okay, Guy Sensei, tell us Captain Yamato's strategy.

Well, I rushed in on impulse.

So I know nothing regarding the details of the strategy.

Then why did you come here?



That's amazing!

That's a huge fish!

Should we salt and grill it?

Fried would be good too.

Stewed would be good too.


Keep guarding that side!

I am!

What the heck is this?


I can't see!

Oh, Ninja Art, Animal Suit Jutsu⦠Get it?

Couldn't you come up with a more serious strategy?


Capture them!

Captain Yamato!

Untie the rope while we have the chance!


Those gulls were just a diversion to allow Captain Yamato to get on board and activate his jutsu.

Free at last!

But it still doesn't feel like we are.

Because stupid, as it is now, we're all hostages.

How dare you call the real me "stupid"?


You clones are the stupid ones, stupid!

Stupidity is probably all that's left inside you.

W-What did you say?

Hold on, Naruto.

Why don't just give in to their demands?

W-What're you saying, Bushy Brow Sensei?

I can understand where they're coming from.

Until now, they've worked tirelessly without complaint.

Isn't it only fair to listen to what they want?


Yeah, we're just asking for a little understanding here.

Our demands aren't important if⦠Stop messing around.

Why should I listen to any of their demands?


I'm the real Naruto!

I'm like their parent!

And kids are supposed to obey their parents!

When did you decide that?


Then we demand the same rights as the real Naruto!

We demand equal turns to be the leader!

Clones are clones!

There's no way you can be the real me!

You're just copies!

So don't get cocky!


That's uncalled for!

Whose side are you on, Bushy Brow Sensei?


I am on your side, Naruto!

Take a good look once more at them, at yourself!

I'm not a wimp, and I'm not conceited like that!

I don't go around grinning all the time and I'm totally not like that!

Captain Yamato, I'm sorry.

After you planned a strategy just to save me.

But I've got to do this my own way!

Is he still relying on clones?

Well, he can't use Rasengan without clones.

Keep talking, you four!

If I summon a hundred more, it'll be over in a jiffy for you.

Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!

Here we go, clones!

There's no guarantee that you're going to be you forever.

There's nothing strange in being taken over at any time.

This is the chance we've been waiting for.

That's why we listened to all your ridiculous requests.

From now, we are you.


If I die, then so do you!

That's if you are indeed the real Naruto.

Let's test it out and see who is the real Naruto.

Hey, there's no reason to get so surprised.


Where are the weapons?

Weren't you guys on strike and going to steal my identity?

What kind of nonsense is that?

And I'm sure there were four clones.

So earlier, the pulley from the mast came falling and one of your clones shielded you with his body and disappeared.

He protected me?

Don't you remember?

You⦠Me⦠The real Naruto.

We demand the same rights as the real Naruto!

So that was a clone's dream.

And when the clone was released, the details were left inside me and got mixed up with reality.


Are you finally going to release the jutsu?


Yeah, good work.


Whe w*r will begin soon.

Lady Tsunade, I know you're planning to send me to the frontlines as a commander.

A slight error in judgment could result in my friends dying.

Do I really have the power right now to command everyone and hold their lives in my hands?

Of course, I'm indecisive.

Next on Naruto Shippuden: "The Closed Route" Go.

There's a mission that's just right for you.

Tune in again!