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03x09 - The Sun Also Rises

Posted: 07/20/22 12:07
by bunniefuu
[tense music playing]


[breathes shakily]


-[breathes shakily]
-[Jack] Brie?


Please come.

-I need you. [whimpers]
-Hm? You okay?

-[groans quietly]

-What's goin' on?


[tense music playing]

[Brie whimpers quietly]

Hey, hey, Brie, I'm here.

-Brie, what happened?

[Brie cries]

-You cut yourself?
-[Brie cries]

[groans] It hurts.

[cries, exhales]

-[Brie sniffles]

[Brie cries]

Okay. Hey.

I'm gonna get you
to the clinic, all right?

[Brie exhales deeply]

[phone rings out]

[Mel] Jack?

-Brie's hurt. Meet me at the clinic.
-I'm on my way.

All right, Mel's gonna take care of you.
Okay, just put your hand around my neck.

Yeah, come on. I got you.

-[Brie cries]
-Okay. It's okay. I got you.

[theme music playing softly]

Okay. So I'm gonna do
an ultrasound now, okay?

-This is gonna be a little bit cold.

-[Mel] Sorry.

[quietly] Okay.

-[Mel] Sorry.


[Brie exhales deeply]

-[Mel] Any pain in your shoulders or back?

[quietly] Okay.

[Brie exhales]

What's wrong with me?

Um, well,

I still need to do some blood work,
but, um,

I believe you had a miscarriage.

I'm sorry.


-[Brie sniffles]

Could Jack come in?

Yeah, of course. I'll go get him.

[Brie cries quietly]


Hey, Jack. Do you wanna come?

[Brie cries]

Hey, I'm here.

[Jack] Do you know what's wrong?

-[Brie cries quietly]
-She had a miscarriage.

[Brie cries]

You know what? I have some more tissues
in the kitchen. I'll be right back. Okay?

[Brie cries quietly]

Oh, hey.

[Brie cries]

-[Jack] Hey, everything's gonna be okay.

-Yeah. [cries]


[Mel] Morning.

How is Brie?

I just finished giving her an exam.

She had a miscarriage.

-Oh God.
-[Mel] Yeah.

How's she holding up?

Physically, she's fine,

but I'm gonna recommend
that she see a therapist.

Good plan.

I was thinking that when Hope gets back,
she might wanna talk to somebody.

She's definitely not talking to me. Oy.

I mean, she barely said a word
when I called to tell her about Lilly.

She's probably just in shock.

No. She was angry that I didn't tell her
about Lilly's cancer.

Well, I'm sure that once you guys
get a chance to sit down together

that she'll understand.

-From your lips to God's ears.
-[Mel chuckles]

Will she make it in time
for the funeral today?

Yeah, she's flying into Sacramento,
renting a car.

-It'll be tight, but she'll make it.

So how is your vision doing
under all this stress?

Pretty well.

So your first anti-VEGF treatment
went well?

If you enjoy having needles
stuck into your eyeballs, then yes.

I would not.

[Doc] Me neither, but… [chuckles]

…I don't have much of an option, you know?

If you wanna go home and get some rest,
I can manage here.

Thanks, but after I look in on Brie,

I wanna drive out to the farm
and check in on Tara.

Well, um, give her my love.

I will.

I'll see you at the funeral.


Hey, Preacher. Do you know how many people
are coming to Lilly's reception?

Jack wanted flutes for the toast.

Well, Tara said family and close friends,
so probably , people.

-Okay, cool.
-All right.

Oh, hey, Connie.


-[Connie] We got a problem.

[Connie] Huh.

Sorry, uh, what am I looking at?

Scroll left.


Where'd you take these?

Clear River, this morning. Had to pick up
a flower arrangement for Lilly.

When I saw him, I grabbed my phone.
Why do you think he's here?

Okay, you, uh, remember Sally?

Paige's friend who brought Christopher
back to Virgin River?

-Yeah, I remember her.
-She wants to meet in person.

Do you think her wanting to see you
is connected to Vince?

Yeah, now I do.

And the fact that she's calling me
instead of Paige, it worries me.

Why's that?

Because it tells me
something's not right with Paige.



[knocking at door]

[downbeat] Come in.



I brought you some, uh,
blueberry muffins from the bakery truck.

[Tara] Thanks.


So, I hear you haven't been up much, huh?

I'm tired.

[Doc] Yeah, it's normal.

Grief drains our energy.

And your sister said you're not sure
if you're gonna speak at the funeral?

What's the point?

I just--

I don't want you to have any regrets
down the road.

It's too hard.

Yeah, the pain of losing someone you love

is overwhelming.

The challenge is
to keep that pain from crushing you.

[quietly] That's how I feel.

Listen to me. I've known you since…

[chuckles] …since you were
knee-high to a grasshopper.

-And you were a scrappy little kid.
-[Tara chuckles]

You're just as tough now.

I don't know what to do.

Start by taking a few deep breaths.

[Tara inhales slowly]

[both exhale deeply]

[Doc] Yeah.

Your friends and your family,
they wanna be there for you. Let them.

I'll try.

Just remember,

your mother loved you with all her heart.

She would not want you to suffer.

[Jack grunts]

I'm not leaving you alone.

Jack, you can go. I'll stay with her.

No, you're both going to the funeral.
I'm fine.

I just wanna sleep.

-What if you need something?
-I will text you.

[inhales slowly]

[Jack exhales deeply]

Mel, please tell Jack
I don't need a babysitter.

Look, if she's comfortable being alone,
it's totally fine.

Thank you, Mel.


Mel, would you mind asking Brie

if there's anything
she'd like to eat or drink?

Um… [clears throat]

I will take a ginger ale. Thank you.

[chuckles softly]

All right, be right back.

[door closes]

[sighs slowly]

I don't understand what's wrong with me.

What you're feeling is completely normal.

I just can't believe this has happened
after everything.

You know… [sighs softly]

…when my husband and I
were trying to get pregnant,

I had multiple miscarriages.

-Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to--
-No, it's okay.

Um, I was just telling you because…

I want you to know you're not alone.
I know what you're going through.


I didn't even know I was pregnant.

Oh my God, honey. I'm so sorry.

That's a lot to take in all at once.

[Brie sighs deeply]

Just feels like this giant wave
has crashed over me.

Like it's pushing me down.

[Mel] You're strong.

You're gonna get back up.

What if I can't?

Jack and I are here.

Okay? We're gonna help you
get through this.


[inhales deeply]

-I'm so tired.

Try to get some sleep.

And, um, if you need anything at all,
just call me, okay?


Hey, Mel?


Thanks for everything.

You're welcome.

[door opens]

[door closes]


I'm thinking of having Preacher
make her some chicken noodle soup.

Oh. She's resting now,
so I wouldn't push her to eat.

-Got it.

So how are you… doing with Lilly?


I'm… I'm devastated.

Yeah. I'm still having a hard time

wrapping my head around the fact
that she's gone.

I just-- I feel so bad for Tara.

You know,
I know what it's like to lose your mother.

I can't even imagine.

Preach and I have been sending food
out to the farm.

It's not much,
but I didn't know what else to do.

No, that's really sweet of you guys.
I'm sure she appreciates it.


Um, I should go get ready.

Uh, Mel. Okay. What are we…
Come on, what are we doing here?

What do you mean?

I mean you shutting me out.

I'm-- [sighs]

Can we talk in your office?

[Mel sighs]

Jack, I'm not trying to shut you out.

Okay, avoiding me for the past three days,
that's status quo?

[Mel] No, I'm--

I told you, I just need time to think.

About what?

The night I came back from LA,

you said all the right things,

but the next morning,

I just felt like maybe you were
telling me what I wanted to hear.

No, come on. I wasn't.

I meant what I said.

Look, breaking things off with you
was a huge mistake.

Yeah, I'm worried about
supporting two families,

but my feelings for you
outweigh everything else.

Okay, say we get back together.

Right? I'm worried that down the road,

when you are exhausted
from burning the candle at both ends,

you'll end up resentful.

-That won't happen.
-How do you know that?

Because I know myself.

You think you know yourself now,
but when the twins come,

you're gonna change.

-Ask anybody who's ever had a child.
-I don't care what anybody else says.

I'm telling you how I feel.

Isn't that what you asked me to do?

How am I supposed to prove anything to you
if you don't give me another chance?

I don't know. You're right.


Come on. We'll just start small.

I'll drive you to the church.

You don't have to do that.

Today is gonna be tough for everyone.

Might be nice to have someone to lean on.

[cell phone ringing]

-Staff Sergeant Gomez here.

-Hello, sir.
-I have your ASVAB results.

[Ricky] So, uh, how'd I do?

Scored a ,

which puts you
in the top tier of recruits.


-You'll make an excellent marine, son.
-[sighs] Thank you, sir.

So that's it? It's official?

All that's left is for you to sign
your contract and pick a recruit depot.

Now, I know you were leaning
towards San Diego,

but I think we should
at least discuss South Carolina.

[Mel] Okay,
so the wire transfer came through?

[knocking at door]

Yeah, um, I'll sign the documents
and get them back to you tomorrow, okay?


Thank you again.

[inhales sharply]

Hey! You don't need to knock.

Hm. Kinda feels like I do.

[Mel] Um,
I'm just gonna need a second. Okay?

Yeah, no, take your time.
We're not in a rush.

[Mel] Oh, hey, um,

you left some clothes in the hamper,
so I washed them.

-Oh, you didn't have to do that.
-[Mel] It's okay.

[Mel] I left them in a bag by the door.

Hm, thanks.


You look… stunning.


-No. Thanks. It's, um, it's fine.

You look nice too.

I just get a "nice"?

-[Jack] You--
-There's nothing wrong with nice.

That's like saying
I have a good personality.

-You do have a good personality, so--
-Oh, wow.

-[Jack inhales]
-All right, fine. How about this?

You look dashing, Mr. Sheridan.

[Jack] Why, thank you.

That's very kind of you to say.

[Mel inhales slowly]

-I'm ready to go if you're ready to go.

You might wanna grab a sweater.

Yeah, I have one.

[door opens]

[Doc, quietly] We cannot fathom

the unbearable loss and pain
you're experiencing,

and we want you to know you are not alone.

We cannot--

We want you-- We want you to know--

[cell phone ringing]

Hope, hi. Hi. Where are you?


No, look, if the rental car
is not fit for the road,

then just return it and--

Okay, just…

just be safe.

And, yeah, I'll meet you at the reception.

Um… I… I love you.

[phone beeps]


My tie's choking me.

I got it.

You know, you don't have to wear it
if you don't want to.

You're wearing one.

[quietly] Yeah.

Funerals can be pretty sad,

so if this is too much for you,

you just let me know.

I wanna say goodbye to Lilly.

That's a very grown-up thing
for you to do.

You don't have to be worried about me.
You're the one that looks sad.


[inhales deeply]

So, how's that feel?


[Preacher] Good.

Hey, anyone ever tell you

that you are an awesome kid?

Just you.

And my mom.

[breathes deeply]

Okay, let's go.

[instrumental music playing]

You okay?

Yeah, I'm just, um…

I'm a little overwhelmed. Um…

-You want water? I got some in the truck.
-[Mel] Yeah, okay.

-[Mel] Thanks.
-I'll be right back.

[Mark] You got it.
Pick up those little feet.

[gentle instrumental music playing]

[Mel pants]

[Mel groans]

Hey, you okay?

-[Mark] What's going on?

My-- [breathes heavily]


Come on. We're at mile seven.

-Five more miles to go.
-No, no, no.

Wait. You go… you go ahead,
and I'll catch up with you in a minute.

Take a sip.

[Mel breathes heavily]

-Okay. And I want you to breathe.

-Look at me.

[exhales] Take a breath.

-[exhales deeply]
-Breathe. You got this.

-[Mel exhales]
-You got this.

-I need to sit down.
-No, don't you sit down.

You've done the hard part, okay?
The rest is all downhill.

It's all downhill? You promise?

Baby, you're my warrior.

-All right.

So it's not all downhill.

-Not all of it, but--
-You're a liar.

-Hey, I believe in you.

-Come on. Let's do it. Let's go. Come on.


[Jack] Mel?

Oh! Thank you. [sniffles]

[Mel whimpers]

[Mel breathes heavily]

Look, I know this must be hard

with everything you've been through.

[Mel sniffles]

Yeah, it's just…

It's just tougher
than I thought it was gonna be.

Listen, at any point…

[Mel exhales]

…you know, if you feel like it's too much,

just say the word,
I'll take you anywhere you wanna go.


[Doc] Good afternoon.

I think most of you know
I am Vernon Mullins.

For close to years,

Lilly Anderson was a dear,
dear friend of mine.

You may have noticed
my wife, Hope, couldn't be here,

so I'm speaking for both of us

when I say we extend
our deepest condolences to Lilly's family.

We want you to know that you're not alone.

Lilly never failed to help a neighbor or…
[chuckles softly]

…offer a friend a shoulder to cry on,

because Lilly believed
that love was a gift

to share with other people.

She sure shared that gift with all of us.

I once read

that cranky people live longer lives.

If that's the case,

I'm gonna outlive everyone here.


It certainly seems true today.

Lilly was the sweetest person
I've ever met.

She and Buck

shared a love story for the ages.

They were just kids when they met,

but things were hard for them.

Looking after the farm,
trying to keep it going

while raising their beautiful children.

[Lydie] But they kept on going.

I told Lilly,
I want what you and Buck have,

you know, a relationship
where both people give more than they get.

Bless her heart, a week later,
she introduces me to Shirley.

[Bert chuckles softly]

Thank you, Lilly.

Uh, well… [sighs]

[hesitates] …when I first
moved to Virgin River, I, um,

I hardly knew anyone.

Some of you probably remember

I was pretty hell-bent on building the bar
from scratch. [chuckles]

I had a little construction experience,
but I was mostly out of my depth,

and then Lilly started coming by
the job site every day to check in,

and suddenly, all these things I needed
just started showing up.

So I asked her,
"Hey, Lilly, what's going on here?"

And, uh, she said that…

She said what I had to offer

was good for the town, and, um…

she wanted me to stick around.

[sighs softly]

But I will always be grateful to you
for helping me build a life here.

And may you rest in peace
knowing that your…

your memory will live on.

Thank you, Jack.


Well, if anyone else would like to speak,

now would be the perfect time.

All right, then.

Jack and Preacher
have graciously catered--

[Tara] Doc, wait.


["Soft Dark Nothing" playing]

♪ Goodnight ♪

♪ Goodbye ♪

♪ Good luck ♪

♪ Don't cry ♪

-♪ It's the edge ♪

-[exhales deeply]
-♪ Of it all… ♪

On behalf of my family,
I wanna thank everyone for being here.

My mom was a devoted mother

who always put her kids' needs
ahead of her own.

[voice quivers] She loved us ferociously

and was our world.

[sniffles] So…

[sniffles] All right. [chuckles softly]

[breathes deeply]

The night that she passed…
[breathes shakily]

♪ All my friends ♪

♪ At the end ♪

♪ Of the world ♪

♪ I hope to see you again… ♪


[Tara cries quietly]

[Tara] And--

[Tara sniffles]

-Hey, it's okay.
-[Tara cries]

-It's okay.
-[Tara sniffles]

-Do you want me to read it for you?

-[Tara sniffles]

-It's all right.

[Tara sniffles]

[Mel clears throat]

"So the night that she passed away,

I was plunged into darkness."

"I couldn't imagine a way out of it
until a good friend of mine

helped me remember my mother's spirit."

"My mom loved sunsets."

"She used to say
the reason she loved them was because

they reminded her that we don't live
in perpetual darkness."

"The sun always finds its way back,
and for that, we should be grateful."

"And when you're missing her,
just watch a sunset,

because somewhere out there,
she is watching too."

-That was beautiful.
-[Tara sniffles]

[Tara mouths] Thanks.

♪ And we hurt ♪

♪ And we need ♪

♪ To feel whole ♪

♪ To feel free ♪

♪ To feel like you ♪

♪ Feel like me ♪

-[knocking at door]
-[song fades]

Jack, I told you, I'm fine.

[door opens]

It's, uh, not Jack.

Oh. What are you doing here?

Ricky said you were sick.

Did he say anything else?


I just figured
that everyone's at the funeral,

and you might want some company.

You know what?

I can go, if you want me to?
I didn't mean to intrude.


You're fine.

[sighs softly]

[exhales sharply]

-Whoa. You okay?

You want me to call Doc?

No, I'm fine.

Thanks for the flowers.

You're welcome.

May I sit down?

Go ahead.


Look, I didn't sh**t Jack,
and I'm not a dealer.

I just need you to know that.

And-- [sighs]

This isn't an excuse…

but when I was growing up, I… [sighs]

…I didn't have anything.

So when I saw how much cash
I could make working for Calvin, I just--

I jumped at it.

I know.

It was weak, and I wish
I'd never gotten into business with him.

Because you got caught.


Because that's not who I am.

Not anymore.

Sorry, but I just don't believe
people can change who they are.

Well, that's a crappy way
to view the world.

I started my career
as a public defender, Brady.

I've seen the worst in people, so, yeah,

it's hard for me to have faith in people,
especially people who've lied to me.

I'm sorry.

But you're different
from any other woman I have ever met.

You're smart. You're funny.

You stand up for yourself,
which is sexy as hell.

You got this edge to you that's…
I don't know, it's like a freaking magnet.

[Brady sighs]

And I know,

I know I got no business
asking you this, but… [sighs]

…please, give me another chance
to show you who I really am.

Why should I?

Because I've never said this to anyone.

I'm in love with you.

[guests chatter quietly]

[quiet chatter]

[Preacher] How you doing, buddy?

[Preacher chats quietly]



I figured you didn't have time to eat.

Oh, yeah, I haven't. Thank you.

Oh, that smells good.

[Jack] Lydie made it.

You know, I was just sitting out here
thinking about… [sighs gently]

…being at this house
with Lilly's family and how…

…she would've loved to see everyone here.

That's the thing with a funeral.

The person who'd appreciate it most
can't be here.

[Mel] Yeah.

[sighs softly]

-I think I should probably go inside.
-Mel, don't.

Just wait.


[Jack sighs]

There's something
that I need to get off my chest.

Look, Jack, if it's about us--

Look, it's always about us.

At least it is for me.

You know, from the day I first met you,

almost every decision I've made
has been about you.

I'm serious!

Like, even breaking up with you

was just me trying not to stand in the way
of your dreams.

Yeah, and I'm accepting of our breakup
because I don't want you to be unhappy.


We both want the other to be happy.


that's love.

[Mel sighs]

Oh God, Jack,
I just don't wanna get into this here.

Mel, you've gotta hear me.

Look, today at the funeral,

hearing about everything
that Lilly and Buck went through

and how their love prevailed,

that's what makes life beautiful.

That is what I want with you,

so I need you to know
that I am not going to give up on us.


I know in my heart

that you did not end up in this
random little town by accident, okay?

[Ricky] Hey, guys.

Um, Jack, Preacher says
we're ready for the toast.

-We'll be right there.
-Thanks, Ricky.

[sighs] Mel.

Jack, they're waiting for us.

-Thanks, Preach.
-You bet.


-Thank you.

-Thank you.


-[glass clinks]
-[Ricky] There you go.

So, thank you all for coming.

Today we mourned
the loss of an incredible woman.

Tonight we celebrate her life.

It was a life devoted to friends,


and love.

So I'd like to propose a toast.

In the words of Winston Churchill,

"We make a living by what we get.
We make a life by what we give."

Lilly certainly gave
a heck of a lot more than she took,

and we're all blessed because of that.

I think we can all agree
she made our lives better,

and she will be forever missed.

To Lilly!

[guests] To Lilly!

-[Muriel] Doc!

[Muriel] You did a lovely job
with the service today.

Oh, thank you.
I couldn't have done it without you.

Oh, it was nothing, really.

In all those years as a thespian,
I have learned to memorize things quickly,

so it was my pleasure
to be able to do a little coaching

and "forget the words,
speak from the heart."

Yes. It really helped.

I wanted to be so off-book
for the service,

but these days,
memorizing is not my forte.

-Well, you did a wonderful job.

So still no sign of Hope?

She didn't even make it
out of the rental car lot

before the check engine light came on.

But I believe she'll be here
in a minute or two. Yeah.

It's just not the same without her, is it?

Well said.

-[cell phone pings]

Let me take this.
I'll see you in a minute.

Yeah, yeah, of course.

[softly] I'm just gonna check on Chloe.

-[softly] Oh my God, I have the best news.

My friend's getting married
in Tulum next month. Isn't that cool?


Her family is renting villas for
the bridesmaids, so we get to go for free.

-Yes, dummy.

You'll be my plus-one, right?

I, uh-- I just-- I don't know if I can go.

Why not?

The place is free, and we'll probably
fly on her parents' private jet.

-It's not a money thing.
-Then what is it?

I don't know
where I'm going to be next month.

What are you talking about?
You'll be here getting ready for school.

No, I decided not to go to college.

Oh. So you're gonna keep working
at the bar, then?

Not exactly. [hesitates]

I'm enlisting.

What do you mean "enlisting"?

-I'm joining the marines.

I sign my contract later this week.

I literally don't understand
what you're saying.

I go to basic this fall.

You planned all this behind my back?

I didn't know if I passed my test.
I didn't wanna say until it was official--

So you've been lying to me?

When I covered your shift,

when you said
you were studying for college--

That marine guy at the Lumberjack Games,
you totally knew each other.

I didn't know how to tell you. I--

I can't believe
I fell for your nice-guy-next-door act.

You're a liar just like the rest of them.

I can't believe
how quickly you put this quilt together.

-[Connie] Oh.

Can you just take that for a minute?


-[Lizzie sobs]


-[Connie] It's okay!

[Connie] It's okay!

-[Lizzie sobs]


She was a beauty.

She measured inches!

Yeah, I haven't had a lot of luck
with striped bass.

I've mostly been pulling in trout.

At least you're pulling in something.

I think my bait went bad.


[Bert] What about you, Jack?

Um… Sorry. Just give me one second.

You have my number now.
You call if you wanna talk.


Charmaine was telling me that her father
and Buck were very good friends.

And nice job, by the way, on the toast.

So, what about you?

How are the twins?

Oh, they're fine.


Todd decided that we're moving to Eureka

without consulting me.


I don't know what to do. I-- [sighs]

I love him,
but everything always needs to be his way.


got a strong personality.

[chuckles] I know you don't like him.

Well, it's not about me.

I bet you're thinking, "I told you so."

[Jack chuckles softly]

No, I'm not.

I'm not at all.

I mean, hey, relationships are tough.

[Charmaine] Hm.

I always said I want you to be happy.

I thought I was.

And now I just-- I don't know.

I don't know what to do.

Why don't you try talking to Todd?

Just explain exactly how you feel, and--

Look, if he's not willing
to meet you halfway, then… [exhales]

…you find someone who will.

You deserve that.


[chuckles softly]

[soft instrumental music playing]

[music fades]


What you doing out here?

Lizzie's mad at me.

-Oh yeah?
-[Ricky scoffs]

How come?

I enlisted in the marines
and sorta kept it a secret.


-What, you signed a contract?
-Not yet, but I will.

You know, Ricky,

serving in the corps was
one of the greatest honors of my life,

but it's not something
you decide on a whim.

It's not. I've wanted to be a marine
since I was a kid.

Then why do it behind everyone's back?

-I didn't feel I'd get a lot of support.
-Yeah, I don't think that's true.

My grandma and Jack both want me
to go to community college,

and I thought
Lizzie would want me to stay here.


Doesn't matter what other people think.

You know,
I'd say that you're the one with doubts.

-Yeah, I'm not as confident as you are.
-[Preacher chuckles]

Believe me,
I wasn't confident at your age.

That's a part of growing up.

Figuring out who you are,

how you wanna live your life.

[Ricky chuckles]

-[latch clicks]
-[knock at door]


I just wanted to come and see
how you're doing.

I just needed a break.

Everybody out there is so nice. It's just…

You don't have to explain yourself to me.

Thanks for coming to my rescue
at the funeral.

I was worried that I wouldn't make it
through my speech, and then

I didn't, so…

Well, I admire you for getting up there.

Why? I couldn't even string
two sentences together.

Well, when my husband d*ed,

I… didn't speak at the funeral.



I just knew that I would break down,
so I didn't even try.

It kills me. He deserved better.

[Tara] I'm sure people understood.

[sighs] Yeah, of course, everybody…
everybody understood. It was just…

I wish that I had had
the kind of courage that you had today.


You know, the support from you
and from Doc and everybody,

it's been so incredible.

I just feel grateful

to feel so loved.

You know,
they say that love heals all wounds.

[chuckles] You think that's true?

[inhales deeply]

Yeah, I do.

I do.

[Every Other Sunday Morning" playing]

♪ We're losing faith in one another… ♪

Brie's feeling better.

-I'll come back and check on her tomorrow.

I really appreciate
everything you've done for her.

You're welcome.

You don't have to keep thanking me.
I love Brie.


Well, if you're ready,
I'll take you back to the cabin.

You shouldn't walk home alone.

Look, I've been thinking about
everything that you said.


And breaking up
was definitely the safe thing to do.


I love you.

I know.

I love you too.

That's why my heart is telling me
to stay with you.

♪ Forgiveness ♪

♪ For you ♪

♪ For you ♪

♪ Oh, oh… ♪

[knocking at door]

-[knocking at door]
-[Doc] Yeah! I'm coming! I'm coming!

♪ Oh, sweet forgiveness… ♪

[song fades]

[Doc] Sheriff, hey.

Hey there. Sorry if I woke you.
I went by Hope's, but--

No, no, it's okay. What can I do for you?

Doc, I don't know, uh, how to say this,
so I'm just gonna lay it out for you.


[Sheriff sighs]

There's been an accident.

[tense music playing]